EL-MINIA MED. BULL. VOL. 22, NO. 1, JAN., 2011 Mosalem et al IMPACT OF REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH AND CHILD CARE TRAINING PROGRAM ON AWARENESS OF NURSES WORKING IN MCH CENTERS IN EL-MINIA GOVERNORATE By Fadia A. Mosalem*, Nadia H.** and Hoda A.*** Departments of *Public Health and Preventive Medicine, ***Administration, ElMinia Faculty of Medicine and **Administration, Assiut Faculty of Nursing . ABSTRACT: Background: Reproductive health is an essential part of general health and a central feature of human development. It is a reflection of health during childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Reproductive health is a universal concern, but is of special importance for women particularly during the reproductive years. Although most reproductive health problems arise during the reproductive years, in old age general health continues to reflect earlier reproductive life events. Aim of study: *Assess awareness of nurses working in maternal and child health (MCH) centers in El-Minia governorate, about selected reproductive health and child care domains. *Evaluate the impact of the reproductive health and child care training program on nurse’s awareness. Subjects and methods: The research design used for this study was the interventional design. A total of 50 (from 78) (response rate is 64.5%) nurses working in MCH centers in El-Minia governorate were included in the present study. The study was conducted in all MCH centers in El-Minia governorate (10 MCH centers). A structured pre-test tool was developed by the investigator to assess awareness of the nurses. The test was derived from the training program content which covers 6 topics derived from the needs of MCH centers nurses. The test included 19 multiple choice questions, it was given prior and immediate post program to the studied nurses. Posttest was applied using the same pretest. The program content stressed on antenatal care, care for high risk pregnancy, care of the newborn, family planning, counseling on reproductive health and family planning record. Different teaching methods were used, it included lecture, discussion, brain storming and various visuals and instructional media were used in the form of posters, and handouts. The sample was divided into two groups (25 nurses in each). The training program was conducted over a period of 6 days, three days for each group, three sessions take about 6 hours every day to cover all information & practices of the program content. A scoring system was developed. Results: Nurse’s awareness level was categorized into low, fair and good according to pre-determined score. Twenty two percent of the sample had low level and half the sample had fair level, while 28% had good level of awareness about reproductive and child health. Nurses working for ten years or more in MCH centers in El-Minia governorate had a higher percentage of right answers of all topics than those working less than ten years with a significant difference in some of these topics. In the regard of counseling, the knowledge of nurses about medical visual aids during counseling was the most changed post-intervention. Regarding documentation and card keeping, the knowledge of nurses about how cards are kept was the most changed postintervention. Regarding knowledge related to antenatal, natal and post-natal care, the knowledge of nurses about meaning of maternal mortality was the most changed post- 190 EL-MINIA MED. BULL. VOL. 22, NO. 1, JAN., 2011 Mosalem et al intervention. Answers related to neonatal care showed that the most changed item was what the nurse should do after taking child blood sample for thyroid test. Conclusion: Half of the primary health care nurses working in MCH centers in ElMinia governorate have moderate level of awareness regarding reproductive health and child care, while 22% of them have low level. The training program markedly improves the level of awareness. Recommendations: There is an urgent need to design programmes to improve the awareness of nurses about reproductive health and child care. KEY WORDS: Reproductive health Program MCH centers. Child care Awareness Training Nurses best chance of having a healthy infant (United Nations, 2002). INTRODUCTION: Primary health-care centers provide outpatient health care and primary preventive activities for people in general and for mothers and children in particular. Medical care aims not only to improve health status, but also to respond to patients’ needs and wishes and to ensure their satisfaction with care (Awadalla et al., 2009). Reproductive health is an essential part