Shahriar Koochekpour - Asian Journal of Andrology

Shahriar Koochekpour, M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Cancer Genetics, Urology, and Oncology
Office Address:
Department of Cancer Genetics
Roswell Park Cancer Institute
Elm and Carlton Streets
Buffalo, NY 14263
(716) 845-8654 tel
(716) 845-1698 fax
Academic & Professional Appointments:
Postdoctoral Scientist, Molecular Oncology Section, ABL-Basic Research Program, National cancer
Institute (2/1996-11/1999). NCI-FCRDC, Frederick, MD.
Senior-Postdoctoral Scientist, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, LSU Health Sciences
Center (11/13/1999-11/29/01).
Research-Assistant Professor, Departments of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Microbiology
and Immunology, LSU-Health Sciences Center (12/1/02-12/16/05).
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, LSU-Health Sciences
Center (12/06-pres).
Assistant Professor (tenure-track) /Principal Investigator, Stanley S. Scott Cancer Center/ Departments of
Microbiology and Immunology, LSU-Health Sciences Center (12/17/05-8/31/2010).
Assistant Professor, Department of Urology, LSH-Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA
Associate Professor, Department of Cancer Genetics and Urology, Roswell Park Cancer Institute,
Buffalo, New York
Doctor of Medicine (M.D), Shiraz Medical School, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
Elective Medical Rotation at Hemato-Oncology, Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy wards at University
Teaching Hospital, Shiraz Medical School, Shiraz, Iran (1989).
Residency in general pathology (1991).
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Experimental Cellular and Molecular Neuro-Oncology Group,
Department of Pathology, King’s College School of Medicine, University of London, London, U.K
Trained for Research Applications of Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy (SEM and TEM).
Department of Neuropathology, Institute of Psychiatry / Maudsley Hospital; King’s College School of
Medicine, University of London, U.K (1994).
Trained for Research Applications of Laser Capture Microdissection (extraction and analysis of gene and
protein expression) from Frozen tissues, paraffin-embedded tissue section, monolayer cell culture on slide
(2006; LSU Department of Pathology).
Professional Societies:
American Association for Cancer Research (AACR): Active Member (2004-pres)
AACR-Minorities in Cancer Research:
Active Member (2008-pres)
Society for Basic Urologic Research (SBUR):
Active Member (2005-pres)
American Urological Association (AUA):
Affiliate Member (2004-pres)
Postgraduate Training:
Cellular and Molecular Oncology (King’s College London, University of London, U.K)
Medical Training and Residency:
Doctor of Medicine, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
Administrative Responsibility and Committee Memberships:
Supervisor for undergraduate students (National Cancer Institute/Hood College, Fredereick, Maryland).
Supervisor for postgraduate summer students / National Cancer Institute-Research Training Program,
Louisiana State University-Health Sciences Center/Stanley S. Scott Cancer Center, New Orleans, LA).
Other Professional Activities
Journal Reviews:
Ad hoc Reviewer (2002-pres):
Cancer Lett
Eu. J. Cacer
Cancer Res
Clinical Cancer Res
Molecular Cancer Research
Asian J Andrology
Fertility and Sterility
Journal of Andrology
Molecular Biology Reports
Biological Chemistry
European Journal of Oncology
Molecular Endocrinology
FEBS letter
Br. J. Cancer
Exp Biology & Medicine
Endocrinology, Sterility and Fertility
Molecular Endocrinology
Clinical Cancer Research
European Urology
Journal of Urology
Urologic Oncology
Editorial Responsibilities:
Corresponding Editor, Asian J. Andrology.
Editorial Board, Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Hematology.
Editor of special Issue: Translational Topics in Prostate Cancer, Frontiers in Bioscience.
Editorial Board, The Open Prostate Cancer Journal
Editorial Board, International Journal of Nephrology and Urolog
Journal of Membrane Science and Technology
Merzak, A., McCrea, S., Koochekpour, S., Pilkington, G.J.: Control of human brain tumour cell
proliferation, migration, and invasion in vitro by Transforming Growth Factor beta 1. Br. J. Cancer. 70:
199-203, 1994.
