APPENDIX 3 RISK ASSESSMENT GUIDANCE HAZARD Accommodation ASSOCIATED PROBLEMS Adequate lighting, drinking water, ventilation, temperature, RECOMMENDATIONS Before travelling check the suitability and facilities of the accommodation. Make yourself aware of the of the security situation at the location cleanliness, space, equipment, washing and sanitary facilities, security Civil Unrest Security alerts, terrorism, shootings, bombings, . demonstrations, abductions and kidnapping. Climate Conditions Confined Spaces, Caving, Tunnelling etc Avoid visiting locations which have civil unrest. Avoid all demonstrations and public gatherings. Dry/desert, hot, cold, (high humidity, hypothermia), oxygen Be aware of weather forecasts and seasonal weather. deficiency/rarefied air, sunburn, sunstroke, heat exhaustion Use high factor sunscreen and carry water in hot conditions. dehydration, skin cancer, tidal and other water Protect extremities, hands/feet from cold/wet conditions. considerations, unusual winds (e.g. tornado, hurricane). Avoid strenuous activity during hot periods. Wear good quality wet weather gear in wet conditions. Ensure you have sufficient and appropriate training. Check safety procedures that are in place at the location. Be aware of local hazards, e.g. mine shafts, crevices etc. Becoming trapped, asphyxiation, drowning. HAZARD Contact with Animals Contact with Insects Contact with ASSOCIATED PROBLEMS Allergies, asthma, bites and other physical contact, Do not approach animals. dermatitis, rabies, stings. Avoid markets and other places where animals are sold. Bites/stings Lyme’s disease, malaria, yellow fever, other. Ensure you have had the inoculations relevant to the location. Wear appropriate clothing, e.g. long sleeves, to avoid bites. Determine if malaria is a risk if so, consult GP for medication. Determine level of threat at location. Ensure there is appropriate first aid/medical service locally Wear appropriate clothing. Eat thoroughly cooked recently prepared food. Avoid buffets. Drink sufficient water to avoid dehydration. Avoid ice. Drink bottled water only. Check bottled water has been sealed before Availability of antidotes/medical back-up. Reptiles/Snakes Contaminated Food Contaminated Water RECOMMENDATIONS Allergies, food poisoning, dysentery, diarrhoea, Hepatitis A. Diarrhoea, dysentery, legionella, leptospirosis, cholera, polio, typhoid. HAZARD opening. ASSOCIATED PROBLEMS Do not have ice in drinks. Use bottled water to clean teeth. RECOMMENDATIONS Compatibility of equipment and supply, safety standards Prior to travel check compatibility of equipment with local supply. (higher/lower/different), power cuts. Take torches, batteries, adaptors. Do not use electrical equipment, sockets, etc, which looks faulty. Antidote availability, spillage arrangements, transport Comply with Material Health and Safety Data Sheet. requirements, MSDS information. Utilise appropriate personal protective equipment. Transmission of HIV, Hepatitis B or similar by use of non Take a travel first aid kit including needle and syringe. sterile needles. Do not undertake unprotected sexual activities or drug taking. Local Culture and Culture, language, customs, dress, religion, behaviour. Dress appropriately at all times. Legislation Local regulations, legislation, codes of practice. Make yourself aware of and respect local restrictions and customs. Make yourself aware of and abide by local legislation. Ensure you have valid permits which may be required. Do not take into the country medicines which are not permitted. Avoid dangerous sports whilst on University funded trips Electricity Hazardous Substances Infections Dangerous Sports HAZARD Natural Disasters Stress Increased risk of injury ASSOCIATED PROBLEMS RECOMMENDATIONS Determine the likelihood of such events Determine the emergency procedures at place of accommodation Accommodation problems, civil unrest, crime, vandalism Make preparations and evaluations described in this guidance. and violence, extremes of heat/cold, fatigue, Set up system for support with line manager, family member of friends. Avalanche, earthquake, volcano, tornado, avalanche. language/communication problems, lack of support (especially family/peers), loads/expectations excessive, loneliness/remoteness, sickness, unfriendly environment. Transportation Incompetent driver(s), hazardous terrain, improperly maintained vehicles, unsuitable transport. Workplace Environment If driving, ensure you have correct insurance, licence, and are aware of driving regulations. If using a taxi check licence details shown belong to your driver. If using public transport, consider the road worthiness of vehicle. Adequate lighting, drinking water, ventilation, temperature, Before travelling check the suitability and facilities of the workplace. cleanliness, space, equipment, work areas, washing and Determine the health and safety arrangements within the workplace. sanitary facilities, traffic routes, freedom from fall and falling objects, clothing storage, changing facilities, rest areas etc.