Sartain The name is of French derivation and means “tailor.” The Sartains were wool carders, weavers, fullers, tailors, living some fifty miles northeast from Paris, France in the town of Maux. After and in consequence of the invention of the art of printing, because of the persecutions aimed at those convicted of reading the Bible, the Sartains were among others who fled from France to England, settling at Trowbridge, in Wiltshire. This exodus took place at least as early as 1557 and most likely earlier. Because the English kings had long been anxious to introduce manufacturing into the country, and also because King Henry VIII had separated the Church of England from the Roman Church and denied the authority of the Pope, and for other reasons the French immigrants were welcomed. The records of the Sartains in this little English town, as they were kept in the parish church, have been carefully examined and tabulated by John Sartain (1808-1900) of Philadelphia, who himself, was born in Trowbridge. He gives tables of baptisms, marriages and deaths from 1557 to 1886 as shown in those old records—earlier records being lost. Some of the early spellings of the name were: Serton, Sarton, Sartaine, Sartayne, Certen, Sartin, etc. (Paraphrased from ‘Annals of the Sartain Tribe’ by John Sartain). History of Walker County, Georgia by James Alfred Sartain, Dalton, Georgia: A. J. Showalter Company, 1932, p486. *James B. Sartain ca 1802: born Virginia. +16 Apr 1831: married Mason County, Kentucky, Elizabeth Williams (1808-15 Kentucky-____). James B. and Moses Lounceford posted the bond. [a descendant—Dr. J. W. Morgan, Rte 4 Box 242A, Rolla, Missouri 65401—18 Oct 1969 had Elizabeth’s last name as Egbert born Ohio.] Mathew Day, Sr. had sons Mathew, Jr. to Pennsylvania, Isaac of Kentucky and John of Ohio—Other children? John Day married Abigail Poe, daughter of Edward and adopted a daughter—Elizabeth Williams (want parents) of (I think Mason County, Kentucky) whose father was killed by Indians. Genealogy and History #9049. 1880 census: son Thomas D. says both parents born Virginia. ca 1834: son John born. ca 1835: son Thomas D. born. ca 1837: daughter Nancy J. born. 17 Mar 1839: son William Henry born. 1840: census—Bracken County, Kentucky 2 males under 5 (1835-1840); 2 males 5-10 (1830-1835); 1 male 30-40 (1800-1810); 1 female under 5 (1835-1840); 1 female 5-10 (1830-1835); 1 female 30-40 (1800-1810); 1 in agriculture. ca 1844: son James H. born. 1 19 Mar 1847: daughter Louisa born. ca 1848: daughter Mary C. born. 1850: census #557 #557 Sprigg Township, Adams County, Ohio: James Serten, age 45, born Virginia; Elizabeth, age 35, born Kentucky; John, age 18; Nancy J., age 16; Thomas, age 16; William H., age 12; James, age 7; Louisa, age 5; Mary C. age 2; all children born Kentucky. ca 1850: daughter Cynthia born. ca 1853: son George C. born. ca 1854: daughter Nancy J. born. igi +11 Feb 1857: sold my undivided crop of wheat and that now growing to Glasscock and Company. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 67 p44. +3 Oct 1857: Bill of Sale for personal property “my crop of tobacco now housed in th barns of Capt. Jenkins” and “all of my crop of crop of braben? corn consisting of five acres” from James B. Sartain to Herman Eversole. “Has purchased a tract of fifty acres of Ebersole and the first payment is due 12 Sept 1858". Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 65 p678. 1850: census—Sprigg Township, Adams County, Ohio. 27 Apr 1859: mortgage—“security: 1 12-year old bay mare, 1 brindle and white cow, 3 acres of tobacco” from James B. Sartain to Glasscock and Company. Mason County, Kentucky Mortgage Book 67 p444. 1860: census—#965 #965 P. O. Orangeburg, Mason County, Kentucky next door to son Thomas: James B., age 58, farmer 800 real 250 personal, born Virginia; Elizabeth, age 52, born Kentucky; John, age 28, day laborer, born Kentucky; James, age 16, day laborer, born Kentucky; William, age 22, day laborer, born Kentucky; Louisa, age 13, born Ohio; Mary C., age 12, born Ohio; Cynthia, age 10, born Ohio; George C., age 7, born Kentucky. 15 Mar 1867: mortgage for personal property from James B. Sartain to Ebersole and Glasscock. Mason County, Kentucky Mortgage Book 72 p144. +16 Mar 1867: This is to certify that we (JBS and Matthew G. Huffman) are indebted to Ebersole and Glasscock in the sum of one hundred and ten dollars due on the first day of November next. Sixty six dollars of that is owing by JB Sartain individually and the Balance by both of us. Now to secure them in the above amount we this day sell and convey to them the following property 1 Bay mare about 12 years old, one ____ cow brindle and white 6 0r 7 years old, also all the crop of 3 acres of tobacco and corn that grow on the premises...excepting 50 dollars of rent. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Bk 72 p144. 1870: census—#12 #12 P. census—P. O. Washington, Mason County, Kentucky. 1880: census Orangeburg, Mason County, Kentucky: James B., age 76, farmer, born Kentucky, father and mother born Kentucky; Elizabeth, age 56, born Kentucky, father and mother born Kentucky. John Sartain (son of James B. and Elizabeth (Williams) Sartain) ca 1834: born Kentucky. 2 24 Apr 1859: married age 25, Aberdeen, Brown County, Ohio by Squire Sheldon, Mary Ellen Ruark (____ Mason County, Kentucky-____). LDS film #216834 15 Nov 1918: died Mason County, Kentucky. Certificate #41168 Volume 83 Death Volume 18. Thomas D. Sartain (son of James B. and Elizabeth (Williams) Sartain) ca 1835: born Kentucky. 26 Nov 1855: married age 20 (living Lewis County, Kentucky) by Squire Sheldon, Sarah McNutt (ca 1837 Lewis County, Kentucky-____). LDS film #216834 Vital Statistics Mason County, Kentucky 1852-1862. ca 1855: daughter Isadora born. ca 1856: daughter Keziah born. ca 1857: daughter Cora born. ca 1858: son James B. born. 14 Aug 1859: daughter Sarah Elizabeth born. 1860: census Orangeburg, Mason, Kentucky: Thomas, age 23 farm laborer, 200 personal, born Kentucky; Sarah age 21, born Kentucky; Keziah, age 4, born Kentucky; Sarah E., age 2, born Kentucky. ca 1860: son William born. ca 1862: son John F. born. no date: daughter Vera M. born. 1867: daughter Ella born. 19 Nov 1875: deed to Charles Wilson et al from Thomas D. Sartain, 5A on Crooked Creek. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 78 p303. 14 Feb 1878: deed from Thomas D. and Sarah Sartain to James Cahall, 50A Ohio River. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 80 p14. 1880: census Orangeburg, Mason County, Kentucky: Thomas, age 44, farmer, born Ohio, father and mother born Virginia; Sarah, age 42, keeps house, born Kentucky, parents born Kentucky; Sarah E., age 20; John F., age 18; Isadora, age 15; Cora, age 13; James B. age 8; Vica M., age 2; all children born Kentucky. 23 Aug 1881: deed for personal property from Thomas Sartain to J. C. Owen and Co. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 83 p56. 2 Sept 1882: deed for personal property from Thomas Sartain to James C. Owen. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 84 p152. 10 June 1883: from to George Hughes et al to Sarah Sartain, 33A on Cabin Creek. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 94 p447. 13 Aug 1894: deed from T. D. and Sarah Sartan to Edward Garrett, 33A on Cabin Creek. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 95 p322. no date: Hornback et al to Sarah Sartain, 17A on Cabin Creek. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 95 p535. 13 Mar 1906: deed from Sarah Sartain to James Sweet, 17A on Cabin Creek. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 108 p51. 3 Isadora Sartain (daughter of Thomas and Sarah (McNutt) Sartain) ca 1855: born Cabin Creek, Mason County, Kentucky Keziah Sartain (daughter of Thomas and Sarah (McNutt) Sartain) ca 1856: born Kentucky. Cora Sartain (daughter of Thomas and Sarah (McNutt) Sartain) ca 1857: born Kentucky. James B. Sartain (son of Thomas and Sarah (McNutt) Sartain) ca 1872: born Cabin Creek, Mason County, Kentucky. no date: married widow Truett (son Willy Truett, daughter Florence Truett). 29 Nov 1931: died age 59 Mason County, Kentucky. Certificate #27560 Volume 56 Death Volume 31. Sarah Elizabeth Sartain (daughter of Thomas and Sarah (McNutt) Sartain) 14 Aug 1859: born Mason County, Kentucky. LDS film #216834 Vital Statistics Mason County, Kentucky 1852-1862. William Sartain (son of Thomas and Sarah (McNutt) Sartain) Dec 1860: born Cabin Creek, Mason County, Kentucky. John F. Sartain (son of Thomas and Sarah (McNutt) Sartain) ca 1862: born Cabin Creek, Mason County, Kentucky. no date: married Viola F. (Frances?) _______ (1859-1950; buried Bethel Christian Church cemetery). 18 Nov 1892: deed from William W. Cole to John F. Sartain, Parcel Cabin Creek. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 94 p105. 1 June 1893: deed from John F. and Viola Sartain to William I. Vaughn 53A Cabin Creek Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 94 p436. 23 Jan 1895: deed from John T. and Viola Sartain to Matilda Ross 5A Cabin Creek. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 126 p583. 3 Jan 1896: deed from John F. Sartain to Frances V. Sartain. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 94 p436. Sartain 50A Cabin Creek. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 96 p418. 1899: son W. Gobbel born; died 1900; buried Bethel Christian Church cemetery. no date: daughter Virginia born; married Abe Fiscus; lived Cincinnati, Ohio. no date: daughter Corry born; married _____ Oney. 19 Oct 1903: deed to John Sartin from W. H. Ford Commissioners Deed 9A in County. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 104 p616. 10 Oct 1903: Commissioners deed to John Sartin from W. H. Ford 9 A County. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 104 p616. 17 Dec 1905: deed from Rufus F. Emmons et al to John Sartin, 50A on Cabin Creek. 