MODEL LESSON PLAN on Plant Succession By M K Pandey ACF Chhattisgarh 1. Name of the Course(s): Induction course for Forest Guards 2. Participants Profile: o All the trainees are fresh recruits in Forest Department o In the age group of 25 to 35 o Mostly graduates, about 10 % may even be Post-graduates; certainly matriculates and above o About 25% might have done Botany/Zoology at plus two level o About 5% might have worked in the Government Department in different capacity before entry in Forest Department 3. Objectives: At the end of the session, the participants will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Explain what is plant succession Describe different types of succession List the causes of plant succession Explain what is climax Explain various types of climax 4. Backward linkages required (What topics should have been covered before this topic is taken up?) (a) Recall the subject on influence of factors of locality on vegetation (b) Climatic factors,Topographic factors,Edafic factors,Biotic factors. 5. Forward linkages to be taken care of (what related topics will be taken up subsequently – so that the participants’ questions may be left to be tackled later) (a) Methods to check the further succession stages of economically valuable species like Teak, sal Deodar (b) Classification of Forest types of India. 5. Training Material required and the time of distribution: S. No What When (a) Diagram of Succession stages During the session (b) Learning Reinforcement Quiz At the end of session 6. Media Requirement: LCD Projector or and White Board 7. Any other special requirement? NIL 8. Likely Questions from the Participants Why succession takes place ? From one succession stage to another how much time takes place? What is difference between primary and secondary succession? Whether secondary succession takes the same succession stages like primary succession? Whether climax species are permanent? Whether new species can come after reaching the climax stage? S. No Time Topic Details Illustration Method Visuals Minutes 1 2 3 objective 10 Introduction Self introduction, Ascertaining level of participants, Mode of questions, Range of coverage 10 Curtain Raiser/ Opening the discussion with a question: Warming up Can you imagine how our forest has reached to the present stage. First of all which species would have come in existence? What type of climatic condition the first coming plant community would have faced? What is succession Definition to be told and then repeated by 2-3 trainees to understand their grasp 10 Attainment of lecture Diagram of Changes of community (succession) Objective-1 lecture Diagram of Changes of community (succession Objective-1 4 10 5 10 6 20 What are the (a)On the basis of types of moisturesuccession 1-Xerarch succession 2-hydrarch succession (b)On the basis of the presence or absence of vegetation(1)Primary succession (2)Secondary succession What are the Initial causes causes of plant Continuing causes succession Initial causes Erosion Physiography Elevation &subsidence Climate Biotic factors Continuing Migration causes Ecesis Grouping & aggregation Competition Reaction Effect on climatic factor Effect on soil lecture ppt Objective-2 lecture ppt Objective-3 lecture ppt Objective-3 lecture ppt Objective-3 7 10 What is climax Culmination stage in plant succession for a given environment lecture ppt Objective-4 8 20 Types of climax Climatic climax lecture ppt Objective-5 Edaphic climax Preclimax Post climax Biotic climax 9 10 Session summary 10 10 Reinforceme About 10 Questions nt Quiz Covering various aspects of erosion Total Time Definition, types, reasons and effects lecture Quiz 120 Minutes M K PANDEY ACF CHHATTISGARH