of general health and a central feature of human development. It is a reflection of health during childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Reproductive health is a universal concern, but is of special importance for women particularly during the reproductive years. Although most reproductive health problems arise during the reproductive years, in old age general health continues to reflect earlier reproductive life events (United Nations, 2002). Within the framework of WHO definition of health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, reproductive health addresses the reproductive processes, functions and system at all stages of life. It implies that people are able to have a responsible, satisfying and safe sexy life and that they have the capability to reproduce and the freedom to decide if, when and how often to do so (WHO, 2010). Implicit in this are the right of men and women to be informed of and to have access to safe, effective, affordable and acceptable methods of fertility regulation of their choice, and the right of access to appropriate health care services that will enable women to go safely through pregnancy and childbirth and provide couples with the According to the Ministry of Health, maternal mortality in Egypt was 55 deaths for 100,000 live births in 2008, indicating a steady decline from 75 deaths for 100,000 live deaths in 2002, Central Agency for Public Mobilization & Statistics (CAPMAS), (2009). Egypt Service Provision Assessment Survey (ESPAS) (2004), found that the vast majority of maternal deaths in Egypt (81%) involve one or more avoidable factors. One such factor, contributing to 54% of maternal deaths, is substandard medical care by health providers. Maternal deaths are strongly associated with the absence of good medical care before, during and 191 EL-MINIA MED. BULL. VOL. 22, NO. 1, JAN., 2011 after delivery. More than half of all maternal deaths worldwide occur within 24 hours of delivery, mostly due to postpartum hemorrhage. Mosalem et al comfortable discussing contraception and be sensitive to the woman's concerns and feelings. Nurses can increase the likelihood of a woman using contraception by providing contraceptive counseling that is directed to the woman's specific needs (Mckinney, 2009). The most effective way to prevent maternal deaths is to have deliveries attended by skilled personnel who can recognize and treat or refer any complications that arise. Skilled personnel include health professionals such as physicians, nurses and midwives (Farzaneh, 2003). According to the WHO, "Reproductive and sexual ill-health accounts for 20% of the global burden of ill-health for women, and 14% for men (WHO, 2008). More than 500 000 women die annually from pregnancy-related complications and millions become ill from these complications. Altogether, 99% of these deaths occur in the developing world, especially Africa, where the average risk of pregnancyrelated death is one in 13, compared with one in 4085 in developed countries. Also, 98% of neonatal deaths occur in developing countries: 42 neonates die per 1000 live births in Africa compared with at most 10 neonates per 1000 live births in developed countries (Alan TN Tita, et al., 2005). Justification of the study: Maternal health remains the Millennium Development Goal target for which progress has been most disappointing. An estimated 40% of deaths in children under five occur in the first month of life, so improving newborn care is essential for further progress (Hogan et al, 2010). Despite a significant reduction in the number of maternal deaths – from an estimated 543 000 in 1990 to 287 000 in 2010 – the rate of decline is just over half that needed to achieve the MDG target of a three quarters reduction in the mortality ratio between 1990 and 2015. Health education is an essential role of today's nurse. Client teaching begins early, before, and during a woman's prenatal care, and continues through her recovery from childbirth. Nurses motivate women, children, and families to take charge of and make responsible decisions about their own health (Mckinney, 2009). Women will attend antenatal care if it offers them information and choice about childbirth (Fraser & Cooper, 2009). To reduce the number of maternal deaths, women need access to good-quality reproductive health care and effective interventions. The proportion of women receiving antenatal care at least once during pregnancy was about 81% for the period 2005–2011, but for the recommended minimum of four visits or more the corresponding figure drops to around 55%. The proportion of births attended by skilled personnel – crucial for reducing perinatal, neonatal and maternal deaths – is above 90% in three of the six WHO regions. The nurse role in the family planning is that of counselor and educator, to fulfill this role, nurses need current correct information about contraceptive methods. They must be 192 EL-MINIA MED. BULL. VOL. 22, NO. 1, JAN., 2011 However, increased coverage is needed in certain regions, such as the WHO African Region where the figure remains less than 50% (MDG fact sheet 290). Mosalem et al Setting The study was conducted in all MCH centers in El-Minia governorate (10 MCH centers). Tools: Tools used for data collection consisted of: Interviewing sheet, designed by the investigator to collect socio demographic data such as sex, age, residence, level of education, occupation, experience, etc. A structured test was developed by the investigator to study Knowledge and practice of the nurses. The test was derived from the training program content which covering 6 topics derived from the needs of MCH centers nurses. The test included 19 multiple choice questions, it was given prior and immediate post program to the nurses in the sample. Posttest was applied using the same pretest. From inspection and follow up of nurse's role in reproductive health, it was found that no recent training was done for these nurses regarding reproductive health and child care which are necessary to improve quality of nursing care. Impact of the study: Training of nurses regarding reproductive health will provide an opportunity for improving maternal and perinatal outcomes by addressing low and discrepant levels of awareness and use of effective reproductive health interventions. It also improves health outcomes, fosters cost effectiveeness and increases patients' satisfyaction. This will be as a step to reach Millennium Development Goal 2015. Steps of program implementation: The preparatory phase: This phase was constructed based on the observation and follow up for the nursing role in all MCH centers (10 centers) in cities of El-Minia Governorate. This observation revealed the needs to improve nursing role and that no recent training was done for nurses regarding reproductive health and child care to improve quality of nursing care. This phase takes 3 months. Aim of the study Assess awareness of nurses working in MCH centers in ElMinia governorate about selected women reproductive health and child care issues. Evaluate the impact of the education reproductive health and child care training program on nurse’s awareness. Program content: The program content was developed based on current literature and modified according to nurse's needs, which was assessed through pretest. To allow comparison, the same questionnaires were used both in the baseline and the follow-up survey. They contained multiple choice questions and referred to the following issues: maternal care, care for high risk pregnancy, care of the newborn, family planning, counseling on reproductive health and SUBJECTS AND METHODS : Design The research design used for this study was the interventional design. Sample From a total of 78 nurses working in maternal and child health (MCH) centers, 50 nurses accepted to participate in the study, were included in the present study. 193 EL-MINIA MED. BULL. VOL. 22, NO. 1, JAN., 2011 family planning record. The pre- and post-tests were administered to all training participants. Mosalem et al dealing with qualitative data. To compare two proportions Z test was used. A significant P-value was considered when P was less than 0.05. The program implementation phase: Different teaching methods were used, it included lectures, discussion, brain storming, various visuals and instructional media were used in the form of posters, and handouts. The sample was divided into two groups (25 nurses in each). The training program was conducted over a period of 6 days, 3 days for each group, 3 sessions take about 6 hours every day to cover all information & practices of the program content. RESULTS: The study included 50 nurses working in MCH centers in EL-Minia governorate, the age ranged from 20 to 60 years with a mean of 39.5 ±11.1 years. Table 1 showed that 22%, 50% and 28% of the studied nurses had poor, fair and good levels of awareness respectively. Percentage of nurses with good level of awareness were higher (34.5%) among those working for ten years or more than those working for less than ten years (19.1%) and this difference was statistically significant (P= 0.0.1). The program evaluation phase: summative evaluation (posttest) conducted after completion of