Inquiry activities on electricity + _ Jackson County Mathematics and Science Center Copyright August 2002, by Jackson County Intermediate School District. Permission is granted to local school districts and institutions of higher education in Jackson County, Michigan to reproduce these materials for their own use. Learning About Electricity Introduction At the elementary level, the State Science Benchmarks for electricity include one benchmark about constructing circuits that work, one about electrical safety, and one that includes electricity as a form of energy: IV.1.E.4 Construct simple, useful electrical circuits. (3-5) Key concepts and tools: Complete loop; batteries, bulbs, bells, motors, wires, electrical switches (see PME-IV.1 e.2, materials that conduct electricity). Real-world contexts: Flashlights, battery-powered toys. IV.1.E.5 Describe possible electrical hazards to be avoided at home and at school. (K-2) Key concepts: Shock, wall outlet, hazards; see PME-IV.1 e.3 (electrical energy). Real-world contexts: Electric outlets, power lines, frayed electric cords, electric appliances, lightning, hair dryers in sinks and tubs. IV.1.E.3 Identify forms of energy associated with common phenomena. Key concepts: Heat, light, sound, food energy, energy of motion, electricity (see PCM-IV.2 e.1 about heat, PWV-IV.4 e.1-4 about light and sound, PME-IV.1 e.4 about electricity, LEC-III.5 e.2 about energy from food). Real-world contexts: Appropriate selection of energy and phenomena, such as appliances like a toaster or iron that use electricity, sun’s heat to melt chocolate, water wheels, wind-up toys, warmth of sun on skin, windmills, music from guitar, simple electrical circuits with batteries, bulbs and bells. Benchmark IV.1.E.4 is really a performance task for students: They need to actually construct simple circuits that work. There isn’t much abstract knowledge in this benchmark, other than the conclusion that a complete loop is needed to make a working circuit. Students are not required by this benchmark to know, for instance, how a series circuit is different from a parallel circuit, or what voltage, current and resistance are. They don’t need to differentiate between conductors and non-conductors or open and closed circuits, although using those terms is probably unavoidable, and helpful, when they think about how bulbs and switches get connected. What students do learn that is a bit theoretical, along the way to understanding what a complete loop is, is that electricity moves in a circuit in order to go from the battery to the bulb, where it is needed to make the bulb light. It can’t move unless a wire (a conductor) gives it a path to and from the bulb (or bell or motor). Students aren’t required by the benchmark to know how a battery works, either. They should recognize, however, that a battery is a source of electrical energy, just as a wall socket is – and they should learn that wall sockets are much more dangerous than batteries because they provide much more powerful electricity. There are several ways to attach a battery to a light bulb – many don’t work. The important task for students is to try different ways of attaching the battery and bulb until they find a way that works, drawing each different approach. Then they should draw a conclusion from their investigations about how batteries and bulbs need to be connected. In steps 1 and 2 of the first activity, students are asked to examine their batteries and bulbs and make careful drawings of what they notice about them. They need to recognize that batteries have two “working” ends (the positive and negative terminals) and that bulbs also have two places for attaching wires – the bottom metal knob and the sides of the metal base. The bottom knob is insulated from the sides by non-metallic material that does not conduct electricity. Jackson County Mathematics and Science Center p. 2 Learning About Electricity Caution students not to connect one end of a battery to its other end directly with a wire. This causes the wire to get very hot and the battery to wear out very quickly. Figuring out how to connect batteries and bulbs so that they work is an inquiry activity because: 1) students are given a question to investigate; 2) they gather data (their trials and drawings); and 3) they draw a conclusion from their data. They should be responsible for communicating their conclusions to each other or another audience (parents perhaps). The conclusion that follows from the data they collect is that a complete loop is needed to make a bulb light (or a motor spin, buzzer sound, etc.) Since this phrase (“complete loop”) is included in the Key Concepts for the elementary benchmark, you should help elementary students to understand what a complete loop is and encourage them to use the term. They need to be fluent with the term and the idea of a complete loop when they take the MEAP test. The loop goes from one end of the battery, into the bulb (or motor, etc.) out the other side of the bulb and back to the other side of the battery. This loop carries the electricity. In other words, the electricity goes from one end of the battery through the bulb and back to the other end of the battery. Students look carefully at their battery and bulb in the beginning of this activity because it is not always evident to them that batteries and bulbs have two “ends” (terminals). At the middle school level, there is one benchmark about constructing circuits and explaining how they work in terms of the flow of electricity and one about applying knowledge of circuits to electrical devices: IV.1.MS.5 Construct simple circuits and explain how they work in terms of the flow of current. Key concepts and tools: Complete circuit, incomplete circuit, short circuit, current, conductors, nonconductors, batteries, household current, bulbs, bells, motors, electrical switches. Real-world contexts: Household wiring, electrical conductivity testing, electric appliances. IV.1.MS.6 Investigate electrical devices and explain how they work, using instructions and appropriate safety