4 Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 112 p219. 13 Mar 1906: John F. Sartain to Frances V. Sartain. 50A Cabin Creek. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 112 p217. 27 Feb 1907: deed from John and Frances Sartain to Charles Wilson, 5A Cabin Creek. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 109 p158. 20 Apr 1907: John Sartain from Rufus F. Emmons 50A Cabin Creek. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 109 p344. no date: John and Frances Sartin from Charles Wilson 59A Plumville Precinct. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 109 p158. no date: John Sartain to Rufus F. Emmons 50A Cabin Creek Mason Co Bk 109 p344. 7 Dec 1907: John Sartain from Thomas P. Emmons 50A Cabin Creek. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 110 p93. 17 Dec 1909: John Sartin to Rufus F. Emmons 50A Cabin Creek Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 110 p217. 17 Dec 1909: John Sartain to Strode Emmons 50A Cabin Creek. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 112 p215. 4 Feb 1921: deed from Lecy Mefford et al to J. F. Sartain 5A Cabin Creek. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 123 p217. 5 May 1921: deed from John F. and Viola Sartain to Matilda Ross 5A Cabin Creek. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 123 p398. 17 July 1925: deed from Matilda Ross to John F. Sartain Ross 5A Cabin Creek. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 126 p454. 22 Oct 1925: deed from John F. and Viola Sartain to Matilda Ross 5A on Cabin Creek Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 123 p398 and Deed Book 126 p583. 1938: died; buried Bethel Christian Church cemetery. Vera M. Sartain (child of Thomas and Sarah (McNutt) Sartain) Ella Sartin (daughter of Thomas and Sarah (McNutt) Sartin) 1867: born Owingsville, Bath County, Kentucky. no date: married Stephen Douglas Bramble (____Mason/Fleming Kentucky-____). 25 Apr 1892: died Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. County, Louis D. Abshire LDS film #13944460 Bethel-Hydiene Road, Bethel, Ohio 45106. Charles R. Bramble LDS film #13944460 709 W. Stolley Park Road, Grand Island, Nebraska 68801. Nancy J./Mary Jane Sartain (daughter of James B. and Elizabeth (Williams) Sartain) ca 1837: born Bracken County, Kentucky. 5 28 Apr 1852: lived Lewis County, Kentucky, married by Daniel K. Putnam MG, Xerxes Berry (ca 1830 Mason County, Kentucky -____). LDS film #216834 Vital Statistics Mason County, Kentucky 1852-1862. *William Henry Sartain (son of James B. and Elizabeth (Williams) Sartain) 17 Mar 1839: born Bracken County, Kentucky. (Bible) LDS film #1126314 17 Apr 1864: married (eloped) Aberdeen, Brown County, Ohio by the Marrying Squire Thomas Sheldon, Georgeanna Rogers (6 Mar 1843 Mason County, Kentucky--4 Mar 1915, buried Highland Lawn cemetery, Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana) daughter of William Waugh and Roseanna S. (Mitchell) Rogers (Bible). 17 Feb 1865: daughter Mary Roseanna “Rosa” born. 10 Mar 1865: moved to Indiana. 1 Feb 1866: Security for a deed of mortgage on personal property of Samuel S. Mitchell to William Tully and others. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 71 p182. *24 Nov 1867: daughter Margaret “Maggie” Letitia born. 4 July 1869: daughter Flora born. 24 June 1870: census—#29 #29 Curry Township, Sullivan County, Indiana: William, age 30, farmer, $1000 real $300 personal, born Ohio; George Ann, age 26, born Kentucky; Rosa, age 5, born Kentucky; Maggie, age 3, born Indiana; Flora, age 1, born Indiana. 24 Aug 1870: son John William born. 23 Sept 1872: son James Harry born. +13 Jan 1874: Commissioners’ deed from estate of Paschall Shelburn to William H. Sartain for $300 SE corner of SE¼ NE¼ SE¼ S34 T9 R19. Sullivan County, Indiana Deed Book 36 p56. 16 Apr 1874: deed from William H. Sartain to J. H. McKinney, part of the NE¼ SW¼ S35 T35 R10. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 36 p120. +30 Mar 1877: deed from William H. and Georgia A. Sartain to William T. Cuppy all of Sullivan County, Indiana for $300, 88A, part of NE¼ SE¼ S34 T9 R19. Sullivan County, Indiana Deed Book 40 p153. 10 Sept 1877: warranty deed from James D. and Mary A. Turner to Georgianna Sartain, 4½A part NE¼ S4 T8 R9 for $135. Sullivan County, Indiana Deed Book 34 p489. 7 Mar 1878: son Albert Rector born. 1880: census—#70 #80 Hamilton Township, Sullivan County, Indiana. William H. was unemployed for two months this year. William, age 40, farmer, born Kentucky, father born Virginia, mother born Kentucky; Georgia, age 38, born Kentucky, father born Ohio, mother born Kentucky; Rosa, age 15, born Kentucky; Margaret, age 11, born Indiana; Flora, age 10, born Indiana; John W., age 9, born Indiana; James, age 7, born Indiana; Albert, age 2, born Indiana. 19 Feb 1881: Georgianna Sartain to William E. Stewart 40½A, part of the NW¼ NE¼ S4 T8 R9. Sullivan County, Indiana Deed Book 45 p462. 1887: with children John, Flora and Maggie L. lived 1520 Second Avenue. 1887 Terre Haute Indiana City Directory. 6 3 Jan 1881: son Charles Augustus born. +31 May 1894: In the matter of the Alleged Insanity of William H. Sartain - he lived Harrison Township, Vigo County, Indiana and was delusional, age about 55, light hair weight 135 pounds, 7 children. [He spent some time in and out of the Indiana Central Hospial for the Insane in Indianapolis for the the next several years. As he earned his living painting houses, at that time painted with lead-based paint, he probably had lead poisoning. Some of the symptoms of lead poisoning are: Irritability, depression, behavior problems and violence to the point where he became homicidal and suicidal.] Dr. A. W. Spain said that he had financial problems in which he owed money, but in his confused state, he imagined that his creditors owed him to the extent of hiring a lawyer and bringing suit against his creditors. He also sang religious songs at inappropriate times. 5+ Sept 1895: Dr. Thomas C. Stunkard for exhibiting more symptoms of his illness delusional, incoherent, severe pain in his head, unable to sleep, imagines that people are pursuing him. 25 June 1897: Dr. Stunkard again commits William H. to the hospital in Indianapolis as he is worsening. 1900: census—house painter, lived 1418 3rd Avenue, Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana. +2 Mar 1901: enters the hospital again on the recommendation of Dr. John M. Talbott as William H. has again worsened becoming violent and destructive, homicidal and suicidal. 25 Dec 1905: died Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana. (Bible), buried Highland Lawn cemetery, Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana. Death Notice: “Sartain, W. H. aged 66 years, died at Indianapolis Dec 25 at 1 pm. Funeral will be held Wednesday morning at 10 am from the residence 1636 North 13th.” Obituary: “William H. Sartain of this city, died at Indianapolis Christmas Day. Mr. Sartain was born in Bracken County, Kentucky March 17, 1839. He was married to Georgiana Rogers April 17, 1864 in Aberdeen, Ohio and moved to Indiana March 10, 1865. He is survived by his widow, three daughters and four sons, all residing in Terre Haute, except one son Charles, who is living in Chicago.” 1910: widow Georgeanna lived with daughter Margaret Letitia and her husband Allen T. Evans #90 #93 Dick Johnson Township, Clay County, Indiana—68 years old, mother of 7, 6 living children, born Kentucky, father born Ohio, mother born Kentucky. Bible owned by Mrs. Elizabeth Wolfe, Terre Haute, Indiana. “Grandma Sartain told us that her family would locate a plot of ‘new ground’ on which to start tobacco plants. After they were well started, they would be transplanted to the tobacco field. They had a press in which they would make plug tobacco for chewing. It was flavored with licorice, whiskey and then pressed. When ready, it was sold. She received two slaves as an inheritance, probably from her grandfather when she lived in Kentucky. She had no use for ‘old Abe Lincoln’ for taking her slaves. When 7 I was a boy, I would tease her that Southern hospitality was the host saying ‘you all have some more chicken’, passing the plate in a circle in front of him, then dumping it all on his own plate. Grandma Sartain would get quite upset at this slur on the South. She was a wonderful cook and quite a contrast to Grandma Evans (Jennie Davis). The latter was the world’s worst cook. She spent all her time at the church. She would have given the door knobs to the church if they hadn’t been fastened to the house.” Loran N. Evans. (I have never found any evidence of either the Rogers or Sartain families owning slaves on the census slave schedules in Mason County, Kentucky. BJE). Obituary of Georgianna Sartain: “The funeral of Mrs. George Ann Sartin, 72 years old, who died Thursday night at 9 o’clock, will be held from the residence, 1822 North Ninth Street Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock. The burial will be at highland lawn cemetery. The deceased is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Margaret Evans of Brazil, Indiana and Miss Flora Sartain of Terre Haute; three sisters Mrs. Theresa Lloyd of Terre Haute and Mrs. Lucia Beasley of Sulphur Springs, Texas and four sons John, Harry and Rector of Terre Haute and Charles of Chicago. Mary Roseanna Sartain (daughter of William H. and Georgianna (Rogers) Sartain) 17 Feb 1865: born Mason County, Kentucky. (Bible) 29 Oct 1890: married Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana, Martin Curran (____-ca 1903 Hannibal, Missouri). (Bible) He became ill while on the job, Big Four Railroad, from Terre Haute to Saint Louis, was taken to a hospital and died there. 15 June 1893: daughter Marie/Mary Margaret Curran born, married 15 Jan 1928 Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, Al Porcelli, (Bible), died, buried 9 Nov 1964, St. Vincent Church, Chicago, Cook County, Illinois. 