Merzak, A., Koochekpour, S., Pilkington, G.J.: CD44 mediates human glioma cell invasion and adhesion
in vitro. Cancer Res. 54: 3988-3992, 1994.
Merzak, A., Koochekpour, S., Pilkington, G.J.: Cell surface gangliosides are involved in the control of
glioma cell invasion in vitro. Neurosci. lett. 177: 44-46, 1994.
Merzak, A., Parker, C., Koochekpour, S., Sherbet, G., Pilkington, G.J.: Overexpression of the 18/A2mts1
gene and down regulation of the TIMP-2 gene in invasive human glioma cell lines in vitro. Neuropath.
Appl. Neurobiol., 20: 614-619, 1994.
Koochekpour, S., Merzak, A., Pilkington, G.J.: Control of glioma cell proliferation, morphology, and
migration by basement membrane (BM) in vitro. European J. Cancer, 31, 375-380, 1995.
Koochekpour, S., Merzak, A., Pilkington, G.J.: Growth factors and gangliosides stimulate laminin
production by human glioma cells in vitro. Neurosci. lett., 186, 53-56, 1995.
Merzak, A., Koochekpour, S., Pilkington, G.J.: Adhesion of human glioma cell lines to fibronectin,
Laminin, vitronectin, and collagen I is modulated by gangliosides in vitro. Cell Adhesion and
Communication, 3, 27-43, 1995.
Merzak, A., Koochekpour, S., McCrea, S., Roxanis, I., Pilkington, G.J.: Gangliosides modulate
proliferation, migration, and invasion of human brain tumour cells in vitro. Mol. Chem. Neuropathol., 24,
121-135, 1995.
Merzak, A., Koochekpour, S., Dkhissi, F., Rynal, S., Lawrence, D., Pilkington, G.J.: Synergism between
growth factors in the control of glioma cell proliferation, migration, and invasion in vitro. Int. J.Oncol., 6,
1079-1085, 1995.
10. Koochekpour, S., Pilkington, G.J and Merzak, A.: Hyaluronic acid / CD44H interaction induces cell
detachment and stimulates migration and invasion of human glioma cells in vitro. Int J Cancer: 63,
450-455, 1995.
11. Koochekpour, S., Pilkington, G.J., Merzak, A.: Vascular endothelial growth factor production is
stimulated in response to growth factors in human glioma cells. Oncology Report: 2, 1059-1061, 1995.
12. Koochekpour, S., Pilkington, G. J., Merzak, A.: Expression of VEGF in human brain tumour cyst fluids.
Oncology Report: 2, 1147-1149, 1995.
13. Merzak, A., Koochekpour, S., Marie-Paule Fillion., Gilles Fillion., Pilkinigton, G. J.: Expression of
serotonin receptors in human fetal astrocytes and glioma cell lines: a possible role in glioma cell
proliferation and migration. Mol Brain Res: 41, 1-7, 1996
14. Maidment, S., Merzak, A., Koochekpour, S., Rooprai, H., Rucklidge, G., Pilkington, G.J.: Gangliosides
stimulate metalloproteinase expression in human glioma cell lines in vitro. Eur J Cancer: 32A, No.5,
868-871, 1996.
15. Koochekpour, S . and Pilkington G.J.: Hyaluronic acid modulates human glioma cells proliferation
through CD44H in vitro. Oncology Reports: 3, 133-135, 1996.
16. Koochekpour, S., Merzak, A., Pilkington, G.J.: Vascular endothelial growth factor production is
stimulated by gangliosides and TGF-β isoforms in human glioma cells in vitro. Cancer Letters: 102,
209-215, 1996.
17. Koochekpour, S. and Pilkington, G. J.: Vascular and perivascular GD3 expression in human glioma.
Cancer Letters, 104, 97-102, 1996.