precautions. Key concepts: Flow of electricity for energy or information transfer. Safety precautions for using electrical appliances; grounding. Documentation for toys and appliances—wiring diagrams, written instructions. (See IV.2 MS.3, transformations of energy.) Real-world contexts: Situations requiring assembly, use, or repair of electrical toys, radios, or simple appliances, such as replacing batteries and bulbs; connecting electrical appliances, such as stereo systems, TV’s and videocassette recorders, computers and computer components. IV.2.MS.4 Describe common energy transformations in everyday situations. Key concepts: Forms of energy, including mechanical, heat, sound, light, electrical, magnetic, chemical, food energy. See PME-IV.1 m.5 (electricity in circuits), PCM-IV.2 m.1 (energy in changes of state). Total amount of energy remains constant in all transformations. Real-world contexts: Motors, generators, power plants, light bulbs, appliances, cars, radios, TV’s, walking, playing a musical instrument, cooking food, batteries, body heat, photosynthesis (see LO-III.2 m.3, LEC-III.5 m.2). The explanation presented above, about the loop carrying electricity, can be told to elementary students, but middle school students are held responsible for understanding and using this explanation (elementary students only need to know how to wire simple circuits). Middle school students can and should do these Jackson County Mathematics and Science Center p. 3 Learning About Electricity first activities to refresh their understanding of complete circuits. Then they should discuss and figure out how electricity makes the bulb light: why a complete circuit is needed, how electricity moves through the circuit, what the battery does, etc. Any of these questions are good for bringing out students’ thinking. An acceptable scientific explanation of electrical circuits would be built on this kind of reasoning: 1. Since a complete loop is needed for electricity to flow from the battery, it appears that it goes out one end of the battery, through the wires and the circuit components (lights, bells, motors, etc.) and back in the other end of the battery. An alternative idea (misconception) that students often suggest is that “positive electricity” goes out the positive end of the battery and “negative electricity” goes out the negative end, combining to light the bulb, power the motor, ring the bell, etc. A way to test (and disprove) this idea is to try to make a light bulb work by wiring one end of one battery to the bulb, and the other end of another battery to the other terminal of the bulb. It won’t work… but let students find this out themselves if this misconception comes up. The fact that it doesn’t work – but that the circuit only works with one battery attached at both ends – is evidence that electricity is flowing in one end and out the other. 2. Since electrical energy is converted to light energy (or sound energy, or energy of motion in a motor), the battery must supply the electrical energy. Additional reasoning about batteries supports this: batteries “wear out” after awhile, and either must be replaced or recharged – that is, the energy they store is all converted to other forms in the circuit. Also, students should have seen that two batteries wired in the same circuit with the same bulb produce a brighter light, showing that each battery has its own supply of energy (represented by the voltage of the battery – two 1.5 volt batteries wired together end to end create a 3 volt power source). 3. Putting the ideas in 1 and 2 together, it seems reasonable that electricity carries energy around the circuit, giving it up in conversions to light, heat, motion, sound, etc., and returning to the battery to pick up new energy. This is the type of explanation that middle school students should be able to develop, at least with your help. One caution: While it is tempting to think of electrons flowing around the circuit carrying the electrical energy, in fact electrons only move at about 1 cm per second, where electricity flows through the circuit from a battery to the bulb almost instantaneously as the switch is thrown. Electricity is a movement of energy from electron to electron, similar to how sound travels in air from molecule to molecule, or how dominoes create a fast-moving trail as they fall into each other. MI-CLiMB has an inaccurate explanation of electrical circuits. They say “In order for this movement to occur, the path or circuit must be closed and complete, which allows the energy to flow back to the original power source.” Energy does not flow back to the original power source. Instead, energy is transformed in the bulb or motor, changing from electrical energy to light or motion – and heat. It is the electrical charges – which now carry less energy – that must return to the battery in order for the battery to work. Electrical circuits do transfer energy from the battery to the bulb or motor, as MI-CLiMB goes on to say, but all of the energy does not return to the battery. The battery is a chemical device that transforms stored chemical energy to electrical energy. As the chemical reaction proceeds, the products of the reaction have less chemical energy than the reactants did, as some is transformed into electrical energy, to be used in the circuit. Middle school benchmarks also include making and using electromagnets: Use electric currents to create magnetic fields, and explain applications of this principle. Key concepts: Electric current, magnetic poles, magnetic fields. (See PME-IV.1 m.5, electric circuits.) Tools: Magnetic compass, battery, wire. Real-world contexts: Electromagnets, bells, speakers, motors, magnetic switches, Earth’s magnetic field. Activities 1 and 2 are for elementary grades, 3 through 5 are for middle school, although middle school students who have not done activities 1 and 2 should before they do 3 through5. Jackson County Mathematics and Science Center p. 4 Learning About Electricity Activity 1 and Extensions Focus Question: How can you attach a battery to a bulb to make it light up? Equipment: Bulbs and bulb holders, batteries and battery holders, wires with alligator clips, paper or Science Journal for recording experimental set-ups Instructions for Students: 1. Examine your battery carefully. Make a drawing in your journal, showing the parts you think will be important for making a bulb light. 