The Meeting opened at 7.30pm.
David Holland (Chairman) and 29 members of Taunton Deane Group
1. APOLOGIES: Claire & Terry Cawley, Linda & Roger Conway, Graham May, Dave Patten, Barbara Bridges,
Sally Childs.
2. MINUTES of the AGM held on 27th November 2009
The minutes were agreed and signed by the Chairman.
There were no matters arising.
David Holland said that he was sad to have to announce that David Davies had died earlier this week. His
funeral will be held at the Taunton Crematorium at 1.30pm on 7 December.
He said that last year he had put in a plea for members to come forward to help to run the Group, fortunately
this appears to have borne some fruit but this will continue to be a problem in the future unless members are
willing to replace those who have served their turn.
He thanked two members who, this year, are retiring from their posts, Joan Gubbin who has served on the
Committee for seven years – two years as Publicity Officer and five years as Programme Secretary – and Bob
Camp who has been the Group Secretary for five years. He also thanked Wendy Camp who will be leaving the
Committee although she is prepared to continue as Membership Secretary – he particularly thanked her for her
hospitality as Committee meetings had been held at her home.
5. GROUP ANNUAL REPORT - See Appendix 1 attached.
6. TREASURER’S REPORT - See Appendix 2 attached.
The annual accounts reproduced on page 3 of these minutes were approved.
7. FOOTPATH SECRETARY’S REPORT - See Appendix 3 attached.
8. PROGRAMME SECRETARY’S REPORT - See Appendix 4 attached.
9. MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY’S REPORT – See Appendix 5 attached.
10. WALKS BOOK SUB-COMMITTEE REPORT - See Appendix 6 attached.
John Ollerenshaw said that he was looking for volunteers to help market the book. He particularly wanted
members who visited or had contacts in north Somerset to consider taking a supply of books with them to see if
they could identify potential outlets.
11. SOCIAL SECRETARY’S REPORT – See Appendix 7 attached.
All Reports were accepted by the meeting.
12.1 Election of Chairman
David Holland was re-elected unopposed.
12.2 Election of Secretary
David Holland read out the following address on behalf of Graham May who had been nominated for the post:
“I have been a member of the Ramblers Association since the early 1970’s. I am an active walker and backpacker. I am a medical professional and yoga teacher as well as having a variety of other interests (Eastenders
fan for one, having never missed a single episode to date). I am an experienced secretary. I live in Bradford on
It is with much regret that I am not present but I work for a homeless charity and am attending a formal thankyou meal event at this current moment.
I seek election to the post of secretary.
Love and light to all”
Graham May was elected to the post of Secretary.
12.3 Election of Treasurer
Mike Whitmore said that he was prepared to continue in post unless there was another nominee. As there were
no other nominations he was re-elected.
12.4 Election of Committee Members
Committee Member 1 – Daphne Hayden was re-elected
Committee Member 2 – Richard Welch was elected
Committee Member 3 – Neil Parker was elected.
Committee Member 4 – John Ollerenshaw was re-elected
13. The Chairman then invited volunteers to fill various other posts and the following were accepted:
Programme Secretary
Richard Welch
Footpath Secretary
Daphne Hayden
Membership Secretary
Wendy Camp
Social Secretary
Anne Derbe
Publicity & PR
No volunteer, post vacant
Web-site Co-coordinator
Dave Patten
Area Representative
John Ollerenshaw
Group Archivist
John Ollerenshaw
Assistant Programme Secretary (Wednesday walks)
Neil Parker
Assistant Programme Secretary (Sunday short walks) Peter Williams
Assistant Programme Secretary (Sunday long walks)
vacant (Joan Gubbin agreed to
continue in post until a successor could be found)
Assistant Programme Secretary (Friday walks)
Mike Whitmore
It was decided to delete the Access Officer post as the Footpath Secretary covers access issues and the post
has been unfilled for a number of years.
Jeremy Corke agreed to act as auditor and was duly elected.
