Singular Optics / Optical Vortex 2004 References (( optic* vort* )or( singul* optic* )or( phase singul* )or( laguerre gauss* mode* )or( wave dislocat* )or( vortex soliton* )or( polariz* singular* )or( phase disloca* )) and (PY:INSP = 2004) TI: Optical vortex trajectories through paraxial modal analysis AU: Roux,-F.-S. SO: Proceedings-of-the-SPIE-The-International-Society-for-Optical-Engineering. 5 Jan. 2004; 5182(1): 49-57 PB: SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng RT: Conference-Paper; Journal-Paper TI: Wave-Optical Systems Engineering II SO: Proceedings-of-the-SPIE-The-International-Society-for-Optical-Engineering. 5 Jan. 2004; 5182(1): PB: SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng RT: Conference-Proceedings; Journal-Paper TI: Singular-optics approach for classification of the rough surfaces AU: Angelsky,-O.; Burkovets,-D.; Maksimyak,-P.; Demyanovskii,-G. SO: Elektronika-. 2004; 45(8-9): 259-62 PB: SIGMA NOT RT: Conference-Paper; Journal-Paper TI: Laser trapping and micro-manipulation using optical vortices AU: Cojoc,-D.; Garbin,-V.; Ferrari,-E.; Proietti,-R.; Cabrini,-S.; Di-Fabrizio,-E. SO: Digest-of-Papers.-Microprocesses-and-Nanotechnology-2004.-2004-InternationalMicroprocesses-and-Nanotechnology-Conference-IEEE-Cat.-No.-04EX934. 2004: 260-1 PB: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA RT: Conference-Paper TI: Creation and diagnostics of stable rainbow optical vortices AU: Arkhelyuk,-O.-O.; Polyanskii,-P.-V.; Ivanovskii,-A.-A.; Soskin,-M.-S. SO: Optica-Applicata. 2004; 34(3): 419-26 PB: Tech. Univ. Wroclaw RT: Journal-Paper TI: Optical solitary wave solutions to nonlinear Schrodinger equation with cubic-quintic nonlinearity in non-Kerr media AU: Zhenya-Yan SO: Journal-of-the-Physical-Society-of-Japan. Sept. 2004; 73(9): 2397-401 PB: Phys. Soc. Japan RT: Journal-Paper TI: Nongeneric polarization singularities in combined vortex beams AU: Bogatyryova,-G.-V.; Felde,-K.-V.; Polyanskii,-P.-V.; Soskin,-M.-S. SO: Optics-and-Spectroscopy. Nov. 2004; 97(5): 782-9; Original: Optika-i-Spektroskopiya. Nov. 2004; 97(5): PB: MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing RT: Journal-Paper TI: Interaction between optical vortices carrying opposite topological charges AU: Dong-Liang-Wei; Ye-Fang-Wei; Wang-Jian-Dong; Li-Yong-Ping SO: Acta-Physica-Sinica. 2004; 53(10): 3353-7 PB: Chinese Phys. Soc RT: Journal-Paper TI: 3D - configuration of the vortex lattices in microchip laser cavity AU: Okulov,-A.-Y. SO: AIP-Conference-Proceedings. 2004; (734): 366-9 PB: AIP RT: Conference-Paper; Journal-Paper TI: Incoherent vector vortex-mode solitons in self-focusing nonlinear media AU: Motzek,-K.; Kaiser,-F.; Salgueiro,-J.-R.; Kivshar,-Y.; Denz,-C. SO: Optics-Letters. 1 Oct. 2004; 29(19): 2285-7 PB: Opt. Soc. America RT: Journal-Paper TI: On a method for obtaining laser beams with a phase singularity AU: Malyutin,-A.-A. SO: Quantum-Electronics. March 2004; 34(3): 255-60; Original: Kvantovaya-Elektronika,Moskva. March 2004; 34(3): PB: Turpion Ltd.; Kvantovaya Elektronika RT: Journal-Paper TI: Two-dimensional higher-band vortex lattice solitons AU: Manela,-O.; Cohen,-O.; Bartal,-G.; Fleischer,-J.-W.; Segev,-M. SO: Optics-Letters. 1 Sept. 2004; 29(17): 2049-51 PB: Opt. Soc. America RT: Journal-Paper TI: Complex-order fractional Fourier transforms in optical schemes with Gaussian apertures AU: Malyutin,-A.-A. SO: Quantum-Electronics. Oct. 2004; 34(10): 960-4; Original: Kvantovaya-Elektronika,Moskva. Oct. 2004; 34(10): PB: Turpion Ltd.; Kvantovaya Elektronika RT: Journal-Paper TI: Invariance of mode transformation by an astigmatic pi /2 converter upon the input-beam displacement and tilt AU: Malyutin,-A.