Week / Date Week 1 – Black – Spoken Language Red Comprehension/reading Yellow – Spelling Green – Grammar Blue – Composition Purple – Computing Link Week 2 Black – Spoken Language Red Comprehension/reading Objectives covered in the week linked to SPTO Adverts /posters - WEKK ONE – THREE Persuasive writing - Week FOUR - SEVEN PERSUASION EVERYWHERE!!!!! SMSC Why do we follow certain rules? Are some more persuasive than others? Why? Why do we follow certain behaviours and things in life? Is it our decisions to follow others or do we follow others because of what they say? Who are we? What do we believe in? Pupils should be taught to: g. use spoken language to develop understanding Pupils should be taught to: g. use spoken language to develop understanding b. reading books structured in different ways Retrieve and record information from non-fiction Develop their understanding of concepts set out in Appendix 2 by: a. extending the range of sentences with more than one clause c. choosing nouns or pronouns appropriately d. using adverbs Plan their writing by: b. discussing and recording ideas Develop their understanding of concepts set out in Appendix 2 by: a. extending the range of sentences with more than one clause c. choosing nouns or pronouns appropriately Weekly overview The Divine Mercy RC Primary Medium Term Plan Literacy Text : Year Children will look at the writing structure of a persuasive leaflet/poster. Children will look at a range of examples from magazines and leaflets about recycling. The children will highlight persuasive features, sentence structures and punctuation, focus on the organisation. Children will practice writing openings for their leaflets and organise their text using persuasive features e.g. slogans, statistics, and offering viewpoint, puns and word play. IPADS used – Book creator Children will compare and contrast different types adverts and look to plan an advertisement of their own using the features discussed in the previous week. Spend the week looking at the most Spelling focus Yellow – Spelling Green – Grammar Blue – Composition Purple – Computing Link Week 3 – Black – Spoken Language Red Comprehension/reading Yellow – Spelling Green – Grammar Blue – Composition Purple – Computing Link Week 4 – Black – Spoken Language Red Comprehension/reading Yellow – Spelling Green – Grammar d. using adverbs Plan their writing by: b. discussing and recording ideas Draft and write by: d. in non-narrative material, using simple organisational devices such as headings and sub-headings Evaluate and edit by: a. assessing the effectiveness of their own writing and suggesting improvements b. reading books structured in different ways Retrieve and record information from non-fiction Develop their understanding of concepts set out in Appendix 2 by: a. extending the range of sentences with more than one clause c. choosing nouns or pronouns appropriately d. using adverbs Plan their writing by: b. discussing and recording ideas Draft and write by: d. in non-narrative material, using simple organisational devices such as headings and sub-headings Evaluate and edit by: a. assessing the effectiveness of their own writing and suggesting improvements Pupils should be taught to: g. use spoken language to develop understanding Pupils should be taught to: g. use spoken language to develop understanding b. reading books structured in different ways Retrieve and record information from non-fiction Develop their understanding of concepts set out in effective techniques when planning for an advert Children begin to draft and edit their advertisements. They again compare WAGOLLs and discuss which have the most effective features and why. Children edit and re draft together before using the Ipads to create their own version of an advert (book creator or google docs) Persuasive arguments – children will take their knowledge of persuasive techniques and apply it to a more formal style of writing. Look at the arguments for looking after the environment.. Discuss the features of the text – introduction – why 1why2-why3-what others think –what I think Blue – Composition Purple – Computing Link Appendix 2 by: a. extending the range of sentences with more than one clause c. choosing nouns or pronouns appropriately d. using adverbs Plan their writing by: b. discussing and recording ideas Week 5 – Assessment Week Black – Spoken Language Red Comprehension/reading Yellow – Spelling Green – Grammar Blue – Composition Purple – Computing Link Week 6 – Black – Spoken Language Red - Comprehension Yellow – Spelling Green – Grammar Blue – Composition Purple – Computing Link Develop their understanding of concepts set out in Appendix 2 by: a. extending the range of sentences with more than one clause c. choosing nouns or pronouns appropriately d. using adverbs Plan their writing by: b. discussing and recording ideas Draft and write by: d. in non-narrative material, using simple organisational devices such as headings and sub-headings Evaluate and edit by: a. assessing the effectiveness of their own writing and suggesting improvements because ! Use resource ‘Exciting sentences’ Alan Peat to give the children structure to their persuasive sentences and to highlight examples – create word and sentence banks for working walls. Speaking and listening & Writing stage revise the overall structure of the writing – look at examples of the main body of the text – discuss with the children reasons why we should recycle. Children present arguments in groups and to the class ;agree success criteria (steps to success) – look at criteria for speaking and listening. Next stage is to move the arguments into a formal writing style. Again refer to Alan Peat’s exciting sentences book and give examples for the children to structure their sentence writing Week 7 – Black – Spoken Language Red - Comprehension Yellow – Spelling Green – Grammar Blue – Composition Purple – Computing Link b. reading books structured in different ways Retrieve and record information from non-fiction Develop their understanding of concepts set out in Appendix 2 by: a. extending the range of sentences with more than one clause c. choosing nouns or pronouns appropriately d. using adverbs Plan their writing by: b. discussing and recording ideas Draft and write by: d. in non-narrative material, using simple organisational devices such as headings and sub-headings Evaluate and edit by: a. assessing the effectiveness of their own writing and suggesting improvements Editing process of the main arguments and then look at the next stage which is the introduction – what others think and the conclusion. Children look at various examples of intros, conclusions and other arguments – comment on the structure, content of the paragraphs. Agree on which ones are the best and explain why Model examples on the board – use shared write and guided writing during this process