19 Jan 1896: daughter Helen Theresa Curran born Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana; died Nov 1960 Chicago, Cook County, Illinois; married Charles Hughes McDonald (____-1937). Children: John Charles McDonald born 25 Apr 1925 Whittier, California. Donna Rose McDonald born 23 Aug 1930 Whittier, California, m/2 Mark Fry McIlmurray???. 1900: census—she (seamstress) and her daughters lived with her parents 1418 3rd Avenue, Terre Haute, Indiana. 7 Oct 1904: son John Curran born Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana; died Mar 1978 Houston, Texas, buried Neoga, Cumberland County, Illinois; married Chicago, Cook County, Illinois 8 Nov 1929 Elizabeth Julia Short (8 Nov 1929 Chicago, Cook County, Illinois-____); . Child: Susan Curran born 31 Jan 1947 Seattle, Washington during a snowstorm; married 2 Oct 1971 Wheaton, Illinois, James Conrad Bailey. 24 Dec 1908: died (Bible), buried Highland Lawn cemetery, Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana. 8 *Margaret Letitia Sartain (daughter of William H. and Georgianna (Rogers) Sartain) 24 Nov 1867: born near Shelburn, Sullivan County, Indiana. (Bible) LDS film #1126314 1887: Maggie L.—lived with parents 1520 Second Avenue. 1887 Terre Haute Indiana City Directory. 24 July 1895: married Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana, Allen Thomas Evans. which see 5 Mar 1941: died (Bible) Dick Johnson Township, Clay County, Indiana, buried Highland Lawn cemetery, Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana. Known as Maggie. Flora “Flo” Sartain (daughter of William H. and Georgianna (Rogers) Sartain) 4 July 1869: born near Shelburn, Sullivan County, Indiana. (Bible) 1887: lived with parents at 1520 Second Avenue. 1887 Terre Haute, Indiana City Directory. 1900: census—boarder 1435 Third Avenue, Terre Haute, Indiana. 8 July 1938: died unmarried (Bible), buried Highland Lawn cemetery, Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana. Was a supervisor (“forelady” in census) in a garment factory—Frank’s Overalls in Terre Haute, Indiana. She had done similar work in Chicago. Was a Christian Scientist. John William Sartain (son of William H. and Georgianna (Rogers) Sartain) 24 Aug 1870: born near Shelburn, Sullivan County, Indiana. (Bible) 1887: John—apprentice (as a cigar maker) J. K. Frisz, lived with parents 1520 Second Avenue. 1887 Terre Haute Indiana City Directory. 24 Nov 1897: married Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana, Margaret C. Gibson (10 Aug 1873 Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana-9 Nov 1938 Terre Haute, buried Highland Lawn cemetery). (Bible) 26 May 1898: daughter Helen Undine born. 1900: census soundex—lived 822 14th and 3rd, Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana. 28 July 1900: daughter Elizabeth H. born. 6 Dec 1904: daughter Arlene J. born. 1910: census—1365 Fourth Avenue, Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana, cigar manufacturer. 11 July 1934: died, buried Highland Lawn cemetery, Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana. Helen Undine Sartain (daughter of John William and Margaret (Gibson) Sartain) 26 May 1898: born Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana. 24 Oct 1921: married Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana, William Orval Steward (19 May 1858-____). 5 May 1922: son Jack Steward born, married Doris Jean Smith (9 Sept 1923-____), lived Ellsburg, Missouri. Plumber, deputy sheriff. Children. Karen Marie Steward born 25 Sept 1945; married 26 Nov 1964 Richard Allen Greene. no date: m/2 Everett Hinds. 9 11 July 1934: died, buried Highland Lawn cemetery, Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana. Son Jack Steward remembered 7 Oct 1967 Rex and Alice Sartain of Terre Haute, Indiana. Elizabeth H. Sartain (daughter of John William and Margaret (Gibson) Sartain) 28 July 1900: born Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana. 19 Sept 1919: married Terre Haute, Perle Wolfe (2 Jan 1900 Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana-____). Lived 1915 N. 9th St. Terre Haute, Indiana. Arlene J. Sartain (daughter of John William and Margaret (Gibson) Sartain) 6 Dec 1904: born Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana. no date: married Frank Samurell. no date: m/2 Sam _________, lived Zanesville, Ohio. James Harry Sartain (son of William H. and Georgianna (Rogers) Sartain) 23 Sept 1872: born near Sheburn, Sullivan County, Indiana (Bible) 20 May 1893: married Vigo County, Indiana, Sadie Hassinger (1875-11 Aug 1899 Terre Haute, Indiana) daughter of William H. and Rebecca J. Hassinger. (Bible). Dec 1894: son Edgar born. Feb 1896/Jan 1897: son Ivan born. 11 Jan 1899: son James born. Aug 1889: son Gilbert born, died 2/21 Sept 1899 Terre Haute, Indiana. 1900: census soundex—Vigo County, Indiana, 223 N. 3rd St., Terre Haute, Indiana. 28 July 1901: m/2 Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana, Violet C. Mattox (ca 1874 Indiana-____). 21 May 1902: daughter born Vigo County, Indiana. WPA records. ca 1904: daughter Ruby born. 19 Jan 1906: son born. WPA records. 28 Mar 1907: daughter Hazel born. 31 Jan 1909: daughter Alberta E. born. 7 Mar 1910: daughter Georgeanna born. 1910: census—#198 #278 lived 935 South 4th Street, Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana. 16 May 1911: daughter Helen A. born. 25 Aug 1912: daughter Dorothy born. 21 Apr 1914: son John D. born. 30 Nov 1915: son Raymond born. 27 June 1916: daughter Costella born, died 23 Aug 1918. 17 Feb 1917: son William H. born. 21 Sept 1918: son Charles W. born, died 30 Sept 1918. 5 Mar 1920: daughter Lucille born. 10 no date: m/2 Violet C. Mattox. 16 Feb 1936: died (Bible), buried Highland Lawn cemetery, Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana. Spokemaker, house painter. Wife worked at Deming Hotel, Terre Haute, Indiana. Edgar Sartain (son of James Harry and Sadie (Hassinger) Sartain) Dec 1894: born Vigo County, Indiana. Played in United States Navy band—career Navy—retired as bandmaster. Ivan Sartain (son of James Harry and Sadie (Hassinger) Sartain) Dec 1896: born Vigo County, Indiana. Sent to Indiana Boys School, Plainfield, Indiana where he learned the printing trade. Later he faked a suicide leaving his clothes at the edge of a body of water—had people dragging the water for him. Loren N. Evans. James Sartain (son of James Harry and Violet C. (Mattox) Sartain) 11 Jan 1899: born. Ruby Sartain (daughter of James Harry and Violet C. (Mattox) Sartain) 4 Jan 1904: born Vigo County, Indiana. 18 Dec 1820: married Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana, Amos Carr. WPA records. Hazel Sartain (daughter of James Harry and Violet C. (Mattox) Sartain) 28 Mar 1907: born Vigo County, Indiana. Alberta E. Sartain (daughter of James Harry and Violet C. (Mattox) Sartain) 31 Jan 1909: born Vigo County, Indiana. no date: married _______ Hines, lived Indianapolis, Indiana. Georgeanna Sartain (daughter of James Harry and Violet C. (Mattox) Sartain) 7 Mar 1910: born Vigo County, Indiana. Helen A. Sartain (daughter of James Harry and Violet C. (Mattox) Sartain) 16 May 1911: born Vigo County, Indiana. Dorothy Sartain (daughter of James Harry and Violet C. (Mattox) Sartain) 25 Aug 1912: born Vigo County, Indiana. John D. Sartain (son of James Harry and Violet C. (Mattox) Sartain) 21 Apr 1914: born Vigo County, Indiana. Served WWII. Raymond Sartain (son of James Harry and Violet C. (Mattox) Sartain) 11 30 Nov 1915: born. William H. Sartain (son of James Harry and Violet C. (Mattox) Sartain) 17 Feb 1917: born. Lucille Sartain (daughter of James Harry and Violet C. (Mattox) Sartain) 5 March 1920: born. Albert Rector Sartain (son of William H. and Georgianna (Rogers) Sartain) 7 Mar 1878: born near Shelburn, Sullivan County, Indiana. (Bible) 26 July 1899: married Vigo County, Indiana Ora L. Harris (24 Aug 1880-____) m/2 1 Nov 1913 Vigo County, Indiana, William L. Smith. The two couples lived next-door to each other and exchanged spouses. They continued to be friends. 1900: census—he (housepainter) and wife Ora lived with his parents 1418 3rd Avenue, Terre Haute, Indiana. 1 Dec 1900: daughter Esther R. born, died 1 Feb 1901 Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana. 1 Nov 1913: m/2 Ida Alice (Scott) Smith, divorced from William L. Smith who married Ora L. (Harris) Sartain. 26 Jan 1955: died (Bible), buried Highland Lawn cemetery, Vigo County, Indiana. Albert Rector and his first wife lived in Terre Haute, Indiana, next door to a couple with whom they played cards, went to parties, etc. After a few years the two couples exchanged spouses and went on playing cards and going to parties together. Rupert Evans: He was called Rex. He was a cabinetmaker and he had a woodworking shop in his backyard. When he and his neighbor switched wives, the wives switched houses rather than the husbands, because he needed his shop. He was a really nice guy. Charles Augustus Sartain (son of William H. and Georgianna (Rogers) Sartain) 3 Jan 1881: born near Shelburn, Sullivan County, Indiana. (Bible) 11 Aug 1905: married Iowa, Blanche Olive Cobb (17 Apr 1883-Sept 1974). 1905: lived Chicago, Cook County, Illinois. 