-A. SO: Quantum-Electronics. Oct. 2004; 34(10): 957-9; Original: Kvantovaya-Elektronika,Moskva. Oct. 2004; 34(10): PB: Turpion Ltd.; Kvantovaya Elektronika RT: Journal-Paper TI: Generation of optical vortices using light-induced phase mask in a V-type system AU: Kyungwon-An; Jin-Ho-Jeon; Choi,-W.; Myoung-Kyu-Oh; Jai-Hyung-Lee SO: Optics-Communications. 26 Nov. 2004; 242(1-3): 199-207 PB: Elsevier RT: Journal-Paper TI: High-resolution measurement of phase singularities produced by computer-generated holograms AU: Rockstuhl,-C.; Ivanovskyy,-A.-A.; Soskin,-M.-S.; Salt,-M.-G.; Herzig,-H.-P.; Dandliker,-R. SO: Optics-Communications. 26 Nov. 2004; 242(1-3): 163-9 PB: Elsevier RT: Journal-Paper TI: Peculiarities of the reflection of light beams with optical vortices AU: Fedoseyev,-V.-G. SO: Proceedings-of-the-SPIE-The-International-Society-for-Optical-Engineering. 2004; 5481(1): 154-9 PB: SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng RT: Conference-Paper; Journal-Paper TI: Universal attractor for some singular phase transition systems AU: Rocca,-E.; Schinperna,-G. SO: Physica-D. 1 June 2004; 192(3-4): 279-307 PB: Elsevier RT: Journal-Paper TI: Polarization singularity anarchy in three dimensional ellipse fields AU: Freund,-I. SO: Optics-Communications. 26 Nov. 2004; 242(1-3): 65-78 PB: Elsevier RT: Journal-Paper TI: Distribution of angular momentum and vortex morphology in optical beams AU: Roux,-F.-S. SO: Optics-Communications. 26 Nov. 2004; 242(1-3): 45-55 PB: Elsevier RT: Journal-Paper TI: Polarization metrology of the tunnel vortex selection AU: Fadeyeva,-T.-A.; Polyakov,-O.-V. SO: Proceedings-of-the-SPIE-The-International-Society-for-Optical-Engineering. 2004; 5582(1): 278-85 PB: SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng RT: Conference-Paper; Journal-Paper TI: Structure of optical vortices at the boundary of dielectric medium AU: Izdebskaya,-Ya.-V.; Shvedov,-V.-G.; Volyar,-A.-V. SO: Proceedings-of-the-SPIE-The-International-Society-for-Optical-Engineering. 2004; 5582(1): 222-9 PB: SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng RT: Conference-Paper; Journal-Paper TI: Vortical structure of wave caustics AU: Lapayeva,-S.-N.; Vershitskyi,-V.-I.; Shostka,-V.-I. SO: Proceedings-of-the-SPIE-The-International-Society-for-Optical-Engineering. 2004; 5582(1): 187-95 PB: SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng RT: Conference-Paper; Journal-Paper TI: Optical vortex phase-shifting digital holography AU: Cheng-Shan-Guo; Xin-Cheng; Xiu-Yun-Ren; Jian-Ping-Ding; Hui-Tian-Wang SO: Optics-Express. 18 Oct. 2004; 12(21): PB: Opt. Soc. America RT: Journal-Paper TI: "White" optical vortices in LiNbO/sub 3/ crystal AU: Egorov,-Yu.-A.; Fadeyeva,-T.-A.; Rubass,-A.-F.; Volyar,-A.-V. SO: Proceedings-of-the-SPIE-The-International-Society-for-Optical-Engineering. 2004; 5582(1): 286-95 PB: SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng RT: Conference-Paper; Journal-Paper TI: Higher-order Gaussian beams: new achievements AU: Traiche,-M. SO: Proceedings-of-the-SPIE-The-International-Society-for-Optical-Engineering. 2004; 5582(1): 110-18 PB: SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng RT: Conference-Paper; Journal-Paper TI: Eigen-polarization beams in uniaxial crystals AU: Volyar,-A.-V.; Kiselev,-A.-P.; Egorov,-Y.-A. SO: Proceedings-of-the-SPIE-The-International-Society-for-Optical-Engineering. 2004; 5582(1): 98-105 PB: SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng RT: Conference-Paper; Journal-Paper TI: Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers SO: Proceedings-of-the-SPIE-The-International-Society-for-Optical-Engineering. 2004; 5582(1): PB: SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng RT: Conference-Proceedings; Journal-Paper TI: Singular Stokes-polarimetry as new technique for metrology and inspection of polarized speckle fields AU: Soskin,-M.