the training immediately for each group. Knowledge regarding reproductive health counseling pre- and health training Ethical and administrative considerations: post-reproductive Official permissions were intervention was assessed by pre- and obtained from relevant authorities to post-training questionnaires. In this proceed with the study. Prior to regard, the knowledge of nurses about embarking on the study, ethical medical visual aids during counseling approval was obtained from the was the most changed postScientific Research Ethics Committee intervention (increased from 42% in of of El-Minia University, Faculty of the pre-test to reach 98% in the postMedicine. Official permission was tests) (p= 0.0007). Seventy eight obtained from the manager of the percent of nurses had knowledge that MCH and the head of each center the complete reproductive health before data collection. In addition, counseling and child health is the informed consent was secured from interaction between health care each participant. All the participants provider and receiver in the post-test as were explained about the purpose of compared to 26% in the pretest (p= the study and were ensured strict 0.0001). The least changed item was confidentiality and anonymity before content of pre-marital counseling (as proceeding in the interview. 58% in pre-test had the knowledge that preventing relative marriage is not one of its contents compared to 68% postSTATISTICAL DESIGN: The data were coded and verified test (p= 0.2). Knowledge regarding prior to data entry. The Statistical documentation and card keeping prePackage of SPSS version 16 for and post-reproductive health training windows was used for data entry and intervention was assessed by pre- and analysis. Descriptive Statistics were post-training questionnaires. In this 2 calculated. Chi test was used in regard, the knowledge of nurses about 194 EL-MINIA MED. BULL. VOL. 22, NO. 1, JAN., 2011 how cards are kept was the most changed post-intervention (increased from 18% in the pre-test to reach 94% in the post-tests) (p= 0.00001) as shown in table 2. Mosalem et al Table (4) shows that 76%, 98%, 98% and 94% of nurses in the post-test had correct answers related to neonatal care, the first nursing action must be done for neonatal resuscitation, the position used to measure length of the newborn, what the nurse should do after taking child blood sample from the heel, and acute side effects of circumcision that can lead to death compared to 36%, 82%, 56% and 68% in the pre-test respectively. Knowledge regarding antenatal, natal and post-natal care pre- and postreproductive health training intervention was assessed by pre- and posttraining questionnaires. In this regard, the knowledge of nurses about meaning of maternal mortality was the most changed post-intervention (increased from 20% in the pre-test to reach 80% in the post-tests) (p= 0.00001). The least changed item was the criteria to use breast-feeding as contraceptive method (as 54% in pre-test knew these criteria compared to 62% post-test (p =0.2) as shown in table 3. Regarding level of awareness in general, percentage of those with good level was improved markedly from 28% in the pretest to 98 % in the posttest and the difference was significant (P= 0.0001) as shown in figure 1. Table (1): Relation between level of awareness and years of experience among nurses working in El-Minia MCH centers, 2010. Years of experience <10 years 10 years or more Total Chi2 = 9.22 n 9 2 11 Level of awareness Poor Fair % n % n 42.7 8 38.2 4 6.9 17 58.6 10 22 25 50 14 df= 2 Total Good % 19.1 34.5 28 n 21 29 50 % 100 100 100 P= 0.01 Table (2): Percent change in awareness regarding reproductive health counseling and documentation among nurses working in El-Minia MCH centers pre- and post- training program, 2010. Reproductive health counseling and documentation The uses of medical visual aids by the nurse are: Complete reproductive health counseling and child health is: What does pre marital counseling include? The purpose from prenatal follow up documentation: Age of registration in child follow up records: Keeping client card is according to: 195 % P-value change 56 0.0007 52 0.0001 10 0.2 20 0.1 32 0.03 76 0.00001 EL-MINIA MED. BULL. VOL. 22, NO. 1, JAN., 2011 Mosalem et al Table (3): Percent change in awareness regarding antenatal, natal and post-natal care among nurses working in El-Minia MCH centers pre- and post- training program, 2010. Antenatal, natal and postnatal care The nurse's role during pregnancy and delivery: The minimum number of prenatal visits: Immunity of the first tetanus dose during