1941: died Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri. Lived in an apartment-hotel in Kansas City. “Uncle Charles Augustus Sartain my mother’s youngest brother and the youngest of the family was the only one of that generation of Sartains to graduate from college. He enrolled at DePauw University with only a few dollars in his pocket, but was hired after a time to coach athletics. He finished college with several hundred dollars in the bank besides paying his own expenses—tuition, etc. He was hired as an athletic 12 coach in a small college in Iowa, where he met and married Aunt Blanche. They later moved to Chicago (were there in 1905) where he worked for the Park Board as a director of recreation. Soon after he bought a small business called The Chicago Wheel and Rim Company. This firm prospered because of a considerable demand for the repair of wheels and replacement of the solid rubber tires on the trucks that were gaining in numbers before, during and after World War II. He is said to have sold his business for one million dollars which he used to buy land in the Kansas City, Missouri area. L. N. Evans, 1967. Rupert Evans: In about 1915, Uncle Charlie’s business just expanded unbelievably because of the war in Europe, so he talked Granddad Evans into coming to Chicago to work for him. Granddad and his three boys and Margaret moved to Chicago. Granddad became a foreman in the plant. Dad worked in the plant for a while but didn’t like it, so he struck out on his own and went to work for Greer School, teaching people how to drive. He would have been about 19 then. After a few months of teaching people to drive, he was moved into the school where they taught people how to repair automobiles. That’s how he got his skills which translated into a job at the University of Texas. I think Uncle Charlie sold his business to General Motors. Granddad Evans did not like working for anybody. His favorite job in the mines was taking care of the mines when they were shut down, because there was nobody to boss him around. James H. Sartain (son of James B. and Elizabeth (Williams) Sartain) June 1843: born Kentucky. OR Adams County, Ohio? 2 Dec 1868: married by John Monneyhan MG, July Ann Spears (____-23 Jan 1897). Lawrence County, Ohio Marriage Certificate. LDS film #317718. 1866: lived Gallia County, Ohio. 1869: moved to Mason County, Kentucky, P. O. Springdale. 15 Jan 1870: daughter Syntha born. 1870: census—#13 #13 next door to parents, Post Office Washington, Mason County, Kentucky. 6 Mar 1872: daughter Rosa Ann born. 2 Aug 1874: daughter Mary Elizabeth born. 17 Nov 1876: son Ollie born. 16 Oct 1878: son George Lewis born. 13 Feb 1880: son Jerome Stogden born. 11 July 1883: daughter Mandy Frances born. 23 Jan 1889: son Sammy born. 23 Jan 1894: son William born. 14 Jan 1897: daughter Cornelia “Nealy” Alice born. 1900: census soundex—Mason County, Kentucky. 23 Feb 1901: committed suicide on Plumbville and Springdale Pike. Served in Civil War. William, Cornelia and Sammy were minors at father’s death. N. B. Rogers named their 13 guardian. Syntha Sartain (daughter of James and July Ann (Spears) Sartain) 15 Jan 1870: born Kentucky. Rosa Ann Sartain (daughter of James and July Ann (Spears) Sartain) 6 Mar 1872: born Kentucky. Rosa Sartain born Oct 1877, neice of Nathan Webster, 1900 soundex census was in Lewis County, Kentucky. no date: married _______ Palley. Mary Elizabeth Sartain (daughter of James and July Ann (Spears) Sartain) 2 Aug 1874: born Kentucky. Ollie Sartain (son of James and July Ann (Spears) Sartain) 17 Nov 1876: born Kentucky. Olie Sartin born July 1877, 1900 soundex was a servant in Lewis County, Kentucky. George Lewis Sartain (son of James and July Ann (Spears) Sartain) 16 Oct 1878: born Kentucky. ?Mar 1876: born Kentucky, 1900 soundex—servant in Fleming County, Kentucky. Jerome Stogden “John” Sartain (son of James and July Ann (Spears) Sartain) 13 Feb 1880: born Kentucky. 1900: census soundex—single, living Mason County, Kentucky. 23 Mar 1912: married by Albert Tolle, Maysville, Mason County, Kentucky, Mary T. Hitch (26 July 1891 Madison County, Kentucky-____) daughter of Duncan and Anna Hitch. Mother of 7, 4 living at birth of Marion. 10 Sept 1912: son James Hardin born. 14 Oct 1913: daughter Julia Anna born, died 15 Nov 1918 Maysville, Mason County, Kentucky. 15 Nov 1918: died Maysville, Mason County, Kentucky. 12 Dec 1918: daughter Lina E. born, died 9 Sept 1922, buried Maysville, Mason County, Kentucky. 27 Feb 1919: widow applied for her pension at Maysville, Ky. 27 Feb 1926: widow’s son Charles Sartain born, father unnamed. 1927-28: widow living 628 East Second, Marion, Grant County, Indiana. Marion city directory. Aug 1927-11 Oct 1930: lived with Charles Poe. 6 May 1928: son Marion Sartain, son of Charles Poe, born, Marion, Grant County, Indiana. 31 Dec 1929: wife’s daughter Mary Poe born, eighth child of her mother. 8 Oct 1930: post office lists this family as gone from Marion, Indiana address. Troop I, 14th Kentucky Cavalry, discharged 15 Nov 1918. 14 Lived Mason County, Kentucky. James Hardin, Lina E. and Julia Anna lived at the Kentucky Baptist Children’s home in Glendale, Hardin County, Kentucky. Troop F, 14th US Cavalry, Civil War. James Hardin Sartain (son of Stogden and Mary T. (Hitch) Sartain) 10 Sept 1912: born Mason County, Kentucky. 1919-30: Marion, Grant County, Indiana city directory—James H., basket maker, living with mother and step-father. Charles Sartain (son of Mary T. (Hitch) Sartain) 27 Feb 1926: born. Marion Sartain (son of Charles Poe and Mary T. (Hitch) Sartain) 6 May 1928: born. Mandy Frances Sartain (son of James and July Ann (Spears) Sartain) 11 July 1883: born Kentucky. Sammy Sartain (son of James and July Ann (Spears) Sartain) 23 Jan 1889: born Kentucky. William Sartain (son of James and July Ann (Spears) Sartain) 23 Jan 1894/0: born Kentucky. Cornelia Alice Sartain (daughter of James and July Ann (Spears) Sartain) 15 Jan 1901: born Kentucky. 1903, 1905, 1909, 1910 Guardian settlement. Mason County, Kentucky Book M p407, 1903; N p150, 1905; O p120, 1909; final settlement O p462, 1910. Louisa Sartain (daughter of James B. and Elizabeth (Williams) Sartain) 19 Mar 1847: born Adams County, Ohio. 18 Sept 1864: married Aberdeen, Brown County, Ohio, John Valentine Morgan (24 Dec 1845 Covington, Kentucky-16 June 1933 West Union, Adams County, Ohio) son of John Morgan. no date: son James B. Morgan born, lived Indianapolis, Indiana. no date: daughter Nora L. Morgan born, married _____ Hafer, lived Winchester, Ohio. no date: daughter Rosalie Morgan born, married _____ Fite, lived Seaman, Ohio. 25 June 1874: son Walter Frank Morgan born, died 12 June 1904, married Sarah Christine Baber (17 July 1875 Charleston, Coles County, Illinois-18 Aug 1962 Garberville, California), daughter of Elijah and Lovina Lucinda (Edwards) Baber. Lived Winfield, Kansas. no date: daughter Mary Elisabeth Morgan born, married _____ Gaffin, lived West Union, Adams County, Ohio. 15 no date: son John Young Morgan born, lived Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota. no date: son Thomas Rector Morgan born, live Winchester, Adams County, Ohio. no date: daughter Nettie Ann Morgan born, married _____ Bradney, lived Galena, Ohio. no date: son Elva Morgan born, lived Otway, Ohio. no date: son Albert Morgan born, lived Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 15 Mar 1925: died, buried Methodist cemetery, Winchester, Adams County, Ohio. Death certificate film #12333. Lived near Maysville, Mason County, Kentucky. Mary C. Sartain (daughter of James B. and Elizabeth (Williams) Sartain) ca 1848: born Adams County, Ohio. Cynthia Sartain (daughter of James B. and Elizabeth (Williams) Sartain) ca 1850: born Adams County, Ohio. 1874: married John W. Crawford. Mason County, Kentucky Marriage Book 11 p385. Lived Ferris, Kentucky. George C. Sartain (son of James B. and Elizabeth (Williams) Sartain) ca 1853: born Mason County, Kentucky. LDS film #216834 Vital Statistics Mason County, Kentucky 1852-1862. Miscellaneous Mason County, Kentucky: Austin Sartin 1934: married Gladys Maybrier. Mason County, Kentucky Marriage Book 77 p34. Edith Sartin 1944: married Charles E. Moore. Mason County, Kentucky Marriage Book 94 p296. Delores Sartin 1959: married Harry L. Gibson. Mason County, Kentucky Marriage Book 113 p373. Helen L. Sartain 1946: married Rex R. Russell. Mason County, Kentucky Marriage Book 16 97 p55. James Sartain Oct 1869: born Kentucky. ca 1897: married Ella _______ (May 1871 Kentucky-____) Dec 1897: daughter Emma born. 1900: census soundex Mason County, Kentucky. Emma Sartain (daughter of James and Ella Sartain) Dec 1897: born Kentucky. Ira H. Sartain 1905: born. 13 Jan 1954: died Davies County, Kentucky. Certificate #293 Volume 1 Death Volume 54. James Sartin Feb 1880: born Kentucky, parents born Kentucky. 1900: census Mason County, Kentucky, living with George R. Wells and family. James Sartain 1898: married Rebecca Truitt. Mason County, Kentucky Marriage Book 22 p164. James Sartain 1922: married Hester Adkins (1880 -age 81, 8 Feb 1961 Mason County, Kentucky. Certificate #3671 Vol 8 Death Vol 61.) Mason County, Kentucky Marriage Book 46 p61. John Sartin 2 July 1749: granted 30A in Kentucky—water course Sulphur Lick Creek. Kentucky Land Grants, Book 28 p447. 8 Feb 1753: granted 40A in Kentucky—water course Sulphur Lick Creek. Kentucky Land Grants, Book 40 p38. John Sartin 1969: married Deborah Kirker. Mason County, Kentucky Marriage Book 119 p225. John I. Sartain ca 1916: born. 26 May 1916: died (under 1 year) Mason County, Kentucky. Death Certificate #13732 Volume 28, Death Volume 16. 17 Lewis Sartain 1906: married Lena Polley. Mason County, Kentucky Marriage Book 26 p424. Mary Jane Sartain 28 Apr 1852: married Mason County, Kentucky, Xerxes Berry. Mary Ruth Sartin 1953: married John W. Walker. Mason County, Kentucky Marriage Book 110 p266. Myrtle Sartin no date: married U. G. Adams. Mason County, Kentucky Marriage Book 22 p600. Opal E. Sartain married Thomas Hollar. Mason County, Kentucky Marriage Book 95 p46. Samuel Sartain 1903 and 1905: guardian settlements, Mason County, Kentucky Book M p408 and Book N p149. Virgie M. Sartain married Clark Thomas Moore. Mason County, Kentucky Marriage Book 24 p18. William H. Sartain married Pauline Maystone. Mason County, Kentucky Marriage Book 64 p118. William M. Sartain ca 1916: born. 17 Nov 1918: died age 2 years, Mason County, Kentucky. Death Certificate #41175 Volume 83. Death Volume 18. Miscellaneous United States Sartain, etc. _______ Sartain no date: son John born. no date: son James born. no date: son Sier born. Brothers who migrated from Virginia to Madison County and Walker Counties, Georgia soon after the Revolution. _______ Sartain no date: born Texas. no date: married Sarah F. Davis (Oct 1865 Tennessee-____) daughter of Thomas J. and Mary A. Davis. 