-S.; Denisenko,-V.-G.; Egorov,-R.-I. SO: Proceedings-of-the-SPIE-The-International-Society-for-Optical-Engineering. 2004; 5458(1): 79-85 PB: SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng RT: Conference-Paper; Journal-Paper TI: Ince-Gaussian beams AU: Bandres,-M.-A.; Gutierrez-Vega,-J.-C. SO: Optics-Letters. 15 Jan. 2004; 29(2): 144-6 PB: Opt. Soc. America RT: Journal-Paper TI: Optical lattice site manipulation by vortex phase singularities AU: Schonbrun,-E.-F.; Piestun,-R. SO: Proceedings-of-the-SPIE-The-International-Society-for-Optical-Engineering. 2004; 5508(1): 32-40 PB: SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng RT: Conference-Paper; Journal-Paper TI: Optical vortices and vortex solitons AU: Kivshar,-Y.-S. SO: Proceedings-of-the-SPIE-The-International-Society-for-Optical-Engineering. 2004; 5508(1): 16-31 PB: SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng RT: Conference-Paper; Journal-Paper TI: The interaction of optical vortices with chiral matter AU: Andrews,-D.-L.; Babiker,-M.; Carter,-A.-R.; Romero,-L.-C.-D. SO: Proceedings-of-the-SPIE-The-International-Society-for-Optical-Engineering. 2004; 5508(1): 8-15 PB: SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng RT: Conference-Paper; Journal-Paper TI: Optical vortices, angular momentum, and Heisenberg's uncertainty relationship AU: Padgett,-M.-J. SO: Proceedings-of-the-SPIE-The-International-Society-for-Optical-Engineering. 2004; 5508(1): 1-7 PB: SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng RT: Conference-Paper; Journal-Paper TI: Complex Mediums V: Light and Complexity SO: Proceedings-of-the-SPIE-The-International-Society-for-Optical-Engineering. 2004; 5508(1): PB: SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng RT: Conference-Proceedings; Journal-Paper TI: Photonics in optically-induced lattices AU: Neshev,-D.; Sukhorukov,-A.-A.; Ostrovskaya,-E.-A.; Alexander,-T.-J.; Kivshar,-Y.-S.; Hanna,-B.; Krolikowski,-W.; Martin,-H.; Zhigang-Chen ED: Sawchuk,A.-A. SO: Conference-on-Lasers-and-Electro-Optics-CLEO. 2004: 2 pp. vol.1 PB: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA RT: Conference-Paper TI: Observation of vortex-ring "discrete" solitons in 2D photonic lattices AU: Fleischer,-J.-W.; Bartal,-G.; Cohen,-O.; Manela,-O.; Segev,-M.; Hudock,-J.; Christodoulides,-D.-N. ED: Sawchuk,A.-A. SO: Conference-on-Lasers-and-Electro-Optics-CLEO. 2004: 3 pp. vol.1 PB: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA RT: Conference-Paper TI: Transformation of higher-order optical vortices upon focusing by an astigmatic lens AU: Bekshaev,-A.-Ya.; Soskin,-M.-S.; Vasnetsov,-M.-V. SO: Optics-Communications. 16 Nov. 2004; 241(4-6): 237-47 PB: Elsevier RT: Journal-Paper TI: Diffractive optical element with apodized aperture for shaping vortex-free diffraction image AU: Hwi-Kim; Byoungho-Lee SO: Japanese-Journal-of-Applied-Physics,-Part-2-Letters. 1 Dec. 2004; 43(12A): L1530-3 PB: Japan Soc. Appl. Phys RT: Journal-Paper TI: The use of orbital angular momentum of light beams for optical data storage AU: Voogd,-R.-J.; Singh,-M.; Braat,-J.-J.-M. SO: Proceedings-of-the-SPIE-The-International-Society-for-Optical-Engineering. 2004; 5380(1): 387-92 PB: SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng RT: Conference-Paper; Journal-Paper TI: Partially incoherent optical vortices in self-focusing nonlinear media AU: Chien-Chung-Jeng; Ming-Feng-Shih; Motzek,-K.; Kivshar,-Y.-S. ED: Sawchuk,A.-A. SO: Conference-on-Lasers-and-Electro-Optics-CLEO. 2004: 2 pp. vol.1 PB: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA RT: Conference-Paper TI: Photonics in optically-induced lattices AU: Neshev,-D.; Sukhorukov,-A.-A.; Ostrovskaya,-E.-A.; Alexander,-T.-J.; Kivshar,-Y.-S.; Hanna,-B.; Krolikowski,-W.; Martin,-H.; Zhigang-Chen SO: International-Quantum-Electronics-Conference-IQEC-IEEE-Cat.