Commonwealth Corps 2011 Summer Programs The Bernon Center for Public Service at Babson College Be the Change: An Introduction to Civic Engagement and Social Entrepreneurship Lisa Hellmuth Thomas 781-239-5354 Josh Stevenson 781-239-5565 Babson College is pleased to submit a proposal to host the Be the Change: An Introduction to Civic Engagement and Social Entrepreneurship program, which will serve 30 middle school children from low-income families living in public housing in Needham and Wellesley. Building on an established afterschool program that Babson coordinates with the two housing authorities, this summer program will utilize three Corps members and include a mix of academic tutoring, an entrepreneurship venture, physical activities and community service experiences. Program objectives include helping participants further develop their academic and leadership skills, learn new entrepreneurial skills, learn about the importance of “giving back” and gain a better understanding of how to build positive relationships with the community. Boys and Girls Club of Lawrence Summerfest Kerry Wiersma 978-683-2747 x 116 Amanda Hinchcliffe, Director of Program Services 978-683-2747 x 129 Katie Reissfelder, Merrimack College 978-837-5125 The Boys and Girls Club of Lawrence (BGCL), in partnership with Merrimack College, proposes to host six Commonwealth Corps Members to serve as youth counselors for Summerfest. Summerfest is a seven week, full-day program for youth operated by the BGCL. Members will play a key role in meeting the goals of the program including: 1) Providing a safe place where youth can find caring, supportive adult role models. 2) Providing enrichment activities that support increased academic achievement and exposure to new opportunities. Members will serve as youth counselors for upper elementary and middle school teams. The Members will also plan and lead two three-week initiatives; one focused on Arts and Culture and one focused on Science and Technology. Each initiative will include 12 hours of engaging, experiential instruction and a culminating serve learning project. 1 Commonwealth Corps 2011 Summer Programs Bristol Community College Be Enriched Summer Program Mary Zahm Jennifer Boulay 508-678-2811 x 2853 The Be Enriched Summer (BeES) program is hosted by Bristol Community College’s (BCC) Center for Civic Engagement (CCE) and the Fall River Public School (FRPS) System We will recruit twelve Commonwealth Corps Members from BCC students to serve as Youth Leaders for 48 academically at-risk middle school students from the Morton Middle School summer program. BeES participants will become familiar with the BCC College Campus and gain an introduction to the careers and programs they can pursue at the college level. The program will offer service learning, career exploration and hands-on activities with an emphasis on learning about the local community. Topics will cover: Sustainability and Science; Robotics and Engineering; Computers- Games and More; Fall River Stories- History Literature and Art; and Our Lives- Community Health and Helping Roles. The goal of the program will be to expose students to the college campus as well as to the careers, knowledge and fun offered through college programs. City of Cambridge, Agenda for Children (AFC) Out-of-School Time (OST) Initiative Shared Youth, Shared Strategies; Middle School Network Susan Richards, AFC OST Initiative Coordinator 617-349-6200 Susie Flug, Child & Youth Services Planner 617-349-6223 Robert Bridgeman The City of Cambridge Agenda for Children Out-of-School Time (OST) Initiative seeks 8 Commonwealth Corps members with an interest in helping middle schoolers succeed. Through the Shared Youth, Shared Strategies initiative, in partnership with entities from across the city, Corps members will educate students about OST opportunities, help place them in programs, support a smaller cohort in preparing for success, lead service learning projects, and work closely with students at a specific summer program. With training and support, they will help middle schoolers build connections with adults, understand the importance of OST and planning for the future, and increase their OST participation, while empowering students to impact the community. Our partners include Lesley University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Phillips Brooks House Association, and the Cambridge Public Schools. 