Key Academic Vocabulary for Kindergarten & Beginning Gr. 1 This list is by no means complete. As you work with your students add to the list. Pick and choose the vocabulary that your students need. Choose words based on what fits your theme. under/over/above/below rhyme long/short loud/soft/quiet beginning/ending/middle messy/neat/best poem/song/story left/right compound words around/beside/in front/behind know/learn/mistake respect/care first/last today/tomorrow/yesterday week/month same/different/alike/match some/much/many soon/later/now word endings walk/run top/bottom/side share equal/even letters/alphabet write/print/draw morning/afternoon/night spell sound/syllable/word/sentence before/after first/second/third/last consonant/vowel cautious/careful circle/line/straight live/alive/dead/not alive hurry/fast/slow decide/think/predict/choose address/phone number/live polite/manners true/truth/false/lie pretend/make believe who/why/when/how consequences permission/form/sign problem/solve Sample Lesson Plan for Vocabulary Development Kindergarten Theme - Farm Animals Vocabulary Concepts - Beside/In Front/Behind Answering Questions Have a toy house or barn and farm animal(s). Teacher or leader of the day places the animal in front/behind/beside the barn. Ask the students where is the cow? Following Directions (this can be done in gym or in class) Have a chair (if in gym use bean bags) for each child direct them to stand beside/behind/in front. Play Simon Says or Musical Chairs in this way. Alternately you can give the students blocks and a farm animal and give directions to place the animal behind/in front/beside the block. Fine Motor & Expressive Language Think about your house. Draw a picture of something you can see behind your house. Have child say “I can see _______ behind my house.” Teacher labels picture. Music Using masks, puppets or pictures assign 3 students to be animals. Put the cow behind the chicken, and the pig beside the chicken of the To the tune “The leg bones connected to the ankle bone” The cow is behind the chicken and the chicken is in front of the cow and the piggy is beside the chicken now dance animals dance. (all students dance around and switch animals) Phonemic Awareness Chart theme vocabulary on vocabulary chart placing them on the listed charts. Use these words to complete word parts activities, rhyme recognition, rhyme completion. See attached Template of activities. Use concrete items when working with the activities. Ie. Hold up a toy cow, horse, etc… Say the beginning sound several times, eg. /k/ /k/ /k/ ow, ask the students what is the beginning sound of cow. Continue on with other beginning animal sounds. Another option is to have students see two objects (cow, and pig). Say the beginning sound of one of the two objects. Ask a student to choose which object begins with that sound. Lesson Plan for Vocabulary Development Kindergarten Theme - Halloween Vocabulary Concepts – Beginning/Middle/End Show Sound-Grapheme Patterns Use large letters that students can hold. Using sounds that you have already covered. Have 3 students come up front and hand them a letter to hold in front of them. Have sitting students say the sounds of each letter. Talk about which child (letter) is in the middle/beginning/end. Answering Questions Receptive and Expressive Language (Story) Show and talk about the beginning of the book the middle of the book and the end of the book. Read a Halloween story such as one by Robert Munch or a Winnie the Pooh story. Once done ask the students to remember when this _______ happened. For example “When did Winnie the Pooh wake up? Was it at the beginning or in the middle or at the end of the story?” Find that page and show students – “Oh you are right he woke up at the beginning of the story!” Following Directions, Listening, Sequencing Have a pumpkin, ghost and witch and a paper with an arrow going right to left (and perhaps indicating “start”. Tell Children they are going to make a pattern but not to touch any pictures until you say “go”. Tell students, “Put the ghost at the beginning the witch in the middle and the pumpkin at the end – Go!” Fun tack your pictures on your own paper and get ready to show the students, “Does yours match mine?” Ask one of the students to say where their pictures are or ask, “Suzie where is your Ghost? You can do this same activity with sounds you have covered. Say a sound pattern like pps or pop see if the students matched your pattern and see if they can tell if it’s a real word or not. Fine Motor & Expressive Language Have students glue a pumpkin a witch and a ghost on a black paper. Give instructions and show – “Glue the witch on first. Put the pumpkin in the middle, put the ghost on the end. Once the children are done have them come up so you can ask, “What did you put in the middle? What did you put at the end? What did you put first?” You could also do parts of a cat. Gym Make a Halloween Parade. Have the students have pictures or masks of pumpkins, ghosts, witches or a cat with face, body and tail. You can say, “OK witches you will be at the beginning of our parade, ghosts you are in the middle and pumpkins you are at the end.” You can be silly with the cat you can say, “Ok what goes at the beginning of the cat, the tail?” Have a student (perhaps the leader) say where the parts go. March around in your parade then switch. Lesson Plan for Vocabulary Development Kindergarten Theme – Fairy Tales Vocabulary Concepts – pretend/true/lie/false Demonstrate Truth and Lies Say silly things like, “I am a dog.” “I eat chairs.” Have students say if its true or not and then have them fix it so that it is true. Talk about how its ok to pretend when everyone knows you are pretending but its not OK to lie when people are serious. Answering Wh Questions Receptive and Expressive Language (Story) Read a story such as The Boy Who Cried Wolf, Little Red Riding Hood or Chicken Little. Ask lots of comprehension questions during the story: Where is Red Riding Hood going? What is in the basket? Why is she taking food to her grandma? Who did she see in the woods? How did the wolf fool RRH? Etc. You may want to use pictures from board maker to signify (what, where, when, why, who, and how). If you pre teach these they may help the children know how to answer the questions and certainly they can be used later in show and share to help students formulate their own questions. After the story is done give some examples of things characters said and ask if they were true or not. Sound-Grapheme-Action Matching & Rhyming Tell the students that you might try to trick them like the big bad wolf. If you have actions or gestures to match your sounds do an action and then say the wrong sound. This sound says ssssss. Have students label your sound-action true or false. If you do not have actions you can hold up a letter and say, “This letter says b.” Hold up students’ name cards with an alternate letter at the beginnings (you can use sticky tack for this) and say, “We have a person in our class named “bason”. Is that true? No! What could I say that is true? We have a person in our class named – Jason! Fine Motor & Expressive Language Have the students draw a picture of something (you might want to choose a category – food, animal, TV Show, game, etc.) they like and something they don’t like. Then go around and label their pictures. Have each student hold up their picture and say, “Jimmy likes broccoli Jimmy likes ice cream.” Ask students which one they think is true. Listening Following Directions (Auditory Comprehension) Gym Have students hold balls (good luck with this). You say something and if it is true students can bounce the ball. If its not true they can shake their fingers at you. Some statements include; Birds fly. We eat spiders. We sleep in the water. We have two eyes. We have two noses.