FS Site No: District: ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF MISSOURI Missouri Archaeological Society -- University of Missouri-Columbia 1. County: 2. ASM Site Number: 3. Local Name/Number: 4. 1/4 Secs: 5. Sec.: 6. T: 7. R: 8. 1/4 Secs: 9. Sec.: 10. T: 11. R: 12. USGS: 13. County Map: 14. Other Map: 15. Cultural Affiliation: 16. UTM Zone: 17. Northing: 18. Easting: 19. NRHP: Not Evaluated 20. Size of Site: 22. Owners Name/Address: US Forest Service, Mark Twain National Forest 23. Tenants Name/Address: Not Applicable 24. Information Current As Of: 25. Site Description: 26. Information Supplied By: Date: 27. Affiliation of Reporter: 4, Non-educational Institution ASM File Search Number: 21. Site Area: FS No. ASM No. 28. Condition of Site: 29. Site Nature--General: 1-Prehistoric ___2-Historic ___3-Protohistoric ___4-Prehistoric/Protohistoric ___5- Historic/Protohistoric ___6-Prehistoric/Proto/Historic ___7-Historic/Architectural ___8-Other: 30. Site Nature--Specific: ___1-Habitation/Prehistoric ___2-Mounds ___3-Burial Area ___4-Petroglyph/Pictograph ___5-Quarry ___6-Cave/Shelter ___7-Cairn 8-Trail/Trace/Road ___9-Other: ___10-Residence/Farmstead ___11-Industrial 12-Military ___13-Residence/Farm Outbuilding ___14-Political/Governmental ___15-Church 16-School 31. Water Source: ___1-Spring ___2-Intermittent Stream ___3-Perennial Stream ___4-River ___5-Confluence of Water Courses 6-Natural Lake ___7-Swamp/Bog ___8-Other: 32. Topographical Location: ___1-Flood Plain (T-0) ___2-Stream Terrace (T-1) ___3-Stream Terrace (T-2) ___4-Slope ___9-Prehistoric/Historic ___17-Lithic Debris Scatter 18-Lithic Tool/Debris Scatter 19-Cultural Material Scatter ___5-Bluff ___6-Hilltop/Ridgetop ___7-Other: 33. Material Reported: ___1-Prehistoric ___2- Historic 34. Is there a collection: 35. Repository (1): 36. Repository (2): ___Yes ___3-Both ___4- ___No 37. How was the site discovered: 38. Contour Elevation: 39. Nearest Water - Name: 40. Distance: 42. Spring Nearby - Name: 43. Distance: ft/MSL 41. Right or Left Bank (looking downstream): FS. No. A SM No. 44. Remote Sensing/Sampling Techniques: 45. Geomorphology/Land Forms/Soils: 46. Land Status: ___1- Cultivated ___2-Pasturage ___3-Wooded ___4-Flooded 47. Land Use Comments: 48. Site Significance/NRHP Eligibility: Not Evaluated 49. Literature Sources (Include CRM reports that pertain to this site): 50. Description of Cultural Features: 51. Faunal/Floral Remains: 52. Drawings/Photos/Descriptions of Artifacts: 53. Sketch Map: Sketch map is attached. 54. Topographic Map: Topographic map is attached. ___5-Developed ___6-Other: