Reading List - - University of North Carolina at

University of North Carolina at Charlotte
August 2002
A Core Reading List for the Master of Arts Degree in Spanish:
NOTE: Students who elect the TTS track for their M.A. in Spanish specialization will be expected to
demonstrate their familiarity with the contents of this graduate reading list, including journals and selected
Web sites, during their comprehensive examinations, regardless of whether or not these contents have been
included as part of the course work completed for the M.A. degree. The list is comprehensive and contains
representative authors and works. While the list allows for considerable flexibility in meeting the M.A.
reading requirement, please NOTE that those authors/works marked ** are required reading. As soon as
students are accepted into the program, they should begin their independent reading of these works. This
requirement is effective for all students admitted to the M.A. in Spanish as of the Fall 2002 semester.
**Those students admitted to the M.A. program prior to the Fall 2002 semester are responsible for 50%
of the Reading List, distributed as evenly as possible across the different areas.
Literary Translation: Hermeneutics, History, Theory and Practice
Apter, Ronnie. Digging for the Treasure: Translation After Pound. New York: Paragon House, 1987.
**Arrowsmith, William and Roger Shattuck (editors), The Craft and Context of Translation: A
Symposium. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1961.
**Barnstone, Willis. The Poetics of Translation: History, Theory, Practice. New Haven, Connecticut:
Yale University Press, 1993.
**Bassnett, Susan and André (editors), Translation, History and Culture. London, Pinter, 1990.
**Basnett-McGuire, Susan. Translation Studies, revised ed. London: Routledge, 1991.
**Benjamin, Walter, “The Task of the Translator: An Introduction to the Translation of Baudelaire’s
Tableaux Parisiens” (original article in German, 1923) in his Illuminations, edited by Hannah
Arendt, translated by Harry Zohn, New York: Harcourt Brace, 1968, London: Jonathan Cape,
1970; and in Schulte, Rainer and John Biguenet, (editors), Theories of Translation, Chicago and
London: The University of Chicago Press, 1992.
Bly, Robert. The Eight Stages of Translation. Boston: Rowan Tree Press, 1983.
**Borges, Jorge Luis. “Pierre Menard, Author of Don Quixote,” trans. Anthony Bonner, in Anthony
Kerrigan (ed.), Ficciones. New York: Grove Press, 1962.
_____. “Word, Music and Translation.” The Craft of Poetry. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 2000, 57-76.
Brower, Reuben A., ed. On Translation. (1959/1966), New York: OUP.
Chen Eoyang, Eugene. “’Confound their Language’: the Mythologies of Translation”/
“’God’s Hand Is In Every Translation’: The Myths of Theory” / “Translation Across
Civilizations: The Contribution of Barbarians”. The Transparent Eye: Reflections on Translation,
Chinese Literature and Comparative Poetics. Honolulu: U. of Hawaii: Press 1993.
**Dryden, John. “Three Kinds of Translation.” DELOS 2, 1968.
Eco, Umberto. Experiences in Translation. Tr. By Alastair McEwen. Toronto: U. of Toronto Press, 2001.
**Felstiner, John. Translating Neruda: The Way to Macchu Picchu. Stanford, CA: Stanford University
Press, 1980.
**Gentzler, Edwin. “Deconstruction”, 144-180. Contemporary Translation Theories. London and New
York: Routledge, 1993.
Green, Jeffrey M. Thinking through Translation. Athens/London: U. Georgia Press, 2001.
Honig, Edwin. The Poet’s Other Voice: Conversations on Literary Translation. Amherst: University of
Massachusetts Press, 1985.
**Lefevere, André. “Ch. 1: Translation: Its Genealogy in the West,” 14-28, Translation, History and
Culture. Bassnett, Susan and André Lefevere, eds. London and New York: Pinter Publishers,
**Levine, Suzanne Jill. The Subversive Scribe: Translating Latin American Fiction. Saint Paul, MN:
Graywolf Press, 1991.
**Nabokov, Vladimir. “The Servile Path.” Brower, Reuben A., ed. On Translation. (1959/1966), New
York: OUP.
**Ortega y Gasset, José. “The Misery and the Splendor of Translation”, in Schulte, Rainer and John
Biguenet, (editors), Theories of Translation, Chicago and London: The University of Chicago
Press, 1992.
Paz, Octavio. Traducción: Literatura y literalidad. Barcelona: Tusquets Editores, S.A., 1971.
**_____ “Translation: Literature and Letters”, Schulte, Rainer and John Biguenet, (editors), Theories of
Translation, Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1992.
Pym, Anthony. Negotiating the Frontier: Translators and Intercultures in Hispanic Society. U.K.: St.
Jerome Publishing, 2000.
**Rabassa, Gregory. “If This Be Treason: Translation and Its Possibilities.” Translation: Literary,
Linguistic and Philosophical Perspectives. Frawley, William, ed. London and Toronto: U. of
Delaware Press, 1984.
_____ Rabassa, Gregory. If This Be Treason. Translation and Its Discontents. A Memoir. New York: New
Directions, 2005.
