GCAP 633 Assignment: Cultural Interview The Cultural Interview paper will be based on an information interview held with an adult from a cultural background that is different from your own. In order to effectively, sensitively, and respectfully conduct this interview, you must meet with this individual face-to-face. Please note: This is not a counselling interview or intervention. Your purpose in the interview is simply to gather information about the individual's world-view, value systems, cultural experience and beliefs, experience of cultural identity, and so on. The purpose of the paper is to facilitate your understanding of how the theory and processes related to cultureinfused counselling might be applied in practice. You will implement the three core competencies from the cultureinfused counselling (CIC) model, presented in the course, in your preparation for, your engagement in, and your critical reflection on the culture interview. Select an adult to interview. Cultural informants are rich sources of information and insights. We are defining culture very broadly here to include gender, sexual orientation, ability, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, age, or religion. You are strongly encouraged to select an individual from a cultural group that you are not very familiar with or that is outside of your comfort zone. However, if you are aware of a personal bias or discriminatory attitude that you cannot yet fully set aside and that may impact the cultural sensitivity of your interaction with the individual being interviewed, please choose a different person. You must select an individual who is considered a non-vulnerable adult, defined as meeting the following criteria: individuals must be 18 years and older, and must be legally competent to provide consent; and those individuals must not be under the direct supervision or care and attention of the student researcher; and those individuals must not be dependent upon the student researcher’s employer or organization for whom the researcher volunteers for provision of services; and those individuals must not be incarcerated or otherwise legally confined. Set ethical boundaries for the interview. Discuss the nature of the course assignment with the person you plan to interview and have that person complete the Consent Form prior to the interview. You are required to fax or email a copy of the completed consent form to your course instructor before submitting your paper for grading. If your instructor cannot provide a confidential fax line for this purpose, then you will be required to submit a scanned copy of the form by email. Please note that fax transmissions are less reliable, so please send a follow up email to ensure that your fax has been received. If you do not submit your consent form by the due date of the assignment, the entire assignment will be considered late, and the applicable grade deduction will be accumulated until the consent form is received. You will receive a zero on this assignment without receipt of the consent form. You are also required to show the completed assignment to the participant before you hand it in. Please ensure that no identifying information is contained in your course submission. Specifically, do not use the person's real name or any other information that could allows others to identify him/her. You will receive a 5% deduction on your paper if you fail to respect this critical ethical requirement. Once you have identified an appropriate interviewee, carefully follow the steps below to complete the assignment. Writing & APA Lesson 2 Commentary 2 p. 1 Assignment Description Scholarly Writing Focus Section A: Preparing for the Interview Review the scholarly writing links from Assignment 1. You are expected to demonstrate mastery of those skills in all course assignments. 1. Increase your cultural awareness. Prepare for the interview by GCAP 550 Lesson 3, in particular, provides reviewing the first two core competencies in the CIC model (see detailed information about how to write critically Lesson 2): o Awareness of your own cultural identities. Critically reflect on and build effective arguments to support the your own cultural identities, revisiting Exercise 2: Examining thesis of your paper. Remember, your paper should flow from one logical argument to another. Personal Cultural Identity and identifying both points of potential connection and disconnection with the interviewee. Remember, these are just tentative hypotheses at this point; For each of the main points in your argument, you however, they provide you with an opportunity to apply the will cluster your sub-points into logical groupings CIC competencies to explore relative privilege, potential to form your paragraphs. To refine your writing biases, cultural assumptions, areas of discomfort, etc. This is further, pay attention to GCAP 550 Lesson 2 and the same process that prepares you to work with your clients. Lesson 3, specifically: Make notes of your self-reflections, insights, questions, etc. o Awareness of the cultural identities of others. Critically reflect Developing strong paragraphs on your current understanding of the cultural identity(ies) of the individual you plan to