Members asked the Secretary to pass on their thanks to Jeremy for auditing the last year’s accounts.
David Holland asked if a Group holiday was wanted especially as last year’s proposed holiday had to be
cancelled due to lack of support. Although the holiday did not go ahead he thanked Neil Parker for the work he
had put into its organisation.
It was generally agreed that as there was an Area holiday a separate Group holiday was not required. ‘Flyers’
for the Area holiday were made available for Members to take.
Joan Gubbin said that she regularly received offers from a variety of sources of walking holidays. After
discussion it was agreed that she would approach Dave Patten to see if he could accommodate such offers on
the web site for members to access.
There being no other business the Chairman thanked Wendy Camp, Joan Gubbin, Anne Derbe and Daphne
Hayden for organising the refreshments and closed the meeting at 8.30 pm.
Appendices to the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Taunton Deane Group held at the Taunton Library Meeting Room on
Friday 27th November 2009
Appendix 1 – Group Annual Report (Bob Camp)
In January we participated in the Ramblers’ 75th Anniversary Baton Walks designating one walk from each of our Wednesday and
Friday short walks and our long and short Sunday walks – the RA sent an extra supply of batons for us to carry! The long Sunday walk
ended with tea and an anniversary cake. That we are able to continue our programme of walks is due to a relatively small group of Walk
Leaders and the team of walks coordinators – we are very grateful for their efforts. During the year we have again started on the long
trek around the southwest coast path, led by John Lowe, reaching Clovelly by the end of the year.
At the beginning of the year Daphne Hayden joined our volunteer team as Footpath Secretary. There will be at least two other changes
this year following our AGM as Joan Gubbin retires from her post as Programme Secretary and Bob Camp retires from the Secretary
A small team of Group members, led by John Ollerenshaw, has now published the Group’s third book of walks - “Rambling in
Somerset”. The book contains details of 23 walks across the county varying in length from 6.5km to 20 km.
At the last AGM our membership stood at 374 based on information provided by the RA. However, at the end of 2009 the RA altered
their method of recording current membership including only fully paid up members in their totals (previously they had included some
whose payment was overdue); under the revised method our membership ‘fell’ to 330. This year our membership stands at 356.
Our Footpath Secretary has been busy on our behalf taking action on a range of proposed diversion orders. Activity in this area appears
to have increased following the announcement that there will be cuts in the local government budget.
Earlier in the year covered by this report our Social Secretary, Anne Derbe organised our customary pre- Christmas dinner and postChristmas lunch. She also arranged a quiz night with Dave Patten asking the questions.
In addition to his quiz night role, Dave Patten is our website manager. The website contains details of our walks programmes together
with any late changes made to the programme, reports and pictures of walks and is also a fund of general information about the Group.
Sadly this is a much under used resource!
Appendix 2 – Group Treasurer’s Report (Mike Whitmore)
Year ending 30th September 2010
From a financial point of view, there is very little to report this year and I hope that the Year End Accounts are self explanatory and easy
to follow.
For the second year running we took a reduction in our Annual Allocation from Central Office, at their request and have agreed to a
further reduction in 2010/2011. This would not be possible if all Officers claimed the expenses to which they are entitled, but the
majority do not.
The main financial movement this year has been in respect of the new walk booklet. We obtained a short term loan from Central Office
to help with the cash flow whilst the booklet was being prepared and printed, but this was repaid before the end of the financial year.
The grants that we obtained plus the sales to date have covered the cost of the booklet, but we now need help from our members to sell
the remaining 800+ copies. I am sure that John Ollerenshaw will be pleased to hear from anybody who can help in this respect.
I must, once again, thank Jeremy Corke for auditing the accounts so promptly and will do my best to answer ant relevant questions from
members at the meeting.