pregnancy: Causes of early bleeding during pregnancy: Maternal mortality means: The nurse should do uterine massage during first two hours of labor at a rate of: Types considered hormonal contraceptive methods: The action of Pills to prevent pregnancy: Criteria to use breast feeding as a contraceptive method: % change 32 48 32 44 60 44 P-value 0.02 0.00001 0.00001 0.00003 0.00001 0.01 12 52 8 0.2 0.0009 0.2 Table (4): Percent change in items of neonatal care among nurses working in ElMinia MCH centers pre- and post- training program, 2010. Neonatal and child care % P-value change 40 0.0001 The first nursing action must be done for neonatal resuscitation: 16 0.1 The position the nurse put the newborn in to measure length: 42 0.0005 What the nurse should do after talking blood sample from heel prick: 26 0.08 Acute side effects of circumcision that can lead to death: 100 90 80 70 60 % 50 40 30 20 10 0 98 poor Fair Good 50 28 22 0 Pretest 2 Posttest Test P= 0.0001 Figure (1): Level of awareness among nurses working in El-Minia MCH centers pre- and post- training program, 2010. 196 EL-MINIA MED. BULL. VOL. 22, NO. 1, JAN., 2011 DISCUSSION: Access to reliable evidencebased information is tenuous in developing countries to decrease maternal and neonatal mortalities (Alan TN Tita, et al., 2005). As regard to reproductive health counseling and documentation, statistically significant differences were found pre- and post-reproductive health training intervention of the nurses' knowledge regarding uses of medical visual aids, reproductive health counseling and child health care, registration in child follow up records and keeping women record (p=0.0007), (p=0.0001), (p=0.03), and (p=0.00001) respectively as shown in table 2. Ministry of Health and Population (MOHP) [Egypt] (2003), reported that, among the visual aids available in 87 % of health facilities, 79% had teaching aids about specific types of family planning, and 84 % had information pamphlets for clients to take home. Visual aids related to STIs were available in the family planning service area in 17% of the facilities, and information pamphlets on STIs that clients can take home were available in 32% of facilities. Nabhana & Ahmed Tawfik (2007): reported that poor diagnosis and management by providers is aggravated by lack of consistency in standards of care, absence of communication between primary- and next-level care providers, and failure to keep records. In the regard of knowledge regarding antenatal, natal and postnatal care pre- and post-reproductive health training intervention, the knowledge of nurses about meaning of maternal mortality was the most changed post-intervention (increased from 20% in the pre-test to reach 80% in the post-tests) (p=0.00001) as shown 197 Mosalem et al in table 3. While in Romanian study, 2004, the largest increase in providers’ knowledge was observed for postnatal care (45% increase in correct answers). In addition Zaruhi et al., (2007) conducted a baseline assessment of healthcare facilities to collect data on the performance of health care providers in delivering antenatal care (ANC) and postpartum/infant care (PP/IC); and they found that healthcare providers were not performing to the level of internationally-accepted standards (85% of the tasks expected) in assessed performance areas: The nurses only performed 29% of the basic ante natal care (ANC) tasks, midwives 43%, and physicians 58%. Nurses performed 35% of the tasks needed to provide basic Postpartum/Infant care (PP/IC). Counseling on ante natal care and Postpartum is the weakest among both nurses and physicians: Basic clinical skills are also low: 33% for ANC and 24% for PP/IC. Tetanus toxoid vaccination of pregnant mothers increased to 78%. As regard to neonatal and child care, the current study revealed that knowledge of nurses about first nursing action must be done for neonatal resuscitation, newborn position to measure length, what should the nurse do after talking blood sample and acute side effects of circumcision that can lead to death were improved post intervention as shown in table 4. These results were in accordance with the results of the study done by McClure et al., (2007), they evaluate the effectiveness of the World Health Organization (WHO) Essential New-born Care (ENC) course in improving knowledge and skills of nurse midwives in low-risk delivery clinics in a developing country. They found that both the knowledge and skills of the nurse midwives improved significantly EL-MINIA MED. BULL. VOL. 22, NO. 1, JAN., 2011 following the course (from 65% correct pre training to 84% correct posttraining