2. Examine your bulb and bulb holder. Make a careful drawing of both the bulb and the bulb holder, showing all the parts you can see. 3. Screw your bulb into the bulb holder. Then, in your team, use the battery and any wires to make the bulb light. Draw every set-up you try. Indicate which one(s) make the light go on. 4. Draw Conclusions: Why do you think some circuits work, but not others? Where does the electricity go in the circuits that work? 5. Communicate your results: Make a report that shows one drawing of a circuit that works, and a brief written explanation of how a circuit has to be attached in order for it to work. Extension 1-1: Try this activity with buzzers, motors, or other electrical devices in place of the light bulbs. You have to apply your understanding of electrical circuits to make the buzzer/motor work. Extension 1-2: Use your creativity to make circuits that consist of two bulbs, or a bulb and a buzzer. This shows whether you understand the idea of a “complete loop.” Jackson County Mathematics and Science Center p. 5 Learning About Electricity Activity 2 and Extensions Focus Question: How can you add a switch into the circuit to be able to turn on and off the bulb? Equipment: Bulbs and bulb holders, batteries and battery holders, wires with alligator clips, switches Instructions for Students: 1. Attach a switch in your circuit so that opening and closing it turns on and off the light bulb. 2. Write an explanation in your journal about how the switch works to turn off or on the light. Extension 2-1: If students ask why some flashlights use two batteries, you could have them try to wire a circuit with two batteries. They should predict what might happen when two are used instead of one. Extension 2-2: Take apart a flashlight and try to figure out where the complete loop is that makes the flashlight work. Make a drawing of the circuit that is used in the flashlight, including the switch. Electric safety: To review safety rules when using electricity, go to this website: It has a great simulation of “things not to do” when using electricity. Jackson County Mathematics and Science Center p. 6 Learning About Electricity Teacher Notes for Activities 1 and 2: Students’ explanations should include the idea that the complete loop is broken by the switch, so no electricity can flow to the bulb.) This is a good embedded assessment item to determine whether they understand that electricity has to flow through a complete loop in order for the electric device to work. (The reason this extension activity is not optional is that the word “switch” is in the key concepts of the benchmark, which means that students need to understand what one is and how it works.) For the extension, if they use the same bulb as with one battery, the two batteries will produce a brighter light. Usually two batteries are used in a flashlight to prolong the time between changing batteries – a different bulb is used that will be the same brightness, making the batteries last longer. This might be a good way to discuss electrical energy with students: Two batteries provide more electrical energy for making the bulb light (or the buzzer sound, or the motor spin), so it either is brighter or lasts longer. The light given off by a bulb is a form of energy, as are the sounds produced by a buzzer or the motion produced by the motor, as listed in the elementary benchmark about energy (see first page). A note about the elementary energy benchmark: Energy is a difficult concept at any age. This elementary benchmark only asks students to recognize that sound, light and heat are forms of energy, as are electricity and motion. There are two ways of explaining this to elementary students. One is that none of these things (light, heat, sound etc.) has any substance to it – they are not made of anything. The other is that all of them can make you react – a loud sound can make you jump, a bright light can make you squint your eyes, a lot of heat will hurt, as will a lot of electricity, and a ball rolling into you might knock you over. Physicists say that energy is “the ability to do work.” That is, it can move you in someway. But elementary students don’t need to master this definition. All they need to do is recognize that these things (light, sound, etc.) are forms of energy, not matter. A simple activity for this benchmark is to have students categorize various appliances, toys, and situations by the type of energy involved (toasters, ovens, irons etc. produce or use heat; bells, whistles, horns, musical instruments produce sound; etc.) This benchmark should be reinforced in other science units on sound, light, and force and motion. For extension 2-2: The circuit in a flashlight usually consists of two batteries, a switch and a bulb. The bulb is pressed directly against the positive terminal of one battery, so no wire is needed for that part of the circuit. Usually a piece of metal runs from the other terminal of the battery – at the bottom of the flashlight – to the switch, and then to the outer rim of the bulb. Sometimes the metal is in contact with the bulb holder, which is also in contact with the side of the bulb, making a path for electricity to flow. If students are having a hard time understanding the idea of a complete loop, you can use the following activity to help them think about electricity flowing through wires. It’s also fun! Provide each group of 2 or 3 students with a “mystery board.” Tell them that some of the metal knobs on the front of the board may be connected to each other with wires on the inside. They cannot open the board to find out which are connected. They have to develop a method for determining which are connected (a battery, bulb and several wires can be used so that