Role of Che Y Protein in the Bacterial Chemosensory Information Processing Pathway. Che Y mutants lack all sensory response to chemo-attractants or repellants indicating a central role of Che Y in the sensory information pathway. Second site suppressors of Che Y isolated in Fla A locus indicating suggest some type of interaction between Che Y and the flagellar machinery. Che Y overexpression studies in strains deleted for Che A, Che B, Che W, Che R, Che Y and Che Z indicate that Che Y gene product is sufficient to cause tumbling. Strains lacking in chemo-receptors show tumbling movements on Che Y overexpression. Reversal of tumbling by Che Y overexpression required requires the presence of the other Che gene products. Didn’t you just say the opposite above? This suggests that these genes may be intermediates in communication between chemo-receptors and Che Y – flagellar machinery interaction. (The key thing is that these experiments show that CheY acts after the other (known) Che proteins in the pathway.)