80th Annual Session and National Symposium on “Climate Change

5, Lajpatrai Road, Allahabad – 211 002, India
80th Annual Session and National Symposium on “Climate Change –
Research, Awareness and Capacity Building”
December 2-4, 2010
Organized by
Jaipur National University, Jaipur – 302 025
NASI: A Brief Profile - The idea of establishing a forum for Indian scientists, which would help them in publishing
their researches and bring them on one platform to discuss and find scientific solutions to the problems of the country,
was mooted by Prof. Meghnad Saha, a great scientist, visionary and the then Professor of Physics at the University of
Allahabad in 1929. His views were published in an article entitled 'A Plea for an Academy of Sciences' in December
1929 issue of the University of Allahabad magazine; and in the very next year, The National Academy of Sciences, India
was established as the first Science Academy of this country. Speaking in the inaugural session, Prof. Saha said :
An Academy of Science can do a great deal by educating public opinion, undertaking particular problems, and
bringing out scientific workers in various fields for discussion and cooperative research. But the main function of the
Academy should be towards cultural improvement by contributions to human knowledge.
Therefore, since its inception in the year 1930, the Academy is striving hard to promote Science & Technology by
regularly organizing several activities, such as- (1) Publishing two quarterly journals and one bi-monthly journal; (2)
holding an Annual Session in a scientific and academic institution, every year; (3) organizing symposia, seminars, and
workshops on subjects of current national and scientific interest; (4) planning and executing programmes of science
communication, like Science Extension Lectures, State Level Science Contests (Quiz, Debate, Oration, Exhibition,
Essay, etc), Talent Search, Teachers’ Workshop, Summer School, Vacation Training Programmes, Winter School,
National Level Scientific Creative Writing Contest, Celebration of National Technology Day, National Science Day and
World Environment Day; (5) recognizing the significant contributions of the scientists at every level by honoring them
with Fellowship/Membership/Lecture Awards/ NASI-Reliance Awards/ NASI-SCOPUS Awards/NASI-Young Scientist
Awards and so; (6) instituting prestigious Research Fellowships/Chairs/Senior-Scientist Fellowship etc. to honor the
distinguished scientists; (7) holding a well organized library known as Dr. Sir Padampat Singhania Library in which
there are two sections, one for the research students and teachers and the other for school students; and (8) maintaining
15 Chapters all across the country to organize scientific activities in and around their respective regions. Thus, during
eight decades of its existence, the Academy has attained a niche in promoting science with the cooperation of a large
number of its fellowship and membership from all the areas of science and technology.
80th Annual Session of NASI and National Symposium on “Climate Change – Research,
Awareness and Capacity Building”- The Academy has regularly been holding an Annual Session in a scientific
and academic Institution. In the recent past such sessions were held at Guwahati, Nagpur, Goa, Cochin, Madurai,
Bhavnagar, Gwalior, Jaipur, Tiruchirapalli, Jammu, Hyderabad, Meerut, Udaipur, Bangalore, Chandigarh, Tirupati,
Aurangabad, Bhubaneshwar, Bhopal, Lucknow, Allahabad, Pune, Shillong, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Pondicherry, Mumbai,
Mysore, Chandigarh and Kolkata. These Annual Sessions provide an opportunity for presentation of research papers by
Members and Fellows of the Academy. The sessions are popular and draw young and senior scientists alike from far and
During the Annual Session, every year a Symposium is also organized on some recent topic of interest, directly related to
science & society. This year the topic selected for the symposium is Climate Change – Research, Awareness and
Capacity Building. Climate change can occur due to upsets in natural phenomenon, as has happened over a long period
of time of the order of millions of years. There have been many global changes due to natural causes, resulting in Ice
Ages and the like over this time scale. In addition to natural causes, there may also be anthropogenic or human induced
changes in the climate scenario. This is because of the already large and continuing growth of human population; also
the needs of human society are becoming increasingly consumerist with resulting increased urbanization, greater demand
for all necessities of life such as food, water, energy, housing, transportation and the like. This is putting tremendous
pressure on the already depleting natural resources of the earth system.
In developing countries like India, climate change could represent an additional stress on ecological and socioeconomic
systems, that are already facing tremendous pressures due to rapid urbanization, industrialization and economic
development. With its huge and growing population, a 7500-km long densely populated and low-lying coastline, and an
economy that is closely tied to its natural resource base, India is considerably vulnerable to the impacts of climate
change. The Academy has therefore decided to discuss the different issues related to climate change; and the following
broad areas have been taken into consideration for deliberations in different technical sessions of the symposium –
Reality of climate change in Indian perspective
Impact of climate change on Indian agriculture
Climate change and energy crisis management
Ecosystem dynamics (e.g. coastal zone management etc.)