when two knobs are touched with two wires, if they are connected, they light up the battery – a simple “circuit tester.”) After determining the method and applying it to the problem, they should write up and present their results. Allow students to puzzle about how to do this, rather than telling them how to make the circuit tester. Jackson County Mathematics and Science Center p. 7 Learning About Electricity Assessing Elementary Students’ Understanding Many elementary students who successfully wire a simple circuit and talk about a “complete loop” still don’t understand that electricity flows out one end of the battery, through the circuit, and back into the other end. If you ask students why two wires are needed to make a circuit work, many reply with the typical misconception that “positive electricity” flows from one end of the battery to the bulb and “negative electricity” flows from the other end of the battery to the bulb. Straightening out this misconception is beyond the scope of the elementary benchmark. The corresponding middle school benchmark introduces the idea of current in a wire. So asking students a question such as “Why is a complete loop needed to make a bulb work” might elicit either the scientific idea that electricity needs to flow out one end of the battery and back in the other, or the misconception stated above. At the elementary level, the complete loop is a conclusion drawn from experimenting. Students don’t need to know why. But you can assess their understanding of the complete loop in many ways. Some ways have been suggested in the extensions. You can ask them to think about how a light switch in your house must work – it disconnects part of the circuit so that electricity cannot get to the light bulb. Also you can show them several drawings of circuits that work or that don’t work, and ask them to predict which would work. They should explain where the complete loop is. For example, of the two drawings below, only the one on the left would work because there is not a complete loop through the bulb. Jackson County Mathematics and Science Center p. 8 Learning About Electricity Activity 3 Focus Question: How can you explain why a circuit needs a complete loop? Equipment: Bulbs and bulb holders (or other circuit devices like buzzers, bells, motors/fans), batteries and battery holders, wires with alligator clips. You will also need a Science Journal to write notes, make drawings, record results, etc. Instructions for Students: 1. Using wires, a battery and a bulb, put together a circuit that works. 2. In your journal, make a drawing of your circuit, showing exactly how the wires are attached to the battery and bulb. Look carefully at the bulb and bulb holder to understand how electricity flows through the bulb. Also indicate the positive and negative terminals of the battery. 3. Discuss with your team why a circuit won’t work if only one wire is connected from the battery to the bulb. Write your ideas in your journal. metal sides 4. Think about this analogy: Hot water is sometimes used to heat houses. It gets Base is insulated heated by a boiler, then pumped through pipes into every room of the house. from sides Then it goes back to the boiler. Often just one pipe carries the hot water throughout the house, heating every room. Unless there is a leak in the pipes, water never needs to be added to the pipes. hot water boiler and pump radiator a. Why does the water return to the boiler? b. What does the hot water “leave” in every room? c. How is this analogy similar to the electric circuit you set up? 5. Think about transformations of energy in the house and in your circuit. a. What form of energy is involved in heating the house? What is the source of that energy? b. What forms of energy are involved in the electrical circuit? Name as many as you can see, hear or feel. Jackson County Mathematics and Science Center p. 9 Learning About Electricity c. Where does the light energy come from that radiates from the light bulb? d. If the heating system in a house is a good analogy for an electrical circuit, what does the boiler and pump compare to in the circuit? e. How is electricity like hot water? 6. If you wired two batteries together in this circuit (instead of one), what would happen to the light from the bulb? Make a prediction and write it in your journal. Then try it and see if your prediction is confirmed. a. What does this tell you about energy in an electrical circuit? b. Why do both batteries have to be pointing in the same direction in order to work? 7. What would happen to the light from the bulbs if you wired another bulb in the circuit, in such a way that electricity went through one bulb first and then the other? Make a prediction and write it in your journal. Then try it and see if your prediction is confirmed. What does this tell you about energy in an electrical circuit? 8. What would happen to your new circuit (with two light bulbs) if one of the light bulbs burned out? Hint: Think about what happens inside a light bulb when it burns out. Look at the drawing above to figure this out. Then you can answer what would happen with the other light bulb. Jackson County Mathematics and Science Center p. 10 Learning About Electricity How electrical circuits work Scientists and electricians talk about electrical charges moving through a circuit. They can only move through the circuit if the circuit is complete, because when they are pushed out of one end of the battery, they need to be replaced in the other end of the battery. That’s the way the chemical reaction in the battery works – it needs a constant flow of charges into one end, in order to push them out the other end. They call the flow of charges “current.” They measure current in amperes, or just “amps” for short. Fuses in cars and circuit breakers in houses are rated by how many amps of current they can handle before they blow. If too much current is in a circuit, it might overheat the wires, causing a fire. The fuse breaks first, causing an incomplete circuit, so no more electricity can flow and the wires won’t