Ammonia Nitrogen DR/700 Instructions Equipment Procedure Before Going to the Field Hach DR/700 Colorimeter Module 61.01 25 mL Sample Vials Ammonia Cyanurate Reagent Powder Pillows (for 10 mL sample) Ammonia Salicylate Reagent Powder Pillows (for 10 mL sample) Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) Goggles and Gloves Waste Container – “Ammonia Waste Only” Deionized or Distilled Water Stopwatch or Timer Ammonia Nitrogen Data Sheet Safety Note The ammonia nitrogen test requires the use of ammonia cyanurate and ammonia salicylate. Both of these reagents should be treated as toxic chemicals. This test should be performed well away from the stream. Avoid contact with all reagents. If any reagent gets onto your hands, rinse thoroughly with water. More detailed information can be found on the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each reagent. About This Test Ammonia nitrogen should be measured in the field immediately after sampling. In the presence of oxygen, ammonia can be converted to nitrate. The ammonia reaction is extremely time sensitive – all replicates should be read immediately when the reaction time is finished. For best results, reagents should not be added to all replicates at the same time. Staggering the reagent addition by 30 seconds or a minute (see the Ammonia Reaction Timetable) allows each sample to be read after the 15 minute reaction time. Student Watershed Research Project Saturday Academy 1. Make sure all sample vials used for this test have been acid washed and thoroughly rinsed with distilled or deionized water. 2. Find any previous data available for this site. Enter recent data (preferably from the same time of year) in the “Previous Data From This Site” section on the Ammonia Nitrogen Data Sheet. 3. Use this data to determine what range of values to expect from this site. Salicylate Procedure (0 – 1.00 mg/L NH3-N, Method 8155) 1. Fill 3 - 5 sample vials to the 10 mL line with the sample water to be tested. 2. Fill another sample vial to the 10 mL line with deionized water to be used as the blank. It is very important that the deionized water used for this step be pure. 3. Beginning with the blank, add one Ammonia Salicylate Reagent Powder Pillow to each vial – wait at least 30 seconds between adding reagent to each sample. Cap each vial and shake until the reagent has dissolved. Using the Ammonia Reaction Timetable is recommended. 4. Let each sample sit for 3 minutes. 5. After 3 minutes, add one Ammonia Cyanurate Reagent Powder Pillow to each vial (including the blank). Cap each vial and shake until the reagent has dissolved. 6. Let each sample sit for 15 minutes. Ammonia DR/700 Instructions Nitrogen Page 25 Ammonia Nitrogen The treated blank will develop a yellow color. The samples should develop color with at least the same intensity as the blank. A green color will form if the ammonia concentration is high. 7. Place the 61.01 module in the base of the DR/700 colorimeter. Push firmly so that the module snaps into place. DR/700 Instructions 11. Place a film canister or other cover over the top of the vial to keep ambient light from interfering with the sample reading. 12. At the end of the 15-minute reaction period, press ZERO to measure the blank. The display will count down from 20 and then read 0.0 mg/L. 13. Remove the blank. Lamp Intensity Adjustment: Running the lamp intensity adjustment any time a different module is inserted into the DR/700 will improve test result accuracy. 14. Wipe off the outside of the sample vial for each replicate and insert the vial into the cell holder on the colorimeter. Cover the sample. 1. Fill a sample vial with deionized water. Wipe off the outside of the vial and place it into the cell holder. 15. Press the READ button and allow the display to count down from 20. 2. While the colorimeter is off, press and hold the READ button and then turn on the colorimeter. Continue pressing the READ button until “–L” appears in the lower part of the display. 3. Release the READ button and the display will count down from 20. The lamp will light and then the lamp will automatically adjust to the optimum setting. The adjustment is complete once the lamp icon turns off. 4. Press the Program key or turn off the colorimeter to return to the normal menu. 8. Turn the DR/700 Colorimeter on by pressing the I/O button. 