Impact of climate change on health
Climate change and water quality/crisis management
Effects of climate change on management of livelihood
Prof. (Mrs.) Krishna Misra
Prof. Jitendra Paul Khurana
Ph.D., F.N.A.Sc.
General Secretaries
5, Lajpatrai Road,
Allahabad – 211 002,
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are happy to inform you that the 80th Annual Session of the National Academy of Sciences,
India and National Symposium on “Climate Change – Research, Awareness and Capacity
Building” will be held during December 2-4, 2010 at Jaipur National University, Jaipur – 302 025.
On behalf of The National Academy of Sciences, India, we have great pleasure in inviting you to
attend these and participate in the deliberations.
Scientific Sessions
The Scientific Sessions will be held in two sections : Section of Physical Sciences and Section
of Biological Sciences. The Physical Sciences Section will be presided over by Prof. Anil K.
Singh, Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai – 400 076
(retinal@chem.iitb.ac.in); and Biological Sciences Section will be presided over by Prof. Paramjit
Khurana, Department of Plant Molecular Biology, University of Delhi South Campus, Benito Juarez
Road, Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi – 110 021(param@genomeindia.org).
The scientific papers are presented by the selected researchers/scientists, in the scientific sessions;
for which prior submission of the Abstract(s)/Paper(s) is necessary (for details please see the subheading “Abstracts”, given overleaf).
The National Academy of Sciences India - Swarna Jayanti Puruskars, each comprising
Rs.5000/= and citation, will be awarded to the young scientists (below the age of 35 years on
1.1.2011) presenting the best research paper in the Sections of Physical and Biological Sciences.
A National Symposium on “Climate Change – Research, Awareness and Capacity Building”
will be held during the Annual Session. Presentation of papers in the Symposium would only be
through invitation.
All interested persons are invited to attend the Symposium and Scientific Sessions of
Physical and Biological Sciences; however, other facilities will be available only to those
who get themselves registered with the host institution as well as enroll themselves as
Sessional Members. Fellows and Members of the NASI are exempted from paying the registration
fee as well as Sessional Membership fee; for all others, the Sessional Membership fee is Rs.50/=
(for scientists & stipendiary researchers) or Rs.30/= (for non-stipendiary researchers).
The Sessional membership fee should be sent to the Executive Secretary, The National Academy
of Sciences, India by a Bank Draft or Account Payee Local Cheque drawn in favour of ‘The
National Academy of Sciences, India’. Payment in Cash/I.P.O/Money Order/Outstation Cheque
will not be accepted. Through the next Circular, the host institution (Jaipur National University,
Jaipur – 302 025) would inform directly about the amount and date of receipt of Registration fee.
Fellows and Members of the Academy and Sessional Members are entitled to attend the Session
and other activities, submit papers for presentation in the Scientific Sessions, receive copies of
Presidential Addresses, Abstracts of papers and other related material circulated during the
Session. They will be entitled to rail travel at concessional rates as per Rules - scientists whose
total emoluments/earnings do not exceed Rs.5,000/= per month are only entitled to the concession
of return tickets in 2nd class. Those desiring to obtain Railway concession should write to the
Executive Secretary referring the nature of their Membership.
Two copies of abstracts of papers (not exceeding 200 words), along with two copies of full length
papers for presentation in the Scientific Sessions should reach the Office of the Academy at 5,
Lajpatrai Road, Allahabad – 211 002 latest by October 10, 2010. An author can submit up to a
maximum of three papers including papers having more than one author.
Bonafide research scholars are required to get their research papers forwarded by the Supervisor
and the Head of the Department/Institution. All papers submitted for presentation will be screened.
Authors whose papers are accepted will be informed about the mode of presentation (Oral or
Poster) at the earliest. The decision of the Academy would be final for the mode of presentation.
The Academy would pay, on production of Xerox copy of railway tickets, 2nd class rail fare,
by shortest route (both ways) only, to the author who would present the paper provided
his/her travel has not been subsidized by any other agency.
Publication of Papers
In case it is desired that a paper presented at the Annual Session be considered for publication in
the journals of the Academy, viz. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India/National
Academy Science Letters, it must be submitted separately in triplicate in the appropriate format
under separate cover addressed to the Managing Editor concerned. These papers will undergo the
usual processing and refereeing as per rules of the Academy. Papers sent for the Session will
not be automatically considered for publication in the journals of NASI.
Signing of The Fellow’s Register
The Fellows who have not signed the Fellow’s register so far can sign the register in the Fellow’s
meeting, to be held during the 80th Annual Session.
We once again extend a very cordial invitation to you to participate in the 80th
Annual Session and Symposium on “Climate Change – Research, Awareness and
Capacity Building” at Jaipur.
Yours truly
Krishna Misra
Jitendra Paul Khurana
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Phone : 0532-2640224; Fax : 0532-2641183;
Email : allahabad.nasi@gmail.com;
Website : http://www.nasi.org.in; http://www.nasi.nic.in