overheat. Current is moving charges. A complete circuit is needed because the charges have to return to the battery. The current carries the electrical energy to the devices in the circuit. The battery “gives a boost” to the charges that come in one end, giving them more energy. When they flow through lights, bells, motors, etc. some of the energy they carry is converted into light, sound, heat, or energy of motion. The amount of push that a battery can give is measured in volts. Electrical circuits are wonderful ways of transferring energy from place to place, making all kinds of electrical appliances possible. Think of all the things we would not have without electricity. Current carries electrical energy through circuits. Energy transformations occur in electrical circuits to produce light, heat, sound and motion. There is a great little animation on the web of an electric circuit, illustrating how a battery gives a boost to charges moving around a circle, and how each component in the circuit uses the energy. Go to son/07electr/electri/simplcir/default.html which shows one component (light bulb, motor, bell, etc.). They have another animation of two circuit components at son/07electr/electri/sercir/series.html. The text for this second animation is about series circuits, which just means a circuit with more than one component, wired so that electricity passes through one at a time. Another type of circuit that is often used in homes is called a parallel circuit, where two wires come out of the positive end of the battery and go to one side of two light bulbs, then wires go from both light bulbs back to the negative end of the battery. This has the advantage that when one light bulb goes out, the other one doesn’t go out too. There is an animation about parallel circuits on this website (the main URL is rcuits.html), but you don’t have to learn to distinguish between series and parallel circuits. Conductors, insulators and short circuits What would happen if you tried to use a piece of string in a circuit, in place of the wire? It wouldn’t work, of course, because string is not a conductor of electricity. Metals are good conductors of electricity, because charges can flow in them easily. A string, or any other materials that does not conduct electricity, is called an insulator or non-conductor. The coating around a wire is an insulator, so that the electricity does not flow to any other object that the wire touches. If the coating on a wire is rubbed off by mistake, and the exposed wire touches something metal, the electricity flows out of the wire into what it touches, creating a “short circuit.” The electricity goes where it is not supposed to go. Sometimes you see sparks when this happens, because the electricity can jump a short distance through the air. Jackson County Mathematics and Science Center p. 11 Learning About Electricity Batteries The electrical energy supplied by a battery is also the result of a transformation of energy. Chemical reactions in the battery begin when a complete circuit is attached to the battery. The substances in the battery store chemical energy, which is transformed into electrical energy when the battery operates. The chemical reaction inside the battery produces new substances which store less energy than the original substances, giving up that energy into the circuit. The battery “wears down” eventually because the chemical energy stored in the battery is used up. The force that batteries exert on charges is called voltage. Most “flashlight” batteries are 1.5 volts. If you connect two of them in series (positive to negative) they combine their push on charges to make 3 volts. The current in the circuit can carry more energy, and therefore the light bulb is brighter with two batteries. You can also make a flashlight (with a different kind of bulb) that is the same brightness, but the batteries last longer, since there is more energy stored in two of them than in one. You can take apart a 9 volt battery (used in smoke alarms and some radios) and see that they are really just 6 – 1.5 volt batteries wired end to end. Household current The electricity that comes from plugs in your house is 115 volts. Ouch! This electricity comes from power lines that connect your house to a power generating plant. Usually the power plants run on coal, sometimes on natural gas. There are a few nuclear power plants in use in the U.S., and, in those places of the country with large, fastrunning rivers, there are power plants that work from water-driven turbines (hydroelectric plants). There are even a few wind-powered generators! Each of these power plants converts the energy in coal, natural gas, uranium, flowing water or wind to electricity. It travels through wires (conductors) to your house, where it powers electrical appliances. What happens in the electrical appliance? Another energy conversion! Try to name a few electrical appliances and the kind of energy conversions that occur in them. Jackson County Mathematics and Science Center p. 12 Learning About Electricity Activity 4 Focus Question: How do electrical devices work? Equipment: VCR, TV, audio components, DVD player, etc. and wires needed to connect them. Electrical kitchen appliances such as toasters, electric mixers, food processors, etc. A hair dryer to take apart; screwdriver to take apart hair dryer. Science Journal. Instructions for Students: There are two major types of electrical devices. One works with just electricity, transforming it into useful types of energy. A toasters is an example. It transforms electrical energy into heat energy, to make crisp, brown bread. The other works with information that is carried by electrical circuits – information such as voice communications on phones, digital information on the internet, audio and video entertainment on CD’s, DVD’s, or cable television. In “low tech” appliances, the energy conversion is the end product. In “high tech” appliances, the information carried by the current is the end product. Energy transformations occur (mostly to light and sound in computer monitors, radios and TV’s) but the content of the light and sound are what’s important. 