1 2 Natural dyes extracted from Phlai and Blue Pea as sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cells 3 4 Sataporn Komhom* 5 6 Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering 7 Rangsit University, Pathumthani, 12000 8 9 10 *Corresponding author: E-mail: satapaul@yahoo.com ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Abstract 24 บทคัดย่อ The dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs) are assembled by using natural dyes from Phlai and Blue Pea as sensitizers and then photoelectrochemical properties are investigated. Phlai and Blue Pea dye sensitizer on TiO2 can absorb light in the visible region of the spectrum that is between 400 and 800 nm. The performance of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs) with Phlai dye sensitizer is found to be apparently higher than that of Blue Pea dye sensitizer in comparison with various mass of Phlai and Blue Pea for dye sensitizer extraction : 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15 and 20 g (fixed pH value = 7) and also with various pH of solution for dye sensitizer extraction : 2.4, 4.3, 7, 9.4 and 11 (fixed mass = 11g). Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs) with Phlai dye sensitizer exhibits the satisfying photosensitized effect resulting in the highest maximum power at 1.493 W/cm2 with mass of Phlai for dye sensitizer extraction 15 g and using pH value 7 for extraction. Keywords: dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs), natural dyes, Phlai and Blue Pea dye sensitizer, photoelectrochemical properties, maximum power. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 25 เซ ลล์ แ ส งอาทิ ตย์ ช นิ ด สี ย้ อ ม ไวแ สงป ระดิ ษ ฐ์ ข้ ึ น โด ยใช้ สี ย้ อ ม ธรรม ชาติ จากไพ ลและดอกอั ญ ชั น เป็ น สี ย้ อ ม ไวแ ส ง 26 27 จ า ก นั้ น ท า ก า ร วิ เ ค ร า ะ ห์ คุ ณ ส ม บั ติ ไ ฟ ฟ้ า เ ค มี ท า ง แ ส ง สี ยอ้ มไวแสงจากไพลและดอกอัญชันบนตัวรองรับไทเทเนียมไดออกไซด์สามารถดูดซับแสงในช่วงของการมองเห็นที่มีสเปกตรัมของแสงในช่วงความ 28 ย า ว ค ลื่ น 400 – 800 น า โ น เม ต ร ค ว า ม ส า ม า ร ถ ใ น ก า ร ท า ง า น ข อ ง เซ ล ล์ แ ส ง อ า ทิ ต ย์ ช นิ ด สี ย้ อ ม ไ ว แ ส ง ใ น ที่ นี้ พ บ ว่ า 29 ก า ร ใ ช้ สี ย้ อ ม ไ ว แ ส ง จ า ก สี ที่ ส กั ด จ า ก ไ พ ล จ ะ มี ค ว า ม ส า ม า ร ถ ใ น ก า ร ท า ง า น ที่ สู ง ก ว่ า สี ที่ ส กั ด จ า ก ด อ ก อั ญ ชั น 30 ในการเปรี ยบเทียบด้วยค่าน้ าหนักต่างๆกันของไพลและดอกอัญชันที่ใช้ในการสกัดสี ยอ้ มไวแสง 1 3 5 7 9 11 15 และ 20 กรัม (ควบคุ มค่าพีเอชเท่ากับ 31 7) และรวมทั้ง ได้เปลี่ ย นแปลงค่ า พี เอชของสารละลายที่ ใ ช้ใ นการสกัด สี ย อ้ มไวแสง 2.4 4.3 7 9.4 และ 11 (ควบคุ ม น้ าหนัก เท่ ากับ 11 กรั ม ) 32 เซลล์ แ สงอาทิ ตย์ ช นิ ดสี ย้อ มไวแสงจากสี ที่ ส กั ด จากไพลแสดงผลการเปลี่ ย น พลั ง งานแสงเป็ นพลั ง งานไฟฟ้ าในระดั บ ที่ น่ า พ อใจ 33 ซึ่ งพ บว่ า มี ค่ า ก าลั ง ไฟฟ้ าสู งสุ ดอยู่ ที่ 1.493 ไมโครวัต ต์ ต่ อ ตารางเซนติ เมตร เมื่ อ ใช้ น้ าหนั ก ของไพ ล 15 กรั ม และค่ า พี เอชเท่ า กั บ 7 34 ในสภาวะของการสกัดสี ยอ้ มไวแสง 35 36 คำสำคัญ: เซลล์ แสงอาทิ ตย์ ชนิดสีย้อมไวแสง, สีย้อมธรรมชาติ, สีย้อมไวแสงจากไพลและดอกอัญชัน, คุณสมบัติไฟฟ้าเคมีทางแสง, กาลังไฟฟ้าสูงสุด 37 ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 1. Introduction Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs), a new type of solar cells, have attracted considerable attention because of their environmental friendliness and low cost of production (ORegan & Grätzel, 1991). A DSCs is consisted of a nanocrystalline porous (TiO2) semiconductor electrode-absorbed dye, a counter electrode, and an electrolyte containing a redox mediator (iodide, I– / triiodide ions, I3–) encapsulated between two glass plates as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 Schematic of dye-sensitized solar cells Usually, the photoanode is prepared by adsorbing