Appendix C Budget Narrative

The purpose of the budget narrative is to supplement the information provided in the budget spreadsheet
by justifying how the budget cost elements are necessary to implement project objectives and accomplish
the results. The budget narrative is a tool to help the foundation staff fully understand the budgetary
needs of the applicant and is an opportunity to provide descriptive information about the costs beyond the
constraints of the budget template. Together, the budget narrative and budget spreadsheets should
provide a complete financial and qualitative description that supports the proposed project plan. The
description provided on the budget spreadsheets should be very brief. Please use this budget narrative to
provide a thorough description of your budget.
If your proposal includes subcontracts and/or sub-grants in excess of $1 million USD the
following budget narrative should be completed for each organization’s budget. Please group the
budget narratives by organization using sub-headings that identify each organization name.
A. Personnel and Fringe Benefits (Direct FTE Costs)
Personnel: Provide the name and project role of every person listed on the budget. Describe the
role each person will have on the project and provide a brief summary of duties and
responsibilities. Also please identify key personnel on the project.
Fringe: Describe the components in the fringe benefits package provided to personnel. Examples
of components are health and dental insurance, life insurance or pension contributions.
B. Travel (Direct Travel Costs)
Given the number and type of trips and total cost of the travel request, please describe how the proposed
travel benefits the project and why the travel is necessary to accomplish the objectives and results of the
project. If there are unusual or special circumstances that require a high volume of travel, please provide
a thorough explanation that justifies the expense.
C. Consultants (Direct Consulting)
Describe the work to be performed by each consultant and how the work is necessary to accomplish the
objectives and results of the project. Provide information about the unique expertise or skills of each
consultant and why the consultant was chosen to work on this project. Describe the cost components
expenses (including travel, supplies and other costs, for example).
D. Direct Supplies and Other (Direct Supplies and Other)
Provide a brief description of the requested supplies, services or other costs (e.g. maintenance contracts,
publication costs) and explain how the items will be used to accomplish the work on the project.
E. Equipment (Direct Equipment)
Provide a brief description for each item of equipment requested. Explain how each item will be used and
explain why the purchase of the equipment is necessary to accomplish the objectives and results of the
F. Sub-grants and subcontracts (Sub-awards Total)
Describe the attributes and expertise of each organization chosen to participate on this project as a subgrantee or subcontractor and to which specific objective(s) or result(s) their will participation contribute.
Rev. 4/11
G. Other Sources of Support for This Project
If you anticipate receiving additional support from other donors for this project please use the table format
provided below to provide information regarding the level of support. Please include an explanation of the
support to be provided and indicate whether the support is committed or potential. If you are requesting
partial funding from the foundation for the project and will depend on funds from other sources, please
describe your contingency plans if full project funding does not become available. If you have applied for
funding from other sources which overlaps with the funding requested in this proposal, please indicate the
nature and timing of that potential funding.
Other Donor
Amount in USD
% of project
Committed or
H. Other Related Funded Projects
Please list other funded projects performed either by the primary grantee or sub-grantees/contractors that
are significantly related to this project. We are looking for other institutional projects that are the same or
very similar where opportunities for synergy or coordination might exist. Please complete the table below
adding rows as needed.
Grantor/Title of Project Funded
Amount Funded
in USD
Description of Related Funding