Publications-6years -

Refereed Journal Publications
Mihaela Ulieru, Scott Walker and Robert Brennan, “Holonic Enterprise as a Collaborative Information
Ecosystem”, IEEE Transactions of Systems, Man and Cybernetics – Part B (submitted: manuscript #
 Mihaela Ulieru, Silviu Ionita, Mircea Cobzaru, “Emergence of web-Centric Virtual Organizations: A
Fuzzy-Evolutionary Approach”, Journal of Applied Systems Studies, Special Issue on Virtual
Organizations and e-Commerce Applications. (submitted November 2000)
 Mihaela Ulieru, Oscar Cuzzani, Stuart Rubin and Marion Ceruti, “Application of Soft Computing
Methods to the Diagnosis and Prediction of Glaucoma”, Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology
(submitted September 2000)
 Silviu Ionita and Mihaela Ulieru, “A Fuzzy Evolutionary Model for web-Information Mining”, IEEE
Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (submitted December 2000).
 Vladimir Grishin and Mihaela Ulieru, “Pictorial Analysis: A Multi-Resolution Data Visualization
Approach for Monitoring and Diagnosis of Complex Systems”, Information Science (accepted in
October 2000 – paper # IS-002324-A).
 Mihaela Ulieru, Douglas Norrie, Rob Kremer and Weiming Shen, A Multi-Resolution Collaborative
Architecture for web-Centric Global Manufacturing, Information Science, volume 127, Journal no. :
7669, ISSN # 0020-0255, August 2000.
 Mihaela Ulieru and Douglas Norrie, Fault Recovery in Distributed Manufacturing Systems by
Emergent Holonic Re-Configuration: A Fuzzy Multi-Agent Modeling Approach, Information Science,
7669, ISSN # 0020-0255, September 2000.
 Mihaela Ulieru, Dan Stefanoiu and Douglas Norrie, Holonic Metamorphic Architectures for
Manufacturing: Identifying Holonic Structures in Multi-Agent Systems by Fuzzy Modeling”, Invited
Chapter 3 in Handbook of Computational Intelligence in Design and Manufacturing (Jun Wang &
Andrew Kussiak – Editors), CRC Press 2000, ISBN No 0-8493-0592-6, pp. 3-1 – 3-36.
 Mihaela Ulieru, Dan Stefanoiu and Douglas Norrie, “Holonic Reconfiguration of Manufacturing
Production by Fuzzy Multi-Agent Modeling”, Chapter in Intelligent Autonomous Systems (Enrico
Pagello et. al. Editors), IOS Press, Amsterdam, ISBN 1-58603-078-7, 2000, pp. 543-549.
 Mihaela Ulieru and R. Subramanian, On Fuzzy Modeling of Multi-Agent Systems, Advances in
Artificial Intelligence and Engineering Cybernetics, Vol. V: Multi-Agent Systems/Space-Time
Logic/Neural Networks (George Lasker, Ed.), IIAS-68-99, ISBN 0921836996, 1999.
Awarded “Outstanding Paper” by the International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research,
Informatics and Cybernetics at IIAS’99, Baden Baden, Germany, August 2-7, 1999.
Mihaela Ulieru, "Fuzzy Logic in Diagnosis: Possibilistic Networks" invited Chapter in Fuzzy Logic (J.
Baldwin) John Wiley &Sons, 1996, ISBN 0471 962813
 Mihaela Ulieru, "Integrated Analytical and Fuzzy Simulation Modeling for Monitoring and
Supervision of Machinery", International Journal of Manufacturing Systems Design, Nr. 2/3, 1995,
ISSN 0218-3382.
 Mihaela Ulieru, "A Fuzzy Logic Based Computer Assisted Fault Diagnosis System" European
Journal of Diagnosis and Supervision, Vol. 3, Num. 3/1994, pp. 405-441, ISSN 1166-3049.
 Mihaela Ulieru and Rolf Isermann, "Design of a Fuzzy Logic-Based Diagnostic Model for
Technical Processes" International Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 58, Num. 3/1993,
pp.249-271, ISSN 0165-0114.
Mihaela Ulieru, Diagnosis With Fuzzy Logic, Physica Verlag (178 pages, in print)
Other refereed contributions
Ulieru, M. FIPA-Enabled Holonic Enterprise – Opening Address (invited) of the Workshop on MultiAgent-based factory Automation, within 8th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies
and Factory Automation (ETFA 2001).
Ulieru, M, Walker, S. and Brennan, B. “Holonic Enterprise as a Collaborative Information
Ecosystem”, Workshop on “Holons: Autonomous and Cooperative Agents for the Industry”,
Autonomous Agents 2001, Montreal, May 29, 2001.
