Mobile Robotics COM596 Laboratory Session: week 3 Neural Networks for Khepera Robot Control using Matlab Neural Network Toolbox Integrated environment of MATLAB is shown in the diagram below. You can create your own tools to customize toolbox or harness with Neural Network Toolbox. Neural Net Toolbox Simulink User-written M-files MATLAB Figure 1: Neural Network Toolbox in Matlab environment Defining network architecture and training algorithms A single layer network with m inputs elements and n neurons is shown in Figure 2. In this neural network (NN), each input element is connected with each neuron through the weight matrix W. ith input element is connected with jth neuron – thus weight matrix is written as Wji. If an input vector x is applied to the NN, the output vector y will be y f Wx b Using the Matlab function newff() an architecture can be created with desired number of layers and neurons. Different training algorithms are available as functions. An example is given in exercise 1. b1 w1,1 net1 N1 f(.) Y1 f(.) Y2 x1 b2 x2 x3 N2 x4 . . . xm net2 . . . bn wn,m Nn netn f(.) Yn Figure 2: Single layer feedforward network. Exercise 1: Define a NN architecture and train with input-output data Write the Matlab code and save it under a name and run it from command prompt. %Training set P = [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]; T = [0 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 2 3 4]; %Here a two-layer feed-forward network is created. The network's input ranges from %[0 to 10]. The first layer has five TANSIG neurons, the second layer has one %PURELIN neuron. The TRAINGD network training function is to be used. net = newff([0 10],[5 1],{'tansig' 'purelin'},'traingd'); %Set network parameters as follows net.trainParam.epochs = 50 net.trainParam.goal = 0.1 = 0.01 net.trainParam.min_grad=1e-10 = 25 net.trainParam.time = inf %Maximum number of epochs to train %Performance goal %Learning rate %Minimum performance gradient %Epochs between displays %Maximum time to train in seconds %Here the network is simulated and its output plotted against the targets. net = train(net,P,T); Y = sim(net,P); plot(P,T,P,Y,'o') Exercise 2: Train NN with different training algorithms To train the NN, different training algorithms can be used. They have their own features and advantages as stated below. traingd – Basic gradient descent learning algorithm. Slow resonse but can be mused in incremental mode training. traingdm – Gradient descent with momentum. Generally faster than traingd, can be used in incremental mode training. traingdx – Adaptive learning rate. Faster training than traingd, but can only be used in batch mode training. trainrp – Resilient backpropagation. Simple batch mode training algorithm with fast convergence and minimal storage requirements. trainlm – Levenberg-Marquart algorithm. Faster training algorithm for networks of moderate size, has memory reduction feature for use when the training set is large. There can be different activation functions with distinct features. Those are explained in lecture 5 in detail. Some of them are tansig logsig purelin Observe the differences of these algorithms and activation functions on the training of the patterns given in Exercise 1. Exercise 3: Matlab code for obstacle avoidance of Khepera %This program is running OK avoiding %obstacles on left/right or in front of %Date of update 4/7/2009 ref=kopen([0,9600,100]); for i=1:100 v=kProximity(ref); u=kAmbient(ref); d5=v(5);d6=v(6); lvL=u(7);lvR=u(8); lv=(lvL+lvR)/2; %direction is set by if(lv<1/15) kMoveTo(ref,5,-1) %move right %position in pulse 1 pulse = 1/12 =0.083mm end x=rand(1); if(x==0) kSetSpeed(ref,5,-1) %move right else if(lv>1/15) kSetSpeed(ref,-1,5) %move left else kSetSpeed(ref,4,-1) %move right end end end kMoveTo(ref,0,0); kclose(ref);