1 Partitioning ecosystem respiration between plant and microbial sources using natural abundance stable carbon isotopes: A study of four California ecosystems Kevin P. Tu* and Todd E. Dawson Center for Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry, Department of Integrative Biology, University of California at Berkeley, CA 94720, USA * corresponding author: (510) 642-1054 email: kevinptu@gmail.com 2 ABSTRACT Partitioning plant and microbial respiration is important for understanding the sources and therefore the mechanistic basis of ecosystem respiration, as each can respond to changes in environmental conditions in different ways and at different timescales. Natural abundance carbon isotope ratios (13C; ‰) of plant and microbial respiration can be used to partition their respective contributions to ecosystem respiration if their isotopic differences can be resolved and isotopic mass balance among ecosystem respiration components is conserved. While resolvable differences in the 13C of plant and microbial respiration fluxes have been observed, partitioning efforts have been confounded by the lack of isotopic mass balance at the ecosystem scale. We examined the influence of spatial and temporal variability of respiration 13C signals on isotopic mass balance and respiration partitioning by characterizing the 13C of CO2 respired from major ecosystem components including ecosystem, belowground, leaf, rhizosphere, litter, and soil organic matter (SOM) sources at different spatial scales and time periods in four contrasting ecosystem types in California; coastal redwood forest, annual grassland, oak savanna and montane pine forest. We found consistent differences in the 13C of plant, microbial and ecosystem respiration across the different ecosystems, with SOM decomposition enriched in 13C relative to leaf respiration by 2-5‰. Leaf respiration differed between night and day by as much as 4-6‰ and with height in a tall redwood crown by more than 4‰. As a result, isotopic mass balance was only observed when 13C signals were measured at the same time of the day and when the spatial heterogeneity within the crown was accounted for, indicating that careful consideration of the timing and location of sample collection is critical to partitioning efforts using natural abundance stable carbon isotopes. Our isotope-based partitioning indicated that belowground respiration accounted for 84% of ecosystem respiration in the pine forest, 69% in the oak savanna, 57% in the redwood forest and 37% in the grassland. Microbial respiration provided the majority of the belowground respiratory flux: 84% in the pine forest, 83% in the grassland and 72% in the redwood forest. The majority of this microbial respiration originated from litter decomposition: 84% in the grassland, 75% in the pine forest and 55% in the redwood forest. Below the litter layer, autotrophic and heterotrophic sources were generally in 3 balance, with rhizosphere respiration and SOM decomposition each averaging about 20% of belowground respiration across these three sites. Our results indicate that partitioning ecosystem respiration using natural abundance stable carbon isotopes is possible due to the relatively large isotopic differences between leaf respiration and SOM decomposition, but extra care must be taken to adequately characterize the spatial heterogeneity and temporal variability of source signatures to ensure that isotopic mass balance is conserved. The presence of isotopic disequilibrium between plant and microbial sources and variation in plant respiration throughout the course of a day suggests significant postphotosynthetic fractionation effects due to biochemical, physiological, or ecological processes from the time C is initially fixed in the leaf to the time it is respired by microorganisms in the soil. Understanding the magnitude and causes of such isotope effects are essential for robust interpretation of Keeling plot data across time and space and for studies aimed at partitioning autotrophic and heterotrophic contributions to ecosystem respiration. Keywords: stable carbon isotopes, Keeling plots, respiration partitioning, 4 Introduction Respiration plays a central role in the global carbon (C) cycle, as nearly half of all C fixed through terrestrial photosynthesis is returned to the atmosphere as CO2 during plant and soil microbial metabolism (REFERENCE). Autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration can respond to changes in environmental conditions in different ways and at different timescales, thus methods for quantifying plant and microbial respiration are essential for developing a mechanistic understanding of the processes regulating ecosystem C metabolism and its potential response to environmental change (Goulden et al. 1998, Reichstein et al. 2002). Current micrometeorological methods allow direct measurement of soil respiration (the soil surface CO2 efflux) and ecosystem respiration (the CO2 flux of a whole ecosystem at night). However, both soil and ecosystem respiration include autotrophic and heterotrophic sources and partitioning between the two remains problematic (Hanson et al. 2000, Trumbore 2006, Carbone et al. in review). Plant and microbial respiratory fluxes are typically characterized by measuring root, stem, leaf, and soil respiration rates independently with chambers and solving for microbial respiration as the difference between soil and root respiration (Law et al. 2001, Xu et al. 2001, Unger et al. 2009). Except for leaf and stem respiration, these measurements cannot be done in situ and involve considerable disturbance to the root and soil system, including excising the roots from the soil. Tree girdling has been used in forest ecosystems to partition plant and microbial respiration and this method alleviates some but not all of the disturbance issues common to component chamber measurements (e.g. Högberg et al. 2001, Subke et al. 2004). Radiocarbon 14C signals have also been used to partition autotrophic and heterotrophic sources to belowground respiration (Cisneros-Dozal et al. 2005, Schuur and Trumbore 2005, Carbone et al. 2007), but the method is typically limited by high costs, low sample numbers as well as the need for different 14C signals of autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration. Similar to the radiocarbon approaches, methods based on natural abundance stable C isotopes provide an alternative to chamber or girdling techniques that holds the promise of in situ partitioning without disturbance effects (Tu and Dawson 2005). However, realization of this promise has been limited to ecosystems that have experienced either a change in the photosynthetic pathway of the dominant vegetation from C3 to C4 or visa versa (Robinson 5 & Scrimgeour 1995, Rochette and Flanagan 