18 Jan 1892: daughter Montie born Illinois. Aug 1899: son C. D. born Illinois. 1900: census soundex—Cottage Grove Township, Saline County, Illinois, living with her parents as a widow, mother of 3, 3 living children. ________ Sartain no date: married Susannah Harrison (Oct 1789 Lincoln County, North Carolina-____) daughter of Thomas (born 1760 Maryland) and Nancy (Peck) Harrison who were married in Lincoln County, North Carolina. 9 Dec 1852: Susannah Sartain made an affidavit that she was 63 and the third child of Thomas and Nancy (Peck) Harrison. July 1788: son Harrison born North Carolina. Oct 1789: daughter Susannah born North Carolina. May 1811: daughter Roseanna born North Carolina. May 1818: daughter Mahala born North Carolina. Feb 1822: daughter Virginia born North Carolina. Dec 1824: daughter Permellia born. no date: son Aaron born. 1840: census—Coffee County, Tennessee: p83: Nancy Sartin born 1770-1780 and Mahala Sartin _____. p84: Susan Sartin born 1790-1800. Revoutionary War pension of Thomas Harrison and wife Nancy (W360) Harrison Sartain July 1788: born. 20 Mar 1805: deed from James and his wife Nancy to Josiah Sartain 170A on Nail’s Creek. Witness Harrison Sartain. Franklin County, Georgia Deed Book RRR p169. 20 Mar 1809: deed from James and Nancy Sartain to Josiah Sartain all of Franklin County, Georgia for $435, 200A in Franklin County on Nail’s Creek adjacent to John Bellamy, Zachariah Thomas, William Carrothers, Jesse Brawner, Jedidiah Garrison, James Jones and Tignal Jones. Witness Harrison Sartain and Joel Mabry JP. May 1811: Rosannah Sartain born. 1812: on tax list, Franklin County, Tennessee. May 1818: Mahala Sartain born. Feb 1822: Virginia Sartain born. Dec 1824: Permillia Sartain born. ca 1827: Aaron Sartain born. 1850: census—Grundy County, Tennessee. Bible records in pension papers of Thomas and Nancy Harrison. Aaron Sartain (son of Harrison Sartain) ca 1827: born Tennessee, teacher. no date: married Elizabeth _______. Tennessee Confederate pension application #798 Coffee County, Tennessee. 19 Susannah Sartain (sister of Harrison Sartain) Oct 1789: born. 1850: census—p180—Grundy County, Tennessee: Susannah Sartain born 1790, place unknown. _______ Certain no date: married Nancy _______ (ca 1773 Indiana-____). no date: daughter Sarah born Delaware. no date: son Thomas born Indiana. widow, lived Waterloo Township, Fayette County, Indiana. Sarah Certain; Thomas Certain. _______ Sartain no date: married Anna _______ (Aug 1855 Indiana-____). July 1885: daughter Della born Indiana. Feb 1892: daughter Lizzie born Indiana. 1900: census soundex—widow, living Hickory Grove Township, Benton County, Indiana—also nephew Allen Akers. _______ Sarten July 1845: son James Sarten born Tennessee. Oct 1865: daughter Ella born Indiana; married _______ Oesteoman;1900: census soundex—lived 70 S. Fulton Avenue, Evansville, Vanderburgh County, Indiana. _______ Sartain ca 1853 married Monroe County, Kentucky, Mary T. Harris, daughter of Francis and America (Hutchens) Harris. _______ Sartain no date: married Elizabeth E. _______ (May 1834 Indiana-____). Jan 1855: son Thomas born Kentucky. Apr 1875: daughter Sarah S. born Kentucky. May 1879: son Richard born Kentucky. 1900: census soundex—widow, living Henderson County, Kentucky. _______ Sartain no date: married Amy _______ (ca 1861 Kentucky-____). Mar 1883: son Douglas born Kentucky. Feb 1885: son Virgil born Kentucky. Sept 1888: son Horace born Kentucky. Feb 1892: son Cecil born Kentucky. Feb 1893: son Buford born Kentucky. Mar 1896: daughter Eva born Kentucky. Mar 1898: son Geral born Kentucky. 20 1900: census soundex—widow, living Barren County, Kentucky. _________ Sartain ca 1823: son Uriah born. ca 1826: son William K. born. William K. Sartain (brother of Uriah Sartain) ca 1826: born Tennessee. no date: married Sarah Hobbs of Berryville, Arkansas. 1892: daughter Cynthia born Eureka Springs, 1892 Arkansas. no date: died Oroville, California. Shandra Dwyer (Mrs. James A.) 2216 Highlands Rd. San Pablo California 94806 (Cynthia Sartain) Uriah Sartain (brother of William K. Sartain) ca 1823: born Tennessee. ca 1853: married Tennessee Louisa _______ (1826 Tennessee-____). 1854: son William K. born. no date: son Thomas born. no date: son Bradford born. no date: daughter Frances born. 1857: moved to Carroll County, Arkansas. William K. Sartain (son of Uriah and Louisa Sartain) 1854: born Tennessee. no date: married Sarah Hobbs. 1892: daughter Cynthia born Eureka Springs, Arkansas. A. E. Sartin married Yalobusha County, Mississippi 2 Apr 1871 C. J. Sartin@. igi Alfred Sartin 11 Oct 1836: married Treassa N. Pounds, Lawrence County, Mississippi. igi 1856: mentioned in the will of Mary Powers, widow of Joseph Powers in Lawerence County, Mississippi. Drawer 102 case #6641. A. J. Sartain 31 Dec 1855: married Monroe County, Kentucky, Caroline Copass (Dec 1836 Tennessee-___). igi 3216834 Jan 1882: son Hansel Sartain born Kentucky. 1900: census soundex—widow, living Thompkinsville, Monroe County, Kentucky. Alabama Sartin 13 Aug 1884 married Webster County, Missouri, John F. Layton. igi Albert Sartain 14 June 1891 married Molly Taylor. Franklin County, Alabama. cd 21 Alexander Sartain 1833: born Tennessee. no date: married Josephine Womble. 1860/1: son William A. born. William A. Sartain (son of Alexander and Josephine (Womble) Sartain) 1860/1: born Talbot County, Georgia. no date: married Mary Lou Whatley. 1895: daughter Elizabeth Lee born Upson County, Georgia. Mrs. R. R. McCutcheon, 1910 Buckner St., Longview TX 75604---1984. Alfred Sartain 19 Dec 1837: married Barren County, Kentucky by Andrew Nuckols, Rachel Witty. 1840: census—Barren County, Kentucky—1 male (before 1740); 1 female under 5 (1835-1840); 1 female 15-20 (1820-1825). 1850: census Barren County, Kentucky: Alfred, age 35, farmer, born Kentucky; Rachel, age 27, born Kentucky; Eliza, age 11; Sarah, age 8; Joel C., age 3/12; all children born Kentucky. Alfred Sartain no date: married America Lee Roy. 26 Sept 1865: son James Alfred Sartain born. Lived Kentucky and Howard County, Missouri. Alfred Sartain 10 Jan 1850 married Emanda E. Beard. Madison County, Georgia. cd Alfred M. Sartin 14 Feb 1835 married Susannah S. Ramage. ?Tuscaloosa County, Alabama. cd Alonzo Sartain married Lincoln County, Kentucky 29 Mar 1831 Catherine Huffman. Andrew Sartin June 1861: born Kentucky. no date: married Sophia _______. (Jan 1864 Kentucky-____). Jan 1887: daughter Flora born Kentucky. July 1890: daughter Lida born Kentucky. Mar 1892: son Forrest born Kentucky. Apr 1894: son Bruce born Kentucky. Feb 1898: son Edward born Kentucky. 1900: census soundex Lewis County, Kentucky. Andrew J. Sartain alias Sardin (Sardin on marriage license) ca 1845: born Kentucky. 22 no date: married Henriette Ann Cooper. 4 May 1870: divorced Lewis County, Kentucky. 29 June 1870: married by Massie Beasley JP, Aberdeen, Brown County, Ohio, Matilda (Evans) Thompson (1849 Kentucky-____), separated wife of Levi Thompson. He deserted her two years after their marriage, died 1 Jan 1874, neither divorced. 27 Nov 1870: daughter Nancy born. 22 Aug 1872: daughter Cynthia born, married _______ Hayslip. 9 Dec 1874: daughter Sarah born. 25 June 1878: son Thomas born. 9 Aug 1881: daughter Margaret A. born. 3 Nov 1884: son A. B. born. 1900: ‘A.C.’ lived Lewis County, Kentucky. 6 Jan 1902/4: died Lewis County, Kentucky. 26 June 1911: widow applies for a pension from Portsmouth, Sciota County, Ohio. Served Co. A 45th Kentucy Volunteer Infantry. Anna Belle Sartain 25 Jan 1871-8 Dec 1959, buried Colusa cemetery, Colusa, California. Arminda Sartain cousin of Elizabeth (Sartain) Countiss q.v. Arastatia/Stacy Sartain married _______ Boorin. Aweta Loga (Sartain) Burnham 1877-1957, buried Colusa cemetery, Colusa, California. Bettie G. Sartain ca 1889: born. 19 Jan 1963: died age 74 Pike County, Kentucky. Certificate #8151 Volume 17 Death Volume 63. Bonnie Lee Sartain—living no date: married Wilmur Pittack. children: Sylvia Ann, Sharon Ruth and David Edward Pittack. Brownlow Sertain July 1871: born Tennessee. 1900: census soundex—Jefferson County, Kentucky. Burse Sarton no date: daughter Agnus born; married 1866 George Ephraim Hunt (1866 Alabama-____). Child: Nancy Golden Hunt born 1891 Alabama—living. Calvin Sartain 17 Dec 1840: married Sarah Burnett. Elbert County, Georgia. cd 23 Calvin Sarten 1840: in Madison County, Alabama; 1860: in Calhoun County, Alabama. Caroline Sartain 10 Nov 1829 married by George B. Mason in Gerrard County, Kentucky, James L. Adams son of William Adams. igi Caroline Elizabeth Sartain 1839: born; died Kansas; married James Casey Wright (1837-____); six children. no date: married James Casey Wright (1837-____). Catherine Sartain 10 Nov 1829 married Gerrard County, Kentucky, Jones Adams. igi or 2 Dec 1829. Catherine Sartin 22 Aug 1837 married Lincoln County, Kentucky, Edwin Embree, A. G. Huffman, Bondsman. Cary E. Sartain (female) married 8 May 1858 Mason County, Illinois, James C. Wright. Cary Belle Sartin ca 1872: born Hunt County, Texas. Celia Sartin married 20 Mar 1877 Jefferson County, Mississippi, Gabriel Keyes. Charles Surton 1810 census—Barren County Kentucky: 1 male 10-16 (1800-1810); 1 male 16-26 (1784-1794); 1 male 45 up (before 1765); 1 female 16-26 (1784-1794); 1 female 26-45 (1765-1784); 1 female 45 up (before 1765); 2 slaves. Charles A. Sartain married Nina Marie Walker. Charles F. Sartain June 1853: born Kentucky. no date: married Clara E. _______ (Apr 1867 Kentucky-____). Lived Spottsville, Henderson County, Kentucky. 29 Sept 1918: died McLean County, Kentucky. Certificate #23642 Volume 48 Death Volume 18. Charles M. Sartain 1918: born. 5 Jan 1975: died age 57 Jefferson County, Kentucky. Certificate #1211 Volume 3 Death Volume 75. Christiana Sartain married 30 Oct 1881 Prentiss County, Mississippi, Charles D. Gilley. Claire Ida Watcher Sartain ca 1900 born; married Archibald Hoykas McDicken. 