-No.04CH37598. 2004: 2 pp. PB: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA RT: Conference-Paper TI: Observation of vortex-ring "discrete" solitons in 2D photonic lattices AU: Fleischer,-J.-W.; Bartal,-G.; Cohen,-O.; Manela,-O.; Segev,-M.; Hudock,-J.; Christodoulides,-D.-N. SO: International-Quantum-Electronics-Conference-IQEC-IEEE-Cat.-No.04CH37598. 2004: 3 pp. PB: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA RT: Conference-Paper TI: Effect of soliton and vortex geometry on the transport of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices AU: Scott,-R.-G.; Martin,-A.-M.; Fromhold,-T.-M. SO: International-Quantum-Electronics-Conference-IQEC-IEEE-Cat.-No.04CH37598. 2004: 2 pp. PB: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA RT: Conference-Paper TI: Creation and diagnostics of stable rainbow optical vortices AU: Arkhelyuk,-O.-O.; Polyanskii,-P.-V.; Ivanovskii,-A.-A.; Soskin,-M.-S. SO: Optica-Applicata. 2004; 34(3): 419-26 PB: Tech. Univ. Wroclaw RT: Journal-Paper TI: Optimal annulus structures of optical vortices AU: Cheng-Shan-Guo; Xuan-Liu; Jing-Liang-He; Hui-Tian-Wang SO: Optics-Express. 20 Sept. 2004; 12(19): PB: Opt. Soc. America RT: Journal-Paper URL: TI: Transport and disruption of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices AU: Scott,-R.-G.; Martin,-A.-M.; Fromhold,-T.-M.; Malossi,-N.; Morsch,-O.; Cristiani,-M.; Arimondo,-E. SO: International-Quantum-Electronics-Conference-IQEC-IEEE-Cat.-No.04CH37598. 2004: 2 pp. PB: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA RT: Conference-Paper TI: Matter-wave gap vortices in optical lattices AU: Ostrovskaya,-E.-A.; Kivshar,-Y.-S. SO: International-Quantum-Electronics-Conference-IQEC-IEEE-Cat.-No.04CH37598. 2004: 2 pp. PB: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA RT: Conference-Paper TI: Optical beams and spatial solitons in nonlocal nonlinear media AU: Krolikowski,-W.; Nikolov,-N.-I.; Bang,-O.; Neshev,-D.; Wyller,-J.; Rasmussen,-J.-J.; Edmundson,-D. SO: International-Quantum-Electronics-Conference-IQEC-IEEE-Cat.-No.04CH37598. 2004: 2 pp. PB: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA RT: Conference-Paper TI: Internal modes of localized optical vortex soliton in a cubic-quintic nonlinear medium AU: Liangwei-Dong; Fangwei-Ye; Jiandong-Wang; Tian-Cai; Yong-Ping-Li SO: Physica-D. 15 July 2004; 194(3-4): 219-26 PB: Elsevier RT: Journal-Paper TI: Holography, vortices and qudits: encoding quantum information in optical spatial modes AU: Langford,-N.-K.; Dalton,-R.-B.; Gilchrist,-A.; O'Brien,-J.-L.; Pryde,-G.-J.; White,-A.-G.; Harvey,-M.-D.; Bartlett,-S.-D. SO: International-Quantum-Electronics-Conference-IQEC-IEEE-Cat.-No.04CH37598. 2004: 2 pp. PB: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA RT: Conference-Paper TI: Static and rotating domain-wall cross patterns in Bose-Einstein condensates AU: Malomed,-B.-A.; Nistazakis,-H.-E.; Frantzeskakis,-D.-J.; Kevrekidis,-P.-G. SO: Physical-Review-A-Atomic,-Molecular,-and-Optical-Physics. Oct. 2004; 70(4): 43616-1-8 PB: APS through AIP RT: Journal-Paper TI: Diffraction of a Gaussian beam by the optical wedge system AU: Izdebskaya,-Y.-V.; Shvedov,-V.-G.; Volyar,-A.-V. SO: Proceedings-of-LFNM-2004.-6th-International-Conference-on-Laser-and-Fiber-OpticalNetworks-Modeling. 2004: 251-3 PB: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA RT: Conference-Paper IB: 0780384296 TI: On the prospects of diagnostic of wave dislocation AU: Angelsky,-O.-V.; Maksimyak,-A.-P.; Maksimyak,-P.-P. SO: Proceedings-of-LFNM-2004.-6th-International-Conference-on-Laser-and-Fiber-OpticalNetworks-Modeling. 2004: 245-7 PB: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA RT: Conference-Paper IB: 0780384296 TI: Phase mapping of ultrashort pulses in bimodal photonic structures: a window on local group velocity dispersion AU: Gersen,-H.; van-Dijk,-E.