3 form Тема: Розвиток монологічного мовлення з теми « Моя сім’я».Теперішній неозначений час (повт),опрацювання нової лексики. Мета: Ознайомити учнів з новими лексичними одиницями,ввести їх до активного словникового запасу учнів; закріпити знання учнів про вживання теперішнього неозначеного часу; розвивати мовлення учнів, спостережливість, логічне мислення, навики читання; виховувати любов та бережне ставлення до оточуючих, членів родини. Форма проведення: урок-подорож. Хід уроку І. Організація класу. Stand still! Morning is coming, Night is away, Rise the sun! And welcome the day! Good-morning! Sit down! How are you? ІІ. Оголошення теми і мети уроку. Мотивація навчальної діяльності. Today we’ll have an unusual lesson. We’ ll have a journey on the beautiful meadow,learn some new words and we’ll speak about your families.We’ ll have different tasks, for every task you’ll get beautiful flowers. You should gather bouquets of these flowers for your Mums. Are you ready to start? ІІІ. Фонетична зарядка. O’k! Let’s start! We’ll go on foot. Let’s go! Look! What a beautiful snowdrop! (the first stop) We have a task here: recite poems about your family. 1) I have a mother, I have a father, I have a sister, I have a brother, Mother, father, Sister, brother, Hand in hand With one another. 2) This is my mother, This is my father, This is my sister, This is my brother. 3) I love my mother, I love my father, I love my sister, And my big brother. 3) This is my uncle, This is my aunt Lilly, This is my cousin, And this is me. 4) That is your mother, I agree she is fine. You love your mother, And I love mine. ІV. Актуалізація опорних знань. Let’s continue our travelling! Look! What a beautiful tulip! (the second stop) We have a task here: make up words from the following letters. Omther, therfa, isters, boreth, taun, uclen, mograndther. Let’s continue our travelling! Look! What a beautiful daffodil! (the third stop) We have a task here: check your hometask. Ex. 6 p. 120 Work in pairs and ask each other “What is your mother (father)?” V. Опрацювання нового матеріалу. Let’s continue our travelling! Look! What a beautiful ox-eye daisy or camomile! (the fourth stop) We have a task here: learn new words. New words: an institute, a plant, a hospital, to study. Ex. 4 p. 121 (Read new words after me) Ex. 5 p. 122 (Read the word combinations and translate only some of them) VI. Розвиток умінь аудіювання,читання, письма,говоріння. Let’s continue our travelling! Look! What a beautiful sunflower! (the fifth stop) We have a task here: have a rest. Let’s dance with the boy and the teddy-bear. Let’s continue our travelling! Look! What a beautiful rose! (the sixth stop) We have a task here: work with your books and then work in small groups. Ex. 6 p. 122 (Make up sentences ) Work in groups, make up sentences from the following words and write down some sentences in your exercise-books: This on the works farm driver. in I shop the work. student This at the institute studies. study We school at. works The at doctor hospital the. town live in They. Let’s continue our travelling! Look! What a beautiful cornflower! (the seventh stop) We have a task here: read the text, answer the questions and speak about your families. Ex. 8 p. 122 (Read the text) You’ll work in two groups, the first group will read the first part of the text and the second group will read the second one. You must choose what is your part of the text about: Makar’s mother and father. Makar’s sister and grandparents. Makar’s friend. Makar’s aunt and uncle. Answer the questions: What is Makar’s father? Where does his mother work? Does Tanya study at school? Where do his aunt and uncle live and work? Let’s speak about your families. VII. Домашнє завдання. Ex. 8 p. 122 (Read the text,answer the questions ) and make up the project about your family. VIII. Підсумок уроку.Оцінювання. Our travelling has just finished. Did you like it? Show me your bouquets. Whose one is the biggest and the most beautiful? You’ll present these flowers for your mothers at home. What did you like at our lesson?