24 Clark Sartin 1828: on Madison County, Arkansas tax list p12. 1829: on Madison County, Arkansas tax list p13. ClaybourneClaiborne Sarten ca 1755: born. Age 77 in 1832. no date: enlisted in the Revolution from Surry County, North Carolina, lived with his father in Patrick County, sometimes he is referred to as Gabriel Sarten. 16 Apr 1790: married North Carolina, Margaret _______ (living Carter County, Kentucky 12 Oct 1848 -her pension application). 13 Dec 1829: a resident of Lawrence County, Kentucky, says his wife is dead many years ???, children all married. 1830: census p79 Greenupsburgh, Greenup County, Kentucky. 9 Aug 1833: lived Greenup County, Kentucky and received $80 pension for his service in the Virginia Line. Revolutionary Soldiers in Kentucky 1896, p86. 17 Mar 1846: died. Private, Virginia line, age 79 in 1833. Lived Carter County, Kentucky and Ohio. David Sartin married 3 Jan 1891 Larence County, Mississippi, Annie Smith. David Sartain no date: married Famie _______. no date: son Ferrell born. no date: son John born. 17 Oct 1831: son Joshua born. no date: son David, Jr. born. no date: daughter Eliza born. no date: daughter Lucy born. no date: daughter Martha born. no date:daughter Kitty born. no date: child Isophene born. Ferrell Sartain (son of David and Famie Sartain) no date: married Virginia Hensley. 29 July 1858: son George Washington born. no date: m/2 Jefferson Hayter. George Washington Sartain (son of Ferrell and Virginia (Hensley) Sartain) 29 July 1858: born. 9 July 1877: married Osage County, Missouri, Laura Louise Cutsinger (8 May 1855-8 Apr 1947). igi #913742 2 Sept 1878: son Volney Louis born, died 2 July 1947. 18 Mar 1881: daughter Mary Virginia born. 25 26 Feb 1884: daughter Bertha Opal born, died 1 Dec 1966. 5 Dec 1885: son Henry Walter born. no date: daughter Sophia May born, died infant. 16 Dec 1887: son Arthur Odes born. 10 Apr 1893: son Coy Ray born. 17 June 1946: died. Henry Walter Sartain (son of George Washington and Laura Louise (Cutsinger) Sartain) 5 Dec 1885: born. no date: married Rose Mae Brand. 1918: son Glen born. 1920: daughter Helen born. no date: daughter Laverne born, died infant. 1924: son James born. 20 Nov 1927: son George born, married Georgia Lea Burns. no date: daughter Irene born. 1935: son Billy born. 1937: son Bobbie born. 1939: daughter Betty born. 11 June 1941: son Jackie Don born. no date: son Jerry born, died infant. 20 Sept 1956: died. Joshua Sartain (son of David and Famie Sartain) 17 Oct 1831: born. 25 Oct 1851: married Moniteau County, Missouri, Nancy Jane Benson (13 Jan 1836-3 June1898). igi 2 Jan 1836: son J. Nelson born. 11 Feb 1856: daughter Mary C. born; married 29 May 1872 Moniteau County, Missouri, Franklin Smith, lived Iowa. igi 31 July 1859: daughter Margaret Jane born, married Josh Hater, lived Missouri. 1 Feb 1861: Ferrell born. 24 June 1868: daughter Martha Ellen born; married Henry Baushausen; died 1 Mar 1953. 5 Apr 1870: daughter Manda born, died 22 Mar 1871. 10 May 1873: daughter Lula Edna born; married Edward Keeran; died 16 May 1913. Lived Missouri. Ferrell Sartain (son of Joshua and Nancy J. (Benson) Sartain) 1 Feb 1861: born Missouri. 26 Dec 1880: married Moniteau County, Missouri, Helena Eckerle (10 July 1862-19 June1924). igi 24 Oct 1881: daughter Mary Edna born; married 12 May 1897 Edmund Reichel; died 14 Sept 1938. 18 Aug 1883: daughter Gertrude Ann born; married 29 Apr 1906 Edward J. Wheeler; 26 died 1952. 2 Oct 1885: daughter Lillie Etta born, died 13 Dec 1885. 19 June 1890: son Paul born. 28 Oct 1892/3: son Archie Ferrel born. 15 Jan 1896: daughter Maggie Helen born, died 3 Nov 1897. 16 Oct 1898: son Clyde born, died 22 Feb 1899. 19 Mar 1900: daughter Ella Blanche born; married 28 July 1915 Arley Laranzo Rackley 28 July 1903: daughter Dollie born, died 2 Aug 1903. 26 June 1931: died. Paul Sartain (son of Ferrell and Helena (Eckerle) Sartain) 19 June 1890: born Centertown, Missouri. 2 Oct 1914: married Cora Ann May Staggs (29 Sept 1896-18 Mar 1967). 1 July 1915: daughter Elsie Helena born; married 1 May 1940 George Harold Adams. 21 Oct 1917: son Thomas Ferrel born. 18 Apr 1920: son Neal born. 18 Oct 1922: daughter Anna May born; married 8 Feb 1946 Willie Lacy. 29 Dec 1924: son George born. 16 Feb 1927: daughter Eula Jewell born; married 8 Nov 1952 Homer Eugene Phillamee. 7 May 1929: son Archie Clifton born. 14 Nov 1932: son Harrison Floyd born 10 Mar 1969: died. Thomas Ferrell Sartain (son of Paul and Cora Ann (Staggs) Sartain) 21 Oct 1917: born. 25 Jan 1940: married Thelma Ethel Foust. Neal Sartain (son of Paul and Cora Ann (Staggs) Sartain) 18 Apr 1920: born. 8 Feb 1946: married Ruth Helen Reed. George Sartain (son of Paul and Cora Ann (Staggs) Sartain) 29 Aug 1944: married Mary Magdalene Foust. Archie Clifton Sartain (son of Paul and Cora Ann (Staggs) Sartain) 7 May 1929: born. 23 May 1953: married Janita Elaine Higgs. Harrison Floyd Sartain (son of Paul and Cora Ann (Staggs) Sartain) 14 Nov 1932: born. 18 Nov 1955: married Mavis Lovena Dill. Archie Ferrel Sartain (son of Ferrel and Helena (Eckerle) Sartain) 28 Oct 1892/3: born. 27 2 Sept 1914: married Dora Belle Eubanks (16 Nov 1897-____). 4 June 1915: son Edward Eugene born. 24 Sept 1917: son Nelson Ray born. 28 June 1919: daughter Edna Helena Pauline born; married 24 Dec 1936 Henry Hugh Gardner. 11 May 1921: son William Harmon born. 17 Apr 1923: son Edmond Ferrel born. 5 Nov 1926: son Norman Archie born. 18 Aug 1929: daughter Mary Maxine born; married 23 July 1949 Theodore McCordell 23 Mar 1932: daughter Elsie Kathleen born, died 9 Oct 1932. George H. Adams, 206 W. Moore Street, Heber Springs, Arkansas 72543—1969. Edward Eugene Sartain (son of Archie Ferrel and Dora Belle (Eubanks) Sartain) 4 June 1915: born. 6 Nov 1937: married Martha Fox. Nelson Ray Sartain (son of Archie Ferrel and Dora Belle (Eubanks) Sartain) 24 Sept 1917: born. 24 Apr 1948: married Zadie Leana Hensley. William Harmon Sartain (son of Archie Ferrel and Dora Belle (Eubanks) Sartain) 11 May 1921: born. 19 Aug 1951: m/2 Donna Jeanne Simmons. Edmund Ferrel Sartain (son of Archie Ferrel and Dora Belle (Eubanks) Sartain) 17 Apr 1923: born. 6 Nov 1943: married Glena Mae Moody. Norman Archie Sartain (son of Archie Ferrel and Dora Belle (Eubanks) Sartain) 5 Nov 1926: born. 29 Apr 1946: married Lois Marie Stark. Dock Sartin born 9 June 1862 Pike County, Mississippi, son of Leander and Sarah Evaline (Smith) Sartain. Dorris G. Sartin (brother of Carl Sartin) no date: born Morgan County, Kentucky. no date: married Betty _______. no date: daughter Patricia born; married ______ Simmons, lived 1229 Winchester, Kansas City, Missouri. no date: daughter Rosetta born; married _______ Fredericksen, lived Sunflower Village, Missouri. 15 Apr 1971: died, buried Forest Hill cemetery, Kansas City, Missouri. 28 Deputy tax assessor for Jackson County, Missouri. Kansas City, Missouri Times 16 Apr 1971. E. E. Sartin (female) married 29 Jan 1873 Lawrence County, Mississippi, A. P. Smith. E. G. Sartin (female) married 23 Nov 1884 Yalobusha County, Mississippi, J. C. Sartain. Eli Sartin 3 Jan 1818: #4307, Private, Doherty’s 7th Inf. SW S20 T2N, R6W to W. G. Blount in Congress. War of 1812, Bounty Lands in Illinois. Elias R. Sarten 1825: tax list, Washington County, Georiga p328 #112, 4th District, 4th Section now Floyd County, Georgia. 1832: #112 Rhodes Hall, 4th District, 4th Section of Cherokee County, now Floyd County, on Cabin Creek in the middle where it crooks. Cherokee Land Lottery, 1832, James F. Smith, 1968. Elihu Sartain 1824: election precinct petition, Gallatin County, Illinois. Elijah Sartain married Lincoln County, Kentucky 27 Sept 1830 Frances Helm. Elijah Sartain 30 Apr 1810: married Gerrard County, Kentucky, Polly Gates, sister of Elijah Gates. 1 Sept 1812: enlisted and served until 30 September—pay was $10 in advance. Time of enlistment: six months. “E. Sartain here W(illiam) Sutton to perform his tour of duty.” 10 Sept 1812: served as private in Capt. James Anderson’s Company of Infantry, 2nd Kentucky Regiment Kentucky Volunteers. Muster roll. 1817: “ This must have been the year when Elijah Sartain had grown a quantity of tobacco, bought more and hauled it to Quantico for shipment. When the river rose and threatened the total loss of his crop and investment, he, against the advice of his friends, loaded his tobacco on flatboats, or broadhorn boats as they were then called, and breasted the current of the raging waters until he was in the center of the river. Then he drifted amidst all the debris and wreckage from the forest along the banks of this stream down the Kentucky River, the Ohio River and the Mississippi, until weeks later he reached New Orleans. There he found an unsatisfactory market, so he loaded his tobacco on a vessel and sailed for Liverpool, England. He was gone for three years, but he finally found a good market for his tobacco. This Sartain was evidently a wild blade. When embarking on the boat on the turbulent Kentucky, against his friends pleas, he said that if his tobacco was to be lost, he would go to hell with it. A few years later he treated a bound boy named Francis Rigdon so badly that the boy was taken from him. In 1827 he joined the Christian Church in Lancaster and was baptized on a cold January day in Dicks River. Immediately on coming out of the water, he delivered an impassioned exhortation to those attending the baptism. He 29 died during the first cholera epidemic in 1833. He himself had been a bound boy with small opportunity yet he became prominent in the early history of his county.” History of Garrard County, Kentucky and Its Churches, Forrest Calico, New York: Hobson Book Press, 1947. 