a sufficiently large number of dye molecules on the huge nanoporous surface of TiO2 for efficient light harvesting. For the photocathode, the conductive glass at the counter electrode is coated with few atomic layers of carbon or platinum, in order to catalyze the redox reaction with the electrolyte. Fluorine doped tin oxide (FTO) is most commonly used for coating on front and counter substrates (Papageorgiou, 2004; Papageorgiou, Maier, & Grätzel, 1997). In DSCs, the dye sensitizer plays a key role in absorbing sunlight and transforming solar energy into electric energy. The DSCs by Ru-containing compounds absorbed on nanocrystalline TiO2 show the highest efficiency at 11 – 12% (Chiba, Islam, Watanabe, Komiya, Koide, & Han, 2006; Buscaino, Baiocchi, Barolo, Medana, Grätzel, Nazeeruddin, & Viscardi, 2008). However, there are several disadvantages of using noble metals in relation to costly production. On the other hand, organic dyes are not only cheaper but have also been reported the high efficiency at 9.8% (Zhang, Bala, Cheng, Shi, Lv, Yu, & Wang, 2009). Although organic dyes have complicated synthetic routes and low yields, it can be easily found in flowers, leaves, and fruits. Moreover, organic dyes have several outstanding advantages such as cost efficiency, non-toxicity, and complete biodegradation. Thus far, several natural dyes have been widely employed as sensitizers in DSCs, such as anthocyanin, curcumin, carotene, tannin, and chlorophyll (Furukawa, Iino, Iwamoto, Kukita, & Yamauchi, 2009; Gómez-Ortíz, Vázquez-Maldonado, Pérez-Espadas, Mena-Rejón, Azamar-Barrios, & Oskam, 2010; Espinosa, Zumeta, Santana, Martınez-Luzardo, Gonzalez, Docteur, & Vigil, 2005; Kumara, Kaneko, Okuya, 2 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 Onwona-Agyeman, Konno, & Tennakone, 2006). Several researchers have reported the use of natural dyes in solar cells. As an example, the dye sensitized solar cell shows higher photosensitized performance with a natural dye extracted from the bark of the Kopsia flavida fruit that contain functional groups such as OH, which is suppose to be an anthocyanin dye (Nishantha, Yapa, & Perera, March, 2012). The anthocyanin has been responsible for several colors in the red – blue range, found in fruits, flowers and leaves of plants. Carbonyl and hydroxyl groups present in the anthocyanin molecule can be bound to the surface of a porous TiO2 film. This can contribute to the electron transfer from the anthocyanin molecule to the conduction band of TiO2 (Hao, Wu, Huang, & Lin, 2006). However, curcumin reveals a similar structure to the anthocyanin and also exhibits a long intense wavelength absorption range from 420-580 nm in the visible region, so curcumin from the ground rhizome of Curcuma longa L. (turmeric) is used as sensitizers in dye sensitized solar cells (Ganesh, Kim, Yoon, Lee, Lee, Mane, Han, J., & Han, S., 2009). Interestingly, the use of curcumin-derived dyes as sensitizers in dye sensitized solar cells has attracted significant research attention because it can obtain from various sources. As reported, there is no comparison in photosensitized performance between anthocyanin and curcumin as sensitizers. So in order to compare the photoelectrochemical properties of anthocyanin and curcumin the research is under progress on the extraction of anthocyanin and curcumin from Blue Pea and Phlai, respectively. The DSCs using natural dyes from Phlai and Blue Pea as sensitizers are investigated within condition of various mass and pH for dye sensitizer extraction. 2. Objectives This research presents the investigation on natural dyes from Phlai and Blue Pea as sensitizers available locally, regarding their sensitization activity in DSCs. These extracted dyes are characterized by UV– vis absorption spectra and the photoelectrochemical properties of the DSCs using these extracts as sensitizers are investigated. 