Atrophied Nails | Blue Nails | Claw Nail | Common Warts |
Corrugations | Eggshell Nails | Habit Tic | Hangnails | Infection Of
The Cuticle | Koilonychia | Leukonychia | Nail Biting | Nail Fragility
| Nail Separation | Onychatrophia | Onychauxis | Onychogryphosis
| Onycholysis | Onychomycosis | Onychophagy | Onychorrexis |
Overgrown Cuticles | Paronychia | Pterygium | Spoon Nail |
Thickening Of The Nail | Tinea or Ringworm | Verruca Vulgaris |
Water Mold | White Fungus | White Spots
*** Nails Filed Too Thin ***
Determining the difference between a nail disease and a nail disorder is
very important, because they are not the same and require different
types of attention.
The Basic Manicure/Pedicure Rule: If the nail or skin is infected,
inflamed, broken or swollen, do not work on it--particularly, if the cause
is unknown.
A disease or infection will have evidence of pus, inflammation and
infection. If an infection is present in the nail, your health advisor should
be consulted. Do not manicure/pedicure these nails.
A disorder is a condition caused by an injury or an imbalance in the
The condition of one's nails and hair is often an outward manifestation
of inward nutrition. What we do to our bodies is one thing; how our
bodies respond is often based on the nutrients with which it has been
supplied. Neways has formulated several vitamin and mineral
supplements to support the body.
Nail Diseases Or Infections
Technical Name: Onychomycosis (oni-koh-mye-kohsis)
Common Name: Tinea or Ringworm
Description: This disorder causes different kinds of
nail deformities. Specifically, the nail plate (see Structure Of The Nail)
may become soft with parts of nail actually breaking away, or the nail
may become thick and irregular. White patches may form on the nail,
creating breeding grounds for further bacterial growth caused by fungus.
Suggested Action: Do NOT apply Neways Gel. Consult your health
care advisor.
Technical Name: Paronychia (par-oh-nik-ee-ah)
Common Name: Infection Of The Cuticle
Description: Common among hands which are
constantly exposed to moisture. This condition often
results in inflammation, pus and pain in or around the cuticle.
Suggested Action: Do NOT apply Neways Gel. Keep hands dry.
Consult your health care advisor.
Technical And Common Name: White Fungus
Description: A yeast-like bacteria that forms under the nail and travels
up the nail bed (see Structure Of The Nail) towards the cuticle.
Suggested Action: Do NOT apply Neways Gel. Consult your health
care advisor.
Technical And Common Name: Water Mold
Description: When water is trapped between the natural nail and
artificial nails. Begins as a gray shadow and advances if unattended to a
green/black shadow increasing in size.
Suggested Action: Do NOT apply Neways Gel. Consult your health
care advisor.
Nail Disorders
Technical Name: Beau’s Lines
Common Name: Corrugations
Description: This condition is often indicated by furrows or wavy
horizontal lines across the nail and may result from ill health, pregnancy,
heart disease, emotional shock, injury or alcoholism.
Suggested Action: Mild cases may be treated carefully by buffing to
help smooth out furrows. Consider Lush Lashes & Nails, Anatomix,
Authentic Hawaiian Noni, Maximal Solutions, Curb and/or Orachel. The
Neways Lustrous Nails System may be applied. Consult your health
care advisor if necessary.
Technical And Common Name: Blue Nails
Description: Blue nails are exactly that--nails that are
bluish in color--often indicating circulatory or heart
Suggested Action: Consult your health care advisor.
Technical And Common Name: Eggshell Nails
Description: This condition causes nails that are thin, white and curved
over at the free edge (see Structure Of The Nail). This condition is
caused by improper diet, ill health, medication or nervous disorders.