interview. Review the literature for 1. Transitional devices (pronouns / insights about issues, experiences, cultural norms, etc. that transitional words) might apply to your interviewee. Be sure to review Lesson 4 2. Conciseness and clarity to remind yourself of the complexity, idiosyncrocy, and fluidity of identity, so that you hold any ideas you gather tentatively. Selecting verb tense If there are relevant chapters in the course text, please also review these. Remember, if this were a client, you would not Using verbs that reflect the nature of your be depending on her/him to be your sole source of cultural information source understanding; you are responsible for your own awareness of the cultural identities of others. Make notes of the cultural Read through your paper to see if the flow of your constructs, multicultural counselling principles, contextual arguments is clear. Then review it again, but only and systemic factors, cultural norms, and others key read the first and last sentences of each observations that may inform your dialogue. paragraph. If the flow of arguments is lost, you 2. Plan your engagement. In the CIC model, cultural identities are explored and become meaningful in the context of the working alliance may need to review the following: between counsellor and client. Although this is an information Drafting an introduction interview, not a counselling interview or intervention, the same basic Drafting a conclusion principles related to establishing a trusting and respectful relationship Structuring skills apply. Review Lesson 3 to think through how to best develop a Creating headings working alliance with your interviewee. 3. Apply these three core competencies (maximum 3 double-spaced 1. Using headings to group key points pages) to critically analyze pertinent observations about your own 2. Formatting headings cultural identities and those of the interviewee, areas of potential connection and disconnection, assumptions or biases you are working You may also want to refine your sentences to through, tentative hypotheses about cultural differences, and a plan for how you will create safety, respect, and mutuality in your interview. support clarity and meaning. Review the following: Section B: Conducting and Analyzing the Interview 4. Conduct the interview. Remember the purpose of this activity is to gather information about the individual's world-view, value systems, Writing & APA Lesson 2 Commentary 2 p. 2 Sentence structure 1. Basic components of sentences 2. Sentence fragments (incomplete cultural experience and beliefs, experience of cultural identity, and so on. Approach your interviewee with an attitude of openness, curiosity, and appreciation of difference. Remember, s/he is the expert on her/his cultural identities and experiences. You may find it helpful to develop a few questions based on your reflection and literature review to start off the interview process. You are encouraged to record the interview to help you recall the dialogue; however, you must receive explicit permission for this from the interviewee. 5. Critically analyze the interview data. (maximum 10 double-spaced pages). The largest portion of your paper is your critical reflection on the information you glean from the interview in light of the course materials and other professional literature. Do not provide a transcript of your interview. Do not simply provide a sequential narrative of what the individual said. Step back and think about what you learned from the dialogue about the relevance and experience of cultural identity(ies) for this person. You must critically analyze and integrate both the interview and literature review information under your key points. o Develop a thesis statement for this section of the paper - see the examples below. Notice that each thesis is presented as an arguable statement. George's experiences as a gay man are influenced significantly by his identity as a Metis, supporting the argument for the complexity and interactivity of multiple non-dominant identities. It is clear from my interactions with Rebecca that there are some situations in which her disability has profound effects and others where it is not a salient element of her identity. o Organize this section of your paper according to a set of key arguments in support of that thesis statement. Note: You must highlight your thesis statement and key arguments – either in bold or in a different colour, so they are obvious to the reader. Your next challenge is to support each argument in a systematic way, by drawing on both the multicultural counselling literature and the data you gathered from your interview. Integrate in excerpts from your dialogue with the interviewee to support your arguments. No more than half of the content in this section can be the words of the interviewee. You might state for example: The conceptualization of sexual identity within the aboriginal community is less rigid and diversity more fully embraced than in the dominant culture (author, date). George noted: Growing up my aunt was considered a powerful medicine woman. She lived on her own, and I never really associated gender with her in the way I did with others. It wasn't until my