SNC 2D1 - Chemical Reactions Project Goal: 1. To determine if the safety and/or environmental concerns outweigh the continued use of the reaction or compounds. (Should we keep using the compound or not?). 2. You must include the following aspects in your finished product: Name of Reaction in which the compound is used Uses of the chemical in that reaction Harmful effects of the chemical compound Alternative compounds/chemicals that are safer If they exist, why are they not used Whether the compound/reaction should continue to be used 3. Record where you find your information and give credit where credit is due. Cite in APA format. Use the notemaking sheets to help you record your information and cite properly using KnightCite and the rules for creating a Works Cited using APA style. Possible chemicals: Water purification & treatment: Making fire-retardants Fluoridation of water Using bleach Water softening Making and using fireworks Soil remediation Making chemical weapons Production and use of pesticides Using herbicides Making solar cells Making rubber Making gasoline Hydrogenating fats Using gasoline Making batteries Making electrical equipment (i.e. transformers) Making and using compact fluorescent bulbs Burning coal Using enamel paints Making steel Frying foods Dying hair Using fire extinguishers Making plastics Step One: a) Find general information and keywords Choose a process from the list Search and find a chemical reaction that does this process and is understandable to you Find out if it has any other names Identify the “reactants” or chemicals needed to perform this reaction Find out if they have other names (common and chemical) as well as formulas Research the chemicals (Both reactants and products) to see what safety issues or risks surround their use Research the process or reaction itself to see what environmental problems are connected to this reaction Research whether there are other ways of doing this process; other reactions; substituting reactants, fewer pollutants etc. Then decide whether the chemical should still be used. Name of Reaction/ Compound Where is the reaction or chemical used? Why is the reaction or chemical used? Balanced chemical reaction/ chemical compound formula Harmful effects of the chemical Risks associated with the reaction of material Alternatives that achieve the same purpose Keywords: Make sure you have common and chemical names for the chemicals and reactions Protective equipment needed; pollution? b) Look in an encyclopedia: Virtual Library ACCESS Ancaster Library Website Virtual Library ID: Password: Find encyclopedias (Britannica is under the Encyclopedias Tab) and databases here! Others: –Chemistry encyclopaedia Encyclopedia 4U Science World NIH Chemical Compound Database C. Try a Directory to generate keywords a. Open Directory Project: b. Internet Public Library c. Academic Info d. Links for Chemists Step 2: Find books Try some of the books that are pulled for you. Step 3: Find ARTICLES For Science Topics search the following databases in the Virtual Library: Academic OneFile (scholarly journals) Step 4: Find articles on the web in Science Infomine SCIRUS a free-science encyclopedia/article site. Sciseek National Science Digital Library Step 6: Finding Quality Websites Specialized Directories Links for Chemists Chem Synthesis CITING SOURCES: NEED HELP WITH CITATIONS??? 1. Go to for details about how to reference your resources. 2. Go to For instructions about how to create a Reference page. 3. Use the coloured handouts or download the sheets from the website. These sheets will give you an idea of what you need to record. Use the guides found in the websites above to help you with the formatting. Try on-line Citation help software: Go to KnightCite or Citation machine for on-line tools that help you to cite properly using APA Style. Find Citation Help on the School Library Website…by clicking on CITATION HELP on the left navigation bar. Click on the Citation Help Button on the left and Knight Cite link and Find APA Help button.