HEAT STROKE Shoshana J. Herzig, MD July 17,2005 Introduction Heat stroke is defined as severe illness with predominant CNS symptoms and a core temperature greater than 40.5 degrees centigrade (105 degrees F) in the setting of a large environmental heat load that cannot be dissipated. There are two types of heat stroke: Classic (nonexertional) heat stroke: Affects individuals with underlying chronic medical conditions that either impair thermoregulation or prevent removal from a hot environment (ex – cardiovascular disease, neurologic or psychiatric disorders, obesity, anhidrosis, extremes of age, and drugs such as anticholinergics or diuretics). Exertional heat stroke: Generally occurs in young, otherwise healthy individuals who have engaged in strenuous exercise in high temperature and humidity. In a 2002 review in the NEJM, the definition was expanded to include an understanding of the pathophysiology of this condition. The authors call heat stroke “a form of hyperthermia associated with a systemic inflammatory response leading to a syndrome of multiorgan dysfunction in which encephalopathy predominates.” The high body temperature and CNS findings can cause a sepsis-like syndrome with distributive shock, coagulopathy, and ultimately multisystem organ failure. In the United States, this phenomenon is usually observed in the very young, the very old, the mentally ill, and the poor without access to air conditioning. Pathophysiology The progression from heat exhaustion to heat stroke is caused by failure of thermoregulation, exaggeration of the acute phase response, and alteration in heat shock response. It is unclear why some people have only mild exhaustion while others progress to the systemic inflammatory response of heat stroke. Genetic alterations in heat shock proteins, coagulation factors, and cytokines are postulated to play a role. Thermoregulation: In the normal host, a rise in blood temperature activates hypothalamic heat receptors, which respond by activating mechanisms which increase delivery of heat to the surface of the body. These mechanisms include: 1. Vasodilitation: Active sympathetic cutaneous vasodilitation increases blood flow to the skin, leading to heat loss into the atmosphere. Keep in mind that as blood is shunted to the skin, visceral perfusion is reduced, and, if severe enough, contributes to the aforementioned organ dysfunction. 2. Sweating: If the air surrounding the surface of the body is not saturated with water, sweat will vaporize and cool the body surface. This is why a humid environment, saturated with water, predisposes to heat stroke. The act of sweating consumes a great deal of salt and water from the body, and accordingly, thermoregulation is impaired in those who are dehydrated, or salt-depleted. 3. Increased cardiac output: Cardiac output increases with heat exposure to up to 20L/min. This output is shunted peripherally by the hypothalamus through peripheral vasodilation and splanchnic vasoconstriction to increase heat loss. Thus, people taking medicines that limit the myocardium’s ability to increase cardiac output, diuretic induced salt and water depletion, and heart disease all interfere with cardiac regulation of heat. Acute phase exaggeration: Based mainly on animal models, the splanchnic hypoperfusion that accompanies high temperature works to decrease the immunologic barrier of the intestine, allowing translocation of endotoxins. This may be the mechanism for the sepsis syndrome that accompanies heat stroke. IL-6 and TNF levels correlate to severity of heat stroke. TNF and IL-1 are felt to play a role in the development of cerebral edema and to decrease cerebral perfusion. These responses also change the hypothalamus’ ability to thermorgulate. Endothelial damage also leads to increased vascular permeability and coagulation abnormalities leading to DIC. Heat shock protein attenuation: With high temperature, heat shock transcriptions factors are activated that promote the production of heat shock proteins. These proteins (specifically HSP 72) function to protect partially folded or incorrectly folded proteins from ongoing heat-induced denaturation. Poor acclimatization to heat, old age, and some genetic polymorphisms may attenuate the heat shock response. Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Residents’ Report Clinical Presentation Heat stroke is on the severe end of the spectrum of non-medication induced hyperthermic syndromes that includes heat cramps and heat exhaustion (prostration). CNS dysfunction, a necessary criterion for heat stroke, may range from mild confusion to frank coma. Headache, inappropriate behavior, slurred speech, confusion, seizures, and hallucinations have all been described. Focal “hard” neurologic findings should be absent. Physical exam in classic heat stroke should reveal: Rectal temperature greater than 40.5 degrees centigrade Tachycardia Possible hypotension (25% of patients) Hyperventilation Flaccid muscles Lethargy, stupor, or coma Of note, the skin may be moist or dry depending on the underlying medical conditions, the speed with which the heat stroke developed, and hydration status. Lab abnormalities are initially more prominent in exertional heat stroke and include: Hemoconcentration Hypernatremia LFT elevation Rhabdomyolysis Hypercalcemia, hypophosphatemia, and hyokalemia. With exertional heat stroke, however, after complete cooling one can see the opposite: hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, and hyperkalemia. Respiratory alkalosis in classic variant Mixed respiratory alkalosis with lactic acidosis in exert ional Both exertional and classic heat stroke may lead to multisystem organ failure, sepsis-like syndrome, ARDS, seizures, coma, and disseminated intravascular coagulation. The kidneys, liver, pancreas, and intestine may all be damaged during the acute phase of heat stroke. Though patients may survive these insults with proper supportive care, about 20% of them go on to having permanent neurologic sequelae. The presence of shock, DIC, and respiratory failure all portend a poor outcome. The speed at which heat stroke is identified and treated impacts prognosis. Treatment Obviously, the mainstay of therapy is cooling. This is accomplished by applying cold water or ice to the skin to decrease temperature while fanning the patient to utilize convection. Rectal and skin temperature should be monitored. Peritoneal, gastric, and rectal lavages with cold water have also been described as treatments. Caution must be taken with cooling techniques, as reduction of skin temperature to below 30 degrees centigrade can evoke cutaneous vasoconstriction and shivering, both of which increase body temperature. Therefore, once the skin temperature drops to 30 degrees C, the patient should be massaged, sprayed with 40 degree centigrade water, or blown with hot moving air. These heating techniques may be applied alternating or along with cooling measures. Along with cooling, oxygen and crystalloid are the mainstays of therapy. Seizures are treated with benzodiazepines; respiratory failure is managed with intubation; hypotension is treated with fluids and pressors. Rhabdomyolysis is treated with hydration, fluid expansion, diuretics, and bicarbonate. In general, normal ICU care is provided along with cooling measures. Future therapies include activated protein c and perhaps NSAIDs (increase transcription of heat shock proteins). More novel anti-inflammatories are also being studied. Prevention For both classic and exertional heat stroke prevention, the following advice should be given to patients: Build up outdoor activity slowly to help acclimatization Schedule activities at cooler times of day, or reduce level of activity Drink H20 Eat salty food Use air conditioning or go to air conditioned space If no air conditioning, take multiple cold/cool showers or baths Do not leave children or elderly in cars unattended Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Residents’ Report Bibliography Bouchama, A et al. Heat Stroke. NEJM. June 20, 2002. Vol 346, No 25. 1978-88 Dematte, JE et al. Near-Fatal Heat Stroke during the 1995 Heat Wave in Chicago. Ann Internal Med. August 1, 1998; 129:173-181 Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine. Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Residents’ Report