WESTAR Technical Conference On Oil and Gas Development October 21-23, 2008 Colorado State Bank Building 1600 Broadway, 5th Floor Denver, Colorado Agenda Audience and Objective: This conference is intended for state air quality agency officials with responsibility for assessing and regulating air pollution from oil and gas development. The purpose of the conference is for states to share information about oil and gas development trends, air quality impacts, and planning and regulatory programs to address the impacts. Tuesday, October 21 1:00-1:15 Welcome and introductions, Dave McNeill, UT DEQ, Bob Lebens, WESTAR 1:15-1:45 Air quality and oil and gas development, Dave McNeill Dave McNeill will provide a broad overview of the air quality impacts associated with oil and gas development in the West and the implications of the development on the ozone and PM2.5 NAAQS. 1:45-2:45 Trends in oil and gas development on federal lands in the West. Oil and gas equipment types, controls and emission rates, Scott Archer, BLM Scott Archer will present a broad overview of oil and gas development trends, emissions from drill rigs, flares, tanks, pipelines and compressors and discuss recent control technology developments. 2:45-3:00 Break 3:00-5:00 How and where does oil and gas development impact air quality? State round table discussion of oil and gas development trends. Each representative will give a brief (15-20 minute) presentation on current and anticipated oil and gas development activities including: their location; the type of development; and, emissions and air quality trends. Mark McMillan, CO; Todd Peterson, ND; Rita Bates, NM; Brock LeBaron,UT; Mark Smith, WY. 5:00 Adjourn for the day Wednesday, October 22 8:00-8:45 Wyoming winter ozone monitoring and modeling analysis, Lori Bocchino, WY DEQ Lori Bocchino will update the states on ozone monitoring and modeling analyses in SW Wyoming. 8:45-9:45 Current regional and state air quality assessments Uintah Basin, Kathleen Sgamma, IPAMS Four Corners, Rita Bates, NM Air Bureau Presenters will summarize regional air quality analyses. 9:45-10:00 Break 10:00-11:00 Current regional and state air quality assessments (continued) WRAP Phase III, Lee Gribovicz, WRAP 11:00-12:00 Conducting regional air quality assessments, Tom Moore, WRAP Presentation on the potential future WRAP analysis of cumulative impacts of energy development. 12:00-1:30 Lunch 1:30-2:30 Oil and gas development and the NEPA process, Brian St. George, BLM, Larry Svoboda, EPA The speakers will discuss NEPA and air quality analysis in oil and gas development. 2:30-2:45 Break 2:45-3:15 Transportation related emissions, Dave McNeill Presentation of the Utah DOT report quantifying the traffic associated with oil field development, followed by a discussion of transportation related emissions from oil and gas development. 3:15-4:15 Oil shale, Bob Randall, Colorado Department of Natural Resources, Donald Law, EPA Broad overview of oil shale development history, resource potential, as well as potential air quality impacts in western U.S. addressing the following questions: What is the resource base? What are the current “realistic” methods for extraction and recovery? What level of development may be on the horizon? What are the economic realities of developing the resource? What infrastructure changes would need to occur? What will be the energy demand to develop the resource? What are the federal air regulatory requirements for oil shale development? 4:15–5:00 Moore Oil and gas development and climate change emissions accounting, Tom Discussion of the WRAP oil and gas exploration and production, and natural gas gathering and processing greenhouse gas accounting protocol. 5:00 Adjourn for the day Thursday, October 23 8:00-9:30 Roundtable discussion of rule changes and other actions states and EPA are taking to address oil and gas development related air emissions. Each representative will give a brief (10 minute) overview of current permitting requirements and planned regulatory actions to address air quality impacts from oil and gas development. Rose Waldman, CO; Jim Semerad, ND; Rita Bates, NM; Tim DeJulis, UT; Lori Bocchino, WY; Donald Law, EPA 9:30-9:45 Break 9:45-11:30 What else can/should be done to address air quality impacts from oil and gas development - How do we get there from here? Roundtable discussion 11:30-12:00 Wrap up and adjourn