Suggested Action: Be very careful when manicuring these nails
because they are very fragile and may break easily. The Neways
Lustrous Nails System may be applied. Consider Lush Lashes & Nails,
Anatomix, Authentic Hawaiian Noni, Maximal Solutions, Curb and/or
Orachel to help strengthen the nail. Consult your health care advisor, if
Technical Name: Onychatrophia (on-i-kah-troh-feeah)
Common Name: Atrophied Nails
Description: This condition results in nails that lack
luster, are small and may be separating from the nail bed (see Structure
Of The Nail). Often caused by injury to the matrix (see Structure Of The
Nail) or ill health--the nail’s re-growth depends on the extent of the
Suggested Action: Mild cases may be treated with a fine emery board
and gentle care. Do not use alkaline soaps or detergents. If condition is
severe, do NOT use the Neways Lustrous Nails System. Consider Lush
Lashes & Nails, Glucosamine Plus™, Anatomix, Authentic Hawaiian
Noni, Maximal Solutions, Curb, ProZinger, and/or Orachel. Consult your
health care advisor.
Technical Name: Onychauxis (on-i-kik-sis)
Common Name: Thickening Of The Nail
Description: This is a rare congenital defect, a
hypertrophy or overgrowing of the nail with an extreme
thickening and curving of the nail plate (see Structure Of The Nail). May
be caused by injury or ill health.
Suggested Action: Mild cases may be buffed. Consider Lush Lashes &
Nails, Anatomix, Authentic Hawaiian Noni, Maximal Solutions, Curb
and/or Orachel. Consult your health care advisor.
Technical Name: Onychogryphosis (on-i-koh-greyefo-sis)
Common Name: Claw Nail
Description: Claw nails are those with extreme
thickening, twisting or inward curving of the nail, often caused by an
Suggested Action: Mild cases may be treated. Consider Lush Lashes
& Nails, Anatomix, Authentic Hawaiian Noni, Maximal Solutions, Curb
and/or Orachel. Consult your health care advisor.
Technical Name: Onycholysis (on-i-kol-i-sis)
Common Name: Nail Separation
Description: In this situation the nail separates from
the nail bed (see Structure Of The Nail). Although
psoriasis and ringworm are common causes, it may result from certain
Suggested Action: Do NOT apply the Neways Gel. Consult your health
care advisor.
Technical Name: Onychorrexis (on-i-kohr-rek-sis)
Common Name: Nail Fragility
Description: This condition is indicated by parallel
splits running from free edge (see Structure Of The
Nail) to nail fold. May be caused by damage or injury to nail matrix (see
Structure Of The Nail).
Suggested Action: Hot oil treatments may help in mild cases. Consider
Lush Lashes & Nails, Anatomix, Authentic Hawaiian Noni, Maximal
Solutions, Curb and/or Orachel. Consult your health care advisor. The
Neways Lustrous Nails System may be applied.
Technical Name: Verruca Vulgaris
Common name: Common Warts
Description: Warts are commonly found on the
fingers and hands and often vary in shape.
Suggested Action: Manicure/pedicure depends on location and
severity of warts. The Neways Lustrous Nails System may be applied.
Topically, Lemon Essential Oil can be applied to help ease warts,
support healthy nails, support radiant skin and maintain a healthy
epidermis. Consult your health care advisor.
Technical And Common Name: Bruised Nails
Description: Bruised nails are those with spots of
blood, or bruises, seen through the nail plate (see
Structure Of The Nail). Caused by injury--nail growth
will depend on the extent of damage.
Suggested Action: Mild cases may be treated by taking special care to
avoid further pain or damage. Do NOT apply the Neways Lustrous Nails
System. Consider Helichrysum Essential Oil, Lush Lashes & Nails,
Anatomix, Authentic Hawaiian Noni, Maximal Solutions, Curb and/or
Orachel. Consult your health care advisor when badly
Technical And Common Name: Habit Tic
Description: This condition is often the result of
nervous habits, including picking at or playing with the
nails. Thumbnails are usually damaged by another nail.
Suggested Action: Frequent manicures help, especially when nails are
filed very short. The Neways Lustrous Nails System may be applied.
Consider Lush Lashes & Nails, Anatomix, Authentic Hawaiian Noni,
Maximal Solutions, Curb , nutrients for the nervous system and/or
Technical And Common Name: Hangnails
Description: Different than habit tics, hangnails are
small tears or splits in the nail plate (see Structure Of
The Nail) or surrounding tissue. Usually the result of
nail biting, hangnails may also be caused by dryness or injury. If
untreated, they may become deeper, raw, painful and subject to
Suggested Action: The Neways Lustrous Nails System may be
applied. Consider Lush Lashes & Nails, Anatomix, Authentic Hawaiian
Noni, Maximal Solutions, Curb, nutrients for the nervous system, and
dry skin and/or Orachel. If necessary, consult your
health care provider.