18. Koochekpour, S., Jeffers, M., Rulong, S., Taylor, G., Klineberg, E., Hudson, E.A., Resau,J.H. and Vande
Woude, G.F.: Met and Hepatocyte Growth Factor expression in Human Gliomas. Cancer Research: 57,
5391-5398, 1997.
19. Jeffers, M., Koochekpour, S., Fiscella, M., Sathyanarayana and Vande Woude, G.F.: Signaling
Requirements for Oncogenic Forms of the Met Tyrosine Kinase receptor. Oncogene, 17:2691-2700,
20. Jeffers, M., Fiscella, M., Webb, C.P., Anver, M., Koochekpour, S., and Vande Woude, G.F.: The
mutationally activated Met receptor mediates motility and metastasis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA,
95:14417-14422, 1998.
21. Koochekpour, S., Jeffers, M., Wang, P.H., Gong, C., Taylor, G.A., Roessler, L.M., Stearman, R.,
Stetler-Stevenson, W.G., Kaelin Jr., W.G., Linehan, W.M., Klausner, R.D., Gnarra, J.R., and Vande
Woude, G.F: The VHL Tumor Suppressor Gene Inhibits HGF/SF-Induced Invasion and Branching
Morphogenesis in Renal Carcinoma Cells. Mol. Cell. Biol., 19, 9: 5902-5912, 1999.
22. Webb, C. P., Hose, C. D., Koochekpour, S., Jeffers, M., Oskarsson, M., Sausville, E., Monks, A.and
Vande Woude, G.F. The geldanamycins are potent inhibitors of the HGF/SF-Met-uPA-
proteolytic network. Cancer Research, 60, 2: 342-349, 2000.
23. Topol, L.Z., Modi, W.S., Koochekpour, S.and Blair, D.G. DRM/GREMLIN (CKTSF1B1) maps to
human chromosome 15 and is highly expressed in adult and fetal brain. J. Cytogenetics & Cell Genetics,
89, 1-2:79-84, 2000.
24. Duesbery, N.S., Resau, J., Webb, C. P., Koochekpour, S., Koo, H. M., Leppla, S.H ., Vande Woude, G.F.
Suppression of ras-mediated transformation and inhibition of tumor growth and angiogenesis by anthrax
lethal factor, a proteolytic inhibitor of multiple MEK pathways. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 27: 98
(7):4089-4094, 2001.
25. Koochekpour, S., Maresh, G., Katner, A., Parker-Johnson, K., Lee, T-J., Hebert, F. E., Kao, Y., and
Rayford, W. Establishment and characterization of a primary African-American
prostate cancer cell
line, E006AA. Prostate, 60: 141-152, 2004.
26. Koochekpour, S*., Sartor, O., Lee, T-J., Zieske, Arthur., Patten, D. Y., Hiraiwa, M., Sandhoff, K.,
Remmel, N., Minokadeh, A. Prosaptide TX14A stimulates growth, migration, and invasion and activates
the Raf-MEK-ERK-RSK-Elk-1 signaling pathway in prostate cancer cells. Prostate, 61: 114-123, 2004.
27. Sartor, O and Koochekpour, S. Stem Cells and Prostate Cancer. Clin. Prostate. Cancer, 3: 11-12, 2004.
28. Lee, T-J., Sartor, O., Luftig, R. B., Koochekpour, S*. Saposin C promotes survival and prevents apoptosis
via PI3K/Akt-dependent pathway in prostate cancer cells. Mol. Cancer, 3: 31, 2004.
29. Gandhok, N. K., Looney S., Koochekpour, S., and Sartor, O. Relationships between reverse
transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction for prostate specific antigen, survival, and various prognostic
laboratory factors in patients with hormone refractory prostate cancer. Urol. Oncol, 23:163-167, 2005.
30. Koochekpour, S*, Sartor, O, Hiraiwa, M, Lee, T-J, Rayford, W, Remmel, N, Sandhoff, K, Minokadeh,
A, Patten, D.Y. Saposin C Stimulates Growth and Invasion, Activates p42/44 and SAPK/JNK Signaling
Pathways of MAPK and Upregulates uPA/uPAR Expression in Prostate Cancer and Stromal Cells. Asian.