adulthood that I encountered the term 'two spirited.' Rebecca felt marginalized by her disability, Writing & APA Lesson 2 Commentary 2 p. 3 sentences) 3. Agreement between subject and verb 4. Agreement between noun and pronoun 5. Appropriate placement of modifiers 6. Subordinate elements 7. Parallel constructions Review the GCAP Graduate Writing Standards to ensure that you select appropriate and sufficient scholarly sources for your paper. Pay very careful attention also to Intellectual Honesty Expectations of the program and the Common Intellectual Honesty Pitfalls. You may want to review the information on integrating citations into your paper: 1. Integrating citations 2. Integrating quotations o Citing specific sections of a source 3. Citing multiple sources 4. Sources repeated in same paragraph 5. Secondary sources Remember: You are responsible for properly formatting your paper, including your reference list. You may want to review the following key links: 1. Classifying information sources Decision tree for APA referencing 2. Print-based materials o Non-periodical Entire book, brochure, manual, report Chapter, article, report in larger work 3. Electronic materials o Non-periodical Entire book, brochure, manual, report GCAP course materials Chapter, article, report in larger work o Periodical o particularly in contexts in which people did not know Journal, magazine, her well - I sometimes feel like a disappear from newsletter view, like I become an inanimate fixture in the room. o Newsgroups, forums, mailing People talk about me, but not with me. It is like they lists don't know how to relate so they just pretend I'm not GCAP discussion forums there. Author (date) talks about this sense of invisibility and frames it in terms of cultural blindness... As you work through this paper, make use of the Please review these Excerpts from Student Papers to give following checklists to ensure that you have you ideas about how to organize this section of the paper. mastered all of the scholarly writing criteria. Section C: Reflecting on the Interview Draft checklist 6. Synthesize your learning. (maximum 2 double-spaced pages). The final section of the paper must contain a synthesis of your learning. Reflect back on your cultural reflections on self and other and highlight any important new learning about yourself or potential clients with cultural identy(ies) different from your own. Come up with 2-3 examples of how your practice with clients or your professional self might change, based on what you have learned from this assignment. Finally, identify 1-2 areas where you feel you could still benefit from further development of your multicultural competencies (knowledge, attitudes, or skills). Revision checklist Final edit 1. Editing checklist 2. Peer review Your complete paper must be in APA format and can be no more than 15 pages, double-spaced, excluding title page and references. Grading Criteria The evaluation components for the Assignment 2: Cultural Interview are listed below. Refer to the Overall Grading Taxonomy to review the expectations associated with each level of learning targeted in this assignment. Grading Criteria Weight 30 Marks Scholarly Writing & APA Style - See APA Style Grading Criteria Your instructor will focus particularly on the elements outlines under the "Scholarly Writing Focus" 4 marks in Column 2 of the assignment outline. Personal Cultural Identity(ies), Cultural Identity(ies) of Interviewee, and Culturally-Sensitive Working Alliance Writing & APA Lesson 2 Commentary 2 p. 4 8 marks Critical reflection on personal cutlural identity(ies) Critical reflection on cultural identity(ies) of the interviewee, in light of current literature Openness to self-reflection and challenging of personal biases or assumptions Evaluation and articulation of implications of personal cultural awareness to engagement with interviewee Thoughtful and appropriate principles for engagement with interviewee Integration and synthesis of course materials Integration and synthesis of both multicultural counselling and population-specific literature. Analysis of Cultural Interview Clear, succinct, and arguable thesis statement Logical flow of arguments to support thesis statement Respectful and culturally-sensitive presentation of the cultural expressions and experiences of the interviewee Thoughtful and respectful integration of excerpts from the interview Critical analysis and articulation of the central multicultural theoretical constructs or processes relevant to the interviewee Synthesis and integration of literature to support understanding to the cultural expressions and experiences of the interviewee 15 marks Synthesis of Learning Critical reflection on personal learning related to awareness of your personal culture, worldview, biases, and/or assumptions Critical reflection on your cultural awareness of others from different cultural backgrounds Clear articulation of relevant professional practice considerations Self-reflection on areas for continued competency development Penalties will apply for failure to adhere to the following GCAP Writing Standards: Intellectual Honesty Scholarly Foundation in Writing Writing & APA Lesson 2 Commentary 2 p. 5 3 marks