and from 65% to 77% correct on the performance and written evaluations, respectively). This result also corresponds with Carlo, et al., (2009), who evaluates the effectiveness of the American Academy of Pediatrics Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) in improving knowledge, skills, and self-efficacy of nurse midwives in lowrisk delivery clinics in a developing country, it revealed that after training nurses knowledge improved markedly. Regarding level of awareness in general, all pre-training test results were relatively low and percentage of those with good level was improved markedly from 28% in the pretest to 98 % in the posttest and the difference was significant (P= 0.0001) as shown in figure 1. This is in agreement with the results of international project of Romania, 2004 that showed that all pre-training test results were relatively low and providers answered about half of all questions correctly. CONCLUSION: There is a general shortage of knowledge regarding various aspects of reproductive health among nurses. Half of the primary health care nurses working in MCH centers in El-Minia governorate have moderate level of awareness regarding reproductive health and child care, while 22% of them have low level of awareness. The training program markedly improve the level of awareness as the percentage of those with high level increased from 28% before training to 98% after training. RECOMMENDATIONS: Active interventions are required to improve awareness. There is an urgent need to design on job 198 Mosalem et al educational training programmes and foster continuing education to improve the awareness of nurses about reproductive health and child care as well as to improve maternal and perinatal outcomes. REFERENCES: 1. Awadalla E. H., Kamel G. E, Mahfouz M. E. and Refaat M.T. (2009): Evaluation of maternal and child health services in El-Minia City, Egypt. Journal of Public Health, Volume 17, Number 5, 321-329, DOI: 10.1007/s10389-009-0255-8. 2. 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VOL. 22, NO. 1, JAN., 2011 الملخص العربي تأثير برنامج تدريبي عن الصحة اإلنجابية والعناية بالطفل على درجة وعي الممرضات العامالت في مراكز رعاية األمومة و الطفولة في محافظة المنيا مقدمة :الصحة اإلنجابية هي جزء مهم من الصحة العامة وأساس تطور اإلنسان .وهي انعكاس للصحة في مرحلة الطفولة ,المراهقة ,والبلوغ .للصحة اإلنجابية أهمية عامة وأهمية خاصة بالمرآة خالل سنوات اإلنجاب .وبالرغم من أن معظم مشكالت الصحة اإلنجابية تحدث خالل سنوات اإلنجاب, اال أن الصحة العامة في العمر المتقدم تعكس أحداث الحياة اإلنجابية األولية. هدف البحث: .1تقييم وعي الممرضات العامالت في مراكز رعاية األمومة والطفولة في محافظة المنيا عن بعض األشياء المتعلقة بالصحة اإلنجابية والعناية بالطفل. .2تقييم تأثير برنامج تدريبي عن الصحة اإلنجابية والعناية بالطفل على درجة وعي الممرضات. طرق البحث: تم إجراء هذه الدراسة بمراكز رعاية األمومة والطفولة ( 11مراكز) بمحافظة المنيا. اشتملت الدراسة على 01ممرضة من الممرضات العامالت بمراكز رعاية األمومة والطفولة من إجمالى 87ممرضة. تم عمل اختبار بواسطة الباحثين لتقييم وعى الممرضات وقد اشتق من محتوى البرنامج التدريبى الذى يغطى ستة موضوعات مشتقة من احتياجات ممرضات مراكز رعاية األمومة والطفولة .يحتوى االختبار على 11سؤاال متعدد االختيار وقد تم توزيعه قبل وبعد البرنامج مباشرة .وقد ركز محتوى البرنامج على الرعاية أثناء الحمل ,رعاية الحمل الخطر ,رعاية حديثى الوالدة ,تنظيم األسرة والمشورة الخاصة بالصحة اإلنجابية و سجالت تنظيم األسرة .تم استخدام طرق تعليمية مختلفة مثل المحاضرات ,المناقشات ,العصف الذهنى وكذلك تم استخدام وسائل مرئية مثل الملصقات .وقد تم تقسيم إلى مجموعتين ( 20ممرضة فى كل مجموعة) .تم النتهاء من البرنامج التدريبى فى فترة ستة أيام ,ثالثة ايام لكل مجموعة ,ثالثة جلسات تستغرق ما يقرب من ست ساعات يوميا لتغطية كل المعلومات و الممارسات الخاصة بمحتوى البرنامج. النتائج: أظهرت الدراسة التأثير اإليجابي للبرنامج التدريبي على وعي الممرضات عن الصحة اإلنجابية والعناية بالطفل .و قد تبين من دراسة الوعى (المعرفة) بين الممرضات عن الصحة اإلنجابية والعناية بالطفل أن %22من الممرضات لديهن مستوى متدنى من المعرفه وأن نصف الممرضات تقريبا لديهن مستوى معتدل بينما تبين ان %27منهن لديهن مستوى متقدم من المعررفة .كما أظهرتالدراسة أيضا تحسنا ملحوظا في مستوى الوعي لدى الممرضات من %27في التقييم القبلي الي %17في التقييم البعدي للبرنامج وهذا االختالف ذو داللة إحصائية عالية ).(P= 0.0001 الخالصــــة: ونخلص من هذه الدراسة إلى أن نصف الممرضات العامالت في مراكز رعاية األمومة والطفولة محافظة المنيا لديهن مستوى متوسط من الوعى عن الصحة اإلنجابية والعناية بالطفل .بينما تبين أن %22منهن لديهن مستوى متدني من الوعي .ونستخلص من تنفيذ البرنامج التدريبى أنه أظهر تحسنا ملحوظا في مستوى وعي الممرضات. لذلك نوصي بأن: يتم تصميم برامج تدريبية لتحسين وعي الممرضات أثناء الخدمة عن الصحة اإلنجابية والعناية بالطفل. 200