Appendix 3 – Footpath Secretary’s Report (Daphne Hayden)
Temporary Closure Orders
Somerset County Council has issued temporary closure orders, to carry out maintenance/construction work in the following areas:Staplegrove, Langford Budville, West Buckland, Bradford-on-Tone, Churchstanton, Bishops Hull & Norton Fitzwarren.
If you are planning a walk in any of these areas, and would like more details please get in touch with me after the AGM.
Footpath Obstructions
At the moment, it’s not possible to tell how the Government cuts will affect our local Rights- of-Way team, but please continue to report
any problems you may encounter on any footpath, whether in Taunton Deane or elsewhere in the county. The Somerset County
Council, Rights of Way Interactive Website has got easier to use lately so please try it. The Website for reporting problems can be found
on Google by putting in ‘Somerset County Council Rights of Way’ and clicking onto ‘Report a Fault Interactive Mapping ‘
If you are not on the web, phone 0845 345 9155 to report a problem.
Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009
The current Government are committed to go ahead with the ‘first wave’ of 5 areas to be opened up for the ‘All England Footpath’.
These are:- Dorset (for 2012), E York & Derwent, Kent, Norfolk and Somerset.
Natural England (NE) has responsibility for delivering this programme, with the help of other members of the public/volunteers i.e.
Ramblers. At a meeting in Taunton on 11th September with Justin Cooke from Ramblers HQ, Rod Senior Footpath Secretary for
Sedgemoor, agreed to be the Key Volunteer for the project in Somerset and will liaise with NE on behalf of Ramblers here.
The coastal path in Somerset will be divided into sections and Rod is looking for volunteers to help survey the Quantocks Head-Watchet
and Watchet- Minehead stretches. This is a chance for Ramblers to put their points of view to NE before it goes to the Secretary of
State for consideration. All of this has to be completed by April 2011 and will be subject to the ‘Comprehensive Spending Review’.
Appendix 4 – Programme Secretary’s Report (Joan Gubbin)
This is my last report as Programme Secretary for TDRG. I have held the post for 5 years and been on the Committee for 7 years. It is
certainly time to stand down and let someone else bring their enthusiasm and expertise to the role.
During the year the group has maintained its varied programme of 3-4 walks a week and we now have a full complement of assistant
programme secretaries putting together the Wednesday, Friday and Sunday afternoon walks. My thanks go to Mike Whitmore, Neil
Parker and Peter Williams for their efficient collection of walks which have been as interesting as ever.
At the start of December 2009 John Lowe embarked on a third navigation of the South West Coast Path and the numbers attending
have filled the bus on 8 day trips until the last of this year in September. Having reached Clovelly future walks will require overnight
stays and they commence again at the end of March. For those not joining the coastal walks there have been alternatives offered in the
The walks in the summer range further afield and just a glance at the year’s programme makes me realise how much wonderful
countryside is within reach of us here in Somerset. Thank you to all walk leaders for suggesting such tempting hikes – without you
there would be no programme.
Thank you everyone for your help and support while I have been Programme Secretary.
Appendix 5 – Membership Secretary’s Report (Wendy Camp)
At the end of last year RA altered the way they recorded current membership of groups by listing only fully paid up members and not
including any whose payments were pending or whose membership had lapsed for anything up to 6 months. Consequently at 31st
December 2009 our membership stood at 330, a significant drop from the 374 I reported at the last AGM. They tell me the total as at 1st
November 2010 is 349 although then list 356 names; I therefore take these numbers as approximate and I retain payment pending and
some lapsed members on my list until it is certain they have left.
Changes are as follows:
New members – 30
Reinstated members - 5
Transferred in from other groups -6
Transferred out to other groups – 8
Resignations -12
Deaths -2
Approx 24 have let their membership lapse.
For several years it has been assumed that our membership was over 400 but this was obviously not an accurate figure. By the
current method of accounting it would seem that we are managing to increase our membership
Membership rates increased on October 1st and are now £31 for an
individual, £41 joint with the incentive of a £10 reduction for the first year if paying by direct debit. This could help to prevent lapses in
membership in the future.