**_____ “No Two Snowflakes Are Alike: Translation as Metaphor”, 1-12, The Craft of Translation.
Biguenet, John and Rainer Schulte, eds. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press,
**_____ “The Silk Purse Business: A Translator’s Conflicting Responsibilities.” Frawley, William, ed.
London and Toronto: U. of Delaware Press, 1984.
Raffel, Burton. The Art of Translating Poetry. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University
Press, 1988.
**Ribeiro Pires Vieira, Else. “Liberating Calibans: Readings of Antropofagia and Haroldo
de Campos’ poetics of transcreation”. Postcolonial Translation Theory and
Practice. Susan Bassnett and Harish Trivedi, eds. London and New York: Routledge,1999.
**Robinson, Douglas. Western Translation Theory from Herodotus to Nietzsche. London, St. Jerome
Publishing, 1997. (Excerpts including Greek, Roman, Medieval, Romantic, Victorian, and
**Rose, Marilyn Gaddis. “Translation Types and Conventions”, in Marilyn Gaddis Rose (ed.).
Translation Spectrum: Essays in Theory and Practice, Albany: State University of New York
Press, 31-40.
**Schleiermacher, Friedrich. “On the Different Methods of Translating.” Trans. Waltraud Bartscht.
Theories of Translation. Ed. Rainer Schulte and John Biguenet, Chicago and London: The
University of Chicago Press, 1992, 36-54. Or same essay in The Translation Studies Reader ed. by
Lawrence Venuti. London and New York: Routledge, 2000.
Snell-Hornby, M. Translation Studies: An Integrated Approach. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1988.
Steiner, George, After Babel: Aspects of Language and Translation, Oxford and New York: Oxford
University Press, 1975; 3rd ed. 1998. (Chapters 1 and 2: “Understanding a Translation” and
“language and Gnosis.”)
**One of the following:
Delisle, Jean and Judith Woodsworth (editors), Translators Through History. Philadelphia: John
Benjamins North America, 1995.
García Yebra, Valentín. En torno a la traducción: Teoría, crítica, historia. Madrid: Editorial Gredos,
S.A., 1983.
Landers, Clifford E. Literary Translation: A Practical Guide. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters LTD,
Raffel, Burton. The Art of Translating Prose. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University
Press, 1994.
**Journals including literary translation and theory (student selects articles to present a defense):
International Quarterly
Target: International Journal of Translation Studies
Translation (1972-1994)
Translation Review
The Translator
Two Lines
Biblical Translation. Two of the following:
Barnstone, Willis. The Poetics of Translation: History, Theory, Practice. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale
University Press, 1993. (Excerpts—see p. 1 under Literary)
Derrida, Jacque, From “Des Tours de Babel”, Schulte, Rainer and John Biguenet, (editors), Theories of
Translation, Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1992.
**Nida, E.A. Bible Translating. London: United Bible Societies, 1947.
Radice, William, ed. and Barbara Reynolds. “On Translating God’s Name”. The Translator’s Art. Radice,
William, ed. and Barbara Reynolds. Middlesex: Penguin, 1987.
Translation and Linguistics. Three of the Following:
**Duff, Alan. The Third Language: Recurrent Problems of Translation into English. Oxford: Pergamon
Press, 1981.
Gorlée, Dinda L. Semiotics and the Problem of Translation. Amsterdam-Atlanta, GA: Rodopi, 1994:
C. 3 “Fundamentals of the Semiotics of Charles S. Peirce”
C. 4 “Wittgenstein, Translation and Semiotics”
C. 8 “Translation After Jakobson After Peirce” (inc. interlingual and intersemiotic translation)
C. 9 “Equivalence, Translation, and the Role of the Translator”
**Jakobson, Roman. “On Linguistic Aspects of Translation,” Schulte, Rainer and John Biguenet (editors).
Theories of Translation, Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1992.
Nida, Eugene A., Toward a Science of Translating, with Special Reference to Principles and Procedures
Involved in Bible Translating, Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1964. (also: Biblical Translation)
Quine, W.V. “Meaning and Translation”, (in Reuben A. Brower (ed.), On Translation, 148-72, 1959/1966.
Whorf, Benjamin, “Linguistic Relativity and the Relation of Linguistic Processes to Perception and
Cognition.” Saperta, S., ed., Psycholinguistics. New York: Rinehart and Winston.
Translation Pedagogy: Technique, Terminology, Lexicography, Pragmatics
**Journal: ATA Chronicle
**Baker, Mona. In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation. London: Routledge, 1992.
**Hervey, Sándor, Ian Higgins and Louise M. Haywood. Thinking Spanish Translation: A Course in
Translation Method: Spanish to English. London: Routledge, 1995.
Three of the following:
Alcaraz, Enrique and Brian Hughes. Legal Translation Explained. Manchester, United Kingdom: St.
Jerome Publishing, 2002.
Child, Jack. Introduction to Spanish Translation. Lanham, MD: University Press of
America, 1992.
Hann, M. The Key to Technical Translation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing, 1992.