1997, Rochette et al. 1999) or that have been exposed to labeled CO2 which is either highly enriched or depleted in 13C (Hungate et al. 1997, Lin et al. 1997, Andrews et al. 1999, Pendall et al. 2003, Bahn et al. 2009, Högberg et al. 2010). Because these conditions are present only under special cases, methods for flux partitioning based on natural abundance stable isotope signatures that could be applied to a wide range of circumstances are highly desirable. Further, natural abundance isotope-based partitioning methods used in conjunction with whole-ecosystem flux measurements such as those routinely made within the FLUXNET eddy covariance network could greatly expand our ability to quantify rates and controls on autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration in different ecosystems and across a wide range of environmental conditions. In theory, natural abundance stable C isotopes can allow source partitioning when the isotopic difference between the sources in question can be resolved (Tu and Dawson 2005). While the longstanding notion is that such isotopic differences among respiration sources do not exist (Cerling 1991, Cheng 1996, Amundson et al. 1998, Lin et al. 1999), a growing number of field studies have shown significant differences among natural abundance carbon isotope ratios (13C) of respiration from different ecosystem components that suggests partitioning may be possible (Bowling et al. 2003, Formánek and Ambus 2004, McDowell et al. 2004, Mortazavi et al. 2005, Kodama et al. 2008, Marron et al. 2009, Unger et al. 2010). However, partitioning efforts have been confounded by the lack of isotopic mass balance at the ecosystem scale. Conservation of mass requires that the isotopic composition of ecosystem respiration lies between that of its contributing sources such that the 13C of ecosystem respiration equals the sum of the flux-weighted 13C of all contributing sources. Inversion of the isotope mass balance equation is the basis for partitioning among respiration sources, therefore mass balance is required for successful partitioning. Ecosystem respiration has typically been observed to be more enriched in 13C than both soil respiration and leaf respiration (e.g., Bowling 2003, McDowell et al. 2004), violating the necessary condition of isotopic mass balance. Ecosystem respiration has also been observed to be more depleted than both soil and leaf respiration (Unger et al. 2010), similarly violating the necessary condition of isotopic mass balance. Since 6 isotopic mass balance must exist, these results suggest that the methods used for characterizing the source signatures (e.g., belowground or aboveground respiration) or the mixture itself (e.g., ecosystem respiration) are not yet reliable and require further development. In addition to methodological uncertainties (e.g. Bowling et al. 2003, Bowling et al. 2008), spatial and temporal variability in the 13C of respiration signals from different ecosystem components may be confounding efforts to achieve isotopic mass balance. Recent field studies have shown large diel variations in the 13C of leaf (Hymus et al. 2005, Prater et al. 2006) and ecosystem respiration (Bowling et al. 2003, Knohl et al. 2005, Werner et al. 2006). This variation is consistent with diel variations in the 13C of soluble organic matter in leaves, stems and phloem sap (Gessler et al. 2008, Saveyn et al. 2010), the signal of which may transfer to the 13C of respiration either directly (Lin and Ehleringer 1999) or indirectly (Kodama et al. 2008, Priault et al. 2009, Werner et al. 2009). As a result of this temporal variability, isotopic mass balance among ecosystem respiration sources can only be ensured when all respiration signatures are determined at the same time, and is not likely to be observed when respiration signals are compiled from different times of the day. Similarly, isotopic mass balance is not likely to be observed when the spatial heterogeneity of respiration, for example with leaf position within a canopy or with soil conditions across the landscape, is not adequately characterized. We examined the influence of spatial and temporal variability in the 13C of respiration on isotopic mass balance and respiration partitioning by characterizing the 13C of ecosystem respiration and its main components including belowground, leaf, rhizosphere, litter, and soil organic matter (SOM) sources at different spatial and temporal scales in four contrasting ecosystem types in California; coastal redwood forest, annual grassland, oak savanna and montane pine forest. These field sites represented different ecosystem types native to California and provided the opportunity to examine similarities or differences based on species, life-form and prevailing climate and soils. Materials and methods Study Sites 7 Plant, soil and air samples were collected at four field sites located across a precipitation gradient from the coast to the Sierra Nevada mountains of California that spanned a range of plant functional types (Table 1). The regional climate is characterized as Mediterranean with cool wet winters and hot dry summers. The coastal redwood forest receives summer fog water inputs equal to roughly 35% of the mean annual precipitation (Dawson 1998) whereas the inland Central Valley grassland and savanna sites receive negligible fog inputs (Corbin et al. 2005). The inland grassland and oak savanna experience large water deficits during the hot and dry summer months when evaporative demand exceeds available water (PET>PPT in Table 1). The Sierra Nevada pine forest receives similar rainfall as the redwood forest but lacking the fog water inputs of the coast and with the hot summer temperatures of the Central Valley, its water deficit is between that of the coastal and inland sites (Table 1). Partitioning Approach Ecosystem respiration was partitioned between plant and microbial sources using a hierarchical approach as shown diagrammatically in Figure 1. Ecosystem respiration (Reco) was expressed as the sum of aboveground (Rabove) and belowground (Rbelow) fluxes: Reco Rabove Rbelow and multiplied by their respective ecosystem ( δeco ), aboveground ( δabove) and belowground ( δbelow ) isotope ratios following the conservation of mass (e.g. Bowling et al. 2001) to give: δeco Reco δaboveRabove δbelowRbelow By rearranging, we solved for the aboveground fraction of ecosystem respiration: f above ( eco below) ( above below) (1) Microbial respiration was assumed to represent the decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM). We did not attempt to separate root and rhizosphere microbial respiration, which we assumed to have indistinguishable isotope ratios (Högberg et al. 2010). We therefore treated the two together as rhizosphere respiration (Rrhiz). Belowground