XIII INTER-AMERICAN CONFERENCE OF MINISTERS OF LABOUR (IACML) OF THE ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES AGENDA 2004 WORKING GROUP MEETINGS OF THE XIII IACML Washington, D.C. May 11-14, 2004 DAY 1 Tuesday, May 11 WORKSHOP ON IMPACTS OF INTEGRATION AND TRADE ON LABOUR 9:00 – 9:15 Welcome Remarks Sofialeticia Morales, Director of the Unit for Social Development and Education of the OAS and Technical Secretary of the Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labour. Julio Rosales, Coordinator of International Affairs, Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security, Argentina Jorge Perez-Lopez, Director International Economic Affairs, U.S. Department of Labour 9:15 – 9:30 Opening Report on IACML Troika Presentation to FTAA Ministerial, November 2003 Presentation by Representatives of the Ministries of Labour of Brazil, Canada, and Mexico Carlos Alberto Ramos, Ministry Consultant, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Brazil Kevin Banks, Director, Office of Inter-American Labour Cooperation, Human Resources and Skills Development Canada Maria del Socorro Gomez, Director OAS Affairs, Secretariat of Labour and Social Protection, Mexico 9:30 – 10:30 Framing the Issue 15-minute presentation by each panelist, followed by discussion. Moderator: Julio Rosales, Coordinator of International Relations, Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security, Argentina Presenters: Jose Manuel Salazar, Director, Trade Unit, Organization of American States (OAS) Virgilio Levaggi, Regional Specialist, International Labour Organization (ILO) Regional Office, Lima Pablo Lazo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chile 10:30 – 11:00 Break 11:00 – 12:30 Treatment of Labour in Free Trade Agreements 10-minute presentations to discuss labour commitments, the negotiation process, and the role of capacity building in support of labour provisions. Moderator: Jorge Perez-Lopez, Director International Economic Affairs, U.S. Department of Labour Presenters: (Questions & Answers after each) US-Chile FTA: Canada-Costa Rica FTA: CAFTA: Page 1 of 5 Yerko Ljubetic Godoy, Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, Chile Bernardo Benavides, Former Min. of Labour, Costa Rica Cesar Guillermo Castillo, Vice-Minister of Labour and Social Protection, Guatemala NAFTA/NAALC: Eduardo Velasquillo, Director NAALC Affairs, Secretariat of Labour and Social Protection, Mexico Gerardo Corres, Sub-coordinator for International Affairs, Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security of Argentina MERCOSUR: 12:30 – 2:00 Lunch 2:00 – 2:45 Private Sector Perspectives and Responses 10-minute presentations by each panelist, followed by a 15-minute discussion Moderator: Jorge Perez-Lopez, Director International Economic Affairs, U.S. Department of Labour Presenters: Ericson Crivelli, President of the Trade Union Technical Advisory Committee (COSATE) Adam Greene, Business Technical Advisory Committee on Labour Matters (CEATAL) Homero Fuentes, Representative of the Commission for the Verification of Corporate Codes of Conduct (COVERCO) 2:45 – 3:30 Implications of Globalization and Integration for the Informal Sector 10-minute presentations by each panelist, followed by a 15-minute discussion Moderator: Daniel Kostzer, Consultant of the Sub-secretariat for Technical Planning and Labour Studies, Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security, Argentina Presenters: William F. Maloney, Office of the Chief Economist for Latin America and the Caribbean, World Bank Gustavo Marquez, Principal Labour Advisor, Inter-American Development Bank Victor Tokman, Presidential Advisor, Presidency of the Republic of Chile 3:30 – 4:00 Break 4:00 – 5:15 Assessing the Labour Market Impacts of Integration 15-minute presentation by each, followed by discussion. Moderator: Daniel Kostzer, Consultant of the Sub-secretariat for Technical Planning and Labour Studies, Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security, Argentina Presenters: Michael Abbott, Labour Economist, North American Commission for Labour Cooperation Gregory Schoepfle, Research Director, US Department of Labour Raquel Artecona, Regional Trade Advisor, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean 5:15 – 5:30 Closing Remarks Ambassador Ross Wilson, Senior Negotiator for the Free Trade Area of the Americas, Office of the US Trade Representative (adjournment of Workshop) Page 2 of 5 DAY 2 Wednesday, May 12 MEETING OF WORKING GROUP 1 – LABOUR DIMENSIONS OF THE SUMMIT OF THE AMERICAS PROCESS 9:00 – 9:30 9:30 – 10:15 Introduction Julio Rosales, Coordinator of International Relations, Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security, Argentina as Chair of Working Group 1. Framing the Discussion Recent OAS Activities relating to Labour by Sofialeticia Morales, Director, Unit for Social Development and Education Review of Special Summit of the Americas, Declaration of Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, Mexico, January 2004. Report on the OAS Inter-American Committee for Social Development Discussion (15 mins) 10:15 – 10:45 Presentation on the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM), OAS 2nd Meeting of Ministers or Highest Ranking Authorities Responsible for the Advancement of Women in the Member States, April 2004. Presented by Carmen Lomellin, Executive Secretary, CIM 10:45 – 11:00 Break 11:00 – 11:45 Presentation on ILO World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization Study by Virgilio Levaggi, Regional Specialist, ILO Regional Office, Lima Discussion (15 mins) 11:45 – 12:30 Discussion of Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Report “Good Jobs Wanted” by Gustavo Marquez, Principal Labour Advisor, IDB Discussion (15 mins) 12:30 – 2:00 Lunch 2:00 – 3:30 