-M.-H.-P.; Korterik,-J.-P.; van-Hulst,-N.-F.; Kuipers,-L. SO: Physical-Review-E-Statistical,-Nonlinear,-and-Soft-Matter-Physics. Dec. 2004; 70(6): 66609-1-12 PB: APS through AIP RT: Journal-Paper TI: Square vortex solitons with a large angular momentum AU: Michinel,-H.; Salgueiro,-J.-R.; Paz-Alonso,-M.-J. SO: Physical-Review-E-Statistical,-Nonlinear,-and-Soft-Matter-Physics. Dec. 2004; 70(6): 66605-1-5 PB: APS through AIP RT: Journal-Paper TI: Single- and double-vortex vector solitons in self-focusing nonlinear media AU: Salgueiro,-J.-R.; Kivshar,-Y.-S. SO: Physical-Review-E-Statistical,-Nonlinear,-and-Soft-Matter-Physics. Nov. 2004; 70(5): 56613-1-7 PB: APS through AIP RT: Journal-Paper TI: Stable higher-order vortices and quasivortices in the discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equation AU: Kevrekidis,-P.-G.; Malomed,-B.-A.; Zhigang-Chen; Frantzeskakis,-D.-J. SO: Physical-Review-E-Statistical,-Nonlinear,-and-Soft-Matter-Physics. Nov. 2004; 70(5): 56612-1-9 PB: APS through AIP RT: Journal-Paper TI: Vortices in laser-type resonators AU: Weiss,-C.-O. SO: Proceedings-of-LFNM-2004.-6th-International-Conference-on-Laser-and-Fiber-OpticalNetworks-Modeling. 2004: 207-8 PB: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA RT: Conference-Paper IB: 0780384296 TI: Stochastic dynamics of atoms in a resonant light in the quasi-classical approximation AU: Bezverbnyi,-A.-V.; Shapovalov,-A.-V. SO: Optics-and-Spectroscopy. July 2004; 97(1): 80-7; Original: Optika-i-Spektroskopiya. July 2004; 97(1): 88-95 PB: MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing RT: Journal-Paper TI: Periodic self-reproduction of multimode laser beams in graded-index optical fibers AU: Almazov,-A.-A.; Khonina,-S.-N. SO: Optical-Memory-&-Neural-Networks-Information-Optics. 2004; 13(1): 63-70 PB: Allerton Press RT: Journal-Paper TI: Small-angle rotations measurement using optical vortex interferometer AU: Masajada,-J. SO: Optics-Communications. 15 Sept. 2004; 239(4-6): 373-81 PB: Elsevier RT: Journal-Paper TI: Direct electron-beam writing of continuous spiral phase plates in negative resist with high power efficiency for optical manipulation AU: Cheong,-W.-C.; Lee,-W.-M.; Yuan,-X.--C.; Zhang,-L.--S.; Dholakia,-K.; Wang,-H. SO: Applied-Physics-Letters. 6 Dec. 2004; 85(23): 5784-6 PB: AIP RT: Journal-Paper TI: Singular-optics approach for classification of the rough surfaces AU: Angelsky,-O.; Burkovets,-D.; Maksimyak,-P.; Demyanovskii,-G. SO: Elektronika-. 2004; 45(8-9): 259-62 PB: SIGMA NOT RT: Conference-Paper; Journal-Paper TI: Experimental observation of optical vortex evolution in a Gaussian beam with an embedded fractional phase step AU: Lee,-W.-M.; Yuan,-X.--C.; Dholakia,-K. SO: Optics-Communications. 1 Sept. 2004; 239(1-3): 129-35 PB: Elsevier RT: Journal-Paper TI: Shaping and control using a 2D liquid crystal optical phased array AU: Enguehard,-S.; Hatfield,-B.; Watson,-E. SO: 2004-IEEE-Aerospace-Conference-Proceedings-IEEE-Cat.-No.04TH8720. 2004: 1751-6 Vol.3 PB: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA RT: Conference-Paper IB: 0780381556 TI: Optical vortex beam shaping by use of highly efficient irregular spiral phase plates for optical micromanipulation AU: Lee,-W.-M.; Yuan,-X.--C.; Cheong,-W.-C. SO: Optics-Letters. 1 Aug. 2004; 29(15): 1796-8 PB: Opt. Soc. America RT: Journal-Paper TI: Polarization singularity democracy: WYSIWYG AU: Freund,-I. SO: Optics-Letters. 1 Aug. 2004; 29(15): 1715-17 PB: Opt. Soc. America RT: Journal-Paper TI: Cascading switching nodes in data vortex optical packet interconnection network AU: Lu,-W.; Liboiron-Ladouceur,-O.; Small,-B.-A.; Bergman,-K. SO: Electronics-Letters. 