respiration 8 (Rbelow) was therefore expressed as the sum of three potential fluxes, rhizosphere (Rrhiz), litter (Rlitter) and SOM (RSOM): Rbelow Rrhiz Rlitter RSOC Expanding based on isotopic mass balance gives belowRbelow rhiz Rrhiz litter Rlitter SOM RSOM below rhiz f rhiz litter f litter SOM f SOM where f rhiz , f litter and f SOM are the fractions of belowground respiration originating from rhizosphere respiration, litter decomposition and SOM decomposition, respectively. Given the three potential sources in the above equation and only one isotope, it was not possible to partition rhizosphere, litter and SOM sources using a traditional two-source mixing model. We therefore examined the range of possible partitioning outcomes given the constraint of isotopic mass balance following the approach of Phillips and Gregg (2003). We first eliminated one of the three unknowns by expressing it as a residual of the other two: f rhiz 1 flitter f SOM (2) Substitution and rearranging for fSOM gives f SOM below f litter litter rhiz f litter rhiz SOM rhiz (3) Since flitter is not known, we considered the range of values of flitter that satisfied the condition of isotopic mass balance. We then used these values of flitter to solve for fSOM using Equation (3) then solved for frhiz using Equation (2). In summary, ecosystem respiration was partitioned among six respiration sources using measurements of the 13C of CO2 respired from six sources (Figure 1); ecosystem ( eco ), belowground ( below ), aboveground ( above), rhizosphere ( rhiz ), litter ( litter ) and soil ( SOM ). The methods for determining the isotope ratio of each component is described in the following sections. The Carbon Isotope Ratio of Ecosystem Respiration The isotopic composition of whole ecosystem respiration was determined using the ‘Keeling plot’ approach (Keeling 1958), as the intercept of a linear regression relating 9 the isotope ratios (13C) of air samples to the inverse of their CO2 concentrations (Pataki et al. 2003). In the redwood forest, pine forest and oak savanna, air samples were collected in 12 mL glass Exetainer vials by pulling air from various heights within and above the canopy through Bev-A-Line IV tubing at 300 mL min-1 through the vials using a double-holed needle inserted through the butyl-rubber septum (Tu et al. 2001). After sufficient time to flush the tubing plus vial volume with the sample air, the flow was stopped downstream of the vial and the pressure was allowed to equilibrate to ambient for three seconds with the upstream sample air. Intercepts of all Keeling plots were calculated using both ordinary least squares (OLS) and geometric mean regression (GM) (see Zobitz et al. 2006). Outliers were removed by modifying the approach of Bowling et al. (2002), by first calculating the regression line, calculating the standard deviation (SD) of the residuals, removing the point farthest from the regression line that also exceed three SDs of the residuals, then recalculating the regression and repeating this process until all points fell within three SDs or until the standard error of the intercept (SE), as calculated from the OLS regression (Pataki et al. 2003, Zobitz et al. 2006), was equal to or less than our measurement precision of 0.05‰. Using this procedure, an average of 14% of the data points from each Keeling plot were excluded with a resulting mean r2 = 0.98. In the redwood forest, air samples were collected from various heights near predawn at heights ranging from the tree top to above the soil surface through tubing attached to a pulley affixed near the top of the tree. The exact sample height was adjusted at the time of sampling to maximize the CO2 concentration gradients. In the oak savanna, air samples were collected about every two hours at three heights from a tower approximately located above the soil, mid-canopy, and above the canopy, with the height adjusted to maximize the CO2 gradient. In the pine forest, eight air samples were collected near pre-dawn at one height (~2m), as access to other heights was not available. In the grassland, Keeling plot air samples were collected from the headspace of a 1L dark airtight plastic chamber containing an intact ‘ecosystem’ core of about 7.5 cm diameter and 10 cm depth. These cores were kept intact and therefore included all aboveground and belowground components of the ecosystem. Two cores were collected at midday and kept intact in the dark for at least 4 hours prior to sampling in the laboratory. After 10 sealing in the dark chamber, five air samples were sequentially sampled from the headspace at intervals of 5-10 minutes by withdrawing 60ml of sample air and simultaneously introducing 60ml of air from syringes previously filled with the same background air used to initially flush the headspace of the chamber. The air sample was then introduced into a 12-mL septum-capped vial by injecting through the septum while a second needle was used as a vent. The 60mL of sample air flushed the vial with sample air about six times over and effectively purged any air that was initially in the vial. The typical range of CO2 concentrations achieved in the chamber over the course of collection was ~350 ppmv. Leaks were negligible as there was no detectable change in the 13CCO2 in the headspace of an empty chamber (at ambient 13C-CO2) during a typical 10 minute sampling period. Self-closing quick-connect couplers with O-ring seals (ColeParmer) were used for all connections on the syringes and injection needles. Blanks were not tested because the minimum detection limit of the mass spectrometer (~50 ppmv CO2) was too low to resolve leaks of significant magnitude. However, using air of known isotopic composition, no leaks or isotopic effects associated with this vial-filling method or with the syringes and quick-connect couplers were detected. Leaks associated with the septum-capped vials were assumed negligible based on previous tests (Tu et al. 2001) as all samples were analyzed within 48 hours and air pressure differences between the field sites and the laboratory were minimal. The Carbon Isotope Ratio of Ecosystem Components The isotopic composition of CO2 respired from belowground, SOM and litter decomposition, leaves, and rhrizosphere was determined using two methods; Keeling plots in chambers with ambient air and incubations in syringes with CO2-free air. To ensure comparability between the Keeling plot and syringe incubation methods, we compared respiration signatures using both techniques on two leaf and two stem samples (Figure 2). The two methods appear to provide similar results as the slope and intercept of the regression line was not significantly different from 1 and 0, respectively (P=0.05, r2=0.991). Keeling plots were used for all samples collected from the grassland using