3. Materials and methods 3.1. Preparation of natural dye sensitizers Phlai and Blue Pea dye sensitizer are extracted by using methanol as the extraction solvent. The dyes extracted with methanol are obtained by the following steps: Phlai and Blue Pea are washed with water and dry at 50 oC. After crushing into fine powder using a mortar, these materials are suspended in 100 ml of methanol before heating up to 50 oC, and kept at that temperature for 30 min. Then the solids are filtrated out, and the filtrates are collected at room temperature in the dark for use as sensitizers. The effect of pH of dye solution is studied by adjusting pH from the original pH using 0.1 M HCl and 0.1 M KOH solution. 3.2. Preparation of dye – sensitized solar cells The dye-sensitized TiO2 electrode and a sputtered-Pt counter electrode are prepared by using FTO conductive glass sheets (fluorine-doped SnO2). FTO conductive glass is first cleaned with ethanol and then airdried. TiO2- and Pt-cream are deposited on the FTO conductive glass by screening technique in order to obtain a TiO2 and Pt film with an area of 1 cm2. The TiO2 and Pt film are heated at 450 oC for 30 min. Subsequently, the TiO2 electrode is immersed in a methanol solution containing a natural dye for 24 h and following assembled with a sputtered-Pt counter electrode to form a solar cell by sandwiching a redox (I −/I3−) electrolyte solution. 3.3. Electrical measurement The UV–vis transmission and reflectance spectra of the Phlai and Blue Pea dye sensitizer absorbed on the TiO2 films are taken by using a UV-Thermo. The current – voltage – power (I–V–P) curves of the DSCs are obtained by applying an external bias to the cell and measuring the generated photocurrent under white light irradiation 100 mW/cm2 from a 300 W solar simulator as the light source by using a voltage recorder VR-71. 4. Results 3 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 4.1. Absorption of natural dyes This research has studied to use natural dyes from Phlai and Blue Pea as sensitizers for DSCs. Figure 2 shows the UV – vis absorption spectra of natural dyes from Phlai as sensitizer with various mass of Phlai for dye extraction. Spectral figures are similar with having absorption peaks and show maximum absorption peak at around 490 nm in the visible region (λ = 380 - 780 nm). These absorption peaks are expanded to large-broad wavelength with an increasing mass of Phlai for dye extraction. The large broadening of the spectrum is implying that a strong absorption has occurred in the visible region of Phlai dye sensitizer which can contribute to the strong interaction on the surface of TiO2 film (Ma, Inoue, Noma, Yao, & Abe, 2002). It is also common to say that the increasing of mass of Phlai for dye extraction will enhance an interaction of dye on TiO2 surface. Figure 2 The absorption spectra of Phlai dye sensitizer with various mass of Phlai Figure 3 shows the UV – vis absorption spectra of natural dyes from Phlai and Blue Pea as sensitizers comparing with N-719. Phlai and Blue Pea dye sensitizer exhibit an absorption peak of ca. 390 – 490 and 580 – 620 nm, respectively. A completely different tendency of absorption peak of Phlai and Blue Pea dye sensitizer is observed which ascribe to different components, namely, natural dyes from Phlai as sensitizer is to the present of curcumin, a group of natural phenols that are responsible for the yellow color of turmeric. Figure 4 shows the structure of curcumin which can exist in several tautomeric forms, including a 1, 3-diketo form and two equivalent enol forms. The enol form is more energetically stable in the solid phase and solution. 