EDST 3000 – Practicum Package Assessment Rubric

EDST 3000 – Practicum Evaluation Common Assessment Rubrics
(adapted from Teacher Performance Assessment Consortium)
Planning Rubric (Evidence: lesson plan & teaching materials) - 30 points possible: /30
-How does the plan support student learning of how to use knowledge and skills addressed in lesson?
-How does the candidate use knowledge of his/her students to target support for student learning?
-How do the informal and formal assessments provide information to understand student progress toward the standards/objectives ?
Level 1
 Standards/objectives, learning
tasks, and assessments are not
aligned to a big idea or essential
question and/or and with each
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
 Standards/objectives, learning
tasks, and assessments are
aligned to a big idea or essential
question and with each other.
 Standards/objectives, learning tasks,
and assessments are clearly aligned to
a big idea or essential question and with
each other. The learning tasks and
assessments address differing depths of
 Standards/objectives, learning tasks, and
materials, and assessments are clearly
aligned to a big idea or essential question
and with each other. The learning tasks and
the assessments represent high levels of
candidate understanding and differentiation
for students.
 Candidate plans do not focus on
helping students make
 Candidate plans focus on
helping students make
 Learning tasks build on each
 There are significant content
inaccuracies that will lead to student
 Plans demonstrate appropriate
candidate content knowledge.
 The planned assessments will
provide little evidence to allow the
candidate to monitor student
learning relative to the lesson’s
0-22 points
 The planned assessments will
provide evidence of student
learning relative to the lesson’s
 Assessments are focused on
what students do and do not
understand relative the lesson’s
23-25 points
 Candidate plans how to make clear
connections among facts, concepts,
interpretations, and/or judgments
addressed in lesson.
 Candidate plans how to lead students to
make clear connections among facts,
concepts, interpretations, and/or judgments.
 Learning tasks build on each other to
promote an understanding of the
designated facts, concepts, and skills.
 Learning tasks are differentiated and build on
each other to promote an understanding of
the designated facts, concepts, and skills.
 The planned assessments will provide
evidence of student learning relative to
the standards/objectives for the lesson
and are modified or adapted to be
appropriate for students having difficulty
demonstrating their learning.
 The planned assessments will provide
multiple forms of evidence of higher-level
student learning relative to the
standards/objectives for the lesson.
26-28 points
 Assessments are modified, adapted, and/or
designed in light of the standards/objectives
to allow students with special needs
opportunities to demonstrate learning.
29-30 points
Instruction Rubric (Evidence: lesson plan, instructional materials, teaching video) - 30 points possible: /30
-How does the candidate actively engage students in developing their own skills and understanding?
-How does the candidate elicit and monitor students’ responses to deepen their understanding?
Level 1
 Strategies for intellectual engagement
seen in the clip limit opportunities for
students to engage the lesson content.
 Student behavior or candidate’s
disrespect for one or more students
severely limits students’ engagement
in learning.
Level 2
 Strategies for intellectual engagement
seen in the clip offer opportunities for
students to engage the lesson
content. These strategies reflect
attention to students’ academic or
language development,
social/emotional development, and/or
cultural and lived experiences.
 Candidate primarily asks surface-level
questions and evaluates student
responses as correct or incorrect.
 The candidate elicits student
responses that require analysis or
 Few connections are observed being
made between and among lesson
concepts, facts, skills and/or
 Candidate makes connections
between and among lesson concepts,
facts, skills and/or interpretations.
 Candidate responses include
significant content inaccuracies that
will lead to student misunderstandings.
0-22 points
23-25 points
Level 3
 Strategies for intellectual engagement
seen in the clip offer structured
opportunities for students to engage
the lesson content. These strategies
reflect attention to students’ academic,
language, social/emotional, and
cultural and lived experiences.
Level 4
 Strategies for intellectual engagement
seen in the clip offer structured
opportunities for students to critically
engage and interpret the lesson
content. These strategies are explicit,
differentiated, and reflect attention to
students’ academic, language,
social/emotional, and cultural and
lived experiences.
 Candidate elicits higher-level student
responses, and candidate or other
students build on what students are
saying and/or doing to improve
 Candidate elicits higher-level student
responses from most students, and
candidate or other students help
develop or reinforce students’ abilities
to evaluate their own analyses,
interpretations, or judgments.
 Candidate and/or other students
prompt students to make connections
between lesson concepts, facts, skills
and/or interpretations.
26-28 points
 Candidate and/or other students help
most students to make connections
between lesson concepts, facts, skills
and/or interpretations.
29-30 points
Assessment Rubric (Evidence: lesson assessments, student work samples, teaching video, reflection paper/instructional
commentary) - 30 points possible: /30
-How does the candidate demonstrate an understanding of student performance with respect to standards/objectives?
-How does the candidate use conclusions about what students know and are able to do to plan next steps in instruction?
-How does the candidate provide students feedback to guide their further learning?
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
 Criteria are not aligned with the
identified standards/objectives.
