World Soil Issues and sustainable development: an agenda for action 40 years ISRIC – World Soil Information Special Seminar 9th March 2006, Wageningen Decision makers need up-to-date, accurate soil information to inform policy, development, and day-to-day land and water management. But they don’t always know it! “It is alarming to observe how little of the land resource data investigated and mapped is actually used in development or management…its lack of use is by no means always related to irrelevance or the form in which it is presented…” This one-day seminar will focus on today’s soil issues, soil use and management: focussing on known knowns, that is to say what we know we know, and how to make use of this knowledge; known unknowns - what we know we don’t know; and unknown unknowns – what we don’t know we don’t know – with the intention of drawing up an agenda for international action. Venue ISRIC, lunch at Hotel school, drinks in World Soil Museum Participation €20 including lunch and drinks Program 9.00 Timo Maukonen, UNEP Nairobi - Introduction 9.00-9.45 Pedro Sanchez, Columbia Uni USA - Soil fertility, nutrient depletion and nutrient restoration in the tropics 9.45-10.30 David Dent,ISRIC Wageningen - Global soil issues:-ISRIC in the world of soil information 10.30-11.00 Coffee break 11.00-11.45 Anton Cerri , Brazil 11.45-12.30 Tom Veldkamp, Wageningen - Soils as a global C sink - Land evaluation, the interface between land use and land, implications of land use change 12.30-14.00 Lunch 14.00-14.45 Nuhu Hatibu, ASARECA, Nairobi - Blue water and green water, issues of soil management 14.45-15.30 Hans Hurni CDE, Berne - Soil policy: soils and policy 15.30-16.00 Tea break 16.00-17.00 Plenary: Chair Don Sparks, Delaware Uni, USA - An agenda for action >17.00 Drinks in the World Soil Museum and presentation of ISRIC fellows