Appendix 6 – Walk Book Sub-Committee Report – (John Ollerenshaw)
Readers of last two years’ reports will know of the slow progress made towards the then distant horizon of publication.
At this stage last year we still had two major hurdles to clear: to secure finance, and to complete walk maps for an OS license. Ramblers
came up with the £2,500 loan paid through Somerset Area in December, but finalising accurate maps that fitted the space available for
each of the twenty-three walks proved very frustrating. Here I must convey sincere thanks to David Patten whose skill and patience in
computer stretching of maps to fit in book pages was very commendable and invaluable.
The OS cleared us for a publishing license in February at a total cost of over £600.
Now this is a sobering sum for the use of twenty-three map strips. This, with the printing charge for 1500 books, helped us to determine
our final book price.
After the long time that had elapsed since I first suggested the initiation of the project of a third book of walks to the TDR committee, it
was naturally with much trepidation that I viewed the first printed copy in May. What a pleasant relief! Now, would it sell?
Selling books in any number at a time of an economic recession will always prove difficult, and our problem was not helped by a
depleted committee of sellers. I am grateful for the help of Ken Burgess, Maureen Marney, Mike Whitmore and others for attempting to
get some members to part with their money. After some persuasion members from other groups are now helping too.
Neil Parker, Paul Wright and I have managed to sell over 600 books largely in the southern part of the county, and it is here I repeat the
plea sent out in the newsletter, and on our web-site:
If you occasionally visit towns to the north of our county-such as Weston, Clevedon, Shepton-Mallet, Radstock or Frome.
Could you please help by taking books with you to try to sell in these town’s bookshops (I would be most happy to provide more
details and advice if you think you could)
Finally, as we have now discharged our loan to Ramblers and are slowly entering the profit stage of the enterprise, I would like to
express my thanks to all involved in the creation of Rambling in Somerset. Though it has taken longer than expected we have created a
publication of which the group should be proud, and, in conclusion I have to ask: if you haven’t got your copy yet, why not? !
Appendix 7 – Social Secretary’s Report (Anne Derbe)
Another year has passed in which we have had just a couple of events.
The post Christmas walk and meal turned out better than expected because of the weather. In spite of my concerns all but 2 people
were able to get to the Rugby Club’s Hyde Park Restaurant, well done all of you, there is something to be said to holding this event
locally, sorry to the hill dwellers let’s hope we can all get there this year. As only 8 people were brave enough to walk that morning, I
shall be doing that one again possibly slightly shorter. You missed a wonderful walk in the snow (not too deep) with the help of one
member; we were able to identify all the animal tracks. I approached you on that day to ask if you would be happy to return to the
restaurant in 2011 and it was unanimous. Some keen people have already sent in their cheques and requests. Those of you who wish
to join us on the 9th of January please send in your slips by the 30th Dec. Thank you in anticipation.
The Quiz night went very well, with the questions less obscure than latter years. My thanks go to David for a fun night. The British
Legion was very helpful making us comfortable and provided us with an excellent spread. Unfortunately numbers were slightly down
and I am not sure if it is time for a break. I would be interested to hear from members if they have any thoughts regarding this, or in fact
any other requests for a night out.
Mike Whitmore has been kind and organised the Christmas dinner at the Maypole, which has been a sell out. Those of us lucky enough
to have tickets are looking forward to the evening. My thanks to you Mike for doing this.
I expect many of you have heard about the Barn dance on Friday March 18 th.
Once again, some keen people have already paid for their tickets!! (which Bob has kindly offered to print) they will be available for
handing out in due course. As we have had a break from holding a dance for a few years, I hope you will support this one and
persuade friends and family to join you. There will be basic food such as fresh baked rolls and salad; the rest will be up to all who attend
to bring food to share. Also bring drink for you and your friends, we won’t be sharing drink. I hope we all have a lovely evening to
remember and talk about.