the dark 1L plastic chamber described above with the exception that soil, leaves, roots, litter and root-free soil were placed in the chamber rather than intact cores. Keeling plots were 11 also used for belowground respiration in the savanna, redwood forest and pine forest, with air samples collected from the headspace of a dark chamber placed on the soil surface. Samples were withdrawn from this chamber with 60 mL syringes and then transferred to Exetainer vials by flushing using two syringes, one for injecting, one for venting. The 60mL of sample air flushed the vial with sample air about six times over and effectively purged any background air that was previously in the vial (Tu et al. 2001). In the redwood forest, air samples were collected during pre-dawn hours from the headspace of a 22L opaque PVC chamber that was sealed around the edges with small sandbags. In the pine forest, air samples were collected seven different times during the night using from a modified LI-COR 6400-9 soil respiration chamber as described by Torn et al. (2003). In the oak savanna, air samples were withdrawn from the headspace of a 170 L darkened chambers that were clamped onto collars that were inserted into the soil several months prior to sampling. For all other components in the savanna, redwood forest and pine forest, incubations in CO2-free air within syringes were used. The syringe incubation method is the same as that described by Tu and Dawson (2005, see also Werner et al. 2007). Briefly, samples were first placed in a 60mL plastic syringe and CO2 was then scrubbed from the headspace by pumping air repeatedly through a soda lime column (~5 times) with the syringe plunger. Next, after a sufficient amount of time for the CO2 concentration to reach near-ambient levels (generally after 5-15 minutes depending on the respiration rate of the sample), a subsample was injected into a 12-mL septum-capped vial by flushing the entire contents of the 60mL syringe through the vial, effectively purging any air that was initially in the vial. Previous studies have shown that the use of CO2-free air does not appear to affect leaf dark respiration signatures (Ghashghaie et al. 2003, Xu et al. 2004). We attempted to minimize fractionation effects for soil samples when CO2 diffuses out of the soil air spaces into the headspace of the syringe by collecting all the air within the syringe by compressing the soil with the plunger to removing any residual air within the soil. For both Keeling and syringe incubation methods, leaves, roots and stems were detached from the plant and sampled after ~10 minutes to avoid wound responses. Leaves that were collected during the day were placed in the dark for at least 15 minutes before sampling to avoid isotopic effects related to light enhanced dark respiration, LEDR (Barbour et al. 2007). Detaching the 12 leaves does not appear to affect dark respiration signatures (Prater et al. 2005) and this was assumed to be true for roots as well (Wegener et al. 2010). Rhizosphere respiration was collected from samples that were detached from the plant just prior to placing them into the chamber or syringe. Rhizosphere respiration here refers to CO2 respired by the plant root plus that respired by any microbes attached to the root. Respiration from SOM decomposition was determined on root-free soil samples collected from below the litter layer after removing all visible live roots. Sun leaves near the ground (~2m) were used to estimate the whole-canopy respiration signatures at the Sierra Nevada pine forest because of limited access to different heights in the canopy. At the oak savanna site, sun leaves were collected and assumed representative of the canopy because of their short stature and low leaf area indices. Given the large variation in leaf respiration with height within the redwood canopy, canopy respiration signatures were estimated as the LAI-weighted mean of leaf δ 13Cleaf,z LAI z 0 Ccanopy where z is the height (m) and z LAI 0 z z respiration isotope ratios: δ 13 LAIz and 13Cleaf,z are the leaf area index LAI (m2 leaf/m2 ground), and 13Cleaf at height z, respectively. Measurements of the 13C of leaf respiration were made at four heights; upper (46m), middle (35m), lower (14m) and understory (2m). A logistic function was found to fit these data well (Figure 3; r2=0.98, RMSE=0.16‰): δ 13Cleaf,z 1.24 ln z 30.67 . LAIz was estimated as the difference in cumulative LAI between two consecutive heights: LAI z LAI z LAI z 1 . Cumulative LAI was estimated from the transmittance of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) measured with a quantum sensor at 22 heights within the canopy ( PARz ) using Beer’s Law PARtop 1 as LAI z ln z . PAR was measured at 22 heights within the canopy (data not k shown; Steve Burgess, personal communication) and the following function was used to estimate its variation with height z in the canopy: z=max (0.04518z-1.80415, 0.00458z +0.02949 (r2=0.99, RMSE=0.019). For this purpose, the exact value of k, the light extinction coefficient, is irrelevant because we only required the relative rather than 13 absolute distribution of leaf area. We did not have information on the difference between leaf and plant area index but assumed that their relative distributions were similar. Stable Isotope Analyses Carbon isotope ratios of CO2 in the vials (13CPDB) were determined using a gasphase continuous-flow isotope ratio mass spectrometer (Finnigan MAT Delta+ XL; Thermo Instruments, Breman Germany) interfaced to a PAL80 autosampler coupled to a GasBench II, as described by Tu et al. (2001). Per vial measurement precision was ±0.05‰, as measured by the standard error (SE = SD n ) of six replicate analyses from sample vials containing a known standard. Water vapor was not removed while filling the vials but was subsequently removed from the sample air stream (in helium carrier gas) using an in-line NafionTM diffusion trap in the GasBench. Carbon isotope ratios of organic matter were measured with a model 20-20 isotope ratio mass spectrometer (PDZ Europa Scientific. Manchester UK). All isotope analyses were done at the Center for Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry, U.C. Berkeley (http://ib.berkeley.edu/groups/biogeochemistry). Uncertainty of Partitioning Estimates Uncertainties of all partitioning estimates are presented as the SE using the method of Phillips and Gregg (2001). These values include the uncertainties related to both the isotopic analyses (SE = ~0.05‰) and the use of two-source mixing models, of which the latter depend on the number of samples and isotopic difference between end members. When two partitioning estimates were averaged, the propagation of the uncertainties was determined by adding the uncertainties in quadrature, U U 2 a Ub 2 , where U is the uncertainty. RESULTS Carbon Isotope Ratios of Plant, Microbial and Ecosystem Respiration The 13C of CO2 respired from various ecosystem sources at each site for predawn hours is shown in Figure 4. The greatest within-site differences among sources was found in the pine forest (5.9‰) followed by the grassland (4.9‰), oak savanna (4.7‰), 14 and redwood forest (2.4‰). The decomposition flux from SOM and rhizosphere respiration tended to be the most 13C enriched sources at all of the sites and leaf respiration the most 13C depleted. Thus, the within-site differences tended to be between leaves and heterotrophic sources such as SOM decomposition, or between leaves and heterotrophic root tissues of the plant. Belowground respiration was always more 13C enriched than aboveground sources with differences between aboveground and belowground respiration ranging from 3.9‰ in the pine forest, 1.9‰ in the redwood forest to 1.6‰ in the oak savanna. Among microbial sources, respiration from decomposition of SOM was always more 13C enriched than litter, by 4.4‰ in the oak savanna, 2.8‰ in the pine forest to 1.2‰ in the redwood forest. Isotopic mass balance was observed at all the sites. That is, the 13C value of the CO2 respired from the entire ecosystem was between that respired by its potential sources, namely aboveground and belowground respiration. Further, belowground respiration was bounded by its potential sources that included litter, SOM, and rhizosphere respiration (Figure 4). The relationship between the 13C of bulk carbon and respired CO2 from different ecosystem components is shown in Figure 5. Bulk carbon 13C explained 39% of the variation in the 13C of respired CO2. Rhizosphere, soil and litter respiration were all more enriched in 13C relative to bulk C, whereas leaf respiration was sometimes more enriched by 3.9‰ and sometimes more depleted by 2.4‰. Temporal Variation in the Carbon Isotope Ratios of Plant, Microbial and Ecosystem Respiration Diel measurements in the pine forest (Figure 6a) and oak savanna (Figure 6b) indicated large temporal variation in the 13C of plant respiration. In the pine forest, differences between night and day were as large as 4.3‰ for leaf respiration and 2.2‰ for rhizosphere respiration. Leaf and rhizosphere respiration tended to be similar during the day but diverged at night, when leaf respiration became more 13C depleted and rhizosphere respiration become more enriched (Figure 6a). The greatest leaf-rhizosphere difference occurred at pre-dawn, when leaf respiration was depleted by 5.9‰ relative to rhizosphere respiration. Belowground respiration varied by only 0.5‰ from day to night, 15 and this variation was strongly correlated with rhizosphere respiration (r2= 0.94, inset graph in Figure 7). The 13C of ecosystem respiration was determined only during predawn hours at which time isotopic mass balance was observed, as its isotope ratio was between that of aboveground and belowground respiration, and belowground respiration was between that of rhizosphere and microbial sources in the soil. In the oak savanna, there was large temporal variation in the 13C of leaf and belowground respiration (Figure 6b). Differences between night and day were as large as 4.9‰ for leaf respiration and excluding one value (hr 1330 on JD 228), belowground respiration tended to be exhibit less diel variation with a range of about 2‰ (5.5‰ with this value included). Soil respiration also tended to be enriched in 13C relative to leaf respiration. The greatest difference between the two occurred pre-dawn, when leaf respiration was depleted by 6.7‰ relative to soil respiration. Isotopic mass balance was observed, indicated by the fact that the 13C of ecosystem respiration was between that of aboveground and belowground respiration, although the uncertainty of the ecosystem respiration values was relatively large, as indicated by standard errors ranging from 2-6‰ over the course of the day. This uncertainty was consistent with that found by Pataki et al. (2005) for the observed CO2 gradients of 10-20 ppmv. Based on this uncertainty it would be difficult to statistically distinguish ecosystem respiration from aboveground and belowground sources, although the means and the trends are consistent with isotopic mass balance. Due to this diel variation, isotopic mass balance would not always be conserved if component 13C values were compiled from different times of the day. Due to the diel variation of the isotope ratios of the different ecosystem sources shown in Figure 5, isotopic mass balance would not be found if isotope signatures were combined from different times of the day. For example, at the pine forest site, the predawn ecosystem respiration value of -25.7‰ would be more negative than any other possible respiration source during the day except for litter decomposition (Figure 6a). Similarly, at the oak savanna site, the pre-dawn value of ecosystem respiration of around -26‰ would be much more negative than leaf or belowground soil respiration during the day, both of which range from -22 to -24‰ during the day. In contrast, isotopic mass balance was found when isotope signatures were compared from the same time of the day, as evidenced by the fact that the 13 C of ecosystem respiration was between that of 16 its above and belowground sources at any given time in both the pine forest and oak savanna sites. Further, in the pine forest, belowground respiration was between that of its respective, root and microbial sources ( δ leaf < δ eco < δ below < δ mic ). Spatial Variation in the Carbon Isotope Ratios of Leaf Respiration We found significant spatial variation of 4.1‰ in the 13C of leaf respiration with height in the redwood tree crown, with the most 13C-depleted values at the bottom and most enriched at the top (Figure 3). Due to this variation, isotopic mass balance cannot be ensured if canopy respiration was characterized using measurements at only one height. Partitioning Plant and Microbial Respiration Using Stable Carbon Isotopes Partitioning estimates during pre-dawn hours are shown in Figure 8 for the redwood forest, grassland and pine forest. These estimates are based on the 13C values of the component respiration sources shown in Figures 3 and Equations 1-11. Ecosystem respiration was partitioned between aboveground and belowground sources with belowground accounting for 5725% (meanrange) of ecosystem respiration in the redwood forest, 3747% in the oak savanna and 84 12% in the pine forest. Belowground respiration was further partitioned between rhizosphere and nonrhizosphere microbial (saprotrophic) respiration. Microbial respiration accounted for the majority of the soil CO2 efflux at all three sites, 7226% in the redwood forest, 8316% in the oak savanna, and 8415% in the pine