9. Use the arrow keys to adjust the program number on the display to 61.06.1. This step is very important – it sets the colorimeter to use the calibration information for the correct method. 10. Wipe off the outside of the vial containing the blank and insert the vial into the cell holder on the colorimeter. Student Watershed Research Project Saturday Academy 16. Record the readings directly from the colorimeter and report it on the Ammonia Data Sheet. 17. At the end of each replicate, pour the sample with reagent into the Ammonia Waste Only waste container. Rinse the vial three times with deionized water and pour the rinsings into the waste container. 18. You need 3 - 5 final values for each test. If you suspect an error in a given rep (spilled reagent, contamination, etc.) do not include this rep and make a note in the Comment section indicating why it was discarded. Place a checkmark next to the reps used to calculate the average. Reporting Results Ammonia results should be reported in units of mg/L as N. Results listed in units of mg/L NH3 can be converted to mg/L N by multiplying by 0.822. Federal water quality standards for ammonia are based on the level at which ammonia becomes toxic to fish and aquatic life. Ammonia toxicity is dependent upon temperature and pH: Ammonia DR/700 Instructions Nitrogen Page 26 Ammonia Nitrogen Max Max Conc. Conc. (salmonid (salmonid Continuo present) absent) us Conc. NH3-N NH3-N NH3-N pH (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) 6.5 32.5 48.8 3.48 7.0 24.0 36.1 3.08 7.5 13.3 19.9 2.28 8.0 5.60 8.40 1.27 8.5 2.13 3.20 0.57 9.0 0.88 1.32 0.25 From EPA’s 1998 Update of Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Ammonia In addition to standards based on ammonia toxicity, some watersheds have TMDL’s established for ammonia to control nitrogenous biochemical oxygen demand. Specific bacteria can convert ammonia to nitrate, which can deplete the dissolved oxygen in a stream or river. Ammonia nitrogen concentrations in the Portland/Vancouver metropolitan area have historically been less than 0.5 mg/L NH3-N, with a few streams measuring up to 1.1 mg/L NH3-N. Most streams routinely have concentrations near the detection limit of this method, 0.03 mg/L NH3-N. Clean glassware (acid washed and well rinsed) and the use of pure deionized water is critical for this test. Deionized water contaminated with ammonia can turn green, just like the samples. Ammonia concentrations should be reported to two decimal places (i.e. to the nearest 0.01 mg/L N). The standard deviation for Student Watershed Research Project Saturday Academy DR/700 Instructions the ammonia nitrogen method on the DR/700 is + 0.006. The range for replicates should not vary by more than 0.03 mg/L NH3-N. The variability between replicates is referred to as the “precision” of your technique. To calculate the precision of your replicates, subtract the lowest value replicate (minimum) from the highest (maximum). Target Precision Example: Replicates Range Maximum Minimum Precision 0.03 mg/L 0.02, 0.05, 0.04, 0.04, 0.02 0.02 – 0.05 0.05 0.02 0.03 Waste Disposal For the ammonia nitrogen test, all waste should be placed in a separate plastic container labeled “Ammonia Waste Only” to be disposed of in the lab. This should include the excess sample and the solution from the rinsings. Ammonia Waste must be disposed of at a hazardous waste facility. For further instructions on waste disposal, see the Waste Management section of this manual. The waste containers (pillows and packets) from all chemicals used in the field should be collected in a Solid Waste Container and disposed of in the lab. Ammonia DR/700 Instructions Nitrogen Page 27 Time 0:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Blank 10 mL DI H2O Add Salicylate Add Cyanurate DR/700 Zero Rep 1 10 mL Stream Add Salicylate Add Cyanurate DR/700 Read Rep 2 10 mL Stream Add Salicylate Add Cyanurate DR/700 Read Rep 3 10 mL Stream Add Salicylate Add Cyanurate DR/700 Read Rep 4 10 mL Stream Add Salicylate Add Cyanurate DR/700 Read Rep 5 10 mL Stream Add Salicylate Add Cyanurate DR/700 Read Ammonia DR/700 Instructions Nitrogen Page 28 Student Watershed Research Project Saturday Academy DR/700 Instructions Ammonia Nitrogen Ammonia Reaction Timetable: