Research Project 2: Investigation of contaminant fate and transport in the Kalamazoo River Understanding what controls the fate and transport of contaminants in aquatic ecosystems is of substantial interest to researchers examining basic scientific questions as well as scientists involved in pollution control evaluation and monitoring of water quality for human health and ecotoxicity purposes. Various components of the organic carbon pool have been shown to be an important link in controlling the bioavailability of contaminants in natural waters (Figure 2). The aquatic organic carbon pool can be viewed as having the following three constituents: particulate (>0.20 um) (POC), truly dissolved (<0.2 um) (DOC), and high-molecular weight DOC (<0.2 to > 1000 Da) (HMW DOC) or colloidal (Carlson et al., 1985; Santschi et al., 1995) fractions. The HMW DOC (or colloidal) fractions of this carbon pool has been shown to be particularly important in controlling the bioavailability of organic (Means and Wijayaratne, 1982; Means and Wijayaratne, 1984; Brownawell and Farrington, 1986; Lores et al., 1993; Burgess et al., 1996) and inorganic (Honeyman and Santschi, 1989; Rees, 1991; Benoit et al., 1994; Moran et al., 1996; Stordal et al., 1996; Wen et al., 1996a, b) contaminants in aquatic systems. One of the fundamental questions in carbon cycling is the formation of different size fractions of DOC, especially HMW DOC (i.e. > 1000 Da). While DOC in the open ocean consists mostly of planktonic signatures from lipids, carbohydrates and polysaccharides (Pakulski and Benner, 1994; Bianchi et al., 1995; Guo et al., 1994; Guo and Santschi, 1996), lakes, continental margins and estuaries contain additional sources of organic carbon from terrestrial systems such as rivers and wetlands (e.g. Hedges and Parker, 1976; Hedges and Ertel, 1984; Moran et al., 1991; Bianchi et al., 1996a, b). Much of the research in DOC dynamics has centered in the "true" water column without much regard to sediments playing a significant role in DOC cycling with the water column (Burdige et al., 1992; Burdige and Homstead, 1994). Furthermore, it has been suggested that DOC from sediment pore-waters may represent an important source of organic carbon to the deep ocean (Williams and Druffel, 1987; Mopper et al., 1991; Hedges, 1992). This is especially important in shallow systems where DOC flux may equal allochthonous inputs of organic carbon into a system (Argyrou et al., 1997). Several possible mechanisms may explain the formation of HMW DOC via flux from sediments: 1) aggregation of truly dissolved particles onto each other to form larger particles either by shear stress or bubbling action (Honeyman and Santschi, 1989; Alber and Valiela, 1994a, b); and 2) break down of particulate matter to form smaller particles either physically, chemically, or biologically (Bianchi et al., 1996). Sediment mixing (via physical and biological processes) is likely to be important in the formation of HMW DOC. The relative importance of benthic macrofauna in the formation of HMW DOC in pore waters has been largely ignored. Figure 1. Regional Map showing the boundaries of the Kalamazoo and St. Joseph River Watersheds. Figure 2 Schematic of geochemical processes affecting contaminant partitioning in aquatic environments While there have been numerous studies that have examined the effects of HMW DOC on the photoreduction of metal oxides, the speciation of metals, partitioning of metals, and overall bioavailability of metals similar studies involving organic contaminants have been sparse. Moreover, few studies have attempted to examine both the effects of HMW DOC on ecotoxicity (organics and inorganics) as well as the effects that test organisms may have on the chemical composition of HMW DOC. In this study our objectives are as follows: determine the partitioning of PAHs in the natural organic carbon pool (i.e., POC, DOC, and HMW DOC) in two highly polluted aquatic systems - in both sediments and the water column; determine the effects of benthic organisms on the molecular weight distribution of HMW DOC; examine the effects of HMW DOC on the bioavailability of PAHs on benthic organisms. In order to assess the fluxes of contaminants leaving the Saugatuck Harbor and being discharged into Lake Michigan, a study which involved the collection of large volume (20L) sample at several locations within the harbor and near-shore receiving waters was undertaken in 2003 in May, July and September. Samples were preserved in the field and returned to the laboratory where they were first filtered (0.4mm Nuclepore) to remove particulates from the bulk water samples. Once this was done the filtrate was transferred to a high volume Amicon ultra-filtration unit where the colloidal size particles were isolated from the truly dissolved fraction. Each of these three fractions was then prepared for analysis of organic and inorganic contaminants using mass spectrometry methods. Figure 3 shows the stations where these collections occurred. Figure 3. Water Quality and Chemodynamic Study Sample Collection Sites. In order to perform a detailed analysis of the fate and transport processes occurring in this or any watershed a detailed survey of the bathymetry or depth profiling of