Bøker ved Kompetansesenter for import- og tropesykdommer Alfabetisk og tematisk oversikt med referanse til hylleplassering. Bøkene må ikke fjernes fra biblioteket! TROPICAL MEDICINE (General) 1. Atlas of HIV infection, Vithayasai P & V, 1994. 2. Balliere’s Tropical Medicine and communicable diseases – surgery in the tropics, 1988, Harries JR et al. 3. Chagas Disease – From discovery to control – and beyond, Morel CC, WHO, 1990 4. Clinical Troipcal Diseases, 7th ed., 1980, Maegraith et al. 5. Dengue, Halstead SB (ed), 2008 6. Dengue Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control. 1. utg. TDR og WHO. 2009 7. Diseases of Children in the Subtropics and Tropics, 2nd ed., 1970, Jelliffe. 8. Eye diseases in hot climates, 1986, Sandford-Smith J. 9. Handbook of ophtalmology for developing countries, 2nd ed., 1985, Bisley CG. 10. 100 clinical problems in tropical medicine, 1987, Harries JR et al. 11. Hunter’s Tropical Medicine, 7th ed., 1991, Strickland. 12. 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The emergence of zoonotic diseases - Understanding the impact on animal and human health, Workshop Summary, Forum on emerging infections, Burroughs T, Knobler S & Lederberg J, 2002 27. The Imaging of Tropical Diseases – with epidemiological, pathological and clincal correlation Vol I+II, 2001, Palmer PES & Reeder MM. 28. Tick-Borne Diseases of Humans, 2005, Goodman JL, Dennis DI, Sonenshine DE (ed.). 29. Tropical and geographical medicine, 2nd ed., 1990, Warren & Mahmoud 30. Tropical Infectious Diseases, 2001, Fernando RL, Fernando SSE, Leong AS-Y 31. Tropical medicine for nurses, 5th ed., 1980, Maegraith B & Gilles HM. 32. Tropical Medicine & Parasitology, 5th ed., 2002, Peters W & Pasvol G. 33. Wilderness Medicine, 4th ed., 2001, Auerbach PS. 34. Zoonoses – Infectious diseases transmissible from animals to humans, 3rd ed., Krauss H et al, 2003 35. WHO Expert consultation on rabies. 1st report, 2005, WHO. 36. World Atlas of Epidemic diseases, 2004, Cliff A, Haggett P, Smallman-Raynor M. PARASITOLOGY (General) 1. A Coulour Atlas of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology, 2rd edition, 1985, Peters W & Gilles HM. 2. Arthropods in clinical medicine, Peters W, 1992 3. Atlas of heminthology and protozoology, 4th ed., 2001, Chiodini PL et al 4. Atlas of human parasitology, 5th ed., 2007, Ash l & Orihel T. 5. Atlas of medical parasites, 1975, Zaman V. 6. Atlas of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology (m/CD-ROM), 6th ed., 2007, Peters W & Pasvol G. 7. Cases in Human Parasitology, 2004, Heelan JS. 8. Diagnosting helminthiasis through coprological examination,1979, Thienpart D et al. 9. Diagnostic parasitology – Clinical laboratory manual, 2nd ed., 1979, Garcia LS & Ash LR. 10. Control and surveillance of african tryposomiasis – Report of a WHO expert committee, 1998, WHO. 11. Control of lymphatic filariasis – A manual for health personell, 1987, WHO. 12. Control of the leishmaniases – report of a meeting of the WHO espert Committee on the Control of Leischmaniases Geneva, 22-26 March 2010. 