J. Androl, 7, 147-158, 2005.
31. Koochekpour, S*, Zhuang, Yu-Jun, Beroukhim, R, Hssieh C-L, Hofer, M. D, Zhau, HE, Hiraiwa, M,
Pattan, D, Ware, J. L, Luftig, R, Sandhoff, K, Sawyers, C. L, Pienta K.J, Rubin MA, Vessella RL, Sellers
WR, and Sartor, O. Amplification and Overexpression of Prosaposin in Prostate Cancer and Other
Malignant Cells. Genes, Chromosomes & Cancer, 44 , 351-364, 2005.
32. Koochekpour S*. PSAP (Prosaposin (variant Gaucher disease and variant metachromatic
leukodystrophy)). Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol Haematol, 10: 370-384, 2006.
33. Baghai-Wadji, M., Sianati, M., Nikpour, H., Koochekpour, S. Pleomorphic adenoma of the trachea in an
8-year-old boy: a case report. J. Pediatric Surg. 41 (8): e23-28, 2006,
34. Koochekpour, S*., Lee, T-J., Wang, R., Sun, Y., Delorme, N., Caffey, S., Grabowski, GA., Culig, Z.,
Minokadeh, A. Prosaposin is a novel androgen-target gene. J Cell Biochem. 101 (3):631-41, 2007.
35. Koochekpour, S*., Lee, T-J., Wang, R., Vadlamudi, R. K., Culig, Z., Delorme, N., Caffey, S., Marrero,
L., Aguirre, J., Garcia, M.Z. Prosaposin Upregulates Androgen Receptor Expression and Activity In
Prostate Cancer Cells (LNCaP), Prostate, 67, 178-189, 2007.
36. Sujit S. Nair, Mueller, J. M., Koochekpour, S., Qiu, Y., Tekmal, R. R., Schüle, R., Kung, H-J., Kumar,
R., and Vadlamudi, R. K. PELP1/MNAR modulates transactivation of LIM-only coactivator FHL2. Mol.
Endocrinol, 21, 613-624, 2007.
37. Koochekpour, S*., Lee, T-J., Sun, Y., Hu, S., Grabowski, G. A., Liu, Z., Garay, J. Prosaposin is an
AR-target gene and its neurotrophic domain upregulates SARE expression and activity in prostate stromal
cells. J Cell Biochem, 101, 631-641, 2008.
38. Singh G, Aras S, Zea AH, Koochekpour S, Aiyar A.Optimal transactivation by Epstein-Barr nuclear
antigen 1 requires the UR1 and ATH1 domains. J Virol, 83, 4227-35, 2009.
39. S, Hu, N, Delorme, Z, Liu, T, Liu, C, Velasco-Gonzalez, J, Garai., A, Pullikuth., and Koochekpour, S*.
Prosaposin down-modulation decreases metastatic prostate cancer cell adhesion, migration, and invasion.
Molecular Cancer. 9, 30, 2010.
40. Siyi Hu, Tao Liu, Zhenzhen Liu, Elisa Ledet, Cruz Velasco-Gonzalez, Diptasri M. Mandal, Shahriar
Koochekpour*. Identification of a Novel Germline Missense Mutation of the Androgen Receptor in
African American Men with Familial Prostate Cancer. Asian J Andrology, 12 (3): 336-343, 2010.
41. Koochekpour, S*. Comment on "Effect of transferred NK4 gene on proliferation, migration, invasion, and
apoptosis of human prostate cancer DU145 cells" by Dan Yue et al. in Asian Journal of Andrology. Asian
J Androl. 12(3):444-6, 2010.
42. D’Antonio, J., Antony, Vander Griend, D. J., L., Dalrymple, S.L., Koochekpour, S., Isaacs, JT. Loss of
growth suppression is necessary but not sufficient for prostate cancer cells acquiring oncogen addition to
androgen receptor signaling. PLoS One, 5(7):e11475, 2010.