Hemispheric Labour Activities Presentation on ILO Studies of Labour Provisions of Sub-Regional Integration Agreements by Maria Luz Vega, Specialist on the Declaration of Principles and Rights, ILO Geneva Presentations by countries examined in the individual studies: NAFTA: Lewis Karesh , Director National Administrative Office, US Andean Community: Elmer Guillermo Arce, Advisor to the Office of the Vice-Minister of Labour, Peru SICA: Sandra Chacon, Legal Advisor, Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Costa Rica MERCOSUR: Gerardo Corres Sub-coordinator for International Affairs, Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security of Argentina CARICOM: Alvin McIntosh, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Jamaica Discussion of Synthesis Report Discussion of Possible Next Steps 3:30 – 3:45 Break 3:45 – 4:30 Presentation on April 2004 MERCOSUR Regional Conference on Employment by Gerardo Corres, Subcoordinator for International Affairs, Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security of Argentina Discussion (15 mins) 4:30 – 5:00 Presentation of the Analysis of ILO-MERCOSUR Study on Decent Work by Virgilio Levaggi, Regional Specialist, ILO Regional Office, Lima Discussion (15 mins) Page 3 of 5 DAY 3 Thursday, May 13 9:00 – 9:30 9:30 – 10:00 Summary of Workshop on Impacts of Integration and Trade on Labour by Argentina or USA Report Discussion of possible next steps XIII IACML Proposal Presentation of Brazil’s Proposal on a Mechanism to Promote Decent Work and Recommendations by Nilton Freitas, Special Advisor, Ministry of Labour and Employment Brazil Discussion of Suggested Next Steps 10:00 – 10:30 Presentations by Advisory Bodies Presentation by Ericson Crivelli, President of COSATE Presentation by Andres Yuren, Representative of CEATAL 10:30 – 10:45 Break 10:45 – 11:15 Working Group 1 Conclusions Discussion of Common Themes in Impacts of Integration and Trade on Labour, and Promotion of Decent Work in the Hemisphere and possible contributions of the Working Group to advance this work. By Argentina or USA (adjournment of WG1 Meeting) JOINT MEETING OF WORKING GROUP 1 AND 2 11:15 – 12:00 Advancements on the Feasibility Study for an Inter-American Cooperation Mechanism for Professional Labour Administration by experts from Brazil (Carlos Alberto Ramos), Canada (Roger Lecourt), and Mexico (Bernardo Ardavin) 12:00 – 1:30 Lunch. Participants should meet over lunch to discuss the options presented by the experts. 1:30 – 2:30 Discussion and reactions to the options presented by the experts. Guidance given to the experts on the next steps for the feasibility study. (adjournment of joint WG Meeting) MEETING OF WORKING GROUP 2 – BUILDING THE CAPACITY OF LABOUR MINISTRIES 2:30 – 2:45 Summary of activities of Working Group 2 undertaken during the XII IACML by Kevin Banks, Director, Office of Inter-American Labour Cooperation, Canada as Vice-Chair of Working Group 2 2:45 – 3:15 Presentation of two-year work plan by Jorge Nieto, Minister of Labour, El Salvador as Chair of Working Group 2 3:15 – 4:00 Discussion 4:00 – 4:15 Break 4:15 – 4:30 Horizontal Cooperation to Support Modernization of Labour Ministries Report from the OAS by Sofialeticia Morales, Director, Unit for Social Development and Education on the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Workshop in El Salvador 4:30 – 5:00 Participants from the El Salvador OHS meeting will share their perspectives of the meeting and horizontal cooperation. How can horizontal cooperation be made sustainable? What are the outcomes the countries want to achieve? Page 4 of 5 DAY 4 Friday, May 14 9:00 – 9:20 Mechanisms for Resource Optimization in the Administration of Labour Ministries Challenges, lessons learned and advances on the conditions to achieve sustainable capacity building, by Leonardo Neves, Principal Technical Coordination of the ILO-IACML Project 9:20 – 10:20 Progress report by countries on their follow-up activities to labour administration diagnostics: Maria Fernanda Salazar, Technical Director of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Labour and Human Resources, Ecuador Elmer Guillermo Arce, Advisor to the Office of the Vice-Minister of Labour, Ministry of Labour and Employment Promotion, Peru Selby Brathwaite, Director of Labour Administration, Ministry of Labour and Small and Micro Enterprise Development, Trinidad and Tobago 10:20 – 10:30 Break 10:30 – 11:00 Workshop on Effective Employment Services Discussion of thematic agenda of workshop on Effective Employment Services scheduled for September 29-30, 2004 by Anthony Giles, Executive Director of Commission for Labour Cooperation, NAALC 11:00 – 11:15 Alternative Dispute Resolution Overview of institutional and alternative mediation and conciliation mechanisms in conflict resolution by Maria Luz Vega, Specialist on the Declaration of Principles and Rights, ILO Geneva 11:15 – 12:30 Presentations by various countries on their dispute resolution mechanisms. Jorge Nieto, Minister of Labour, El Salvador Victor Felix, Assistant Chief Labour Officer, Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Barbados Pablo Veloso, International Relations Advisor, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, Chile Arnold Powers, Regional Director, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services, Human Resources and Skills Development Canada 12:30 – 2:00 Lunch 2:00 – 3:00 Presentations by Advisory Bodies Overview of next steps: Andrés Yuren, on behalf of CEATAL Ericson Crivelli on behalf of COSATE 3:00 – 3:15 Break 3:15 – 4:00 Proposal by SISMEL on its linkages to other initiatives on labour market information, by Juan Bosch, Pro-tempore Secretary of SISMEL 4:00 – 4:45 Discussion of timetable and activities for future work (adjournment of WG2 meeting) Page 5 of 5