2 Commonwealth Corps 2011 Summer Programs College of the Holy Cross Middle School Success Institute Ed Augustus 508-793-3905 The College of the Holy Cross will sponsor the Middle School Success Institute, which extends and enhances existing programs and partnerships and targets middle school students. We project that the four members, working in collaboration with Federal Work Study students from Holy Cross, will serve 28 middle school students at three sites. Program Activities: Service in three neighborhood parks, tutoring and academic preparation, workshops and activities to promote college awareness. Anticipated outcomes: Academic readiness for the 2011-2012 school year, a focus on the importance of academic achievement and post-secondary education, an understanding of basic employment skills, a sense of community responsibility and stewardship over public resources. Crossroads for Kids, Inc. C5 New England Teen Leadership Program Ben Palmer 781-834-2700 x35 Joanne Fay Crossroads for Kids is applying to host 5 Corps Members to introduce 25% more youth to our C% leadership program. Members will serve as mentors to 25 rising 8th graders, delivering leadership curriculum and leading community service projects. Crossroads’ C5 program provides at-risk youth with 100+ days of leadership training, 100+ hours of community service, a college tour, cultural events, and workshops on finances, college, employment and public speaking. The outcomes are that each youth: 1) respects human diversity, 2) forms and maintains positive relationships, 3) makes positive contributions to the community, 4) graduates high school and pursues college education or meaningful employment, and 5) develops leadership and navigation skills in the areas of: self-awareness, communication, group effectiveness, organization, decision-making and problem solving. Framingham State University Science and Technology, Service-Learning, and College Awareness Mary Liscombe 508-626-4056 Dawn Mendelsohn Framingham Public Schools 508-626-9115 3 Commonwealth Corps 2011 Summer Programs Framingham Public Schools (FPS) and Framingham State University (FSU) will host the summer program for Framingham’s middle school students, “Science and Technology, ServiceLearning, and College Awareness.” Ten pre-service teacher interns from FSU will constitute the Corps members. Up to 140 FPS middle school students will engage in enrichment activities related to STEM education, service learning, and college awareness at three sites in the Framingham community, the FSU McAuliffe Challenger Center, Framingham Cable Access TV (FPAC-TV) station, and Framingham High School. Eighty percent (80%) of the middle school students will show a 10% increase in learning skills, behavior, initiative, and improved relations with adults and peers. The Corps members will show an increase in professional development measured through staff observations and daily reviews of their participation in their preparation as teachers and their understanding of community service learning. Holyoke Community College Holyoke Summer Commonwealth Corps Program Melany Mendoza 413-552-2471 Janice B. Carmichael, Health Careers Opportunity Program 413-552-2026 Sarah Spence, Assistant Director, 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program 508-523-9078 HCC will host eight Commonwealth Corps members in summer programs for Holyoke youth. Building on the successful model at Mount Holyoke, college-age members will be recruited from area higher education institutions. Partners will include members of the Peck ACCESS committee of the Peck Full Service Community School, including the Skills, Training and Enrichment Program, the Pioneer Valley Health Careers Opportunity Program, the Connections 21st Century Community Learning Centers program of the Holyoke Public Schools with the Enchanted Circle Theater, and the Student Bridges Program of UMass, Amherst. Over 130 middle school youth will be involved in enrichment activities including service-learning, academic support, and college awareness. Massachusetts College of Art and Design Voices: Partnerships in Teaching and Learning Liz Rudnick & Ceci Mendez 617-879-7174; Massachusetts College of Art and Design will sponsor eight Commonwealth Corps members to work with Boston middle schoolers in its Artward Bound youth program. The Corps experience consists of rigorous orientation, 2 week teaching apprenticeship I n the Creative Vacation youth program, and civic engagement project with Action for Boston Community Development/Parker Hill Fenway (ABCD) through MassArt’s Center for Art and Community 4 Commonwealth Corps 2011 Summer Programs Partnerships. Corps members will be recruited from MassArt and other local colleges to work with 30 rising 8th and 9th grade students for 300 hours over 10 weeks. Artward Bound is a new year-long college access program in the visual arts for Boston teens launching this summer. Goals are to give Boston teens a solid foundation in the arts, academic studies, and arts-based community work. Middlesex Community College Camp GEAR UP Colleen Winn 978-656-3401 Tiffany Currie, GEAR UP Coordinator 978-884-4900 Middlesex Community College will expand a four-week summer camp to serve 50 at-risk 8th graders participating in GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs). The Commonwealth Corps members will work with Camp staff to design and carry out activities, including the service project to be undertaken with Lowell National Historical