1. Label each device as working to A – process information or B – produce useful work. For those devices that transform energy, indicate the kind of energy that does the useful work in the appliance. For example, in a toaster, heat energy does the useful work. A – Process information B – Produce useful work B – What kind of useful energy? hair dryer refrigerator computer fan VCR digital watch flashlight washing machine garage door opener CD player television electric lawnmower electric toothbrush power tools radio Jackson County Mathematics and Science Center p. 13 Learning About Electricity 2. For this activity you will use a hair dryer. It is very important NEVER to plug the hair dryer into the wall socket when it is taken apart. You could touch any of the components by mistake and possibly get electrocuted! Take apart a hair dryer (make sure it is unplugged during the entire time it is taken apart). To take apart a hair dryer, first make sure it is not plugged in. Then unscrew the screws that hold the two pieces of the plastic cover together. Put the screws in a container or other safe place. Do not separate the wires from the components, but simply pull the components away from each other and away from the two halves of the cover. Examine the parts. Consider how a hair dryer works and what each of its functions are. Identify its major components. Describe the purpose of each component. Explain where each of the energy conversions takes place. Draw a diagram of a hair dryer, showing how electricity might be wired to each of its components. There’s a nice photo of a taken-apart hair dryer at You can see where the exposed wires are connected to the heating element – if you touched those screws while the hair dryer was plugged in, you could be killed. Jackson County Mathematics and Science Center p. 14 Learning About Electricity 3. Now consider a television set and VCR. They are plugged into the wall, of course, and they do convert electricity into motion (to drive the videotape), light (the picture from the TV) and sound. But not simple sound, like a doorbell. And not simple light, like from a flashlight. Instead, the light and sound have complex information contained in them. Instead of following the electricity and determining the energy conversions, we need to follow the information, in order to understand how the components work together. Step 1: How does the information enter your house? There are three ways that information can enter your house. One is through a cable. This can be a television cable or a telephone wire. Another is through radio waves. Radios pick up signals that are broadcast from radio towers. Cell phones pick up signals that are broadcast (and they send back signals to the cell phone towers). Televisions can pick up TV broadcasts through their antennas. And the third is when you carry a CD, DVD, videotape or other recorded medium into your house. Step 2: How does a device display the information? The information contained in the cable or broadcast signal, or on the recorded medium, is in an electronic code. In the cable TV, standard telephone signal, or internet connection (by phone, cable modem or DSL phone line) the electricity itself is coded. That is, electricity flows through the cable or telephone wire (a lower voltage than house current), and the electricity is coded to contain the information. It has to be decoded by the TV, VCR, telephone or computer and converted back into meaningful images (light) and meaningful noises (words, music, other sounds). With a cell phone, TV broadcast, AM or FM radio or satellite TV, the radio signal is coded. Again, the cell phone, TV or radio decodes the signal that is “carried” on top of the radio frequency. The decoded information contains the picture, music, or phone conversation. In the case of internet connections and phone conversations, information goes two ways – into your device (phone, computer) and back out again to another phone or another computer. The words you say go out over a radio signal to the cell phone tower and are relayed to the other phone. With the internet, when you type a website address into your browser and hit “return,” the address is sent to another computer and relayed on to the computer that stores those web pages. As you interact with the web page, the signals race back and forth. CD’s, DVD’s and videotapes are different. They don’t use electricity or radio signals to carry information. Instead, the information is coded by lasers (CD’s and DVD’s) or electromagnets (videotape) into the plastic of the CD or the magnetic material of the tape. How are VCR’s, stereo systems and TV hooked together to record and playback information? I) Wire a VCR and TV together so that you can play videos. Make a diagram of how the wires connect the two devices together, labeling your diagram with the names of the connectors (the plugs, or jacks – they are called “ports” on computers) on the VCR and TV. Does information flow from the TV to the VCR or from the VCR to the TV? How do you know this? What is the purpose or function of the “TV/VCR” switch? How do the names of the connectors tell you about the flow of information? Connectors on TV’s and VCR’s (or DVD’s) have names like “audio in,” “video in,” “video out,” “antenna in,” etc. There are often different connectors for video (picture) and audio (sound). Jackson County Mathematics and Science Center p. 15 Learning About Electricity Sometimes there are several choices for video signals, depending on the kind of connecting cables you have and the capabilities of the TV. You have to figure out what plugs into what by looking at the kind of connectors you have and deciphering the labels on the VCR or TV. “Video In” means that the picture is going into the TV at that connector. “Video Out” means that the picture is going out of the VCR through that connector. What you have to realize, of course, is that the information is stored on the videotape and has to make its way to the TV through