the waterway needs to be performed. In May of 2003, we conducted a detailed bathymetric survey with the assistance of Drs. Guy Meadows and Lorelle Meadows both from the University of Michigan. Figure 4 shows the depth profile developed for the Saugatuck Harbor, Kalamazoo Lake and the channel leading into Lake Michigan. In addition to this survey, a detailed bathymetric map (not shown) was developed for the coastal Lake Michigan receiving waters covering an area of a few kilometers off-shore and several kilometers to the north and south of the channel exit. Figure 4. Bathymetric Survey data for Saugatuck Harbor, Kalamazoo Lake and the exit channel into Lake Michigan. The next step in the process was to determine the hydrodynamics in the Saugatuck Harbor system so that the flow and volume of water exiting the river into Lake Michigan can be determined at different seasons of the year. In order to gather this information, GPS-equipped buoys with current drifters were deployed at different location in the harbor system and followed as they moved through the system. Time and location of each buoy is recorded automatically allowing for modeling of the rates of water movement during each deployment. Figure 5 shows these buoys deployed in the harbor. Figure 6 shows the trajectories of three buoy deployments in Saugatuck Harbor and Figure 7 shows three buoy deployments in the exit channel from the Harbor. Figure 5. Current monitoring buoys deployed in Saugatuck Harbor. Figure 6. Current buoy trajectories projected on map of Saugatuck Harbor Figure 7. Current buoy trajectories projected on the exit channel fro Saugatuck Harbor into Lake Michigan. Drift Buoy Buoy 1 Buoy 2 Buoy 3 Means Discharge (m3/s) May 2003 0.088 0.101 0.079 0.089 30.5 July 2003 0.028 0.033 0.020 0.027 10 Table 2 shows the buoy drifter velocities calculated for three deployments in Saugatuck Harbor during May and July of 2003. From these data and the Bathymetric survey data a volumetric measure of river discharge is calculated. Chemical data determined for samples collected during the 2003 field campaign can then be utilized to determine the fluxes of individual contaminants from the river into Lake Michigan. Table 4 and Table 4 show the concentrations parent and alkylated PAHs and total PAH determined for suspended particulate fraction of selected water samples in May and July of 2003, respectively. Figure 8 and 9 show the values of FFPI projected on the station map of Saugatuck Harbor, the channel and near-shore Lake Michigan in May and July, 2003, respectively. As was observed in the bedded sediment data reported earlier, the proportion of alkylated aromatic hydrocarbons equaled or exceeded the parent aromatic fraction and the FFPI values were mostly greater than 0.5. This observation was repeated in July, 2003. These results demonstrate that petroleum source hydrocarbons a major contributor to the overall loading of aromatic hydrocarbons to coastal Lake Michigan in the region of the discharge of the Kalamazoo River. Table 3. Aromatic Hydrocarbon Concentrations on Suspended Particulates Collected in May 2003 in Saugatuck Harbor. Station TOTAL PARENT PAH ng/g TOTAL ALKYLATED PAH ng/g TOTAL PAH ng/g FFPI Saug 31 1220 3019 4240 0.765 Saug 32 3519 9020 12539 0.755 Saug 33 91195 147799 238994 0.669 Saug 34 25990 37478 63467 0.628 Saug 35 5606 9257 14863 0.328 Saug 36 17525 22242 39767 0.603 Saug 37 61963 83896 145859 0.563 Saug 38 20810 4092 24901 0.356 Saug 39 3945 6194 10139 0.699 Mean 25528 28957 54485 0.585 Minimum 578 1086 1665 Maximum 92687 147799 238994 Figure 8. FFPI Values for Suspended Particulates collected in May, 2003. Table 4. Aromatic Hydrocarbon Concentrations on Suspended Particulates Collected in July 2003 in Saugatuck Harbor. TOTAL PARENT PAH TOTAL ALKYLATED PAH TOTAL PAH ng/g ng/g ng/g Saug 31 235 547 782 0.745 Saug 32 89158 228495 317652 0.755 Saug 33 3869 5365 9234 0.460 Saug 34 2201 3762 5962 0.751 Saug 35 21864 36102 57966 0.693 Saug 36 8329 10570 18899 0.603 Saug 37 3790 9379 13170 0.765 Saug 38 14998 23263 38261 0.892 Saug 39 10570 16596 27166 0.699 Saug 40 5615 7498 13114 0.478 Mean 0.654 Station 6368 13133 19501 Minimum 192 547 782 Maximum 89158 228495 317652 FFPI Figure 9. FFPI Values for Suspended Particulate Samples Collected in July, 2003 Combining the concentration data with volumetric data and hydrodynamic data collected at this site fluxes of chemical contaminants were calculated for the Saugatuck Harbor. Tables 5 and 6 show the fluxes calculated for parent, alkylated and total PAHs in the Saugatuck Harbor system. Table 5. Fluxes of PAH from Saugatuck Harbor into Lake Michigan-May, 2003 Flux, g/hr PARENT PAH ALKYLATED PAH TOTAL PAH Saug 31 1.92 4.76 6.69 Saug 32 1.44 3.70 5.15 Saug 33 5.91 9.58 15.49 Saug 34 4.77 6.88 11.65 Saug 35 2.36 3.90 6.26 Saug 36 4.54 5.77 10.31 Saug 37 6.69 9.06 15.75 Saug 38 22.92 4.51 27.43 Saug 39 3.03 4.75 7.77 Table 6. Fluxes of PAH from Saugatuck Harbor into Lake Michigan-July, 2003 Flux, g/hr PARENT PAH ALKYLATED PAH TOTAL PAH Saug 31 1.18 0.82 1.18 Saug 32 63.39 162.46 225.85 Saug 33 2.03 2.82 4.85 Saug 34 1.33 2.27 3.61 Saug 35 2.07 3.42 5.49 Saug 36 1.51 1.92 3.44 Saug 37 0.64 1.59 2.23 Saug 38 0.73 1.13 1.86 Saug 39 1.01 1.58 2.59 Saug 40 9.76 13.03 22.79