School Supplies 2015-2016 School Year Please note that some additions may be made at the start of or during the school year. A thumb/flash drive is suggested for all students to ease portability of documents between home and school. Students should have pens/pencils at all times. Binder pouches work well to keep these and other small-sized supplies organized! Art 7th and 8th Grade o #2 pencils o Eraser o Watercolor paint o Smock, if desired Basic Art o #2 pencil o Eraser o Sketch book(replenished as needed) o Smock, if desired Advanced Art o #2 Pencils o White eraser (replenish as needed) o Sketch Book Business/Computer Technology Introduction to Computers 1 ½ inch 3-ring binder with top cover pocket 5-pack dividers Pens (blue or black) Flash drive Accounting I and II 1-subject notebook Pencils Standard calculator Technology and Communications 2-pocket folder Flash Drive English English 7 and 8 - 3-ring binder (2-3 inch) - Loose leaf paper (lots of it) - 5-pack of dividers (for binder) - Blue or black pens - Pencils (for scantron tests and certain parts of vocabulary book ONLY) Small (narrow) post-it notes or flags Highlighter - Recommended materials: flash drive, flash cards (index cards), rubber bands or plastic sandwich bags to hold cards Study Skills (7th Grade) o Pens/pencils o Folder English 9 o Blue or Black Pens o Highlighter(s) o Pencils o A Journal (This will be collected occasionally); it needs to be separate from other subjects and any notes taken in English Class. o Folders to store handouts or a binder to help keep you organized. o Loose-leaf paper o Index cards o Flash drive (suggested) English 10 o Summer book – Tears of a Tiger by Sharon M. Draper o Notebook o Folder o Pens o Pencils o Loose leaf paper o Composition notebook or just single subject notebook for a journal 11 Regents Required Everyday Materials Writing Journal (spiral bound/ small-sized journal—NOT notebook size!) Three-Ring Binder -- 2 or 3 inch- the bigger the better! Loose-leaf paper (50+ pages) Dividers (5 pack) 100+ Index Cards 3-5 Highlighters (multiple colors) Pens—Black or Blue ONLY Recommended Materials: Transparent Post-its or book flags, flash drive 11 AP Language and Composition Required Everyday Materials Two-Subject Journal (over 160 pages) 3-4 Inch Three-Ring Binder Dividers (5-7 pack) 100+ pages of loose-leaf paper Multiple packages of white and colored index cards Multiple highlighters of various colors Black or blue pens Computer and printer access Recommended Materials: Transparent Post-its or book flags, flash drive SAT Prep Required Everyday Materials 2 inch binder 600 + white ruled index cards w/ 20 rubber bands 50 + pages of loose-leaf college ruled paper Blue or black pens Use of a college dictionary (book form) Recommended Materials: Binder-ready 3 hole punch or single hole punch Post-It book flags To enhance memorization: Multicolored flashcards OR Multi-colored markers OR Multi-colored highlighters English 12 CP 2 summer reading books Notebook Folder Loose leaf paper Flash drive Pens and pencils AP Literature and Composition 3’ Binder Flash drive Pens Pencils Highlighters Loose-leaf paper Folder 2 packages of tab dividers (5 in a pack) Access to computer/printer at home French All French Classes: Separate subject notebook Folder Loose-leaf paper Health All Health Classes: - Pens - Pencils - 2-pocket folder - Home & Careers 7th Grade Pocket folder Pens Pencils 8th Grade 3-ring binder Pens Pencils $8.00 check or money order to Haan Crafts (for sewing project-teacher will send a letter when money is due) Math Math 7 & 8 1 pack of loose leaf paper Pencils – at least 20 Scientific calculator – Texas Instruments TI30XA is a very nice one that is about $15. Graphing calculator will be needed in 9th grade for about $100. Highlighter Algebra ICC Folder Pencils TI-84 Graphing Calculator (Suggested, not required) Algebra IACC 1.5 inch 3-ring binder Pencils TI-84 Graphing Calculator (Suggested, not required) Algebra IBCC Folder Pencils TI-84 Graphing Calculator (Suggested, not required) Geometry Folder 3 inch binder Compass TI 84 Graphing Calculator (suggested, not required) Pencils Algebra II CC (formerly Adv. Alg. & Trig.) 3 Ring binder Lose leaf paper Pens or pencils Graphing calculator is optional (TI 83 or better/ TI 84 recommended) Math 12 3 Ring binder Loose leaf paper Pens or pencils Graphing calculator is optional (TI 83 or better/ TI 84 recommended) AP Calculus 3 Ring binder Loose leaf paper Pens or pencils Graphing calculator is optional (TI 83 or better/ TI 84 recommended) SAT Prep 3 Ring binder Loose leaf paper Pens or pencils Graphing calculator is optional (TI 83 or better/ TI 84 recommended) Music Music 7 and 8 ♪ ½ inch or 1 inch three-ring binder Physical Education NYM Physical Education t-shirt and shorts Athletic sneakers Resource 7th grade Pen Pencil 3x5 index cards Highlighter Science Science 7 o Bound notebook o 3-ring binder o Folder Science 8 o o o o o o 1 inch 3 ring binder loose leaf paper (either wide or college ruled is fine) calculator (4 function is ok) folder pens pencils Earth Science o 2 3-ring binders (“reused” binders from last year are great!) o 2 2-pocket folders o Notebook o Four-function calculator o Pencils Chemistry o 3-ring binder (should be 3”) o Paper o Folder o Bring your biology notebook to class the first day of school! Living Environment o 3-ring binder o 8 dividers o Writing utensil Regents Physics o o o o o o o o 1.5 inch 3 ring binder Scientific calculator or better College ruled loose leaf paper Protractor (180 degree protractor is sufficient they can get a 360 degree protractor if they want) Centimeter ruler (it can have inches on one side) Folder Pens Pencils Environmental Science 1.5 inch 3 ring binder College ruled loose leaf paper Calculator (scientific or 4 function will be fine) Centimeter ruler (it can have inches on one side) Folder Pens Pencils AP Biology o o o o o o Summer book – Your Inner Fish 3-ring binder (the bigger, the better) Dividers Colored pencils Writing utensil Bring your chemistry binder to class with you the first day of school! Social Studies Social Studies 7 o (Pens used daily – Blue/Black Ink) o Pencils for Tests ONLY o Highlighters o Loose-leaf Paper o 2-3 Subject Notebook (with Pocket Folders) o cards (to use at your discretion) o Binder or Large File pouch (to keep work handed back and Loose-leaf Paper) o – 2 pocket (purchase 2 folders) to keep Tests and Quizzes Social Studies 8 o Spiral notebook (preferably with perforated sheets) to be used for Social Studies only. o Sturdy pocket folders – (4) – one for each marking period o Pens and pencils – enough to last for the year Global History 9 and 10 o 3-inch binder o Paper o Pen or pencil daily o Highlighter US History o Notebook o Folder o Pens/pencils AP US History o Notebook o Folder o Pens/Pencils Government/Economics o 2-3 Subject Notebooks – one for each course o 3-ring binder with 8 tabs for handouts (one for each course) 1 ½ to 2 inch o 2 pocket folder for tests and quizzes o Pens and pencils (Pencils for tests only) Modern American Society/Criminal Justice o Spiral notebooks – one for each course o 3-ring binders – 1 ½ inch to 2 inch o Pens and pencils AP World History o 3-inch binder o Paper o Pen or pencil o Highlighter Spanish All levels of Spanish (except Dual Credit): o 3-ring binder – 2” o Index cards Dual Credit Spanish o Notebook o Folder Technology Pocket folder Pencils Lined paper