February 10, 2008 Mrs. Robin Cassady-Cain Assistant Editor BMC -series Journals Bio Med Central Middlesex House 34-42 Cleveland Street London W1T 4LB Dear Mrs. Cassady-Cain We are very thankful to the editorial board for their valuable comments. We have made every possible effort to include all revisions as suggested. We strongly agree with the suggestion of editorial board regarding this manuscript that it would be much better suited to the scope of, BMC Medical Genetics. Since, it is a hospital-based case-control study for the genetics of thyroid cancer, and is clearly a medical study, and would reach a more specific audience at BMC Medical Genetics. We would be more than happy to have our manuscript transferred to this journal for consideration. We have re-formatted the manuscript accordingly for BMC Medical Genetics. Regarding the other suggestions, we address below the specific issues raised and the changes made in the manuscript for your consideration point by point. EDITORIAL COMMENTS: 1) Could you please expand your methods section. At the moment, they are too brief, and there is no description of your sample group. Please carefully describe your patients and controls and exactly how they are matched, since you've reported it as a case-control study. Editor’s worthy comments are well taken and all effort has been made to expand the methodology section, information has been incorporated regarding the samples and control selection. The amendments can be seen highlighted in red color font throughout in the revised manuscript. 2) Please include your ethics/consent as outlined below: Ethics - Experimental research that is reported in the manuscript must have been performed with the approval of an appropriate ethics committee. Research carried out on humans must be in compliance with the Helsinki Declaration (http://www.wma.net/e/policy/b3.htm), and any experimental research on animals must follow internationally recognized guidelines. A statement to this effect must appear in the Methods section of the manuscript, including the name of the body which gave approval, with a reference number where appropriate. Experimental research that is reported in this manuscript has been performed with the approval of Institutional Review Board and ethics committee of King Faisal Specialist Hospital, in compliance with the Helsinki Declaration. To clarify this fact the following statement has been incorporated in the Methods section (page 8, para 1, lines 5-7). “The Institutional Review Board of the King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre approved the study in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki.” In summary, in the revised manuscript, we have addressed all issues raised by the Medical Editor. We hope that you will now find the revised manuscript acceptable for publication in BMC Medical Genetics. Sincerely, Khawla Al-Kuraya, MD, FCAP Research Centre at KFNCCC&R King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre MBC 98-16, P.O. Box 3354 Riyadh 11211 Saudi Arabia Telephone: +966-1-2055165 to 67 Fax: +966-1-2055170 Email: kkuraya@kfshrc.edu.sa