8 July 2004; 40(14): 895-7 PB: IEE RT: Journal-Paper TI: Numerical study on the optical inhomogeneity of free heated jet flow field AU: Xie-Wen-ke; Jiang-Zong-fu; Xu-Xiao-jun; Li-Wen-yu SO: High-Power-Laser-and-Particle-Beams. Aug. 2004; 16(8): 989-92 PB: Nucl. Soc. China RT: Journal-Paper TI: Characteristics of cube-corner prism laser resonator AU: Ye-Yi-dong; Gao-Xue-yan; Yi-Heng-yu; Su-Yi SO: High-Power-Laser-and-Particle-Beams. Aug. 2004; 16(8): 972-6 PB: Nucl. Soc. China RT: Journal-Paper TI: Quasidislocation Stoneley wave and Eshelby dislocation Scholte wave AU: Weertman,-J. SO: Physical-Review-Letters. 12 Nov. 2004; 93(20): 205505/1-4 PB: APS RT: Journal-Paper TI: Transfer and storage of vortex states in light and matter waves AU: Dutton,-Z.; Ruostekoski,-J. SO: Physical-Review-Letters. 5 Nov. 2004; 93(19): 193602/1-4 PB: APS RT: Journal-Paper TI: Particle transport by a vortex soliton AU: Kimura,-Y.; Koikari,-S. SO: Journal-of-Fluid-Mechanics. 10 July 2004; 510: 201-18 PB: Cambridge University Press RT: Journal-Paper TI: Vortices in femtosecond laser fields AU: Bezuhanov,-K.; Dreischuh,-A.; Paulus,-G.-G.; Schatzel-,-M.-G.; Walther,-H. SO: Optics-Letters. 15 Aug. 2004; 29(16): 1942-4 PB: Opt. Soc. America RT: Journal-Paper TI: Vortex lattice dynamics in a dilute gas BEC AU: Engels,-P.; Coddington,-I.; Schweikhard,-V.; Cornell,-E.-A. SO: Journal-of-Low-Temperature-Physics. Jan. 2004; 134(1-2): 683-8 PB: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers RT: Conference-Paper; Journal-Paper TI: Vortexless and self-converging optical traps AU: Angelsky,-O.-V.; Brandel,-R.; Burshtein,-V.; Mokhun,-I.-I. SO: Proceedings-of-the-SPIE-The-International-Society-for-Optical-Engineering. 2004; 5227(1): 108-14 PB: SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng RT: Conference-Paper; Journal-Paper TI: Connection between phase singularities and the radiation pattern of a slit in a metal plate AU: Schouten,-H.-F.; Visser,-T.-D.; Gbur,-G.; Lenstra,-D.; Blok,-H. SO: Physical-Review-Letters. 22 Oct. 2004; 93(17): 173901/1-4 PB: APS RT: Journal-Paper TI: Matter-wave gap vortices in optical lattices AU: Ostrovskaya,-E.-A.; Kivshar,-Y.-S. SO: Physical-Review-Letters. 15 Oct. 2004; 93(16): 160405/1-4 PB: APS RT: Journal-Paper TI: Phase singularities of the longitudinal field components in the focal region of a high-aperture optical system AU: Diehl,-D.-W.; Visser,-T.-D. SO: Journal-of-the-Optical-Society-of-America-A-Optics,-Image-Science-and-Vision. Nov. 2004; 21(11): 2103-8 PB: Opt. Soc. America RT: Journal-Paper TI: Spatial correlation properties of focused partially coherent light AU: Fischer,-D.-G.; Visser,-T.-D. SO: Journal-of-the-Optical-Society-of-America-A-Optics,-Image-Science-and-Vision. Nov. 2004; 21(11): 2097-102 PB: Opt. Soc. America RT: Journal-Paper TI: Intrinsic orbital angular momentum of paraxial beams with off-axis imprinted vortices AU: Oemrawsingh,-S.-S.-R.; Eliel,-E.-R.; Nienhuis,-G.; Woerdman,-J.-P. SO: Journal-of-the-Optical-Society-of-America-A-Optics,-Image-Science-and-Vision. Nov. 2004; 21(11): 2089-96 PB: Opt. Soc. America RT: Journal-Paper TI: Evolution of the vortex and the asymmetrical parts of orbital angular momentum in separable first-order optical systems AU: Alieva,-T.; Bastiaans,-M.-J. SO: Optics-Letters. 15 July 2004; 29(14): 1587-9 PB: Opt. Soc. America RT: Journal-Paper TI: Optical vortices and the higher order modes of twisted strongly elliptical optical fibres AU: Alexeyev,-C.-N.; Yavorsky,-M.-A. SO: Journal-of-Optics-A:-Pure-and-Applied-Optics. Sept. 2004; 6(9): 824-32 PB: IOP Publishing RT: Journal-Paper TI: Index formulae for singular lines of polarization AU: Berry,-M.