43. Koochekpour, S*. Androgen receptor signaling and mutations in prostate cancer. Asian J.Andrology,
12(5):639-57, 2010. Invited Review Article
44. Zerfaoui, M., Errami, Y., Suzuki, Y., Naura, A.Y., Ju. J, Liu,T., Hans, C.P., Kim, J., Koochekpour, S.,
Catling, A., and Boulares, A.H.. Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 is a determining factor in
Crm1-mediated nuclear export of p65 NF-kB and retention upon TLR4 stimulation: a novel mechanism
of regulating NF-kB-dependent gene expression. The Journal of Immunology, 185(3):1894-902, 2010.
45. Koochekpour, S., Siyi Hu, Cruz Vellasco-Gonzalez, Ruiz Bernardo, Sunipa Majumdar, Dhatchayini
Subramani, Scott E. Delacroix, Mohamed E. Abdraboh, Jone Garai, Qi, Z, Jill Williams, Gissue
Azabdaftari, Guo-xiang Shao, Guodong Zhu, Dalin He, Haiyen E. Zhau, Leland W. Chung, and Robert
L. Vessella . Serum prosaposin levels are increased in patients with advanced prostate cancer. Prostate,
46. Koochekpour S. DNA methylome and the complexity of discovering prostate cancer biomarkers. Asian J
Androl. 2011 Jul 4. doi: 10.1038/aja.2011.90. [Epub ahead of print]
Scientific Presentations (since 2004):
Koochekpour, S., Sartor, O., Lee, T-J., Sandhoff. K., Remmel, N., Minokadeh, A., and Patten, D. Y.
Saposin C stimulates migration and invasion and upregulates uPA/uPAR and cathepsin D expression in
human prostate stromal and cancer cells.
95nd Annual Meeting, AACR, Orlando, March 27-31, 2004.
Lee, T-J., Sartor, O., Lee, T-J., Minokadeh, A., Patten, D. Y., Sun. Y., Grabowski, G. A., Koochekpour,
S. Differential induction of prosaposin promoter by androgen and serum in human prostate cancer and
stromal cells.
95nd Annual Meeting, AACR, Orlando, March 27-31, 2004.
Zhihue, X., Ling, J., Edlund, M., Lee, T-J., Koochekpour, S., Marshall, F., and Hsieh, C-L. Involvement
of cell adhesion molecule L1 in human prostate cancer bone metastasis.
95nd Annual Meeting, AACR, Orlando, March 27-31, 2004.
Mukherjee, P. K., Koochekpour, S., Lee, T-J., Grabowski, G. A., Sartor, O., Bazan, N. G. The prosaposin
gene downregulates oxidative strees-induced apoptosis in human retinal pigment epithelial cells:
Hammerhead ribozymes and proximal promoter studies.
Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, ARVO 2004, April 25-29, 2004; poster# 4675.
Koochekpour, S., Sartor, O., Lee, T-J., Hebert, F., Patten, D. Y., and Minokadeh, A. Prosaposin is a novel
AR-target gene and upregulates AR/PSA expression in prostate stromal and cancer cells. Abstract #998
American Urological Association, Annual Meeting, San Francisco, May 8-13, 2004. (Discussed Poster
Nair, S., Seetharaman, B., Schule R, Koochekpour, S., El-Naggar, A., Kumar R., and Vadlamudi R.
PELP1/MNAR Modulates LIM-only coactivator FHL2 Transactivation Functions. 96th Annual
Meeting, AACR, April 16-20, 2005, Anaheim, CA , 2005. Proc Amer Assoc Cancer Res 46: #1279
Kristen Bisanz, Jie Yu, Tae-Jin Lee, Koochekpour, S., Milton W. Datta, Chia-Ling Hsieh. L1 Cell
Adhesion Molecule (L1 CAM) Enhances Prostate Cancer Cell Tumorigenicity and Bone Metastasis. 96th
Annual Meeting, AACR, April 16-20, 2005, Anaheim, CA , 2005. Proc Am. Assoc. Cancer. Res 46: #
Koochekpour, S, Francine Hebert, Tae-Jin Lee, Oliver Sartor, Milena Z. Garcia, Luis Marrero, Ying Sun,
Gregory A. Grabowski, Sorena Kafai, Jennifer Aguirre, Ardalan Minokadeh, David Y. Pattan. Cross-talk
between androgen receptor and prosaposin in prostate cancer and stromal cells supports a potential
mechanism for antiandrogen withdrawal syndrome. American Urological Association, Annual Meeting,
Atlanta, Georgia. May 20-25, 2006.