Larson, Mildred. Translation: Theory and Practice, Tension and Interdependence.
_____. Meaning-Based Translation: A Guide to Cross-Language Equivalence. Lanham: University Press
of America, 1984.
López, Guix, Juan Gabriel and Jacqueline Minett Wilkinson. Manual de traducción. Barcelona: Editorial
Gedina, S.A., 1997.
Mikkelson, Holly. Introduction to Court Interpreting. Manchester, United Kingdom: St. Jerome Publishing,
Newmark, Peter, Approaches to Translation. Oxford and New York: Pergamon Press, 1981.
Nida, Eugene. “Dynamic Equivalence in Translating”, in Sin-Wai Chan & David E. Pollard (eds.), An
Encyclopedia of Translation: Chinese-English -English-Chinese. Hong Kong: The Chinese
University Press, 223-30.
Pérez Román, Carmen and Francis Michel Ferrié. Introduction to Business Translation: A Handbook in
English-Spanish Contrastive Linguistics. Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico: The University of Puerto
Rico Press, 1980.
Robinson, Douglas. Becoming a Translator: An Accelerated Course. London and New York: Routledge,
Vázquez-Ayora, Gerardo. Introducción a la traductología: Curso básico de traducción. Washington:
Georgetown UP, 1977.
Vermeer, Hans. J. “Skopos and Commission in Translational Action”. The Translation Studies Reader.
Venuti, L., ed. London and New York: Routledge, 2000.
Translation and Cultural Identity. All of the following:
**Bassnett, Susan and Harish Trivedi. “Introduction: Of Colonies, Cannibals and Vernaculars,” 1-18,
Post-colonial Translation: Theory and Practice. London and New York: Routledge, 1999.
**Berman, Antoine. “Translation and the Trials of the Foreign”. The Translation Studies Reader. Venuti,
L., ed. London and New York: Routledge, 2000.
**Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. “The Politics of Translation.”
**Venuti, Lawrence. “Translation and the Formation of Cultural Identities.” Cultural Functions of
Translation. Schaffner, Christina and Helen Kelly-Holmes eds. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters
Ltd. 1995.
**Von Flotow, Louise. “Gender and Translation” / “2. Gender and the Practice of Translation”/ “3.
Revising Theories and Myths”. Translation and Gender: Translating in the ‘Era of Feminism’.
U. of Ottowa: 1997.
**Will, F. “Translation and the Limits of Inter-Cultural Understanding”. The Knife in the Stone: Essays
in Literary Theory. F. Will. Paris: Mouton, 1973.
Three of the following:
Feleppa, Robert. Convention, Translation, and Understanding: Philosophical Problems in the
Comparative Study of Culture. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1988.
Lefevere, André, Translation, Rewriting, and the Manipulation of Literary Fame. London and New York:
Routledge, 1992.
Niranjana, Tejaswini. Siting Translation: History, Post-Structuralism, and the Colonial Context.
Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992.
Robinson, Douglas. Translation and Empire: Postcolonial Theories Explained. U.K.: St. Jerome
Publishing, 1997.
Schaffner, Christina, ed. “Communicating in the Global Village: On Language, Translation and Cultural
Identity”. Translation in the Global Village. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters LTD, 2000.
Shaw, R. Daniel. Transculturation: The Cultural Factor in Translation and Other Communication Tasks.
Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library, 1988.
Snell-Hornby, Mary, Franz Pöchhacker & Klaus Kaindl, eds. Translation Studies: An Interdiscipline.
Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benamins Publishing Company, 1994.
Venuti, Lawrence, ed., Rethinking Translation: Discourse, Subjectivity, Ideology. London: Routledge,
_____. The Translator’s Invisibility: A History of Translation. London and New York: Routledge, 1995.
_____. The Scandals of Translation: Towards and Ethics of Difference. London and New York:
Routledge, 1998.
Sociology, Resources, and Profession of Translation
ATA Web site:
ATA Scholarly Monograph Series, Vols I-XI
ATA Conference Proceedings
ATA Spanish Language Division Newsletter Intercambios:
ALTA Web site: http:
FIT Web site:
The Translator's Handbook. ed. Catriona, Picken. London, UK: Aslib. c1983.
The Translator's Handbook, 3rd ed., Sofer, Morry. Schreibner Publishing 2000.
Mossop, Brian. Revising and Editing for Translators. Manchester, United Kingdom: St. Jerome Publishing,
Oxford Guide to Literature in Translation (introductory essays)
Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies (ed. Mona Baker)
Shuttleworth, Mark and Moira Cowie. Dictionary of Translation Studies. Manchester, United Kingdom: St.
Jerome Publishing, 1997.
Technology and Translation
Translation and Information Technology" in A Practical Guide for Translators,
Samuelsson-Brown, Geoffrey. Multilingual Matters, 1995.
LANTRA: The Software Localization and Globalization Development Tool. Web site:
Dictionaries and glossaries (general and specialized, hard copy and electronic): consultation with faculty
members re. Eurodicantom, IMF, etc.