Ulieru, M. “Web-Centric Diagnosis and Prediction System for Global Manufacturing”, IFSA-NAFIPS
Joint Conference on Fuzzy Systems 2001, Vancouver, Canada, July 24-27, 2001.
Ulieru, M., Soft Computing Techniques for the Holonic Enterprise, BISC-FLINT Workshop, August
24-29, 2001.
Ulieru, M. and Ionita, S., “Transdisciplinary Metaphors”, International Symposium on
Interdisciplinarity, Calgary, Canada, May 9-12, 2001.
Ulieru, M, Cobzaru, M. and Norrie, D. A FIPA-OS Based Multi-Agent Architecture for Global
Supply-Chain Applications, IPMM 2001 International Conference on Intelligent Processing and
Manufacturing of Materials, July 29-August 3, 2001, Vancouver, BC.
Ulieru, M., Cuzzani, O., Rubin, S. and Ceruti, M., Application of Soft Computing Methods to the
Diagnosis and Prediction of Glaucoma, 2000 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and
Cybernetics, SMC 2000, “Cybernetics Evolving to Systems, Humans, Organizations, and their Complex
Interactions,” October 8-11, 2000, Nashville, TN, USA, pp. 3641-3646.
Jianbing Wu, Mircea Cobzaru, Mihaela Ulieru, and Douglas Norrie, "SC-web-CS: Supply Chain WebCentric Systems". in Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
and Soft Computing (ASC2000), Banff, July 24-26, 2000, pp. 501-507.
 J. Wu, M. Ulieru, M. Cobzaru, and D. H. Norrie, "Agent-based Supply Chain Management Systems:
State of the Art and Implementation Issues", MAMA'2000, International ICSC Congress on Intelligent
Systems and Applications (ISA'2000), December 11-15, 2000, Wollongong, Australia, Vol 1, pp. 663669.
 Mihaela Ulieru, Dan Stefanoiu and Douglas Norrie, Holonic Self-Organization of Multi-Agent
Systems by Fuzzy Modeling with Application to Intelligent Manufacturing”, IEEE/SMC 2000,
Nashville, USA, October, pp. pp. 1661-1666.
 Dan Stefanoiu and Mihaela Ulieru, A Fuzzy Modeling Approach to Multi-Agent Systems,
International Symposium on Engineering of Intelligent Systems, EIS'2000, Paisley, Scotland, June 2630, 2000, pp 611-617.
 Stefanoiu Dan, Ulieru Mihaela, and Norrie Douglas, "Fuzzy Modeling of Multi-Agent Systems
Behavior: Vagueness Minimization", in Proceedings of World Multiconference on Systemics,
Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI'2000), Vol. III, pp.118-123, Orlando, USA, July 23-26, 2000.
 Dan Stefanoiu, Mihaela Ulieru and Douglas Norrie, Multi-Agent Systems Planning by Ambiguity
Minimization, Symposium on Computational Intelligence (CI’2000), ISA’2000 Congress,
Wollongong, Australia, December 12-15, 2000, Vol 2, pp. 209-215.
Mihaela Ulieru and Peter Goldsmith, A Fuzzy-Logic Based Computer Aided Sport Shoe Design System,
17th International Congress on Biomechanics, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, August 1999.
 Mihaela Ulieru, “Behavioral analysis of multi-agent systems by dynamic modeling with
application to technical and social systems”, InterSymp’99, International Conference of the
Institute for Advance Studies in Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics, Baden-Baden,
Germany, August 2-7, 1999.
 Mihaela Ulieru, Holonics: The Breakthrough in Intelligent Manufacturing of the 20st Century,
Invited Presentation at InterSymp’99, International Conference of the Institute for Advance
Studies in Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics, Baden-Baden, Germany, August 2-7,
 Mihaela Ulieru and S. Ramakhrishnan, “An Approach to the Modelling of Multi-Agent Systems
as Fuzzy Dynamical Systems”, Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Engineering Cybernetics,
Vol. V: Multi-Agent Systems/Space-Time Logic/Neural Networks (George Lasker, Ed.), IIAS-6899, ISBN 0921836619, 1999.
Mihaela Ulieru and Douglas Norrie, A Multi-Agent System for Supply Chain Management,
Progress In Simulation, Modelling, Analysis and Synthesis of Modern Electrical and Electronic
Devices and Systems (N. Mastorakis, Ed.), World Scientific and Engineering Society Press, ISBN
960-8052-08-4, pp. 342-348, 1999.
 Mihaela Ulieru and Douglas Norrie, A Multi-Agent System for On-Line Fault Recovery of
Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, Proceedings of NAFIPS’99, pp. 849-854, New York, USA,
ISBN 0-7803-5211-4, 1999.
 Weiming Shen, Mihaela Ulieru and Douglas Norrie, Implementing the Internet Enabled Supply
Chain Through a Collaborative Multi-Agent System, Agents’99 Workshop, Seattle, WA, May 15, 1999.
 Mihaela Ulieru “Qualyntel – A Holonic Diagnosis and Quality Control System”, Proc.
INFORM’98, October 25-28, Seattle, WA, 1998.
 Mihaela Ulieru, “Soft Computing Issues in the Intelligent Control of Holonic Manufacturing
Systems”, NAFIPS’97 – North American Conference on Fuzzy Information Processing Systems,
September 21-24, Syracuse, NY, 1997.
 Mihaela Ulieru, "A Holonic Approach to Intelligent Control of a Flexible Transfer System for
Manufacturing", Second International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Semiotics: A
Learning Perspective, September 23-25, 1997, Gaithersburg, MD.
 Michael Smith, Michael Lee, Mihaela Ulieru, and Wiliam Gruver, "Design Limitations of PDVs.
Fuzzy Controllers for the Acrobot," Proc. of 1997 IEEE International Conference on Robotics
and Automation, April 1997 Albuquerque, NM. [This Conference has a 50% acceptance rate]
 Mihaela Ulieru and Michael Smith, "A Hybrid Approach to the Automatic Design of Adaptive
Control and Diagnostic Systems", Proceedings of IEEE/SMC'96 International Conference on
Systems, Man and Cybernetics October 14-17,1996, Beijing, CHINA, Vol. 3, pp. 1742-1747.
 Michael Smith and Mihaela Ulieru, "Dynamic Tunning of Parametrized Defuzzification Methods
Applied to Automatic Control and Diagnosis", Proc. FUZZ-IEEE'96, September 8- l l, 1996,
New Orleans, LA, pp. 707-713.
 Mihaela Ulieru and Michael Smith, "A Dynamic Fuzzy Reasoning Method for Adaptive
Diagnostic Systems Design", Proceedings of NAFIPS'96 - Biennial Conference of the North
American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, June 19-22, 1996, Berkeley, California, U.S.A.,
pp. 423-427.
 Mihaela Ulieru and Robert Milne, "Towards Automatic Development of Diagnostic KnowledgeBased Systems", Proceedings of IFAC'96 – World Congress of the International Federation of
Automatic Control, San Francisco, U.S.A., June 30-July 5,1996, Vol. N, pp.73-78, Pergamon
 Mihaela Ulieru, "Approaching Intelligent Control Systems Design", Proceedings of
IEEE/SMC'95, International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybemetics, October 22-25, 1995,
Vancouver, BC, Vol. l, pp.563-568.
 Alexander Gegov and Mihaela Ulieru, "Decentralized Fuzzy Control of Multivariable Processes
by Direct Decomposition"- Proceedings of EUFIT'95, 3rd European Congress on Fuzzy and
Intelligent Technologies, August 28-31, 1995, Aachen, GERMANY, Vol.2, pp.1090-1094.
 Mihaela Ulieru and Janko Mrsic-Flogel, "Integrated Neural and Fuzzy Paradigms for Efficient
Data Analysis in Diagnosis", Proc. of IFSA'95 -World Congress, July 21-28, 1995, Sao Paulo,
BRAZIL, Vol.2, pp.229-232.
 Mihaela Ulieru, "Fuzzy Logic in Diagnosis: Possibilistic Networks", Proceedings
of ADT'95 - Int. Conf. on Applied Decision Technologies, Brunel University - London, UNITED
KINGDOM, March 1995, pp.165-180.
Mihaela Ulieru, "Integrierte Fehlererkennung und Diagnoseentscheidung
mittels Fuzzy Control Manager", 8th Chemnzer Colloquium on fuzzy
technologies , March 1995, Chemniz, GERMANY.
 Mihaela Ulieru, "Diagnosis of Continuous Dynamic Systems Based on Fuzzy Information
Processing", Proceedings of EUFIT'94, 2nd European Congress on Fuzzy Technologies, Aachen,
GERMANY, September 1994, Vol. l, pp.386-394.
 Mihaela Ulieru, "Approximate Reasoning Approaches for Diagnostic Decision -
Vis-a-vis Probabilistic and Possibilistic Techniques", Proc. of SAFEPROCESS'94 2nd IFAC Symposiumm on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for
Technical Processes, June 13-16, 1994, Helsinki, FINLAND, Vol. 1, pp. 356-360.