13. Encyclopedic reference of Parasitology - Biology – Structure - Function, 2nd ed., 2001, Mehlhorn H (ed.) 14. Handbook of drugs for tropical parasite infections, 1987, Gustafsson LL et al. 15. Human lice – Their prevalence, control and resistance to insecticides – A review 1985-1997, 1997, Gratz NG. 16. Human schistosomiasis, 1993, Jordan P et al. 17. Insecticide Treated Net Projects – a handbook for Managers, 1999, Chavasse D et al. 18. Kompendium i Human Parasitologi, 1999, Bernhard P. 19. Klinisk helmintologi, Bengtson E, 1974. (2) 20. Lymphatic Filariasis – The Quest to Eliminate a 4000-Year-Old Disease, 2001, Dean M. (3) 21. Mask-diagnostik, mask-symptomatologi, mask-behandling, 1983, Alestig K, 22. Medical laboratory manual for tropical countries, Vol.I, 2nd ed., 1987, Cheesbrough M. 23. Medical entomology – a textbook on Public Health and veterinary problems caused by Arthropods, 2000, Eldridge B & Edman JD (ed). 24. Medical parasitology in plates, 1962, Piekarski G. 25. Medisinsk parasitologi III – Antiparasitære midler, 1987, Settnes OP. 26. Modern parasitology, 1982, Cox FEG. 27. Parasit-diagnostik 2002-2004, 2nd ed., 2002, Smittskyddsinstitutet. 28. Paracitic diseases, 1982, Despommier DD et al. 29. Parasitic infections in pregnancy and the newborn, 1988, MacLeod C (ed.). 30. Parasitology – A global perpective, 1983, Warren KS & Bowers JZ (ed.). 31. Principles and Practice of Clinical Parasitology, 2001, Gillespie SH & Pearson RD (editors). 32. Protozoal diseases, 1999, Gilles HM (ed.). 33. Swedish institute for disease control – division of parasitology 1996-97. 34. The colour atlas of intestinal parasites, 1975, Spencer & Monroe. 35. 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Immune responses to mycobacterium leprae in man, 1975, Myrvang B. 10. Insensitive feet, a practical handbook on foot problems in leprosy, 1984, Brand P. 11. Lepra, 4/86, Folia Ciba-Geigy. 12. Leprosy, leprosaria and society in Ethiopia - A hiostorical Study of Selected Sites 1901-2001, Kebede MT, 2005 13. Leprosy, 2nd ed., 1973, Bryceson A & Pfaltzgraff RE. 14. Leprosy, 1985, Hastings RC. 15. Leprosy, 2006, Irgens LM, Nedrebø Y, Sandmo S & Skivenes A. 16. Leprosy, 1980, Latapi F et al (ed). 17. Leprosy, Acta Clinica, 1970, Browne SG. 18. Leprosy, the scourge of millions, 1992, Austveg I. 19. Leprosy – tuberculosis eradication, principles practical implementation, 1980, Freerksten E & Rosenfeld M. 20. Multidrug therapy for leprosy: an end in sight, 1988, WHO. 21. Physical therapy in leprosy for paramedicals, levels I & II, 3rd ed., 1978, Kelly ED. 22. 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Årsrapport 2011, Smittsomme sykdomer hos utenlandsreisende, FHI, 2012 PUBLIC HEALTH Mother & Child Health 1. Diarrhoea and malnutrition – Interactions, mechanisms and interventions, 1983, Chen LC & Scrimshaw NS (ed.). 2. Förlössningsvård i u-land, 1988, Bergstöm S. 3. Paediatric Priorities in the developing world, 1983, Morley D. Nutrition 4. Guidelines for training community health workers in nutrition, 2nd ed., 1986, WHO. 5. Manual on Feeding Infants and Young Children, 3rd ed., 1987, Cameron M og Hofvander Y. 6. Nutrition Handbook for Community workers in the tropics, MacMillian/CFN, TALC. 7. The management of diarrhoea and use of oral rehydration theraphy, 2nd ed, 1985, WHO/UNICEF 8. See how they grow, Monitoring child growth for appropriate health care in developing countries, 1987, Morley D & Woodland M. Epidemiology 32. Communicable diseases – A manual for rural health workers, 1985, Eshuis J & Manschot D. 33. 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