Koochekpour, S, Jone Garai, Tae-Jin Lee, Z. Liu, Brian J. Williams, Robert Vessella. Serum-PSAP, a
novel biomarker for prostate cancer progression. Society for Basic Urology Research (SBUR), Nov 20-23,
2008, Arizona, Phoenix
10. Koochekpour, S, Liu, Z, Liu, T, Hu, S, Ledet, E, Velasco-Gonzalez, C, Mandal, D. Identification of a
novel germline missense mutation in the DNA-binding domain of AR in several African American
patients with familial prostate cancer. Society for Basic Urology Research (SBUR), Nov 5-8, 2009, New
Orlean, LA
11. Koochekpour, S. Prostate Cancer Roundtable. Genetic and familial predispositions. Perspectives in
Oncology, Nov 13-15, 2009. Ochsner Health System/LSUHSC-NO
12. Siyi Hu, N. delorme, Z. Liu, T. Liu, C-Velasco-Gonzalez, J CGarai, A. Pulikuth, S. Koochekpour. PSAP
down-modulation decreases metastatic prostate cancer adhesion, migration,invasion. AACR 101 st
Annual Meeting April 2010, Washington, DC.
13. Koochekpour, S, Liu, Z, Liu, T, Hu, S, Ledet, E, Velasco-Gonzalez, C, Mandal, D. Identification of a
novel germline missense mutation in the DNA-binding domain of AR in several African American
patients with familial prostate cancer. Louisiana NCRR/IDeA 2010 Biomedical Research Symposium,
Jan 22, 2010, Baton Rouge, LA
14. Siyi Hu, N. delorme, Z. Liu, T. Liu, C-Velasco-Gonzalez, J Garai, A. Pulikuth, S. Koochekpour. PSAP
down-modulation decreases metastatic prostate cancer adhesion, migration,invasion. LCRC Annual
Scientific Retreat March 26 & 27, 2010. New Orleans, LA.
15. Koochekpour, S, Liu, Z, Liu, T, Hu, S, Ledet, E, Velasco-Gonzalez, C, Mandal, D. Identification of a
novel germline missense mutation in the DNA-binding domain of AR in several African American
patients with familial prostate cancer. NIH, NCRR Third Biennial National IDeA Symposium of
Biomedical Research excellence (NISBRE), June 16-18, 2010, Bethesda, Maryland.
16. Siyi Hu, N. delorme, Z. Liu, T. Liu, C-Velasco-Gonzalez, J CGarai, A. Pulikuth, S. Koochekpour. PSAP
down-modulation decreases metastatic prostate cancer adhesion, migration,invasion. NIH, NCRR Third
Biennial National IDeA Symposium of Biomedical Research excellence (NISBRE), June 16-18, 2010,
Bethesda, Maryland.
17. S. Koochekpour, SiYi Hu, Vellasco-Gonzalez Cruz, Mohamed El Badri, Ruiz Bernardo, Arthur Zieske,
Jill Williams, Leland W. Chung, Haiyen Zhau, Robert L. Vessella. Prosaposin, a novel biomarker for
primary and metastatic prostate cancer, AUA 101st Annual meeting, Washington DC, May 2011
18. S. Koochekpour, , S. Hu, Z. Liu, T. Liu, C. Velasco-Gonzalez, E. Buckles, D. Subramania, S. Majumdar,
B. Wood. Somatic and genomic instability of androgen receptor in African Americans with prostate
cancer. AUA 101st Annual meeting, Washington DC, May 2011.