Mihaela Ulieru, "Diagnosis by Approximate Reasoning on Dynamic Fuzzy
Fault Trees", Proceedings of FUZZ-IEEE'94 - 3rd IEEE Int. Conf on Fuzzy
Systems, June, 1994, Orlando, FLORIDA, Vol. 3, pp. 2051-2056.
Mihaela Ulieru, "Fuzzy Logic in Decision-Support Systems: Possibilistic
Networks - A Challenge to the Bayesian Approach", Proceedings of IPMU'94,
Int. Conf. on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in
Knowledge-Based Systems, July 4-7, 1994, Paris, FRANCE, Vol. 1, pp. 96-101.
Mihaela Ulieru, "Fuzzy Reasoning for Fault Diagnosis", Second International
Conference on Intelligent Systems Engineering, September 1994, Hamburg,
Mihaela Ulieru, "Diagnosis of Continuous Dynamic Systems Based on Fuzzy
Information Processing", Proceedings of EUFIT'94, 2nd European Congress on
Fuzzy and Intelligent Technologies, Aachen, GERMANY, September 1994,
Vol. l, pp.386-394.
Mihaela Ulieru, "From Fault Trees to Fuzzy Relations in Managing Heuristics for Technical
Diagnosis", Proceedings of IEEE/SMC'93, October 17-20, 1993, Le Touquet, FRANCE., Vol. 1,
Rolf Isermann and Mihaela Ulieru, "Integrated Fault Detection & Diagnosis", Proceedings of
IEEE/SMC'93 Conference on Systems Engineering in the Service of Humans, October 17-20,
1993, Le Touquet, FRANCE, Vol.1, pp 743-748.
Mihaela Ulieru, "Processing Fault Trees by Approximate Reasoning in Solving the Technical
Diagnostic Problem", Proceedings of the 12th IFAC World Congress, Sydney, AUSTRALIA,
July 1993,Vol 9, pp 221-224.
Mihaela Ulieru, "A Fuzzy Logic Based Computer Assisted Fault Diagnosis
System", Proceedings of TOOLDIAG'93 - Int. Conference on Fault Diagnosis,
April, 1993, Toulouse, FRANCE, pp 689-699.
Mihaela Ulieru, "A Unified Fuzzy Approach for Diagnostic Decision by Causal
Networks",Proceedings of QUARDET'93 - IMACS/IFAC Workshop on
Qualitative Reasoning and DecisionTechnologies, Barcelona, SPAIN, June 1993,
Mihaela Ulieru, "Processing Fault Trees by Approximate Reasoning in Solving
the Technical Diagnostic Problem", Proceedings of the 12th IFAC World
Congress, Sydney, AUSTRALIA, July 1993,Vol 9, pp 221-224.
Mihaela Ulieru, "Creative Consciousness & Spiritual Growth", Invited Paper at
Consciousness,August 1993, Baden—Baden, GERMANY.
Mihaela Ulieru, "From Boolean Probabilistic to Fuzzy Possibilistic Fault Tree
Processing in Diagnostic Decision Making", Proceedings of EUFIT'93, First
European Congress on Fuzzy & Intelligent Technologies, September 7-10, 1993,
Aachen, GERMANY, Vol.1, pp.408~14.
Technical Reports
• “Insure-Smart: An Automated Rating Manual for the Insurance Industry” – Technical Report for Medical
News Network, June 1998. Worked on for 1 year as a private consultant. Contact person: Dr. Robert J.
• “Make-vs.-Buy Decision Support System” – Technical Report for Teleflex Canada, May 1998 – worked
on within the frame of an Advanced Systems Institute grant held by Dr. W.A. Gruver. (Confidential –
contact persons: Mr. Andrew McFadyen, R&D and Mr. Harold Copping, General Manager at Teleflex)
• “Analysis of the ability to enhance the Automatic Control Engine software package with Fuzzy
Control capabilities” – Technical Report for International Submarine Engineering Ltd., Port
Coquitlam, BC, March 1998. Worked on within a Precarn One-on-One interaction grant.
(Confidential – contact persons Mr. Erik Jackson and Mr. Owen Williams)
• “QUALYNTEL – An Intelligent Quality Control Shell for Holonic
Manufacturing”, 9th Meeting of the Holonic Manufacturing Systems Group,
Vancouver, BC, February 15-21, 1998. Worked on as a member of Dr. W.A.
Gruver’s team within Work Package 9: Holonic Assembly.
(Confidential – contact person: Dr. W.A. Gruver, Simon Fraser University)
• “Analysis, modeling and intelligent control of a multi-agent flexible transfer system system” –
Technical Report for Toyo Engineering Corporation, Chiba, Japan, January 1998. Worked on as a
collaboration within the Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Consortium (Confidential – contact
person Mr. Ioichi Kamio, Manager Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Division)