the wires. II) Wire a VCR and TV together with a cable or antenna (satellite or broadcast) so that you can record one program while watching another. Do this by thinking about how the information has to flow – where it starts, where it has to go. Make hypotheses within your group, test your hypotheses, and see what works. The “TV/VCR” switch is a critical element in this set up of components. As its name suggests, it allows either the VCR or the TV to control what you watch. When the VCR is in control, you can watch a video or change channels through the VCR’s tuner (with the TV set to either channel 3 or 4, depending on how you set the “3/4” switch on the back of the VCR). With the TV in control, you can change channels on the TV. In this setting, you cannot watch a videotape, because information is not coming from the VCR. Once you get it working, make a diagram of how the wires connect the devices together, including the names of the connectors. Use arrows to show the flow of information through the system. When you can figure out how to connect a VCR and TV to tape one show and watch another, you can figure out how just about any system of electronic equipment should work together. Just follow the flow of information! If you are interested in reading more about other electronic devices, use How Stuff They have a search box that lets you look up just about any device. Cell phones, for example, are written about at Jackson County Mathematics and Science Center p. 16 Learning About Electricity Teacher Notes for Activity 4: The goal of this activity is for students to figure out how electricity flows in a useful appliance, and what the energy transformations are the make the appliance useful. Make sure that students never plug the hair dryer into a wall socket when it is taken apart. There is an EXTREME ELECTROCUTION HAZARD from opening the hair dryer when the cover is off. The main components of a hair dryer include the switch, the blower motor and fan, and the heating element. The blower motor and fan transforms electricity into energy of motion (moving air). The air moves across the heating element (in which electricity is transformed into heat energy) and gets hot, moving out of the hair dryer and onto someone’s hair. The website How Stuff has an article on hair dryers, which you should use with students. They show a photo of a taken-apart hair dryer. The electrical diagram for this appliance should show electricity from the source (wall socket) going through a switch, then going to both the heating element and the blower motor, then returning to the other side of the source. There are two ways to draw this, both correct, as shown below, but the second drawing is more traditional (although harder to grasp at first). The simulation of two light bulbs in a parallel circuit at the website given on page 10 shows essentially the electrical circuit of a hair dryer, drawn similarly to the second diagram below. ( motor and fan switch switch heater coil wall outlet motor and fan heater coil wall outlet Many hair dryers use a three-way switch, OFF, LOW and HIGH, which controls the amount of electricity going to the fan and heater – more on HIGH, less on LOW. Wiring a VCR and cable TV to record and watch different programs: Of course, students could follow the wiring diagrams in the instruction booklets. But the inquiry activity here, and the purpose of the benchmark, is to figure out how the wires must be connected so that the information flows to the appropriate places. You can easily do activity I) – wiring a VCR and TV together to play a tape – in the classroom. Activity II) requires a cable or satellite TV feed, which many classrooms do not have. Enlist the help of your media specialist or technology specialist to find a location for this activity where all students can participate. Here’s how the TV/VCR set-up works: The information comes into the house through the cable (for cable television) or through an antenna wire for satellite T.V. It goes into the VCR, where it is “tuned” by the controls on the VCR to the channel that you want to tape. You can also watch that channel if you hit the “TV/VCR” switch so you are viewing the VCR signal (this is, you can set the TV/VCR switch so that the VCR is in control of what you watch). Jackson County Mathematics and Science Center p. 17 Learning About Electricity The “video out/audio out” connector (sometimes labeled just “out” or “to TV”) sends a signal from inside the VCR to the TV. If you don’t want to watch what the VCR is taping, the “TV/VCR” switch – set to TV – sends the signal from the cable directly to the TV. If you do want to watch what the VCR is taping (or what has already been recorded on a tape), the “TV/VCR” switch – set to VCR – sends the signal from the VCR mechanism to the TV. Student drawings should show how the information flows in this set-up, depending on how the “TV/VCR” switch is set. The tuner is the channel controller. For the VCR to play through the TV, the TV is usually set to channel 3 or 4 and left alone. A videotape can play through the TV, or the tuner in the VCR can be set to any channel and played on the TV. switch on “TV” Cable channel tuner channel tuner VCR picture tube videotape recorder switch on “VCR” TV Teacher notes for Activity 5: A demonstration motor is available from the Jackson County Mathematics and Science Center that shows how motors work. The speed of the motor can be controlled by changing how often the polarity of the electromagnets is changed. This demonstration motor used an ingenious design to change the polarity of the electromagnets. Answers to questions: Look at the drawing. How would you predict that the spinner magnet would move? The north pole of the electromagnet would repel the north pole of the permanent magnet, and the south poles would repel, making the bar magnet spin counterclockwise. Just when the spinner magnet moves one-half circle, the electromagnets have their polarity changed, so the one on the left is now N, and the one on the right is not S. Then what would happen to the spinner? The