forest. Microbial respiration was further partitioned between litter and SOC decomposition, with litter decomposition exceeding SOC decomposition at all three sites. Litter decomposition comprised 5531% of microbial respiration in the redwood forest, 8412% in the oak savanna, and 7521%= in the pine forest. Plant respiration accounted for 5915% (meanrange) of ecosystem respiration in the redwood forest, 696% in the oak savanna, and 2913% in the pine forest. Further, the root/shoot ratio of plant respiration, calculated as the ratio of rhizosphere and aboveground contributions to ecosystem respiration, was 0.4 in the redwood forest, 0.1 in 17 the oak savanna and 0.9 in the pine forest. The shoot contributions were therefore nearly twice that of roots in the redwood forest, 10 times greater in the oak savanna and nearly equal in the pine forest. DISCUSSION Early research using natural abundance carbon isotope ratios of respiration from plants and microbial sources suggests that their differences cannot be reliably resolved or useful for partitioning between them (Cerling 1991, Cheng 1996, Amundson et al. 1998, Lin et al. 1999). However, actual field measurements made to support this notion have only been collected in a few studies and for the most part the data were inconclusive (Bowling et al. 2003, McDowell et al. 2004, Mortazavi et al. 2005, Werner et al. 2006, Unger et al. 2010). In these cases, differences in the carbon isotope ratios of respiration from different ecosystem components appear resolvable, however the values do not consistently satisfy the necessary condition of isotope mass balance. Specifically, belowground and aboveground respiration together comprise ecosystem respiration and mass balance dictates that the isotopic signal of ecosystem respiration must lie between that of its belowground and aboveground respiration sources. Yet, ecosystem respiration is typically found to be more enriched in 13C than both belowground soil respiration and aboveground leaf respiration. Possible explanations have been suggested, ranging from ‘scaling effects’ (e.g., measurements made at one scale cannot be directly applied at another scale; Xu et al. 2004) to sampling artifacts (Bowling et al. 2003). Regardless, it is clear that the methods for characterizing the source signatures (i.e. belowground or aboveground respiration) or the mixture itself (i.e. ecosystem respiration) are not yet reliable and need further development. Our results indicate that reliable characterization of source signatures in the context of isotopic mass balance also requires careful consideration of the temporal (diel) and spatial (within crown) variability of the isotope signals. Due to the fact that the isotopic signals of different respiration sources can change throughout the day (Figure 6) or with height within tall crowns (Figure 3), mass balance can only be ensured when isotopic signals from all ecosystem components are measured at the same time and/or when their spatial variation is accounted for. Measurements in the pine forest and oak savanna (Figure 6) clearly indicate that isotopic 18 mass balance would not be observed if isotope values were compiled from different times of the day. Further, measurements along the height gradient in ~65m-tall redwood crown indicate that isotopic mass balance would not be conserved if the isotope ratios of canopy respiration were represented by measurements on only the uppermost sun leaves. Although simultaneous measurements of ecosystem components are important, it does not guarantee isotopic mass balance. For example, Unger et al. (2010) did not find isotopic mass balance despite measuring all major ecosystem components throughout the day. As they noted (Unger et al. 2010), difficulties in characterizing the isotopic signatures of the ecosystem and its respiration sources must still be overcome, such as those related to the spatial heterogeneity in leaf and soil respiration and different source footprints when collecting ecosystem Keeling plot samples at different heights or at different times. Temporal Variability in Ecosystem Respiration Sources Temporal variability in ecosystem respiration appears to be attributed primarily to changes in plant respiration rather than microbial respiration (Figure 6). Leaf respiration in both the pine forest (Figure 6a) and oak savanna (Figure 6b) exhibited significant 13C depletion of 4-5‰ during the night with subsequent enrichment during the day. Recent studies have also found enrichment of leaf respiration of a similar magnitude during the day (Hymus et al. 2005, Prater et al. 2006, Werner et al. 2009) or following periods of darkness when leaves are exposed to light (Tcherkez et al. 2003). In contrast, 13C depletion of leaf respiration has also been measured when leaves are placed in the dark (Park and Epstein 1961, Tu and Dawson 2005, Barbour et al. 2007), although not all species exhibit this daytime enrichment (Werner et al. 2007). Further, these studies are consistent with observations of diel variations in the carbon isotope composition of soluble organic matter in leaves, stems and phloem sap (Gessler et al. 2008), the isotopic signal of which should transfer to the respired CO2 (Lin and Ehleringer 1999). A mechanistic explanation for this daytime enrichment of leaf respiration may lie in fractionation that occurs during secondary metabolism (Tcherkez et al. 2003). Secondary compounds such as fatty acids and amino acids and derivatives such as lipids, proteins, isoprenoids, and lignin are preferentially incorporate the lighter 12C of carbohydrate 19 substrates (e.g. photosynthates), while the heavier 13C is preferentially respired and not incorporated into metabolites. As a result, daytime 13C enrichment of leaf respiration is expected to vary with the rate at which 12C is retained in secondary compounds, which appears to vary with light availability and photosynthesis (Tcherkez et al. 2003, Hymus et al. 2005, Prater et al. 2006) as well as plant functional type related to growth form and growth rate (Priault et al. 2008). Although the temporal variation in microbial respiration was not measured, results from the pine forest indicate its temporal variation was minimal, as rhizosphere respiration explained most (94%) of the variation in belowground soil respiration (Figure 7). The opposing trends in rhizosphere and leaf respiration signals (Figure 5a) could be due to the time-lag caused by the transit time of phloem moving to the roots. For typical phloem flow rates of 0.5-1.0 m hr-1 (e.g. Peuke et al. 2001) and a tree height of ~20m at this site, the time-lag would be ~10-20 hrs and could explain the opposing trends in rhizosphere and leaf respiration, with the rhizosphere signal temporally offset from the leaf signal. However, this does not explain the different magnitudes of the isotope ratios of rhizosphere and leaf respiration, as rhizosphere respiration varied by ~2‰ whereas leaf respiration varied by ~4‰. This isotopic difference could be due to fractionation (Helle and Schleser 2004) or isotope effects related to metabolic branch points (Schmidt and Gleixner 1998) before, during or after transport of the phloem sugars to the site of respiration in the roots (Badeck et al. 2005, Brandes et al. 2006), consistent with the typical enrichment of root relative to leaf bulk carbon isotopes (Hobbie and Werner 2004, Badeck et al. 2005, Gottlincher et al. 2006, Gessler et al. 2008, Wegener et al. 2010). The results shown here are consistent with the enrichment found in soluble root sugars seen by Gleixner et al. (1993), in root starch and soluble sugars by Gottlincher et al. (2006) and with the general pattern of root enrichment in 13C relative to leaf bulk carbon (Badeck et al. 2005, Cernusak et al. 2009). Hobbie and Werner (2004) suggest that the allocation of carbon to lignin and lipid pools in leaves could leave the remaining carbohydrates that are transported to the roots relatively enriched in 13C thereby resulting in enriched root biomass. Our findings are also consistent with the typical enrichment of phloem relative to leaf sugars (Damesin and Lelarge 2003, Scartazza et al. 2004, Gessler et al. 2008). However, during the synthesis of 13C-depleted compounds like lignin or 20 lipids the enriched carbon is likely to be respired rather than retained (Tcherkez et al. 2003). An alternative explanation is that the enrichment in phloem sugars arises from remobilization of starch (Gessler et al. 2008), which are typically enriched relative to sugars formed during the Calvin-Benson cycle of photosynthesis (Gleixner et al. 1998). Badeck et al. (2005) further suggest that root-leaf isotopic differences could be explained by dark CO2 fixation in the roots via PEPc (Raven and Farquhar 1990). Thus, the trends we found in rhizosphere and leaf respiration shown in Figure 6a could be due to both a ~12 hour time-lag as well as post-photosynthetic fractionations. Can Natural Abundance Carbon Isotopes be used to Partition Ecosystem Respiration? The observed isotopic differences among ecosystem respiration components were generally adequate for partitioning ecosystem respiration between plant and microbial sources. However, at times, these differences were small, resulting in relatively large partitioning uncertainties (Figure 8). For example, small differences between aboveground and belowground respiration in the oak savanna of between 0.6-1.0‰ translated to relatively large partitioning uncertainty of 47%. Thus, natural abundance carbon isotopes may not always provide reliable estimates of plant and microbial partitioning. The partitioning estimates shown in Figure 8 are consistent with partitioning estimates from other studies based on eddy covariance measurements and chamber fluxes. Our isotope-based estimate of 57% (± 25%) of ecosystem respiration originating from belowground root and microbial sources in the redwood forest is similar to the range of the 60-80% typically found for belowground respiration in other forest ecosystems (Wofsy et al. 1993, Amthor et al. 1994, Goulden et al. 1996, Law et al. 2001, Xu et al. 2001, Janssens et al. 2001). Similarly, our oak savanna estimate of 37 ± 47% lies within the range of the 20-80% reported in the literature for oak savanna ecosystems (Cernusca et al. 1978, Mathes and Schriefer 1985, Suyker and Verma 2001, Franzluebbers et al. 2002). Further, our estimate of the average microbial contribution to total ecosystem respiration across the sites (47 ± 21%, mean ± SD) is consistent with chamber-based estimates of 30-35% (e.g. Law et al. 2001, Xu et al. 2001) and modeling estimates of 20-50% (e.g. Frolking et al. 1997, Reichstein et al. 2002). On a site by site 21 basis, the redwood forest (41 ± 35%) and the oak savanna (31 ± 50%) are consistent with the results of the aforementioned studies, while the estimates for the pine forest (71 ± 19%) are much higher. Finally, our estimate of the mean microbial contribution to belowground respiration of 80 ± 7% (mean ± SD) is higher than the value of 52% reported by Hanson et al. (2000) based on mid-season measurements in both forests and non-forests using a variety of techniques and under a wide range of conditions. Working within the same ponderosa pine site but in a different stand, Xu et al. (2001) report a chamber-based estimate of 53%, lower than our value of 84 ± 15% (mean ± possible range). Law et al. (2001) report a value similar to Xu et al. (2001) of 47% for a ponderosa pine forest in Oregon. It should be noted that our estimates are only potential ranges because we only had one isotope and three potential belowground sources (rhizosphere, litter, SOC), thus the true estimate based on the isotope ratios can be anywhere between 61-100% microbial (the mean range across the sites), and we have no way to determine which value within this range is the true value. Nevertheless, the isotope-based estimates are higher than previous chamber-based estimates. The average contributions of root and microbial respiration were similar across the four sites (Figure 8). This similarity suggests an interdependence of root and microbial metabolism, and is consistent with a direct dependence of microbial activity on plant activity (Hogberg et al. 2001). As a result, variation in the microbial contribution to total ecosystem respiration should parallel and will likely be driven by variation in root activity. Given that plants exhibit seasonally variable root activity and growth, we expect these values to change throughout the growing season, particularly as these California ecosystem experience dynamic seasonal changes in water availability. Can δ 13 C of Organic Matter be used as a Surrogate for δ 13 C of Respired CO2? Many studies have found an apparent isotopic mass imbalances when comparing 13C signatures of respiratory fluxes to their respective source signatures inferred from C stocks in plant or soil organic matter that preclude respiration partitioning (Bowling et al. 2003, Pataki et al. 2003, Scartazza et al. 2004, Barbour et al. 2005). Our results suggest that such mass imbalances may result from the fact that the 13C of bulk tissue C is a poor indicator of the 13C of the respiratory flux. This notion is consistent with previous 22 studies (Duranceau et al. 1999, Duranceau et al. 2001, Ghashghaie 2001, Ghashghaie 2003, Bowling et al. 2003, Tcherkez et al. 2003, Xu et al. 2004, Formánek and Ambus 2004, Tu and Dawson 2005) and with a recent review of carbon isotope variation in plants and plant compounds (Cernusak et al. 2009). Our results shown in Figure 5, and the previous discussion