4 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 Figure 3 The absorption spectra of Phlai and Blue Pea dye – sensitized and N-719 (a) (b) Figure 4 The structure of curcumin (a) enol form and (b) 1, 3-diketo form Furthermore, absorption peak of natural dyes from Blue Pea as sensitizer is to the present of anthocyanin which is water-soluble vacuolar pigments that may appear red, purple, or blue depending on the pH. Figure 5 shows the structure of anthocyanin which occurs in all tissues of higher plants, including leaves, stems, roots, flowers, and fruits. 5 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 Figure 5 The structure of anthocyanin The chemical structure of curcumin and anthocyanin is directly correlated with the chemical adsorption of dyes extracted from Phlai and Blue Pea because of the condensation of alcoholic-bound protons with the hydroxyl groups on the surface of nanostructured TiO2 (Meng, Ren, & Kaxiras, 2008). The absorption peak of natural dyes from Phlai as sensitizer adsorbed on TiO 2 is obviously wider and slightly-up-shift but natural dyes from Blue Pea as sensitizer reveal a reversed tendency. The shift of absorption spectra means the interaction between the dyes and the cationic TiO2 surface is observed which is formed through a chemical bond, the C–O–Ti bond, as discussed in the literature (Hao et al., 2006). It is feasible that the interaction of Phlai dye sensitizer on TiO2 surface is stronger than that of Blue Pea dye sensitizer. 4.2. Photoelectrochemical properties of DSCs with natural dyes Figure 6 and 7 show typical results of the current – voltage – power (I–V–P) curves of DSCs with natural dyes from Phlai and Blue Pea as sensitizers, respectively. These curves are measured for photoelectrochemical test of DSCs. Table 1 shows the performance of natural dyes as sensitizers in DSCs which is evaluated by short circuit current (ISC), open circuit voltage (VOC), maximum power (Pmax), and fill factor (FF). The fill factors of these DSCs are quite similar at ranging from 40 to 77 %, open circuit voltage varies from 32 to 222 mV, and short circuit current changes from 0.004 to 1.666 mA/cm2. When compare the maximum power of DSCs from Phlai and Blue Pea dye sensitizer, maximum power of DSCs with Phlai dye sensitizer is much higher than that of Blue Pea dye sensitizer. Specifically, a highest maximum power is obtained from the DSCs by Phlai dye sensitizer (@ 15 g). Moreover, the maximum power of the DSCs by the natural dyes is compared with the DSCs by a Ru complex cis-RuL2 (SCN)2 (L = 2,2-bipyridyl-4,4-dicarboxylic acid) (N-719), which is widely used in DSCs. As a result, the maximum powers of the DSCs by the natural dyes are lower than that of N-719. As a result in Figure 3, the absorption peak of N-719 dye sensitizer is obviously widest which can contribute to the strong interaction on the surface of TiO2 film. It can also be said that there are available bonds between the dye and TiO2 molecules through which electrons can transport from the excited dye molecules to the TiO2 film (Hao et al., 2006). This result indicates that the interaction between the dye sensitizer and the TiO2 film is significant in enhancing the maximum power of DSCs. 6 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 Figure 6 Current–voltage–power curves for the DSCs by using Phlai dye sensitizer (@ 15 g, pH = 7) Figure 7 Current–voltage–power curves for the DSCs by using Phlai dye sensitizer (@ 11 g, pH = 9.4) 7 207 208 Table 1 Photoelectrochemical parameters of DSCs by using Phlai and Blue Pea dye sensitizer Natural dye sensitizer Blue Pea (@ 5 g, pH = 7) Phlai (@ 15 g, pH =7) Blue Pea (@ 11 g, pH = 4.3) Phlai (@ 11 g, pH = 9.4) N-719 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 ISC (mA/cm2) VOC (mV) Pmax (W/cm2) FF (%) 0.004 0.084 0.01 0.08 1.666 222 32 172 32 148 0.684 1.493 0.700 1.444 145 77.03 55.54 40.69 56.41 58.81 Figure 8 shows the plots between maximum powers versus mass of Phlai and Blue Pea for dye sensitizer extraction. It is clearly seen that the maximum power increases with increasing mass of Phlai and Blue Pea for dye sensitizer extraction and then maximum power reaching a plateau at ca. 1.493 W for Phlai dye sensitizer and 0.684 W for Blue Pea dye sensitizer. Phlai dye sensitizer exhibits superior performance than the Blue Pea dye sensitizer ones. Figure 8 The maximum powers of the DSCs with various mass of Phlai and Blue Pea for dye sensitizer extraction (fixed pH value = 7 and varying mass) The various pH of solvent for dye sensitizer extraction in this research are obtained by varying the concentration of hydrochloric acid and potassium hydroxide. The pH values of solvent in this extraction are 2.4, 4.3, 7, 9.4, and 11. The performance curves of DSCs from Phlai and Blue Pea dye sensitizer are shown in Figure 9. The maximum power of DSCs from Phlai dye sensitizer increases when pH value varies from 2.4 to 9.4 and then decrease. The highest value of maximum power of DSCs from Phlai dye sensitizer is reached at 1.444 W with pH value 9.4. The maximum power trend of DSCs from Blue Pea dye sensitizer is lower than 8 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 that of Phlai dye sensitizer and exhibits the highest value of maximum power of DSCs at 0.700 W with pH value 4.3. Figure 9 The maximum powers of the DSCs with various pH of solution for dye sensitizer extraction (fixed mass = 11g and varying pH value) 5. Discussion After adsorption of Phlai and Blue Pea dye sensitizer on TiO2, the absorption spectra are illustrated in Figure 3. In case of Phlai dye sensitizer adsorption on TiO2, a positive shift in the absorption peak is observed after adsorption. It seems resonable to suppose that curcumin pigment shows a broader absorption peak. On the contrary, Blue Pea dye sensitizer adsorption on TiO 2 shows the different tendency, a negative shift in the absorption peak is observed after adsorption. A positive shift in the absorption peak is due to the extent of the binding of molecule in the dye solution to the TiO2 surface. This is an indication that the distance between the Phlai dye sensitizer skeleton and the point connected to the TiO2 surface facilitates electron transfer from dye molecule to TiO2 (Hao et al., 2006). Therefore, the maximum power of DSCs from Phlai dye sensitizer is higher than that of Blue Pea dye sensitizer. Moreover, Blue Pea dye sensitizer exhibits an absorption peak of ca. 580 – 620 nm, the absorption peak at higher wavelength have strongly affected on the decreasing of current density and lead to the decreasing of maximum power (Narayan & Raturi, 2011). As a result in Figure 3, it is obvious that an increasing mass of Phlai for dye extraction from 1 to 9 g is found to be remarkable effected on expansion of wavelength, so the maximum power is clearly increasing when using dye sensitizer in DSCs, as shown in Figure 8. In contrast, an increasing mass of Phlai for dye extraction from 11 to 20 g is found to be little effected on expansion of wavelength, so the maximum power is a slight difference. In the case of Blue Pea dye sensitizer, the maximum power exhibits the same tendency. This is an indication that mass of plants for dye sensitizer extraction has given limited value for extraction. It can also be said that mass of plants has not shown effects on the maximum power if it is reaching the limited value. In