1st Grade Reading Curriculum CONTENT STRAND: WORD IDENTIFICATION SKILLS ORGANIZING CONCEPT: Using decoding strategies to decode or comprehend meaning of words in text. GLE AGSD Curricular Objectives Content Skills 1 1.1.1: given spoken words or SW vocalize consonant blends and sounds: diagraphs *identifying initial, middle, and final sounds in 1-syllable words; SW recognize and identify initial *blending 3-4 phonemes into a consonants. whole word; *segmenting 3 and 4 phonemes in SW recognize and identify medial 1-syllable words; consonants. *distinguishing, reproducing, and manipulating sounds for common SW recognize and identify final letter combinations (i.e., word consonants. families, consonant blends, and digraphs). SW recognize and begin reading common word families. AGSD Resources SW recognize patterns and the sound of vowel digraphs. SW recall and recite compound words in oral communication. SW demonstrate ability to sound out words using decoding strategies such as letter clusters, digraphs, and long and short vowel patterns. 1 1.1.3: reading high frequency words. SW identify and recall high frequency words. SW read compound words and contractions. Approved by AGSD Regional Board, October 18, 2010 Page 1 of 6 1st Grade Reading Curriculum GLE AGSD Curricular Objectives 1 1.1.4: obtaining information using text features (e.g., titles, SW decode using picture and illustrations, table of contents, illustration cues. speech bubbles). SW decode using context clues. Content Skills AGSD Resources SW use text features such as titles and speech bubbles to acquire meaning in text. 1 1.1.5: identifying the meaning of SW demonstrate understanding of new vocabulary, using new new vocabulary in context. vocabulary in context. SW recite new vocabulary in correct context. 1 1.1.6: self-monitoring and selfcorrecting while reading (e.g., recognizing when there is a mismatch and using other strategies to correct. SW select and use decoding strategies such as reading on, rereading, and recognizing mismatches. 1 1.1.7: demonstrating understanding of concepts of print including *one-to-one matching; *return sweep when reading; *meaning of ending punctuation; capital and lower case letters (e.g., sentences and names begin with capitals). SW demonstrate understanding of oneto-one matching. SW demonstrate understanding of return sweep when reading. SW demonstrate understanding that sentences and names begin with capitals. SW demonstrate understanding of meaning of ending punctuation. Approved by AGSD Regional Board, October 18, 2010 Page 2 of 6 1st Grade Reading Curriculum CONTENT STRAND: FORMING A GENERAL UNDERSTANDING ORGANIZING CONCEPT: Comprehend literal or inferred meaning from text. GLE AGSD Curricular Objectives 1 1.2.1: answering who, what, SW answer who, what, when, where, and when questions after where, how, and why questions listening to or reading a story. from information heard or from text. 1 1.2.2: generating questions to clarify meaning of the text. SW ask questions to clarify meaning while reading. 1 1.2.3: making and verifying predictions based on information from the story. SW predict story outcomes. Content Skills AGSD Resources Content Skills AGSD Resources SW review, verify and change predictions as needed. 1 1.2.4: drawing conclusions about stories or information while listening SW draw conclusions about stories or reading (e.g., comparing and or information while listening or contrasting). reading. CONTENT STRAND: FLUENCY ORGANIZING CONCEPT: Reads text aloud. GLE AGSD Curricular Objectives 1.3.1: reading orally with rhythm, SW demonstrate use of a clear and flow, and expression, showing fluent reading voice that varies for understanding of punctuation (e.g., different situations. period, question mark, exclamation point, quotation mark) and other SW reread known and predictable conventions of print (e.g., bold, all books with confidence. capital letters) at a pace similar to own speech. SW demonstrate using punctuation to guide comprehension and fluency. Approved by AGSD Regional Board, October 18, 2010 Page 3 of 6 1st Grade Reading Curriculum CONTENT STRAND: FORMING A GENERAL UNDERSTANDING ORGANIZING CONCEPT: Restate/summarize information. GLE AGSD Curricular Objectives 1 1.4.1: retelling or dramatizing a SW tell and retell events in logical story after reading it. order. Content Skills AGSD Resources CONTENT STRAND: FORMING A GENERAL UNDERSTANDING ORGANIZING CONCEPTS: Demonstrate understanding of a main idea. GLE AGSD Curricular Objectives 1 1.5.1: identifying main idea of a SW identify the main idea of a text. selection. Content Skills AGSD Resources CONTENT STRAND: FORMING A GENERAL UNDERSTANDING ORGANIZING CONCEPT: Follow oral and written directions. GLE AGSD Curricular Objectives 1 1.6.1: following two-step oral SW apply one, two, and three step directions to complete a task. oral directions to perform a task. Content Skills AGSD Resources SW act out story after reading or listening to it. 1 1.4.2: restating information after listening to text. 1 1.6.2: following symbol, icon, or written directions to complete a task. SW recall and restate information after listening to text. SW interpret picture cues or written directions to perform a task. Approved by AGSD Regional Board, October 18, 2010 Page 4 of 6 1st Grade Reading Curriculum CONTENT STRAND: ANALYSIS OF CONTENT AND STRUCTURE ORGANIZING CONCEPT: Analyze content and structure of genres. GLE 1 1.7.1: identifying fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. AGSD Curricular Objectives SW identify the elements of fiction. Content Skills AGSD Resources Content Skills AGSD Resources CONTENT STRAND: ANALYSIS OF CONTENT AND STRUCTURE ORGANIZING CONCEPT: Analyze content of text to differentiate fact and opinion. GLE AGSD Curricular Objectives Content Skills 1 1.9.1: expressing own opinion SW differentiate between fact and about material read/heard. opinion. AGSD Resources SW identify the elements of nonfiction. SW identify the elements of poetry. 1 1.7.2: identifying use of rhyme in SW identify the use of rhyme in text text or poetry. CONTENT STRAND: ANALYSIS OF CONTENT AND STRUCTURE ORGANIZING CONCEPT: Analyze literary elements and devices. GLE AGSD Curricular Objectives 1 1.8.1: identifying problem and SW identify problem and solution in solution, main characters, and fiction. setting (where and when) in fiction. SW identify main characters in fiction. SW identify setting (where and when) in fiction. SW develop and share an opinion about stories, poems or text through discussion. SW explain own interest and preferences to others Approved by AGSD Regional Board, October 18, 2010 Page 5 of 6 1st Grade Reading Curriculum SW listen and respond to others opinions with respect. CONTENT STRAND: ANALYSIS OF CONTENT AND STRUCTURE ORGANIZING CONCEPT: Connect themes. GLE AGSD Curricular Objectives 1 1.10.1: making relevant SW respond to text by telling own connections between text and ideas, personal experiences, and personal experiences and other stories. texts. SW relate a story or information to other stories or text. Content Skills AGSD Resources SW create an original picture in response to a piece of literature. CONTENT STRAND: ANALYSIS OF CONTENT AND STRUCTURE ORGANIZING CONCEPTS: Make connections between cultural influences/events. GLE AGSD Curricular Objectives Content Skills 1 1.11.1: recognizing that stories SW explore, examine, and originate in various cultures. discuss stories, music, and art from a variety of cultures. AGSD Resources SW identify cultural traditions within own family. SW identify similarities and differences between the experiences depicted in other cultures and their own experiences. SW draw a picture demonstrating a difference between two cultures. Approved by AGSD Regional Board, October 18, 2010 Page 6 of 6