1820: census - p83 Garrard County, Kentucky. Dec 1829: he and wife Polly attended the Gerrard Christian Church, Lancaster, Kentucky organized Dec 1829. June-July 1833: died of cholera, Lancaster, Kentucky. Genealogy Magazine Volume 3 p389. Elijah Sartain 24 Mar 1827: land lottery—fortunate drawers, Rabun County, Georgia. Mulligan’s District #262 st 21 Sec 2 (Muscogee County) 16th day’s drawing. no date: married Agnes _______. 18 Aug 1847: son James F. born. 1866: son William A. born. James F. Sartain (son of Elijah and Agnes Sartin) 18 Aug 1847: born. Served in Civil War, lists William A. Sartain, US Soldiers Home, WDC as a witness for him. Lived Wolf Creek, Post Office Inez, Martin County, Kentucky. William A. Sartain (son of Elijah and Agnes Sartain) 1866: born Logan County, West Virginia. 13 Oct 1891: married Williamsburg, Greenbrier County, West Virginia, Julia Ann Watts (ca 1868 West Virginia-____) 1892: daughter Mary Emma born; Williamsberg, Greenbrier County, West Virginia; married Lorenzo Silvestro; died 19 July 1953 Washington, Greenbrier County, West Virginia. Six living children. 8 July 1911: Washington, D. C. Three living children. Elijah Sartain no date: born Georgia. 26 Aug 1829: married by Howell Mangrum JP, Franklin County, Georgia, Sarah Williams (____ North Carolina-11 Mar 1862 Franklin County, Tennessee). 18 Sept 1832: son Larkin R. born Franklin County, Georgia. ca 1850: died Barnesville, Lamar County, Georgia. Larkin R. Sartain (son of Elijah and Sarah (Williams) Sartain) 18 Sept 1832: born Franklin County, Georgia. 8 Aug 1852: married Franklin County, Georgia, Emily Eason. 30 ca 1859: moved to Franklin County, Tennessee. 6 Nov 1873: married Jenney Hawkins. no date: daughter Clara born. no date: daughter Nellie born. no date: daughter Eleanor born. no date: daughter Daisy born. Engineer of Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Railroad. Goodspeed Histories of Giles, Lincoln, Franklin and Moore Counties, Tennessee, Columbia, Tennessee: Woodward and Stinson Printing Company, 1972 reprint of 1886. Elijah S. Sartin married 2 Apr 1862 Lawrence County, Mississippi, Mary F. Thomas. Elisha Sartain 1820 census p46 Madison County, Georgia. 1824 tax list Madison County, Georgia Eliza Ann Sartain married 16 May 1851 Lafayette County, Mississippi, H. W. Gardner. Eliza Ann Sartin married 3 June 1856 Pontotoc County, Mississippi, Benjamin N. Cooper. Elizabeth Sartain 1 Mar 1815 married Stanford, Lincoln County, Kentucky, William Clark Ward. igi Elizabeth Sartain 13 Sept 1841 married Westley Burnett. Madison County, Georgia. cd Elizabeth Sartain 11 Aug 1859 married John Y. Fowler. Franklin County, Georgia. cd Elizabeth Sartain 1840: census—Walker County, Georgia—no males, 2 females under 5 1825-1830); 2 females 10-15 (1825-1830); 1 female 15-20 (1820-1825); 1 female 40-50 (1790-1800). Elizabeth Sartain 1973 query—Carleton J. Lake, 16 Tulsa Avenue, Meuchen, New Jersey 08840. Elizabeth Sartin 14 Feb 1843 married North Carolina, Brooks McKinney. lds Elizabeth A. Sartin 7 May 1843 married Rockingham County, North Carolina, Demarcus Oakley. A Roster of Revolutionary Ancestors of the Indiana Daughters of the American Revolution. 1973-1976. Evansville, Indiana: Unigraphic, Inc. Elizabeth A. Sartain born before 1839; married Thomas Andrew Sewell; child William Weir Sewell. 31 Elizabeth Frances Sartain 1858 married Barren County, Kentucky Zachariah Harrison Bunch who died 1862. Ellen Sartain married 14 Feb 1884 Prentiss County, Mississippi, Thomas R. Kizer. Elmer Sartin Oct 1893 born Kentucky, nephew of Henry E. Elam. 1900 soundex Morgan County, Kentucky. Emily Sartin ca 1845 born, May 1859/60 died of Pneumonia. Mississippi Mortality schedule ending 1 June 1860. Emmet Sartain Jan 1876 born Kentucky, lived 1900 Barren County, Kentucky. Enoch Serton July 1854: born Kentucky. 1900: census Magisterial District 8, #202 #203, widower, parents born Kentucky, farmer. Ethel Sartain ca 1890: born; married Floyd Otis Bean, a twin son of William Edward and Alzade (Sanders) Bean. Fanny Sartain 20 Feb 1820 married John Wilson. Elbert County, Georgia. Fertima A/S. Sartin 10 Oct 1894 married by John Titladen, Huntsville, Alabama, George H. Anyan The Southern Advocate, 25 Oct 1894. Frances Sartain 7 Apr 1834: married Lincoln County, Kentucky, Milton Rainey with George Helm as Bondsman. igi Frank Sartin married 29 Mar 1884 Marion County, Mississippi, Helen Benson. Fred Sherman Sartin (?son of James R. and Margaret Willoughby?) 28 June 1876: born Sartinsville, Walthall County, Mississippi. 24 Nov 1898: married Arcola Sartin (26 Nov 1872-27 Mar 1951 Tylertown, Walthall County, Mississippi) daughter of James Obid and Thanna Ann (Magee) Sartin). 5 Jan 1900: daughter Thelma born. 20 June 1902: daughter Zula born. 19 May 1905: daughter Eloise born. 14 Apr 1907: son Cecil Vaughn born, died 8 Mar 1914. 31 July 1909: son Fred S. born. 32 14 Feb 1912: daughter Alicia/Alexia Mae born, married Oct 1931 Carolos Nation. igi 23 Jan 1915: daughter Josephine born, died 9 Mar 1932. 21 Nov 1949: died Tylertown, Walthall County, Mississippi. Children all born Sartinsville, Walthall County, Mississippi. George Sartain 1861: married Eliza Ann Burkhart (12 May 1847-18 Feb 1888) m/2 Eliza P. Morrill. 25 Nov 1862: son Isaac William born. no date: died on battlefield during Civil War, his body was never found. Isaac William Sartain (son of George and Eliza Ann (Burkhart) Sartain) 25 Nov 1862: born. 27 Dec 1885: married Luvicy Maxwell. ca 1887: daughter Mary Louvicie born; married William G. Jenkins. George F. Sartain married Lincoln County, Kentucky 10 June 1848 Anne R. Givens. igi George L. Sartain Jan 1854: born Kentucky. no date: married Bell _______ (July 1857 Kentucky-____). 1900: soundex—Fayette County, Kentucky. George M. Sartin 11 Feb 1853 married Maxy Blancett. Jackson County, Alabama. Harriet Sartain ca 1832: born Georgia; in 1850 census Franklin County, Georgia—living with Henry T. Brown. Harriet N. Sarton married 30 Jan 1862 Monroe County, Mississippi, Ruffin C. Hadley. Hayden B. Sartain 21 June 1906-1 Sept 1947, buried Colusa cemetery, Colusa, California. Hayden S. Sartain [son of Hayden B.] 22 Sept 1945-17 July 1961, buried Colusa cemetery, Colusa, California. Henry Sarton no date: married Irene Gronczluski. 25 Apr 1944: son Henry born. Henry Sarton (son of Henry and Irene (Gronczluski) Sarton) of Chicago, Illinois 25 Apr 1944: born Jacksonville, Florida. 29 Mar 1969: married Champaign County, Illinois, Julia Ann Frederick (19 Oct 1945 33 Wookesha, Wisconsin-____) lived 5 Fisher Court, Urbana, Illinois; daughter of Willard and Betty (Phillips) Frederick. Henry Sartin married 8 Sept 1884 Pike County, Mississippi, Victoria Magee. Henry Asbury Sartain no date: married Clarissa Barber. 20 Oct 1895: son Richard born. Richard Sartain (son of Henry Asbury and Clarissa (Barber) Sartain) 20 Oct 1895: born. no date: married Harrison, Ohio, Mary Sexton Cletys (31 Aug 1900-____). 5 Oct 1924: daughter Mattie born. 7 Mar 1929: son Novis J. born. 25 May 1931: son Odis C. born. 2 Apr 1933: son Thaddis G. born. Farmer, lived Walnut, Mississippi. The Onoshundros and Their Kin, Cincinnati Public Library. Hester Sartin married 4 Jan 1883 Pike County, Mississippi, Moses Hines. Howard Sartain 2 Dec 1867: born Fayette, Howard County, Missouri. no date: married Anna Belle Terrill (25 Jan 1871-____). Hulet Carter Sartain born 2 June 1989 Water Valley, Yalobusha County, Mississippi, son of James Hiram and Dovie Jane Dickey) Sartain. Herbert Sartin brother Samuel? q.v. Oct 1882: born Kentucky. 1900: census soundex—York Township, Benton County, Indiana, boarder at house of Corian Kirkpatrick. Hollis C. Sartain 1 Nov 1907-7 July 1976, buried Colusa cemetery, Colusa, California. Howard B. Sartain 2 Dec 1866-1 Mar 1948, buried Colusa cemetery, Colusa, California. Humphrey H. Sartin 18 Feb 1853 married Nancy C. Hudson. ? I/J Sartain Oct 1846: born Kentucky. no date: married N. N. _______ (Mar 1859 Kentucky-____). 34 July 1878: daughter M. E. born Kentucky. June 1881: son E. T. born Kentucky. May 1885: son Joe L. born Kentucky. Apr 1888: daughter M. M. born Kentucky. 1900: census soundex—Metcalfe County, Kentucky. M. E. Sartain; E. T. Sartain; Joe L. Sartain; M. M. Sartain Ida Sartain ca 1859 born, married Warren Henderson Stovall. Iris Sartin born 2 July 1880 Pike County, Mississippi, daughter of Monroe and Myra Elizabeth Stovall) Sartin. Isaac Newton Sartain 1858: born Mississippi. no date: married Nancy Ann Batium (1860 Mississippi-____). 1880: daughter Myrtle born. 1882: son Leonard born. 18 Dec 1884: son George Thomas Sartain born. 1886: daughter Pearl born. 1888: son Fennis born. ca 1919: died Clayton, New Mexico George Thomas Sartain (son of Isaac Newton and Nancy Ann (Batium) Sartain) 18 Dec 1884: born Tuka, Tehmng County, Mississippi. 11 Mar 1906: married Crowell, Foard County, Texas, Cora Bell Clark (14 Feb 1888 Crowell, Foard County, Texas-7 Feb 1939 Yreka, Sisky County, California) daughter of John C. and Annie Carter) Clark) 24 Apr 1908: daughter Bertha May born; born Hollis, Harmon County, Oklahoma; married 6 Oct 1930 Omer Herbert Eagle; lived Mosca, Colorado. 8 Oct 1909: son Roy Lee born. 7 Feb 1911: son George Newlan born. 6 Apr 1912: son William Nolan born. 17 Sept 1913: daughter Lela Lillian born Hillis, Harmon County, Oklahoma; married 2 Sept 1938 Roy M. Smith (ca1913-____); died 7 May 1969. 23 Sept 1915: daughter Leona born Clayton, Union County, New Mexico; married 9 Dec 1933 Nute Tycksen; lived RR 1 Box 67 Talent, Oregon. 9 Apr 1917: daughter Juanita born Clayton, Union County, New Mexico; married Arthur Newberry; lived Jal, New Mexico. 14 Aug 1918: son Doyle born. 6 Feb 1921: son Raymond Charles born. 27 May 1922: daughter Stella born Clayton, Union County, New Mexico; married 28 Apr 1939 Evins Savage; died 14 May 1945. 35 19 Sept 1924: daughter Marie born Claredon, Donley, Texas; married 16 April 1940 Roscoe Irwin. 29 Aug 1919: son Vurl born, living 1992. 9 Aug 1932: daughter LaVeda born; married 15 June 1949 Robert Wesley Gelvay; died 29 Dec 1964, buried Del Norte, California. 