general, the dye sensitizer is extracted with alcohol such as ethanol or methanol in the state of natural pH of solvent at about 4 – 7. The disturbance of pH value with acid or base has effect on the components of dye sensitizer which is directly correlated with the performance of DSCs (Zhou, Wu, Gao, & Ma, 2011). As a result in Figure 9, it can be seen that pH of solution for dye sensitizer extraction is much higher and/or lower 9 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 than that of ranging from 4 to 7 bring to the lower maximum power of the DSC sensitized. This result exhibits a similar tendency for Phlai and Blue Pea dye sensitizer. The efficiency of Blue Pea extracted anthocyanin is found to increase with decreasing pH and reached a maximum at the optimum pH 4.3. This can be rationalized by the fact that, at lower pH, anthocyanin existed as flavylium ion, which is stable form of anthocyanin, an increasing pH hydrated this ion to quinonoidal bases. These compounds are labile and can be transformed into the colorless carbinol pseudobase and chalcone. It is apparent that at low pH the formation of flavylium ion form is favorable (Bakowska, Kucharska, & Oszmianski, 2003). Nevertheless, the cell deterioration by acid leaching is expected as the pH goes lower, which results in a lower efficiency (Hao, Wu, Fan, Huang, Lin, & Wei, 2004). Although the lower pH in case of anthocyanin has shown remarkable effects on maximum power, the highest maximum power is lower than that of curcumin. This may be one of the main reasons that the important feature of curcumin is the presence of extended conjugation in its structure because of the aromatic and enol groups, which provide the basic long-wavelength absorption. In addition, curcumin prominent feature is the presence of methoxy and hydroxyl groups in the 3- and 4-positions, respectively, of the terminal phenyl groups, which results in a further bathochromic shift in the maximum (λ max) absorption of this compound (Crivello & Bulut, 2005). As a result, the maximum power of DSCs from Phlai dye sensitizer is higher than that of Blue Pea dye sensitizer. 6. Conclusion The photoelectrochemical performance of the DSCs using natural dyes from Phlai and Blue Pea as sensitizers showed that the VOC ranged from 32 – 222 V, ISC was in the range of 0.004 – 0.084 mA/cm2, and also Pmax was in the range of 0.684 – 1.493 W/cm2. The DSCs by Phlai dye sensitizer offered the maximum power of 1.493 W/cm2 with mass of Phlai for dye sensitizer extraction 15 g and using pH value 7. In case of DSCs by Blue Pea dye sensitizer offered the maximum power of 0.700 W/cm2 with mass of Blue Pea for dye sensitizer extraction 5 g and using pH value 4.3. DSCs by using Phlai dye sensitizer exhibited superior performance than the Blue Pea dye sensitizer ones. On the basis of the results, DSCs using natural dyes as sensitizers are promising because of their environmental friendliness and low-cost production. The results are additional studied to the search of new natural dye sensitizers for the optimization in future DSCs. 7. Acknowledgements This research was supported by the Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering, Rangsit University, Pathumthani. 8. References Bakowska, A., Kucharska, A.Z., & Oszmianski, J. (2003). The effects of heating, UV irradiation, and storage on stability of the anthocyanin-polyphenol copigment complex. Food Chemistry, 81(3), 349–355. Buscaino, R., Baiocchi, C., Barolo, C., Medana, C., Grätzel, M., Nazeeruddin, Md.K., & Viscardi, G. (2008). A mass spectrometric analysis of sensitizer solution used for dye-sensitized solar cell. Inorganica Chimica Acta, 361(3), 798–805. 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