REGULATIONS OF THE ENTERPRISE THEORY AND PRACTICE DOCTORAL SCHOOL OF THE FACULTY OF ECONOMICS I. Foundation of the Doctoral School The Committee of the Faculty of Economics adopted a resolution to found the Doctoral School of Enterprise Theory And Practice (referred hereinafter as the Doctoral School) on 8 May 2001. The Doctoral School was accredited by the Hungarian Accreditation Committee on 25 May 2002. The Doctoral School complies with the Regulations for Doctoral Programs and for the Award of Doctoral Degrees of the University of Miskolc of 24 May 2007, which carries regulatory force in questions not regulated by the Faculty. II. Organisation of the Doctoral School a) Name: Address: Phone number: Fax: E-mail: Webpage: Operation: Enterprise Theory and Practice 3515 Miskolc, Egyetemváros (36) 46-565-111 ext. 20-35 (36) 46-563-471 The Doctoral School operates within the Faculty of Economics, University of Miskolc b) The Head of Doctoral School: The Head of Doctoral School is responsible for the Doctoral School and duly represents it. He/she is elected with the nomination of Doctoral School Committee of the Faculty and University of Miskolc, approved by the Hungarian Accreditation Committee, and is appointed or removed by the Rector of the University. He/she receives a letter of appointment and remains in office until removed. The work of the Head is assisted by the Doctoral School Committee. c) Members of Doctoral School: core members, invited lecturers and academically qualified external professionals. The Doctoral School is made up of lecturers, researchers and experts with academic degrees who are elected by the Doctoral School Committee and are considered to be academically qualified for carrying out educational, research and supervisory work. Members of the Doctoral School are appointed by the Head of the Doctoral School. The appointment of the member ceases to exist with: - the death of the member - the winding up of the Doctoral School - the resignation of the member - upon the decision of the Doctoral School Committee, due to discontinuation of the course or the field of research on which the member lectures, or should the Committee consider the member to be unsuitable for educational and supervisory work. Under current Regulations for Doctoral Training Programmes and Award of Doctoral Degrees the professional criteria for a core member set out in Annex 3 are as follows: 1. He/she shall have a scientific degree in the field of science stipulated in the Memorandum of Association. 2. He/she shall have high standards of scholarly performance especially in the last five years, meet the applicable membership requirements for the core member(s) and be considered academically suitable by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. 3. He/she shall undertake supervision in the Doctoral School Under labour law a regular member can be a person who: 1. is a lecturer or a researcher having full- time employment with or serving in the capacity of a civil servant at the institution of higher education operating the Doctoral School, and in accordance with the provisions of Section 84(5) of the resolutions of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) is included in the budget of this institution, or as a fellow researcher of either research group(s), or of a ‘department transferred' to the university and funded by HAS, participates in the work of the Doctoral School; 2. or is a full-time scientific consultant or a research professor of a research institution which has signed a contract with the university in order to participate in the doctoral program; 3. or a Professor Emeritus who is a practising scientist at the institution and is experienced in research. d) Organisational structure of the Doctoral School In accordance with Section 3 of the Regulations for Doctoral Programs and for the Award of Doctoral Degrees of the University of Miskolc Doctoral School Committee: Head and vice-heads: Members: 17 members are elected by core members of the Doctoral School (after consultation with the Doctoral Committee of the Faculty) and are delegated and removed by the Doctoral Committee of the University are elected by core members of the Doctoral School and are delegated and removed by the Doctoral Committee of the University as follows: eight members elected from among the core members who serve in the capacity of a civil servant at the University of Miskolc; six academically qualified external members who are not serving in the capacity of a civil servant at the University of Miskolc; one student representative delegated every year by PhD students participating in the programmes of the Doctoral School; one Secretary of the Doctoral School appointed by the Head of the School for a definite time in accordance with the directions of the Committee. The scope of activities and authority of the Doctoral School Committee are regulated in Section 3 of the Regulations for Doctoral Programs and for the Award of Doctoral Degrees of the University of Miskolc of 24 May 2007 e) Faculty Doctoral Committee The Faculty Doctoral Committee operates within the Faculty offering doctoral programmes. Its scope of activities and authority is regulated in Section 3 of the Regulations for Doctoral Programs and for the Award of Doctoral Degrees. f) Educational Affairs Committee The Educational Affairs Committee, a subcommittee of the Faculty Doctoral Committee, is responsible for study and examination procedures and is in charge of preparing the directions of the Faculty Doctoral Committee. Its operation is regulated by rules of procedure. g) Admission Committee Admission Committee is a committee set up of three members including the Head of Doctoral School. The Head and the two members are delegated by the Faculty Doctoral Committee. h) Doctoral School Forum The Doctoral School Forum is a forum made up of the members of the Doctoral School and its PhD students. The Head of Doctoral School convenes the members once a year and informs them about the issues related to the operation of the Doctoral School. The participants of the forum are offered an opportunity to make comments and recommendations in order to assist the operation of the Doctoral School. All input is given serious consideration and necessary steps are taken as needed by the Doctoral School Committee. i) Record system of the Doctoral School The Doctoral School keeps records of: - Minutes of Doctoral School Committee meetings - all application documents and forms submitted and minutes of entrance interviews all documents for absolutorium (presentations, supervisors’ assessments and a copy of the certificate of the doctoral training programme and progress report) documents for the degree (relevant language certificates, minutes, supervisors’ assessments, dissertations, dissertation booklets, publications, opponents’ evaluations and appraisals and minutes of the public dissertation defence). The Doctoral School forwards copies of the documents and other relevant documents to the University Doctoral Committee in accordance with filing regulations and provides students with copies of the documents. j) Internal Structure of the Doctoral School Education and research are divided into fields of research which are further divided into topic clusters and, finally, into topics of research. III. Role of the Doctoral School Committee in the admission procedure The Doctoral School Committee decides each year on the compilation of research areas, topic clusters and specific topics of research several years in advance as well as appointing supervisors. The application procedures are announced in the 3rd volume of Organisational and Operational Regulations of the University of Miskolc, the Student Requirement System is stipulated in the 1st volume, Annex, Section 23(3) of the Regulations for Doctoral Programs and for the Award of Doctoral Degrees of the University of Miskolc (3rd volume, Chapter 8 of the Student Requirement System). The Department of Research Management and International Relations notifies the candidates and supervisors of the results achieved on the entrance exams. Registration: registration deadlines are announced by the Doctoral School at the beginning of the semester. First year PhD students are welcomed at the opening ceremony of the academic year by the Head of the Doctoral School, who informs the admitted students of their assignments and duties. IV. Educational Work The teaching activities of the PhD students are regulated by Section 8(6) of the Regulations for Doctoral Programs and for the Award of Doctoral Degrees of the University of Miskolc: PhD students undertake teaching activities for which they are awarded credits complying with the regulations and are eligible for payment in accordance with the operative legislation. A contract shall be signed with each PhD student before he/she begins his/her teaching activity. The average teaching-researching activities of a PhD student shall not exceed 50% of his/her working hours/week, when averaged over the semester. V. Research duties The PhD student shall submit to his/her supervisor an annual progress report for evaluation at the end of the year giving an overview of the work during the past year. While attending the taught Programme (the first two years) the student is involved in the research activity of department he/she is enrolled with, reads the research topic-related literature and presents his/her preliminary research findings at conferences and in publications. After fulfilling the credit requirements (180 credits) the PhD students who have received absolutorium can apply to commence the doctoral procedures in accordance with Section 15 of the Regulations for Doctoral Programs and for the Award of Doctoral Degrees. Sections 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, and 18 stipulate the award of the doctoral degree. The thesis submitted for public defence consists of a maximum 130 pages (plus appendices). In the preparation of the dissertation the following formal requirements are to be met: page size A4, margins of minimum 2.5 cm., single space between lines, font: Times New Roman, font size 12 pt, in tables 10 pt. Dissertations which exceed the allowable maximum page number of 130 pages while meeting the above formal requirements are deemed as defective in form and may not be submitted. The content structure of the thesis is as follows: problem statement, literature overview, detailed description of the achieved research results, summary, reference list. An English summary of the dissertation of at least fifteen pages shall be submitted by the PhD candidate. In addition to the stipulations set out in the Regulations for Doctoral Programs and for the Award of Doctoral Degrees, the conditions for submission for public defence include meeting the publication requirements and uploading the publications into Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Köztestületi Publikációs Adattára (MTA KPA) ( The responsibilities of academic supervisors are regulated in the Regulations for Doctoral Programs and for the Award of Doctoral Degrees § 2 Section (6). In addition, the academic supervisor gives an opinion on the report written by his/her student at the end of the year and submits this opinion electronically to the e-mail address of the Doctoral School ( by 15 October every year. The Doctoral School Committee assesses the work of the academic supervisors at its next session. VI. Doctoral School financial management Financial management of the Doctoral School shall comply with the regulations stipulated in the Regulations for Doctoral Programs and for the Award of Doctoral Degrees and is supervised by the Dean of the Faculty. The money granted from grants and other financial resources shall be invested in the operation of the School and shall comply with the programme criteria and general financial regulations. VII. Doctoral School publication policies The Doctoral School provides students with various assisstance related to their publishing activity: - publication of scientific research in departmental academic journals, - publication of presentations made at the Doctoral Forum, - publication of lectures at departmental conferences - finanicial support for participation in the International PhD Conference organised by the University of Miskolc - financial support for the publication of independent research studies VIII. Habilitation procedures The habilitation procedure regulations of the accredited Doctoral School responsible for the field of research are stipulated in the habilitation procedure regulations of the University of Miskolc. IX. PhD Alumni of the University of Miskolc The Doctoral School compiles a list of alumni who have been awarded Doctoral Degrees at the School, follows their careers, keeps in regular contact with them, receives information about their professional and scientific achievements (place of work, position, publications, etc.) and attempts to involved them in the activity of Doctoral School either directly or indirectly. There will be a single PhD alumni link system providing information about the careers of PhD degree holders of the University of Miskolc.