-V. SO: Journal-of-Optics-A:-Pure-and-Applied-Optics. July 2004; 6(7): 675-8 PB: IOP Publishing RT: Journal-Paper TI: Formation of multisolitons and vortex bright solitons in Bose-condensed alkali-metal atoms AU: Salasnich,-L. SO: Laser-Physics. Feb. 2004; 14(2): 291-4 PB: MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing RT: Conference-Paper; Journal-Paper TI: Coupling between topological excitations and the background sound field in atomic BoseEinstein condensates AU: Proukakis,-N.-P.; Parker,-N.-G.; Barenghi,-C.-F.; Adams,-C.-S. SO: Laser-Physics. Feb. 2004; 14(2): 284-90 PB: MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing RT: Conference-Paper; Journal-Paper TI: Polarization singularities in optical lattices AU: Freud,-I. SO: Optics-Letters. 15 April 2004; 29(8): 875-7 PB: Opt. Soc. America RT: Journal-Paper TI: Spatial evolution of the morphology of an optical vortex dipole AU: Roux,-F.-S. SO: Optics-Communications. 15 June 2004; 236(4-6): 433-40 PB: Elsevier RT: Journal-Paper TI: Implementing controlled NOT gate with optical vortex AU: Roychowdhury,-S.; Jaiswal,-V.-K.; Singh,-R.-P. SO: Optics-Communications. 15 June 2004; 236(4-6): 419-24 PB: Elsevier RT: Journal-Paper TI: Circling particles and drafting in optical vortices AU: Reichert,-M.; Stark,-H. SO: Journal-of-Physics:-Condensed-Matter. 29 Sept. 2004; 16(38): S4085-94 PB: IOP Publishing RT: Journal-Paper TI: Nonconservation of topological charge: experiment with optical vortex AU: Singh,-R.-P.; Sanjoy-Roychowdhury SO: Journal-of-Modern-Optics. 20 Jan. 2004; 51(2): 177-81 PB: Taylor & Francis RT: Journal-Paper TI: Three-dimensional optical forces and transfer of orbital angular momentum from multiringed light beams to spherical microparticles AU: Volke-Sepulveda,-K.; Chavez-Cerda,-S.; Garces-Chavez,-V.; Dholakia,-K. SO: Journal-of-the-Optical-Society-of-America-B-Optical-Physics. Oct. 2004; 21(10): 1749-57 PB: Opt. Soc. America RT: Journal-Paper TI: Rigorous time domain simulation of momentum transfer between light and microscopic particles in optical trapping AU: Dianwen-Zhang; Yuan,-X.--C.; Tjin,-S.-C.; Krishnan,-S. SO: Optics-Express. 17 May 2004; 12(10): PB: Opt. Soc. America RT: Journal-Paper URL: TI: Static solitary waves in axisymmetric Bose-Einstein condensates AU: Komineas,-S.; Papanicolaou,-N. SO: Laser-Physics. April 2004; 14(4): 571-4 PB: MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing RT: Journal-Paper TI: On optical vortex interactions with chiral matter AU: Andrews,-D.-L.; Davila-Romero,-L.-C.; Babiker,-M. SO: Optics-Communications. 1 July 2004; 237(1-3): 133-9 PB: Elsevier RT: Journal-Paper TI: Generation of cylindrical vector beams with few-mode fibers excited by Laguerre-Gaussian beams AU: Volpe,-G.; Petrov,-D. 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July 2004; 70(1): 13809-1-12 PB: APS through AIP RT: Journal-Paper TI: Manifestations of vortices during ultracold-atom propagation through waveguides AU: Bromley,-M.-W.-J.; Esry,-B.-D. SO: Physical-Review-A-Atomic,-Molecular,-and-Optical-Physics. July 2004; 70(1): 13605-1-9 PB: APS through AIP RT: Journal-Paper TI: Use of the fractional Fourier transform in pi /2 converters of laser modes AU: Malyutin,-A.-A. SO: Quantum-Electronics. Feb. 2004; 34(2): 165-71; Original: Kvantovaya-Elektronika,Moskva. Feb. 2004; 34(2): PB: Turpion Ltd.; Kvantovaya Elektronika RT: Journal-Paper TI: Lensless imaging from diffraction intensity measurements by use of a noniterative phaseretrieval method AU: Nakajima,-N. SO: Applied-Optics. 10 March 2004; 43(8): 1710-18 PB: Opt. Soc. America RT: Journal-Paper TI: Vortex array carried by a pseudo-nondiffracting beam AU: Bouchal,-Z. SO: Journal-of-the-Optical-Society-of-America-A-Optics,-Image-Science-and-Vision. Sept. 2004; 21(9): 1694-702 PB: Opt. Soc. 