reversed polarity of the electromagnets would again repel the (changed) polarity of the bar magnet, continuing the spinning motion. How could you change the polarity of the electromagnets? Reverse their connection to the battery that powers them. Actually, in many motors, AC current (house current) is used (rather than DC current in batteries), which changes its direction 60 times per second. How could the motion of the spinning magnet be continued? Continue to reverse the polarity of the electromagnets at just the precise time to give the bar magnet a continued push. Jackson County Mathematics and Science Center p. 18 Learning About Electricity Activity 5 Focus Question: How can you make an electromagnet? Equipment: Batteries, thin insulated wire, a large iron nail, some metal objects that may be attracted to a magnet, a compass. Optional: a bar or horseshoe magnet, paper and iron filings. Instructions for Students: 1. Make an electromagnet by wrapping wire around a nail (at least 50 turns) and attaching it to a battery. Test it with the compass. Use it to pick up objects. A nice description of electromagnets and how they work can be found in Marshall Brain’s How Stuff Works web pages, at That website includes the following diagram for making an electromagnet: Your electromagnet should have at least 50 turns of wire around the nail. 2. What could you do with an electromagnet? How many applications of electromagnets can you think of? 3. How can you make a stronger electromagnet? Think of two different ways you might make a stronger electromagnet, and try them. How can you measure the strength of your electromagnet? Why can a magnet, either a permanent magnet or an electromagnet, pick up an object that it is not touching? Write your initial ideas in your science journal. Investigation: See how close you can get your electromagnet to a paper clip before the paper clip starts to move towards the magnet. Design an experiment to test the strength of an electromagnet using this procedure. In your write-up of the results, include an explanation of this “action at a distance” effect. Does it depend on which end of the electromagnet you use? Does it depend on whether you try to attract the paper clip to the mid-point of the nail? Does it depend on the strength of the nail? Have you ever placed a piece of paper over a bar magnet (or a horseshoe magnet) and sprinkled iron filings on the paper. If you giggle the paper a little, the filings make a pattern that is related to the shape of the magnet (your electromagnet will work for this, too). Given what you found in your investigation, what do you think this pattern shows? N Jackson County Mathematics and Science Center S p. 19 Learning About Electricity What do you know about “magnetic poles”? How are they like the Earth’s North Pole and South Pole? Write what you know about magnetic poles in your journal. 4. Design a tool that could slide 20 feet down into a metal baseboard air duct (galvanized steel, not aluminum) and retrieve a lost key (also attracted to a magnet). 5. Read the article at about electric motors. Motors are a very important application of electromagnets. A permanent bar magnet is attached to a spinner, with (obviously) north on one end and south on the other. Two electromagnets are placed at opposite ends of the spinner, just a little distance away from the ends of the permanent magnet. N N S S spinner Look at the drawing. How would you predict that the spinner magnet would move? Just when the spinner magnet moves one-half circle, the electromagnets have their polarity changed, so the one on the left is now N, and the one on the right is not S. Then what would happen to the spinner? How could you change the polarity of the electromagnets? How could the motion of the spinning magnet be continued? A motor has a mechanism in it that changes the polarity of the electromagnet at just the right point to keep the permanent magnet moving. The permanent magnet has an axle through it’s middle, attached to gears that can be used to drive wheels, fans, drills or anything that needs a motor to run! You can build your own motor with a kit available at many hobby shops or through science supply companies. This website also provides an explanation of how motors work, based on electromagnets: Another increasingly important application of electromagnets is in “maglev trains” – trains that levitate above the tracks on magnetic fields. See the article at Jackson County Mathematics and Science Center p. 20 Learning About Electricity Assessing Middle School Students’ Understanding Most of the problems posed for students in Activity 3 can be used as “embedded assessments.” That is, you can watch, listen, and ask probing questions of students as they attempt to wire various circuits, and you can read their journals to assess their understanding. Along with embedded assessments, the following questions can give you insight into students’ understanding. You might ask them to write out answers individually, or discuss within their groups and write group reports. Questions for deliberation: Why is a complete circuit needed to make an electrical appliance (bulb, buzzer, refrigerator) work? What happens in a house circuit when you turn on or off a switch? Can you make a diagram to show this? What moves around a circuit? What does the battery do in a circuit? What does the concept of conductivity mean? What does a switch do in terms of conductivity? Why does a strand of holiday lights stay on even when one burns out? Can you make a diagram to show this? Why do scientists say that magnetism and electricity are related? Also see the unit assessment on electric circuits developed by the Jackson County Mathematics and Science Center Middle School Assessment Team, available with the Jackson County Model Science Curriculum. Performance assessment: A standard performance assessment is to have students wire a model house. This draws on their understanding of how circuits work, and allows them to use their creativity in the design. Jackson County Mathematics and Science Center p. 21