 The conclusions in the analysis are
not supported by either student
work samples or the summary of
 Criteria are well-defined and
aligned with the indicated
standards/objectives from the
learning segment.
 Criteria are well-defined and reflect
the depth of understanding stated in
the indicated standards/objectives
from the learning segment.
 The analysis focuses only on
listing what students did right or
wrong in relationship to identified
 The analysis focuses on patterns of
student errors, skills, and
understandings in relation to
standards and learning objectives.
 The analysis is supported by work
samples and summary of learning.
The analysis describes some
differences in levels of student
learning for the content assessed.
 The analysis is supported by work
samples and summary of learning.
Specific patterns are identified for
individuals or subgroup(s).
 Criteria are well-defined and
differentiate between multiple
levels of understanding/
performance specific to the
standards/objectives from the
learning segment.
 The analysis focuses on patterns
of student errors, and the
candidate is able to see areas of
strength in a predominantly weak
sample and/or areas for
improvement in a predominantly
strong sample.
 The analysis focuses on patterns
of student errors, skills, and
understandings in relation to
standards and learning objectives.
The analysis uses these patterns
to understand student thinking.
Next steps are not relevant to the
standards/learning objectives
assessed, or are vaguely related
to improving student performance
related to the identified
standards/learning, or next steps
are not described in sufficient
detail to understand them.
 Next steps focus on improving
student performance through new
or slightly modified strategies for
general support that addresses
some identified student needs.
 Next steps follow from an accurate
analysis of student learning and aim
at improving student understanding
of important features of the
standards/learning objectives.
 Next steps described in sufficient
detail to understand them.
 Feedback focuses solely on errors
or is vague, or the feedback
contains significant inaccuracies.
 Feedback accurately identifies
what students did well and areas
for improvement related to specific
learning objectives.
 Next steps focus on improving
student performance through
targeted support to individuals and
groups to address specific identified
 Candidate describes how students
will use feedback to correct their
 Specific and accurate feedback
helps the student understand what
s/he did well, and provides
guidance for improvement.
 Candidate describes how students
will use feedback to improve their
work or their understanding.
0-22 points
23-25 points
26-28 points
 Next steps, in addition to criteria in
level 3, demonstrate a strong
understanding of both the
identified content and language
standards/objectives and of
individual students and/or
 Specific and accurate feedback on
content and academic language
helps the student understand what
s/he did well, and provides
guidance for improvement.
 Candidate describes how students
will use feedback to improve their
work or their understanding and to
evaluate their own work.
29-30 points
Practicum Evaluation Rubrics
Practicum Log
Teaching Video (20)
*Minimum number of hours
not successfully
*Minimum number of hours
*Organization – Lesson not
well-organized; students
don’t understand lesson
*Engagement – lesson
does not engage many
*Materials – Teacher does
not use appropriate
teaching materials, visuals,
and/or technology to
support student learning
*Voice and movement –
teacher is hard to hear
and/or does not move
around classroom
*Video/DVD – video is not
submitted or is of poor
*Organization – Lesson
loosely organized; students
have some difficulty
following lesson
*Engagement – lesson
engages most students
*Materials – Teacher uses
some appropriate teaching
materials, visuals, and/or
technology to support
student learning
*Voice and movement –
teacher can be heard most
of the time and moves
around classroom
occasionally to support
student learning
*Video/DVD – video is
viewable, but inconsistent
0-14 points
15-16 points
* Minimum number of hours
completed successfully
(requires rating of Proficient
or Distinguished on Mentor
Teacher Evaluation)
*Organization – Lesson is
well-organized and
presented in logical,
understandable sequence
*Engagement – lesson
engages all students
*Materials – Teacher uses
appropriate teaching
materials, visuals, and/or
technology to support
student learning throughout
*Voice and movement –
teacher is easy to hear,
asks appropriate questions
and moves around
classroom to support
student learning
*Video/DVD - video
adequately documents
17-18 points
* Minimum number of
practicum hours exceeded;
Mentor Teacher Evaluation
rating of Proficient or
*Organization – Lesson
well-organized and is
presented in interesting
and engaging sequence
*Engagement – lesson
engages all students
throughout entire period
*Materials – Teacher uses
high quality teaching
materials, visuals, and/or
technology to support
student learning
*Voice and movement –
teacher is easy to hear,
confident, asks a variety of
questions, and moves
around classroom to
support all students’
*Video/DVD - is high
quality, clearly documents
19-20 points
Practicum Reflection
Paper/ Instruction
Commentary (50)
Writing Proficiency –
Clarity, Organization,
(Academic) Word Choice,
Mechanics** and APA
Conventions (Evidence:
lesson plan and
materials; Practicum
Reflection Paper/
Instruction Commentary)
* Paper does not meet all
assignment expectations
* Paper does not include
personal theories
* Author does not
effectively utilize
*Paper does not document