on the possible causes of temporal variability in leaf respiration, support this conclusion as there is variability in the isotope ratios of respired CO2 which is not present in bulk C isotope ratios. The δ13 C of bulk SOC, belowground, and ecosystem organic C is not expected to provide a reliable indicator of the δ13 C of respired CO2 for partitioning respiration because the microbial contribution to the respiration from these components is rarely in proportion to the relative contribution of microbial biomass to total soil C. That is, it is not surprising that the δ13 C of microbial respiration differs from the δ13 C of SOC because microbial biomass comprises only a small percentage of total SOC (<10%) while it may dominate the respiration flux. In addition, microbes may selectively decompose the most labile fraction of SOC that is also the most 13C-enriched, so it is unlikely that the δ13 C of microbial respiration equals that of SOC (Ehleringer et al. 2000, Formánek and Ambus 2004). There is also evidence that microbes may fractionate during C uptake (Henn and Chapela 2000, Henn et al. 2002) or during respiration (Santrukova et al. 2000b), further contributing to differences between the δ13 C of SOC and microbial respiration. The isotopic signatures were collected either pre-dawn or after an extended period of time in the dark for the oak savanna samples (>4 hours) to avoid potentially confounding effects related to enriched daytime leaf respiration, as found recently by several studies (Hymus et al. 2005, Prater et al. 2005). Thus, pre-dawn may be the most appropriate time to sample component respiratory sources (leaves, roots, soil, etc.) when CO2 gradients between the atmosphere and inside the canopy are greatest and therefore most suitable for Keeling plot analyses. If leaf respiration signatures become more enriched during the day as reviewed and discussed by Cernusak et al. (2009) and Bowling et al. (2009), then isotopic mass balace requires that ecosystem respiration signatures must also become more enriched during the day, unless microbial respiration signatures perfectly offset (i.e. vary inversely) with leaf respiration signatures, which is 23 unlikely. If true, this could have significant implications to studies that assume daytime ecosystem respiration signatures can be estimated from nigttime Keeling plots. CONCLUSIONS We provide the first evidence that natural abundance stable carbon isotopes in respired CO2 can be used to partition ecosystem respiration between plant and microbial sources for a range of different California ecosystems. The largest isotopic differences appear to be between leaf and microbial respiration and suggest significant isotope effects due to biochemical, physiological, or ecological processes from the time C is initially fixed in the leaf to the time it is ultimately respired by microorganisms in the soil. Exploiting these natural 13C differences, we partitioned whole ecosystem respiration between leaf, rhizosphere, litter, SOM decomposition sources. Our results not only indicate that there are resolvable and adequate carbon isotope differences among plant and microbial respiration sources for partitioning respiration, but that due to temporal and spatial variability in these isotope signals it is critical for partitioning purposes that all respiratory signatures be determined at the same time of day and that spatial heterogeneity in component signatures are accounted for. Such variation in respiration signals might explain the apparent isotopic mass imbalances observed in previous studies when nighttime Keeling plots are combined with daytime measurements of respiration from various ecosystem components such as leaves, soil, and stems. Due to the small differences that may occur between belowground and whole ecosystem 13C values of respiration, isotope-based partitioning of aboveground and belowground respiration may not always be robust. Fortunately, alternative methods for partitioning above and belowground respiration using chamber measurements of soil respiration are well established. However, separating belowground respiration between root and microbial sources using chamber measurements can be problematic. In this case, due to the large differences between plant and microbial signatures which we found to range between 2-5‰, partitioning belowground sources of autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration should be more robust. The principle limitation to this approach is the characterization of the root and microbial signatures. 24 While our results demonstrate the potential for using stable C isotopes in respired CO2 for partitioning respiratory fluxes, future applications should include better characterization of the spatial heterogeneity in plant and microbial sources and greater sampling frequencies to reduce the uncertainies in partitioning estimates. Spatial heterogeneity of soil conditions can be enormous and therefore improved methods need to be developed to ensure representative root and microbial respiration signatures. While the observed differences between plant and microbial sources are beneficial for the purpose of partitioning respiration between autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration, they challenge the assumptions of isotopic equilibrium inherent to many terrestrial ecosystem based models. Further research is needed to develop a predictive understanding of the causes of the observed plant-microbial isotopic differences under different physiological and environmental conditions. Acknowledgements We thank Paul Brooks for his assistance with the isotope analyses, Francesca Ponti, Jia Hu and Stefania Mambelli for field assistance, The A.W. Mellon Foundation and U.C. Berkeley for financial support, numerous participants from the NSF-supported BASIN working group for valuable feedback during the course of this work, and Alexander Knohl and Christiane Werner for comments that improved the manuscript. 25 REFERENCES Amthor et al. 1994. Testing a mechanistic model of forest-canopy mass and energy Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 21:623-651. Cernusak, L.A., G. Tcherkez, C. Keitel, W.K. Cornwell, L.S. Santiago, A. Knohl, M.M. Barbour, D.G. Williams, P.B. Reich, D.S. Ellsworth, T.E. Dawson, H.G. Griffiths, G.D. Farquhar and I.J. Wright. 2009. Why are non-photosynthetic tissues generally 13C enriched compared to leaves in C3 plants? Review and synthesis of current hypotheses. Functional Plant Biology 36: 199-213. Dawson, T.E, S. Mambelli, A.H. Plamboeck, P.H. Templer and K.P. Tu. 2002. Stable Isotopes in Plant Ecology. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 33: 507559. Gleixner, G., H.-J. Danier, R.A. Werner, and H.-L. Schmidt. 1993. 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