Year 3 Unit 4B - Light Bulb Languages





At the end of this section most pupils will:

- Put words into alphabetical order based on the first two letters

- Use a bilingual dictionary with a little support to discover meaning and gender

- Identify the gender of nouns based on the final letter and/or the article

At the end of this section some pupils will not have made so much progress and will:




Put words into alphabetical order based on the first letter

Use a bilingual dictionary with support to discover meaning and gender

Identify the gender of nouns ending in o or a

Pupils should learn:

- To identify the gender of nouns ending in o or a

- To identify the gender of nouns using the indefinite article un / una

- To find the English meaning of a Spanish noun using a bilingual dictionary




At the end of this section some pupils will have progressed further and will:



Put a complex list of words into alphabetical order

Use a bilingual dictionary with confidence to discover meaning

- Identify the gender of plural nouns, nouns ending in common consonant patterns such as –dad and – ión and based on the definite articles el and la

Say whether a noun is masculine or feminine and explain how they know

Use a bilingual dictionary to find the meanings of Spanish nouns and to find the

Spanish for their own English words

- Use a bilingual dictionary to identify the gender of nouns

- Put words into alphabetical order

Un, una

(el, la)

(unos, unas, los, las) un lápiz unas tijeras una bolsa un bolígrafo un cuaderno un libro una regla una carpeta una calculadora un sacapuntas un pegamento un rotulador una goma una cartera un compás un estuche una mochila unos papeles

Possible activities include:

- Children hold word cards and rest of class put them into alphabetical order

- Use dictionary to find and fill in genders on worksheet

- Latin nouns of unspecific topic to demonstrate the origin of gender

- “Stop the Bus” dictionary game

- Multiple choice dictionary activity – find the word that we use for the object in the picture. Chn can create their own.

Stories, poems, rhymes and songs:

- Minibook ¿Qué veo? – children adapt the model to create their own stories

Alphabetical order cards

Bilingual dictionaries

Gender worksheets

Dictionary work worksheet

¿Qué veo? Ppt and mini-books

Children write their own mini-book adapting the model of ¿Qué veo? and using the bilingual dictionary to find the words for each page

I can

Put words in alphabetical order

Use a bilingual dictionary to find the meaning of a word

Use a bilingual dictionary to find out the gender of a word

Identify the gender of a word by looking at its final letter and/or its indefinite article

©Light Bulb Languages 2014 CS

O3.1 Listen and respond to simple rhymes, stories and songs

O3.2 Recognise and respond to sound patterns and words

O3.3 Perform simple communicative tasks using single words, phrases and short sentences

O3.4 Listen attentively and understand instructions, everyday classroom language and praise words

L3.1 Recognise some familiar words in written form

L3.2 Make links between some phonemes, rhymes and spellings, and read aloud familiar words

L3.3 Experiment with the writing of simple words

KAL3 Imitate pronunciation of sounds

KAL3 Notice the spelling of familiar words

KAL3 Identify specific sounds, phonemes and words

KAL3 Recognise that languages describe familiar things differently

KAL3 Hear main word classes

LLS3 Discuss language learning and share ideas and experiences

LLS3 Compare the language with English

LLS3 Write new words

L4.2 Follow a short familiar text, listening and reading at the same time

LLS4 Use a dictionary to look up spellings


- Listen attentively to spoken language and show understanding by joining in and responding (difference between masculine and feminine)

- Appreciate stories in the language

- Understand facts


- Read carefully and show understanding of words

- Appreciate stories in the language

- Develop their ability to understand new words that are introduced into familiar written material

- Understand facts in writing


- Write at varying length (short sentences) using the grammatical structures that they have learnt


- Gender of nouns, indefinite articles

- Key feature of the language (gender)

Language learning skills:

- How the patterns and words of the new language are different to English (articles and gender patterns)

- Develop strategies to understand new words, including through using a dictionary

CAS 07/14

©Light Bulb Languages 2014 CS