Technical Name: Koilonychia
Common Name: Spoon Nail
Description: A rippled, deformed nail plate (see
Structure Of The Nail) that appears shaped like a spoon. White or
opaque nail color is associated with this condition. Spoon nail is most
often caused by age, chronic eczema, tumors, anemia and chronic
infections. Index, ring and middle fingers are most often affected.
Suggested Action: Treatable, so long as there is no sign of infection.
Gentle care should be used because the nail plate (see Structure Of
The Nail) is fragile. The Neways Lustrous Nails System may be applied.
Consider Lush Lashes & Nails, Anatomix, Authentic Hawaiian Noni,
Maximal Solutions, Curb, Purge (or the Purification Pack) and/or
Technical Name: Leukonychia (loo-ko-nik-ee-ah)
Common Name: White Spots
Description: Marked by white spots, this condition is
often caused by minor injury to the nail bed (see
Structure Of The Nail) or the matrix. Spots will grow out as nail grows
and do not affect a manicure or pedicure.
Suggested Action: Let spots grow out. Manicure and pedicure. The
Neways Lustrous Nails System can be applied. Consider Lush Lashes
& Nails, Anatomix, Authentic Hawaiian Noni, Maximal Solutions, Curb,
and/or Orachel.
Technical Name: Onychophagy (on-i-koh-fah-jee)
Common Name: Nail Biting
Description: Chronic nail biting deforms the nail plate
(see Structure Of The Nail) and damages tissue
surrounding the nail. The result is often unattractive nails and the
introduction of bacteria that may cause illness and minor, but
permanent, nail deformity.
Suggested Action: Regular manicures may help to stop biting. The
Neways Lustrous Nails System may be applied. Consider Lush Lashes
& Nails, Anatomix, Authentic Hawaiian Noni, Maximal Solutions, Curb ,
nutrients for the nervous system and/or Orachel.
Technical Name: Pterygium (te-rij-ee-um)
Common Name: Overgrown Cuticles
Description: This disorder is an overgrowth of the
cuticle that extends over the surface of the nail plate
(see Structure Of The Nail). It is often caused by congenital defects, dry
skin and improper nail care.
Suggested Action: Remove cuticle during a hot oil manicure.
Regular manicures/pedicures may help. The Neways Lustrous Nails
System may be applied. Consider Lush Lashes & Nails, Anatomix,
Authentic Hawaiian Noni, Maximal Solutions, Curb, nutrients for dry skin
and/or Orachel.
A lady called concerning her finger nails which had been filed too thin by
a nail salon when they applied tips. She said the tips chipped off and
then she removed the rest of the salon's nail products only to find that
her nails had been filed so thin that it hurt to put her hands in water and
she was afraid of infection so she was using alcohol to keep them clean.
"What can I do?," was her question.
Answer: As was stated above, if disease or infection has set
in, your health advisor should be consulted. Do not manicure/pedicure
these nails. Fortunately, the nails will continue to grow; unfortunately
they grow slowly--1/8 inch per month or from the matrix to the free edge
in about 5-6 months for fingernails and 1/16 inch per month or 10-12
months for toenails, which grow slower but they grow thicker. Providing
the vitamins and minerals for optimum health is essential for beautiful
nails. (Vitamin and mineral deficiencies show up in the appearance and
health of the fingernails.) To strengthen the nails, consider taking
Maximol Solutions® and Omega3 EPA and Anatomix®. Massage Lush
Lashes & Nails between the cuticle and the first knuckle--where the new
nail grow takes place. And instead of using alcohol with it's potentially
harmful effects, consider massaging into the nail area 3 drops of each
Lavender Essential Oil, Tea Tree Essential Oil and Peppermint
Essential Oil combined in one tablespoon of Neways' Mixing Oil. And
protect the fingernails during the day (e.g., wear gloves while doing
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All material provided on TimeForBetterHealth.com is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to recommend,
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Neways International
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