ay 2014 - North Carolina Library Association

Planning Council, Public Library Section
North Carolina Library Association
Minutes of May 16, 2014
Asheboro Public Library
Members attending:
Billy King, JR Rogers, Arthur Erickson, Laura Highfill, Pam Jaskot, Sandra Lovely, Nora Armstrong, Decca
Slaughter, George Taylor, Catherine Rudelich, Janet Oliver, Jane McAllister, Jennifer Daugherty, Don
Dwiggins, Sarah McGough, Martha Sink and Joan Sherif.
(10 constitutes a quorum; we had 15 voting members present)
The meeting was called to order by Billy at 10:44 a.m.
Pam moved to accept the minutes of 28 March 2014. Seconded by Jane, and passed unanimously.
NCLA Executive Board Report (Billy)
Exec. Board met Apr. 25 in Greensboro, at the Koury Convention Center (site of next Conference).
There is over $5000 in the PLS budget. In response to our question about earnings on the Roberts Award
endowment, M.J. explained to Billy that all earnings on such accounts go to a collective pot for NCLA
Leadership Institute applications are open and due by July 7. We had a long discussion of L.I.
scholarships. In particular, we want the scholarships not only to be a benefit to PLS members, but also to
induce people who would not otherwise apply to the Leadership Institute to do so. In the past,
scholarships were awarded to people who had already applied and been accepted.
 Pam moved that we fund two L.I. scholarships. The motion was seconded by J.R. and passed
unanimously. Billy will follow up on methods of promoting availability of the scholarships to PLS
members. Recipients will be expected to attend a Planning Council meeting to relate their
experience to us and with an eye to involving them in PLS.
The Board Restructure Committee, formed to recommend changes to streamline NCLA, submitted
suggestions that were approved by the Exec. Board, including—Directors positions increase from 2 to 4;
the dissolution of the School Librarians Roundtable; changing the focus and duties of the Finance and
Endowment Committees; imposing a 2-minute limit to present reports.
The 2017 Conference will once again be held in Winston-Salem. The Exec. Board will next meet in
Greensville on July 25.
Directors’ Report (Laura)
Fabulous Fridays locations and dates confirmed. Following each FF, the host library will offer tours of
their site’s genealogy/local history rooms.
YSS Liaison Report (Joan)
Submitted written report. YSS biennial retreat will be Oct. 16-17 at Haw River State Park. YSS is reaching
out to SLMA to create better communication and interaction between school and public librarians.
Fabulous Fridays
Sept. 26. Pack Memorial Library, Asheville.
Oct. 3. ImaginOn, Charlotte.
Oct. 10. Cumberland County PL Headquarters, Fayetteville.
The schedule will be as in 2012. One morning and two afternoon sessions will each run for one hour.
Each time slot will have four concurrent sessions. Cal Shepard will speak in the late morning, followed by
a boxed lunch. A save the date will go out in mid-July.
Registration will open August 18. Kim Parrott will be solicited for the 2012 registration list so we can
reach out to prior attendees.
 Cathy moved that the cost structure be the same as 2012 ($30 for non-NCLA members, $15 for
non-PLS, $10 for PLS members). Pam seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Committee Business & Fabulous Friday Ideas
Adult Services (Sandra)
Met May 1. FF offering will be a panel of four on State Library Partnerships (youth services, library for
the blind, NCLIVE, e-resources, Center for the Book, etc.).
Awards (no report)
Branch Services (Decca)
Met by email. Since in prior years the Circ. Issues panels have been so wildly popular, they will do
another, but on Creative Scheduling. Decca also reached out to Anthony Chow at UNCG about
participation by the LIS program on LIS Initiatives.
Collection Management (Cathy)
Met in early May, and acquired two new members. Thinking about a 2 or 3 person panel on SelfPublishing.
Genealogy & Local History (Jane)
Jane thinks she might have a need to shop for a whole slate of new committee members, since all of the
current members emails bounce back. The genealogy librarian at Hickory did a 16 program genealogy
series which might make for an interesting presentation. Larry Cates at HPPL suggested an advanced
genealogy topic, but consensus was that might be more appropriate for a Conference than FF.
Something very practical on Digitization is another FF possibility.
Marketing (Don & Sarah)
Sarah offered to do a session on Marketing and Strategic Planning at the Asheville FF. Don suggested
some ideas related to Evaluating Return on Investment. We had a lengthy brainstorming discussion on
other possibilities, with one of the main upshots being that sessions need to be fairly practical and
accessible—not necessarily geared specifically towards paraprofessionals, but still accessible and
relevant to them.
The next meeting will be August 1, 2014, at 10:30AM, again at Asheboro Public Library.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:56 pm.