learning in practicum
* Paper is not well
*Paper contains multiple
*Paper is difficult to read
* Paper exhibits minimal or
no self reflection
0-38 points
* Ideas are completely
unclear, incomplete and
* Paper frequently lacks
proper word choices nor
demonstrates common
academic language
* Paper violates many
writing conventions as to
be unreadable
*Paper disregards APA
format guidelines
* Paper does not meet all
assignment expectations
* Paper includes few,
incomplete, or unexamined
personal theories
* Author does not
effectively utilize
*Paper documents some
learning in practicum
* Paper is not well
*Paper contains errors
*Paper is difficult to read
* Paper exhibits minimal
self reflection
* Paper meets assignment
* Paper includes personal
theories developed in
practicum experience
*Paper documents high
levels of learning in
* Paper is well organized;
contains few errors; is
engaging to read
* Paper exhibits self
reflection throughout
* Paper exceeds
assignment expectations
* paper includes specific
details/examples and well
developed personal
*Author thoughtfully
responds to/utilizes
*Paper documents
extensive learning resulting
from practicum
* Paper is extremely well
organized; contains few, if
any, errors; is engaging to
* Paper exhibits thoughtful
self reflection throughout
39-42 points
43-46 points
47-50 points
* Ideas are confusing, not
* Ideas are understandable * Ideas are clearly
fully developed (or rambling though limited support or
understood, supported, and
on) and not logically
explanation and loosely
cohesive, fluent, and lively
* Paper at times uses
* Paper uses appropriate
* Paper uses sophisticated
inappropriate proper word
word choices including
word choices and
choices and minimal or
common academic
frequently uses academic
incorrect academic
language use
* Paper uses simple but
* Paper uses complex
* Paper is error-prone
relatively error-free writing writing conventions and is
which obscures meaning
conventions with clear
nearly error-free ,
*Paper makes some use of meaning
*Paper successfully uses
APA though inconsistent
*Paper uses some APA
all APA conventions
and/or inappropriate
appropriate to assignment
0-22 points
23-25 points
26-28 points
29-30 points
**Grammar Structure/Writing Mechanics include attention to the following writing conventions: subject-verb agreement, tense forms, number/numeral, word
order/function, and attention to use of articles, pronouns, and prepositions. It includes spelling, capitalization, punctuation, contractions, and paragraphing.
Mentor Teacher
Evaluation (60)
* requires additional
practical experience before
continuing in the teacher
education program
* shows possible potential
for teaching, but needs
more opportunities to work
in educational settings with
47-51 points
* Shows good potential for
working with young or
adolescent students; met
all requirements and
expectations for the
practicum experience
52-55 points
* Shows excellent potential
for teaching young or
adolescent students; went
beyond the requirements
and expectations for the
56-60 points
0-46 points
* displays little evidence of
knowledge of content area
* does not show evidence of
understanding what is
appropriate for intended
grade level
0-27 points
* displays some evidence of
content knowledge
* contains content appropriate
for intended instructional
* displays content that is
sequenced appropriately for
intended grade level
* meets all expectations for
* demonstrates above average
content knowledge
* displays understanding of
challenges that may arise in
teaching lessons
28-29 points
30-33 points
34-35 points
* contains no evidence for
importance of the need for
detailed lesson plans
* does not demonstrate
understanding of differences
between instructional models
* shows partial understanding
of the need for detailed lesson
* clearly understands basic
differences between different
instructional models
* demonstrates understanding
and need for lesson planning
* understands and applies
lesson plans to the
corresponding instructional
0-7 points
8 points
9 points
* meets all expectations for
* critically develops lesson
plans using specific
instructional models
* demonstrates ability to
defend choices of model
10 points
*does not incorporate required
elements into plans
* does not tie lessons to
objectives, standards or
*contains many grammatical
* incorporates some of the
required elements
* indicates minimal
understanding of objectives,
standards, or benchmarks to
which lesson plans relate
* consistently incorporates all
necessary planning elements
* clearly addresses targeted
objectives, standards, and
*Appropriate teaching
* meets all expectations for
* utilizes clear, professional
* includes high quality
teaching materials
Content (35)
Rationale (10)
Written plans & Materials
Special considerations (20)
*does not include teaching
0-27 points
* contains several errors
*teaching materials
28-29 points
30-33 points
34-35 points
* does not incorporate variety
of learning styles
* does not include
adjustments for children with
special needs
* does not demonstrate
understanding of culturally
responsive lesson planning
0-14 points
* does not consistently
incorporate different learning
* makes some adjustments
for children with special
* makes cursory effort to be
culturally responsive
15-16 points
* incorporates a variety of
learning styles
* includes clear plans for
children with special needs
* demonstrates understanding
of culturally responsive
lesson planning
* meets all expectations for
* lesson plans for special
needs students are clear and
* integrates culturally
responsive education throughout
the lessons
19-20 points
U = 0-77 points
B = 78-85 points
17-18 points
P = 86-92 points
D = 93-100 points