Ann Marie Martin - Cornell - Astronomy

Ann M. Martin
514 Space Sciences Building
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
Phone: (607) 255-6420
123 E. King Road, Apt. E1
Ithaca, NY 14850
Phone: (607) 221-2540
Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2005-Present
M.S. in Astronomy, September 2008
Ph.D. in Astronomy, expected May 2011
University at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York, May 2005
B.S. in Physics, with Advanced honors designation
B.A. in English, with honors
Awards and Honors
Eleanor York Norton Prize in Astronomy (Cornell University), 2009
NASA International Year of Astronomy Student Ambassador (New York State),
Benson Leister Fellowship (peer-awarded fellowship for academic excellence and
leadership), 2008
National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship, 2005-2008
Phi Beta Kappa Society
Research Interests
Radio astronomy
Extragalactic astronomy and redshift surveys
Observational cosmology and large scale structure
Research Experience
Graduate Research/ALFALFA Collaboration: Department of Astronomy, Cornell University,
2005–present (research advisors: Dr. Martha Haynes and Dr. Riccardo Giovanelli).
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Undergraduate Honors Research: Department of Physics, University at Buffalo, 2003–2005
(research advisor: Dr. William H. Kinney). “One- and Two-Dimensional Cosmological
Parameter Estimation with WMAP.”
National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU):
National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Green Bank, June-August 2004 (research advisor:
Dr. Yuri Kovalev)
Cornell University Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU): Department of Astronomy,
Cornell University, May-July 2003 (research advisors: Dr. Riccardo Giovanelli and Dr.
Martha Haynes)
Selected Publications
The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey: IX. The Leo Region HI Catalog, Group
Membership and the HI Mass Function for the Leo I Group. Stierwalt, S., Haynes, M.P.,
Giovanelli, R., Kent, B.R., Martin, A.M., Saintonge, A., Karachentsev, I.D. &
Karachentseva, V.E. 2009, Astro. J. 138, 338
The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey: VIII. HI Source Catalog of the Anti-Virgo Region
at δ=+25 deg. Martin, A.M., Giovanelli, R., Haynes, M.P., Saintonge, A., Hoffman, G.L.,
Kent, B.R. & Stierwalt, S. 2009, ApJS (in press)
The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey. VI. Second HI Source Catalog of the Virgo Cluster
Region. Kent, B.R., Giovanelli, R., Haynes, M.P., Martin, A.M., Saintonge, A., Stierwalt, S.
Balonek, T.J., Brosch, N. & Koopmann, R.A., 2008, Astro. J., 2008, 136, 713
The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey: V. HI Source Catalog of the Anti-Virgo Region at
Decl. = +27o. Saintonge, A., Giovanelli, R., Haynes, M.P., Brosch, N., Hoffman, G.L.,
Kent, B.R., Martin, A.M., & Stierwalt, S. 2008, Astro. J. 135, 588
The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey: III. HI Source Catalog of the Northern Virgo
Cluster Region. Giovanelli, R., Haynes, M.P., Kent, B.R., Saintonge, S., Stierwalt, Martin,
A.M., et al. 2007, Astron. J., 133, 2569
“Galaxy Lunch” Seminar Series Organizer. 2006-2009.
Astronomy Graduate Network Secretary. 2008-2010.
Teaching Experience and Training
Instructor. Astronomy 1109: Birth of the Universe (First Year Writing Seminar), Spring 2009.
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Astronomical Society of the Pacific 2009 Conference. “Science Education and Outreach: Forging a
Path to the Future.” Participant and poster presentation, September 12-16 2009 (San
Francisco, CA).
Center for Astronomy Education Teaching Excellence Workshop. Participant, October 16-17 2008
(Ithaca, NY).
Writing 7100: Teaching Writing. John S. Knight Institute for Writing in the Disciplines, Fall
Tutor. Writing Walk-In Service (John S. Knight Institute for Writing in the Disciplines),
Cornell University, 2007-2008; REACH Program at Odessa-Montour Middle/High School,
Writing 701: A Seminar on Writing and Teaching. John S. Knight Institute for Writing in the
Disciplines, Fall 2006.
Grader. Cornell University. Astronomy 201, Fall 2007; Astronomy 202, Spring 2007;
Astronomy 280, Fall 2006. Graded papers and provided feedback in writing-based
astronomy courses for nonmajors.
Public Outreach Highlights.
Outreach Volunteer. 2005-present.
 Organized and participated in various outreach events, including workshops for
teachers (2007-2008), public lectures at science centers (2007-2009), large events
such as an Apollo 11 40th Anniversary celebration (2008-2009) and visits from several
local school groups. Organized lunch meetings for outreach volunteers and served as
administrator for department outreach database (2007-2009).
Curious About Astronomy? Ask an Astronomer! 2005 – present.
 Answered questions submitted by the general public to this service of the Cornell
Astronomy Department.
Focus for Teens. 4-H Career Explorations Program. Activity leader, 2006; coordinator of
Astronomy workshop, 2007, 2008 & 2009.
Public Talks:
 BOCES Girls Technology Camp, Ithaca NY (July 20, 2009)
 Kopernik Space Education Center, Vestal NY (September 20, 2008)
 Wings of Eagles Discovery Center Science Academy, Horseheads NY (June 23,
 BOCES Girls Technology Camp, Ithaca NY (July 19, 2008)
 Elmira-Corning Astronomical Society, Corning NY (April 4, 2008)
 Wings of Eagles Discovery Center, Horseheads NY (February 2, 2008)
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Museum of the Earth, Ithaca NY (January 2006)
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