This form may take you 10-15 minutes to complete. RE-SUBMISSION FOR APPROVAL OF HOUSEHOLD/STOREY SHELTER PLANS Commissioner of Building Control Building and Construction Authority 5 Maxwell Road #02-00 Tower Block, MND Complex Singapore 069110 Fax No: 63257150 INSTRUCTIONS 1. 2. 3. Tick () the appropriate boxes. * Delete where not applicable. This form is to be filled in BLACK INK only. Particulars of Application Project Reference No.: _____________________________ Plan Type : *CD________ / CS _______ Project Title: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Description of Building Works: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *Lot / Plot: ________________________________________________________ *TS / MK: _________________________ Road: ___________________________________________________________ House No.: __________________________ Building Name (if any): _________________________________________________________________________________________ Category of Shelter Shelter Category: Project Type: HS HDB SS Condominium / Apartment HS & SS Private Landed No. of HS in the development : _______________ No. of SS in the development : _______________ Category of Application Shelter Plan Submission Type: Building Structural Declaration by Qualified Person I certify that the building works as shown in the plans submitted with this application have been designed in accordance with the “Technical Requirements for Household or Storey Shelters”. Contents of Application With reference to the Written Direction dated ______________________, I submit the following documents: A set of amended plans Design Calculations (only applicable to project with unshielded NS wall or transfer structure supporting HS/SS tower) Others (Please Specify): _______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Particulars of Qualified Person Name & Signature of Qualified Person Tel No. : SF_HS/PF4 [Ver 4.0_Apr_2005] Address of Qualified Person Fax No. : Date : Page 1 of 2 To all QPs Building Control Regulations were amended and took effect in Jan 2004. Application for approval of civil defence shelter plans and detailed particulars to be shown in the shelter plans are stipulated in Section 4(1)(a)(iv) and Section 10 of the Regulations. 2 In this connection, we have amended the civil defence shelter plan application forms and standard certification stamp. Henceforth, QPs shall adopt the amended stamp and certification (refer to sample shown below) when applying for approval of CD shelter plans. All types of CD shelter plans must bear the standard approval stamp on the right-hand column on every plan. The plans and design calculations shall bear a standard certification from the QP on the first and last sheet of the plans and calculations. Standard Approval Stamp For Civil Defence Shelter Plans 100 mm ____ Sheet of____ BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY APPROVED UNDER SECTION 6 OF THE BUILDING CONTROL ACT (CAP 29) 120 mm Project Reference No: _________________________ Approval granted herein is with respect to civil defence shelter works only. _____________________________ for Commissioner of Building Control Standard Certification for Civil Defence Shelter Plans I, _______________________, hereby submit the detailed civil defence shelter plans *(and design calculations) prepared by me and certify that: (a) the preparation of these civil defence shelter plans are in accordance with the Building Control Regulations; and (b) the civil defence shelter works shown on these plans are designed in accordance with the shelter technical requirements. 2 Total number of civil defence shelter plans submitted: ______ and total number of pages of design calculations: ________. ________________________________ _________________ Qualified Person’s Signature and Stamp Date * Delete where not applicable SF_HS/PF4 [Ver 4.0_Apr_2005] Page 2 of 2