Park. Members, drawn from a variety of student groups, will experience professional and leadership development. Camp attendees will be low-income, at-risk students from Lowell who will be introduced to high school level course content, increase their academic skills, become aware of the many opportunities for future college enrollment, and engage in citizenship building activities. Mount Wachusett Community College Summer UP Kristin Sweeney-Moore 978-630-9323 Rebeccah Sonn 978-630-9248 Mount Wachusett Community College (MWCC) proposes to host 10 Commonwealth Corps members in north central Massachusetts through its existing Summer Up program. Summer Up, provides safe, paid summer work experience leadership/citizenship skills training and exposure to college to at-risk middle school students. Ten members will work with 50 at-risk middle school students to operate a recreational program for elementary school students at public parks. Members assist middle school students in implementing daily craft, sports, and reading activities. Each Friday, members facilitate college field trips and leadership/citizenship workshops for students. The objectives are to increase leadership, citizenship and college readiness skills for middle school students and to ensure a safe, healthy, summer experience for at-risk children. 5 Commonwealth Corps 2011 Summer Programs Northeastern University Beach Sister Carole McCauley 781-581-7370 x 321 Lena Crowley, Girls Inc. of Lynn The Beach Sister program will help to pave the way for middle school girls living in an environmental justice community to develop scientific inquiry and citizenship skills, and to learn about studies and careers in marine science. It will do so through classroom and field investigations, leveraging community expertise, and engagement in a service-learning project based on a local environmental issue. The program’s goals are to promote environmental literacy in middle school students and to foster interest in marine sciences and related careers. The outcomes are that middle school students will have a basic understanding of the local marine environment, have the skills to investigate environmental issues, feel empowered to take personal responsibility to address those issues and have positive attitudes about marine sciences and related careers. Phillips Brooks House Association, Inc. (PBHA) Middle Up: PBHA’s Summer Urban Program Maria Dominguez 617-496-8620 Phillips Brooks House Association’s Middle Up is a new initiative that combines educational enrichment and service-learning with college access to meet the needs of middle school students for all three. A diverse group of 10 college-student Corps members will each teach a class of 10 low-income Boston middle school students (100 in all) from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, for seven weeks, implementing a self-designed curriculum incorporating academics, service learning, and college access, complemented by field trips and workshops. Middle Up will prevent summer learning loss; increase their community awareness; guide them through the high school transition process; and enhance their college aspirations. Sociedad Latina, Inc. Sociedad Summer Pilot Jimmy Wyman 617-442-4299 Desiraé Simmons, Simmons College The Sociedad Summer Pilot, on Simmons College’s campus, stems summer learning loss for 60 at-risk middle school students. Through integrated academic and enrichment activities focused 6 Commonwealth Corps 2011 Summer Programs on numeracy, literacy, and 21st century skills, youth develop into engaged citizens, young entrepreneurs, and college-bound students. SSP is designed for Latinos and English Language Learners, who have the greatest need in our community. Instruction is delivered by certified teachers, while enrichment activities focused on entrepreneurship are led by professional consultants. After a summer at SSP, youth show increases in test scores. Commonwealth Corps Members assist in day-to-day operations, and lead college access and community service activities. University of Massachusetts Dartmouth LEADS Summer Dr. Matthew Roy 508-910-9052 The University of Massachusetts Dartmouth (UMD) in collaboration with the Fall River Public School Department proposes the Leadership for Educational Attainment Developed through Service (LEADS) Summer program. The program will be held Monday through Thursday for eight weeks and be run by six teacher/university student (Commonwealth Corps) pairs who will educate middle school students about leadership, civic engagement and educational attainment through community service-learning projects. The goals of the program are threefold: increase leadership knowledge and skills, increase civic engagement in the students and corps members, and increase students understanding of aspirations to higher education. The goals will be measured through a survey of participants and reflection journals will supplement survey results. 7