Font Lesson

Word Processing - Fonts
(Unit: Computer Literacy)
Purpose Statement: Students will learn the terminology and meaning related to typeface
design. Students will learn how all three font attributes (size, color,
and style) can be changed. Students will record notes about fonts on
a lecture worksheet to use during the computer lab skill drills.
Prior Knowledge: Students have learned how to start MS Word from the computer
desktop. Students have learned to locate editing (cut/paste) and
formatting (center/indent) actions via the MS Word menu bar.
Students have learned how to select text for editing in a MS Word
document. Students have learned how to use bold, underline, and
italics font emphasis.
Lesson Objectives: Students will be able to identify how to change different text
characteristics; font, color, and size.
Students will be able to recognize terminology related to fonts.
Students will be able to demonstrate using font color, size, and
Students will be able to consider when and why they would use
different fonts, sizes, and colors.
Lesson Materials: Teacher will print out and bring (25) copies of the lesson note
worksheet to pass out during class (see attached). Teacher will
bring (1) copy of the lesson PowerPoint to display the eye chart
overhead, font samples overhead, and the For Sale sign and Wanted
Poster for students to choose as an example for their skill drill
exercise in addition to other lesson notes (see attached). Teacher
will bring (25) copies of the teacher notes to handout at the end of
Michigan Curriculum Standards: Michigan Department of Education
Educational Technology Standards & Expectations Grades 6-8
By the end of Grade 8 each student will:
1. apply common software features (e.g. fonts) to enhance
communication and support creativity
1. use proper keyboarding posture, finger positions, and touchtyping to improve accuracy, speed, and general efficiency in
operating a computer
2. use appropriate technology terminology
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Anticipatory Set: The teacher will ask the class to raise their hand if they have ever had
an eye examination and what the test is used for (answer: to test visual acuity,
clearness or clarity of one’s vision). The teacher will display a standard eye
examination chart from the PowerPoint overhead. The teacher will pick volunteers to
read each line until the students become stuck, cannot read any further. The teacher
will verbally ask the class to raise their hand if they can explain why it becomes
harder to read the eye chart as we move down line by line. (answer: smaller). The
teacher will inform the students that today we will be discussing changing not only
the sizes, but the color and style of how letters look in a word processor. The lesson
notes worksheet should be passed out by the teacher before the lecture continues.
Procedures: (see attached outline for further detail)
I. Review student responsibilities
II. Explain what we are talking about, what is a font?
III. 3 Minute Mark - Serif and Variable
A. Serifs
B. Sans-serif
C. Variable width fonts
D. fixed width fonts
IV. Points
V. Kerning
VII. 10 Minute Mark - Explain font size
A. Font size is specified in points, more points means bigger letters.
B. Each font has a size that can be made bigger or smaller
C. Explain why font sizes might be made bigger or smaller
D. Demonstrate how to change font size (see TEACHER guide)
E. Use the lecture worksheet to CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING.
VIII. Explain font color
A. Explain why font color might be changed?
B. Demonstrate how to change font color (see TEACHER guide)
C. Use the lecture worksheet to CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING
IX. Explain font style
A. This is the shape of each character (remind students of the font sample
overhead earlier)
B. Demonstrate how to preview and select a font (see TEACHER guide)
C. Explain why we might change font style
D. Use the lecture worksheet to CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING
X. 15 Minute Mark - Explain Font Menu
A. What is the advantage of using the menu?
B. Demonstrate how to use the Format->Font menu (see TEACHER guide)
C. Use the project worksheet to CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING
XI. 17 Minute Mark - Explain today’s assignment
A. Must use 2 fonts, 2 font sizes, and 2 font colors to create either a Wanted Sign
or a For Sale Sign
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XII. 27 Minute Mark - Print and hand in
A. Give students a 5 minute warning to wrap up
B. Give students a 2 minute warning to wrap up
XIII. 28-30 Minute Mark – Conclusion (see below)
Extended Activity: Inform students tomorrow they will create a fictitious resume to
further practice applying what they have learned about fonts today. They should come
prepared with an occupation in mind for their resume. Students who did not finish the
extra credit problem are to complete at home and return it tomorrow. Provide students a
hard printed copy of the teacher notes used during the lecture to take home and use as a
reference in future classes (as indicated in preparation).
Assessment: 1. Students will turn in their lecture note worksheet from the lecture. These
will be checked and returned tomorrow using the TEACHER KEY. Be
sure students check each others worksheet and initial a peer’s worksheet
indicating it was completed.
2. Students will print and turn in their For Sale sign or a Wanted Poster.
These will be checked to verify at least two fonts, two colors, and two
sizes were used
Alternative Practice/Assessment: Special needs students will be paired with an above
grade level general education student to share the worksheet assignment together.
The special and general education student will turn in one worksheet together. A
large print version of the worksheet will be provided for easier reading.
Differentiating Instruction:
Below grade level – have student use underline, italic, and bold instead of serif,
san-serif, fixed, and variable font concepts during class exercise. Have student
spell the name of 5-10 colors and change the color of each word to match the
word (e.g. red)
Above grade level – Find out what a Pica is (12 points vs. 1 pica, what is the
relationship?). Find the origin of the word Font. Find out how to install more
fonts onto their PC.
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