Guidelines for scientific presentations for 20th IOS PG Convention-Amritsar, India Post Graduate Orthodontic students are invited to submit abstracts/papers for Oral presentations/Poster presentations and table clinics. All submissions must be online before the 15th of January 2016. Late entries will not be accepted. The categories of scientific presentations are Oral presentation (Research, clinical and clinical innovations) Poster (Research, clinical) Table clinics (General) All submissions for competitive category must be sent to All submission for non competitive category must be sent to All submissions must be made in the enclosed submission format to the above addresses ,duly forwarded by the Head of Department. Each PG department is permitted to send a maximum of five scientific submission for the competitive category.(e.g: two papers, two posters and one table clinic) Only one entry can be submitted by each person as a presenting author. Multiple entries will entail rejection of all entries. First Year PGs are requested to send only Posters. Hods are requested to send a letter to listing the competitive submissions from their respective departments. Complete manuscript in word format or poster in PDF format must be sent for competitive category. Non competitive submissions need to be accompanied by the abstract. I. Guidelines for Paper (Competitive category) submission for 20th IOS PG ConventionAmritsar, India 1.Manuscripts for research category should follow IMRAD format and should not exceed 3500 words. Structured abstract (less than 200 words) should be attached. 2.Clinical and Clinical Innovation manuscripts should not exceed 2000 words and should have clinical material attached. 3. All entries NOT making it to the final list of competitive section will be converted to Non Competitive Oral or Poster category. Decision of the committee will be final. 4. Please mention “Paper – Competitive –Clinical” or “Paper –Competitive Research” or “Paper –Competitive –Clinical Innovation” as the case may be in Subject of the Email II. Guidelines for Poster (Competitive category) submission for 20th IOS PG ConventionAmritsar, India Competitive Section –E Poster 1. Complete Poster has to be sent for consideration. (3 powerpoint slides) 2..All entries NOT making it to the final list of competitive section will be converted to Non Competitive Poster category. Decision of the committee will be final. 4. Please mention “Poster – Competitive –Clinical” or “Poster –Competitive Research” as the case may be in the subject of the email. III. Guidelines for Paper (Non Competitive category) submission for 20th IOS PG Convention-Amritsar, India 1.Abstract (less than 250 words) alone is sufficient . 2. Please mention “Paper – Non Competitive –Clinical” or “Paper –Non Competitive Research” or “Paper –Non Competitive –Clinical Innovation” as the case may be in Subject of the Email. IV. Guidelines for Poster (Non Competitive category) submission for 20th IOS PG Convention-Amritsar, India 1.Abstract (less than 200 words) alone is sufficient . 2. Deadline for submission is 15th January 2016. 3. Please mention “Poster – Non Competitive –Clinical” or “Poster –Non Competitive Research” as the case may be in Subject of the Email. V. Table Clinic Guidelines(competitive and non competitive) Abstract of the submission in 250 words or less Please mention Table Clinic in Subject of email