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May 2004; 6(5): S190-6 PB: IOP Publishing RT: Journal-Paper TI: Investigation of the basic properties of phase singularities generated by a phase bar or trench AU: Rockstuhl,-C.; Salt,-M.-G.; Herzig,-H.-P. SO: Optics-Communications. 1 May 2004; 235(1-3): 11-21 PB: Elsevier RT: Journal-Paper TI: Vortex solitons in photonic crystal fibers AU: Ferrando,-A.; Zacares,-M.; de-Cordoba,-P.-F.; Binosi,-D.; Monsoriu,-J.-A. SO: Optics-Express. 8 March 2004; 12(5): PB: Opt. Soc. America RT: Journal-Paper TI: Focusing of singular beams AU: Volyar,-A.-V.; Fadeeva,-T.-A. SO: Optics-and-Spectroscopy. Jan. 2004; 96(1): 96-105; Original: Optika-i-Spektroskopiya. Jan. 2004; 96(1): 107-16 PB: MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing RT: Journal-Paper TI: X-ray phase vortices: theory and experiment AU: Peele,-A.-G.; Nugent,-K.-A.; Mancuso,-A.-P.; Paterson,-D.; McNulty,-I.; Hayes,-J.-P. SO: Journal-of-the-Optical-Society-of-America-A-Optics,-Image-Science-and-Vision. Aug. 2004; 21(8): 1575-84 PB: Opt. Soc. 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SO: Journal-of-Physics-B-Atomic,-Molecular-and-Optical-Physics. 14 June 2004; 37(11): 235561 PB: IOP Publishing RT: Journal-Paper TI: Two-dimensional loosely and tightly bound solitons in optical lattices and inverted traps AU: Sakaguchi,-H.; Malomed,-B.-A. SO: Journal-of-Physics-B-Atomic,-Molecular-and-Optical-Physics. 14 June 2004; 37(11): 222539 PB: IOP Publishing RT: Journal-Paper TI: Optical processing with vortex-producing lenses AU: Crabtree,-K.; Davis,-J.-A.; Moreno,-I. SO: Applied-Optics. 20 Feb. 2004; 43(6): 1360-7 PB: Opt. Soc. America RT: Journal-Paper TI: Dynamic drag of solute atmosphere on moving edge dislocations-phase-field simulation AU: Hu,-S.-Y.; Choi,-J.; Li,-Y.-L.; Chen,-L.-Q. SO: Journal-of-Applied-Physics. 1 July 2004; 96(1): 229-36 PB: AIP RT: Journal-Paper TI: Collisional dynamics of vortices in light condensates AU: Paz-Alonso,-M.-J.; Olivieri,-D.; Michinel,-H.; Salgueiro,-J.-R. SO: Physical-Review-E-Statistical,-Nonlinear,-and-Soft-Matter-Physics. May 2004; 69(5): 56601-1-6 PB: APS through AIP RT: Journal-Paper TI: Production and characterization of spiral phase plates for optical wavelengths AU: Oemrawsingh,-S.-S.-R.; van-Houwelingen,-J.-A.-W.; Eliel,-E.-R.; Woerdman,-J.-P.; Verstegen,-E.-J.-K.; Kloosterboer,-J.-G.; 't-Hooft,-G.-W. SO: Applied-Optics. 20 Jan. 2004; 43(3): 688-94 PB: Opt. Soc. America RT: Journal-Paper TI: Self-trapping of light in a two-dimensional photonic lattice AU: Musslimani,-Z.-H.; Jianke-Yang SO: Journal-of-the-Optical-Society-of-America-B-Optical-Physics. May 2004; 21(5): 973-81 PB: Opt. Soc. America RT: Journal-Paper TI: Optical vortices in focal regions AU: Helseth,-L.-E. SO: Optics-Communications. 2 Jan. 2004; 229(1-6): 85-91 PB: Elsevier RT: Journal-Paper TI: Generalized periodically focused beams and multiple on-axis lens imaging AU: Sedukhin,-A.-G. 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SO: Physical-Review-Letters. 30 Jan. 2004; 92(4): 043904/1-4 PB: APS RT: Journal-Paper TI: Fast light, slow light, and phase singularities: a connection to generalized weak values AU: Solli,-D.-R.; McCormick,-C.-F.; Chiao,-R.-Y.; Popescu,-S.; Hickmann,-J.-M. SO: Physical-Review-Letters. 30 Jan. 2004; 92(4): 043601/1-4 PB: APS RT: Journal-Paper TI: Optical vortices in dispersive nonlinear Kerr-type media AU: Lubomir M. Kovachev SO: IJMMS, 18, 949-967 (2004) PB: Hindawi Publishing Corp. RT: Journal - Paper TI: Vortex solutions of the nonlinear optical Maxwell-Dirac equations AU: Lubomir M. Kovachev SO: Physica D, 190, 78-92 (2004) PB: Elsevier Publishing Corp. RT: Journal - Paper TI: Nonlinear Ampiltude Maxwell - Dirac Equations. Optical leptons. AU: Lubomir M. Kovachev SO: Proc. of SNMP, vol. 50, part 2, 843-849 (2004) PB: Institute of Math., Kyiv. RT: Conference - Paper