Policy & Procedures for Booking the Medical School Clinical Skills Centre
1. All booking requests must be submitted electronically at least four weeks prior to the session.
Booking requests within four weeks will only be considered under exceptional circumstances at
the discretion of the Centre Coordinator and Senior Technician.
2. Booking requests should be made on the attached form, and sent attached to an email entitled
‘Skills Centre Booking Request for --/--/--’ (specifying date) addressed to
3. Bookings will not be processed without a fully completed Booking Request Form. A separate form
must be completed for each session. Booking requests will normally be confirmed by email within
one week of receipt.
4. Equipment and consumable requests should ideally be included on the booking form at the time of
booking. However details must be provided at least four weeks prior to the session. If no details
are received by this time then the class organiser must take responsibility for obtaining
consumables and setting up equipment.
5. When booking the Skills Centre, please ensure that the space requirements are appropriate to the
needs of the class. Approximate sizes and maximum capacities are indicated on the form but will
differ according to the structure and nature of the teaching. In addition, please note that Zone 4
(D109) is located in a different area of QMC to the main Skills Centre.
6. Confirmed bookings will be recorded centrally and enquiries concerning availability can be made
by email or telephone to Christine Haneline.
7. Copies of confirmed bookings will be forwarded by email to the Skills Centre Technicians, and any
queries regarding equipment or support should be addressed directly to them. Any alterations to
the original booking in terms of equipment or consumables must be requested and submitted to
Christine Haneline at least two weeks prior to the session.
8. Technical support is generally only available for routine preparation and session support. If more
extensive or elaborate assistance is requested then this will require approval from the Skills
Centre Coordinator in advance.
9. Please notify Christine Haneline as soon as possible in the event of a session being cancelled.
This enables the Centre to be used for other purposes if required. If the cancellation is not notified
in advance then a charge may be levied to the relevant School.
10. The Skills Centre is intended to be used for practical clinical training. In order to maximise its use
for this purpose, bookings will not be accepted for lecture style teaching that could be delivered in
seminar rooms or lecture theatres.
11. Food and drink must not be consumed within the Skills Centre and it is the responsibility of the
Class organiser to ensure that this is adhered to.
12. Only a limited range of equipment is currently available within the Skills Centre. Class organisers
should ensure that any required equipment is present or obtained from other sources if needed.
Class organisers must also ensure that reasonable care is taken of any equipment used.
13. Submission of a booking form implies that the class organiser is aware of the Teaching Laboratory
Student Safety Policy, including COSHH, ethical approval and medical cover as they relate to the
class, and that they take full responsibility for their implementation.
14. Provisional bookings will be held for a maximum of two weeks, after which they will be released.
Contact Details
Christine Haneline, Centre Admin Assistant
Dick Churchill, Centre Coordinator
Class Date
Start Time & Duration
Class Title
Course / Module / Class Code
Class Organiser (Email Address)
Total no. of students for this session
No. of students at any time / group size
Details of session
(objectives / plan)
Rooms requested
(‘x’ as appropriate)
Zone 1
Approx 8m x 8m with one consulting
room and data projector.
Zone 2
Approx 8m x 8m with two consulting
rooms & video / data projection facilities.
Zone 3
Approx 16m x 5.5m which can be divided
by curtains into 3 bays, including data
projection facilities.
Zone 4 (D109) –
separate location
Approx 68m2 open plan teaching area
with four beds.
Equipment / consumables required –
exact description and numbers –
continue on separate sheet if necessary
This form should be fully completed and submitted electronically at least four weeks prior to the date required. Bookings will not be
processed until the form is received.
A separate form must be completed for each session (for repeated sessions copy the form and amend dates and times as appropriate).
Send the form attached to an email labelled ‘Skills Centre Booking Request for --/--/--’ addressed to
Submission of a booking form does not guarantee the booking until a confirmation has been issued (normally be within one week).
On some occasions, different parts of the Skills Centre will be in use by different groups of students. Please show due consideration for
other users, and leave the Centre tidy after use.
Only a limited range of equipment is currently available within the Skills Centre. Please ensure that any required equipment is present or
obtained from other sources if needed. Class organisers should ensure that reasonable care is taken of any equipment used.
Submission of a booking form indicates that you are aware of the Teaching Laboratory Student Safety Policy, including COSHH,
ethical approval and medical cover as they relate to this class, and that you take full responsibility for their implementation.
If you have any comments or problems with the arrangements please notify Dick Churchill, Skills Centre Coordinator.
Office Use Only
Date received:
Source of booking (email address):
Booked (if available):
Date confirmed
RDC V7.6
Fwd to Technician