The Tao Yin Exercises date back to at least the Han Dynasty (202 BC to AD 220). Tao Yin means literally
"leading/guiding." The purpose of these exercises is to regulate the qi by rubbing the meridians or by packing qi into areas of the body.
The Tao Yin Exercises are usually performed every day, first thing in the morning while lying or sitting in bed. The number of repetitions is based on Chinese numerology, in which nine or multiples of 9 are believed to be yang numbers, associated with the heavenly influences that help to dispel earthly accumulations and imbalances. The numbers are merely guidelines, for starting out. Later you can do the number of repetitions that feels right for you.
Preparation: Before starting the exercises, take a few moments to calm the mind. Sit cross-legged or in a chair with the feet flat on the floor and in alignment or lie comfortably and breathe slowly letting the lower abdomen expand with the inhalation. If thoughts come to the mind observe them and let them pass on.
1. Click the teeth together 9 times.
2. Then circle the tongue behind the upper teeth producing saliva.
3. Swish the saliva in your mouth, and then swallow it in 3 parts. Imagine each part traveling down the midline of the body to the area below the navel. There, imagine the saliva transforming into steam like water hitting a fire. Imagine that the steam expands outward to fill and warm the lower abdomen.
4. Massage the nose. Rub the hands together to warm them. Then use the side of the thumbs to massage downward from the center of the eyebrows and down along both sides of the nose 9 times. Then massage LI 20.
5. Use the fingertips to massage around the eyes 9x.
6. Wash the face with the palms 9x
7. Comb the Hair 9x
8. Rub the Neck & Massage DU 16 & GB20
9. Beat The Sky Drum - with you hands over your flick your forefinger off of your middle finger to "drum" gently on the base of the skull.
10. Massage the ears.
11. Massage the throat 9x
12. Rub the chest 9x
13. Massage the Meridians of the Arms
14. Massage the left and right ribs 9 times.
15. With both hands stroke upward from the lower ribs to the solar plexus. Then with the hands touching stroke down the midline of the body to the pubic bone 9x
16. Put one hand on top of the other and massage below the navel in a circle 36x clockwise and then 36x counterclockwise. If you suffer from constipation, massage only in a clockwise direction. This follows the direction of the movement of the intestines and aids elimination. If your stools tend to be loose or you have diarrhea, massage only counterclockwise as this aids absorption.
17. Put the palms on the back and stroke upward from the sacrum to the kidneys 18x
18. Massage the sacrum and the tailbone with the fingertips 9x
19. Rub the knees with the palms, circling outward 9x and inward 9x
20. With the palms massage the KID 1 on sole of each foot 81x
21. Stand. Massage the Meridians of the Legs 12x (3 x 3 x 3 x 3)
22. Relax and breathe and stand quietly for a minute.
1. Mouth
• This is the meeting point of Ren Mo and Du Mo- two major channels in the body.
• This is why the tongue is on the roof of the Mouth in many Qi Gong Exercises.
2. Clicking the teeth
• Stimulates the interchange of Qi between the Ren and the Du channels.
• Relaxes DU 16 area.
• Strengthens Teeth and Gums
3. Rotate the Tongue
• Stimulates the Heart
• Stimulates Digestion & Production of Saliva
4. Saliva
• Saliva is a precious fluid: part is related to Spleen & part related to Kidney
• Swallowing Saliva makes Turbid descend so clear Yang can rise.
• It also returns fluid back to the kidney where it can be transformed into essence.
5. Rubbing The Nose & LI 20
• Opens the breathing passages
• Dislodges pathogens
6. Massage the Eyes
• Stimulates the liver and the brain
• Clears the vision
7. Wash the Face
• Opens the blood vessels
• Stimulates the brain
8. Combing The Hair
• Activates the Brain
• Stimulates the Meridians of the head
• Drains Excess Yang from head
9. Massage the Neck and Press DU 16 & GB 20.
• Open pathway of clear yang to brain
• Dispel the effect of Wind and drafts
• Disperse excess Yang Qi from head.
10. Beat The Sky Drum
• Relaxes the neck
• Awakens the brain
• Allows the Yang top ascend unobstructed
• Helps hearing
11. Rub the Ears
• Stimulate the kidneys
• Open ears to hear
• Stimulated the body via the ear points
• In general, massaging the sense organs opens the orifices to the brain so that the Shen is clear and unobstructed.
12. Massage the Front of the Neck
• Opens the throat
• Dispels pathogens and phlegm from throat
13. Massage the Chest
• Opens the Qi of the Chest
• Stimulates flow of Qi from Chest to Arms (Yin Arm Channels)
• Stimulates the Lung dispersing and descending function.
14. Massage The Arms
• Opens the meridians of the arm
15. Massage the left and Right Ribs
• Massaging left ribs soothes the liver
• Massaging right ribs keeps Spleen and Stomach free of obstruction
16. Stroke up the sides and down center of torso
• Frees ribs
• Helps Lung and Stomach Qi descend
• Prevents stagnation
17. Dantian
• Stores Jing
• Stimulates movement and absorption of intestines
18. Massage The Kidneys
• Strengthjen and warm the kidneys
19. Rub Sacrum
• Assists Yang Qi to flow up spine
• Helps hemorrhoids
20. Rub the Knees
• Energize the legs and knees
• Stimulate the kidneys
21. Rub KID 1
Stimulate the Kidneys
Leads Yang energy back to the Earth (Yin)
22. Rub the Meridians of the Legs
Opens the meridians of the legs.