14 Feb 1958: died Yreka, Sisky County, California, buried Del Norte R. Grnd, Colorado. Mrs. Bonnie L. Pittack, 5621 Abraham Avenue, Westminster, California 92683. Roy Lee Sartain (son of George Thomas and Cora Bell (Clark) Sartain) 8 Oct 1909: born Vernon, Texas. 19 July 1935: married Eunice Pringle. Lived Mertzen, Texas. George Newlan Sartain (son of George Thomas and Cora Bell (Clark) Sartain) 6 Apr 1912: born Hollis, Harmon County, Oklahoma. 31 Oct 1929: married Ruth Lillian Davis. no date: son Jimmy Newlan born, living 1992. no date: daughter Florence Jean born, living 1992. Lived 1255 Baker Street, Costa Mesa, California. William Nolan Sartain (son of George Thomas and Cora Bell (Clark) Sartain) 6 Apr 1912: born Hollis, Harmon County, Oklahoma. June 1935: married Doris Pringle. 27 Oct 1944: died. Doyle Sartain (son of George Thomas and Cora Bell (Clark) Sartain) 14 Aug 1918: born Clayton, Union County, New Mexico. 29 Sept 1938: married Edith Edna Fern Potter. Lived 2825 Caroline Street, San Pedro, California. Raymond Charles Sartain (son of George Thomas and Cora Bell (Clark) Sartain) 6 Feb 1921: born Clayton, Union County, New Mexico. 20 Sept 1943: married Geraldine Fay Ennis. Vurl Sartain (son of George Thomas and Cora Bell (Clark) Sartain) 29 Aug 1929: born Portales, Roosevelt County, New Mexico. 14 Aug 1953: married Lillian May Rowell. Isaac William Sartain 25 Nov 1862: born. 27 Dec 1885: married Daviess County, Missoui, Lavisa Maxwell. igi 36 J. A. Sartain, professor, married Nannie Glenn (1866-1915) daughter of Robert and Susan C. (Jones) Glenn. Walker County, Georgia Heritage. J. F. Sartain 7 Apr 1896: married Bettie Scott. Franklin County, Alabama. J. H. Sartain 17 Dec 1890 married Nora Martin. Franklin County, Alabama. J. R. Sartain married Matilda _______ (3 Feb 1802-9 Jan 1870, buried Callis cemetery, Section 26, Perry Township). J. S. Sartin July 1834: born Kentucky. no date: married Almira E. _______ (May 1841 Virginia-____). Oct 1881: son Eugene S. Sartin born. 1900: census soundex—Morgan County, Kentucky. Jack Sartin no date: born Monroe County, Kentucky. 1857: son J. W. born. J. W. Sartin (son of Jack Sartin) 1857: born Monroe County, Kentucky. no date: married Jennie Polly Williams (25 Feb 1861-____) daughter of Lemuel and Mary Williams. 24 Dec 1885: son Avery born. no date: son Ernest born, farmer, lived Barren County, Kentucky. no date: daughter Edith born, died infant. no date: daughter Hattie Rogers born, married J. M. Frazier. no date: daughter Flossie born, married Irving O. Garman. no date: son Herbert born, farmer, Willow Shade, Kentucky. no date: son Basil Duke born, lawyer, Wichita Falls, Texas. no date: son Frank Comer born, farmer, Marrow Bone, Kentucky. no date: son Robert born, died infant. no date: son Billie born, died infant. no date: son Samuel Houston born. no date: daughter Floe born. Jailor, Monroe County, Kentucky. History of Kentucky Volume 3 p475 Avery Sartin (son of J. W. and Jennie Polly (Williams) Sartin) 24 Dec 1885: born Monroe County, Kentucky. 37 25 Apr 1909: married Minnie Garman. 31 Jan 1912: daughter Nell born. 4 Aug 1915: son Odell born. Oct 1917: daughter Christine born. Apr 1920: son Edmond Avery born. Samuel Houston Sartin (son of J. W. and Jennie Polly (Williams) Sartin) no date: married Melissa Anderson (____-1960), daughter of Willie and Mary Ellen (Viebert) Anderson. no date: daughter Louise Sartin born. Lived Willow Shade, Metcalfe County, Kentucky. Jacob Sartain 6 Nov 1849 married Elizabeth McDowel. ?Tuscaloosa County, Alabama. 1830: census - p307 South District, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. James Sartain (brother of John and Sier—to Madison and Walker Counties, Georgia) 1830: census p111 Madison County, Georgia. James Sarten 1840: Madison County, Alabama. James Sartain 10 Feb 1829 married Elizabeth V. Rogers. Tuscaloosa County, Alabama. James Sartain Oct 1787: signed a petition: “Petitioners are furnishing a fort on the North Side of Ogeeche, about one mile from the lower corner of Washington County, known by the name of Woods Fort. Need fifty men and horses to guard said fort in this uninhabited land. We will pay them.” Burke County, Georgia. 29 Oct 1771: tax defaulter, Capt. Faust’s District, Washington County, Georgia. 4 Jan 1792: 1 plot 100A surveyed 16 May 1791 by B. McCullor’s, adjacent to Stephen Powell. Washington County, Georgia Surveyor’s Records Book DE p293. James Sartain 19 Dec 1797: deed from John Greenwood to James Sartain, 200A on Dove’s Creek—original grant 1784 to Charles Colter. Elbert County, Georgia Deed Book D Folio 121. James Sartain 18 Nov 1824 married Bethana Burnett. Elbert County, Georgia. _______ Sartain no date: son James born; no date: son Josiah born; 1772 on a North Carolina tax list. James Sartain (brother of Josiah) no date: married Nancy _______. 38 22 Aug 1799: Arthur Jones vs James Sartain. Franklin County, Georgia. 1803: on tax list Franklin County, Georgia: 1 male, 100A, David Clark, _____ Bellame, Nails Creek. Oct 1803: appraised estate of Arthur Jones. 11 Feb 1803: appraised estate of Obadiah Wright. Franklin County, Georgia Minutes of the Court of Ordinary. no date: “ordered that the administrator of the estate of Arthur Jones, dec’d do make a letter to James Sartain agreeable to the tenor of the bond given by said Arthur in his lifetime to the said Sartain”. Franklin County, Georgia Inventory of Estates 1829-1844. 1804: his land used for identification in Franklin County, Georgia. 20 Mar 1805: deed from James and his wife Nancy to Josiah Sartain 170A on Nail’s Creek. Witness Harrison Sartain. Franklin County, Georgia Deed Book RRR p169.1805: Georgia Land Lottery #779BB, Franklin County, Georgia. 29 Apr 1806: deed from John Robbins to James Sartain both of Franklin County, Georiga, for $400, 150A in Franklin County on waters of Grays Creek adjacent to Gabriel Jones. Witnesses: William Malone, Wyatt Cleveland, Gabriel Jones. 30 Apr 1806: witnessed a deed in Franklin County, Georgia. 1 Oct 1807: deed from John Robbins to James Sartain 52.53A in Franklin County, Georgia. 16 June 1808: deed from Tignal Jones, administrator of Arthur Jones 53.54A in Franklin County, Georgia. 20 Mar 1809: deed from James and Nancy Sartain to Josiah Sartain all of Franklin County, Georgia for $435, 200A in Franklin County on Nail’s Creek adjacent to John Bellamy, Zachariah Thomas, William Carrothers, Jesse Brawner, Jedidiah Garrison, James Jones and Tignal Jones. Witness Harrison Sartain and Joel Mabry JP. 12 June 1809: deed from James Sartain of Franklin County, Tennessee to Charles Warren of Franklin County, Georgia for $550, 150A in Franklin County, Georgia on Gregg Creek adjacent to John Robins and Gabriel Jones. Josiah Sartain (brother of James) 1772: on tax list Surry County, North Carolina—1 poll. 7 Dec 1789: witnessed a deed Franklin County, Georgia. 1801: on Capt. John Martain’s Company, Nail’s Creek. 11 Feb 1803: appraised estate of Obadiah Wright. Franklin County, Georgia Minues of the Court of the Ordinary. Oct 1803: appraised estate of Arthur Jones. Franklin County, Georgia Minutes of the Court of theOrdinary. 1805: participated in Georgia Land Lottery Franklin County, Georgia. #688B P. 20 Mar 1805: deed from James and Nancy Sartain to Josiah Sartain 170A on Nail’s Creek. Witness Harrison Sartain. Franklin County, Georgia Deed Book RRR p169. 1808: his land used for identification in Franklin County, Georgia. 20 Mar 1809: deed from James and Nancy Sartain to Josiah Sartain all of Franklin County, Georgia for $435, 200A in Franklin County on Nail’s Creek adjacent to John 39 Bellamy, Zachariah Thomas, William Carrothers, Jesse Brawner, Jedidiah Garrison, James Jones and Tignal Jones. Witness Harrison Sartain and Joel Mabry JP. 1810: on tax list Franklin County, Georgia. 1811: on tax list Franklin County, Georgia. 1813: on tax list Franklin County, Georgia. Was an original proprietor Nail’s Creek, Franklin County, Georgia. James Sartain 26 Apr 1793: deed from James Sartain to John Briggs both of Washington County, Georgia, 100A. Montgomery County, Georgia Deed Book E p43. 1794: 70,000A Montgomery County, Georgia Grant Book IIII p438-509. 1795: 26,000A Montgomery County, Georgia Grant Book OOOO p710-735. 6 Apr 1795: James Sartain of Montgomery County, Georgia to William Longstreet of Augusts, merchatn, power of attorny to sell 26,000A of land in Montgomery County bounded on the southwest by Coleman and granted to said Sartain 28 Mar 1795 in 26 grants of 1,000A each. Witnesses Lewis Lancer and William Litte JP. Georgia Colonial Records Book DDD—Miscellaneous records. 1795: 40,000A Montgomery County, Georgia Grant Book UUUU p364-403. 1796: 60,000A Montgomery County, Georgia Grant Book WWWW p1-60. 20 Aug 1796: bond from James Hancock to James Sartain both of Montgomery County, Georgia. 1797: on Montgomery County, Georgia tax list: 550 pine, 1 poll, 68 3/4 cents tax. 1798: on Montgomery County, Georgia tax list: 550 pine, 1 poll, 68 3/4 cents tax. 18 Jan 1798: deed from James Sartain to Davis 200A. Montgomery County, Georgia Deed Book E. p110. 1799: 55A Montgomery County, Georgia Grant Book BBBB p122. 1799: 200A Montgomery County, Georgia Grant Book BBBB p123. 1802: on Tattnall County, Georgia tax list. 1804: witness on a Bill of Sale in Montgomery County, Georgia. 1805: on tax list Montgomery County, Georgia. 1805: on Tattnall County, Georgia tax list. 1805: Georgia land lottery #1457BB; #770BB; #1469BB; #1457BB Montgomery County, Georgia. 1806: on tax list Montgomery County, Georgia. James Sartin no date: married Mary Hargis. ca 1890: daughter Jennie born; married Grundy County, Tennessee 28 July 1918 Lloyd Owen Bean. James Sartain/Fountain 13 Oct 1787: signed a petition for a guard at a Fort being built at their own expense. Burke 40 County, Georgia. Georgia Genealogical Gems, William H. Dumont, Washington, DC: National Genealogical Society, 1981, p6. James Sartain 19 Oct 1701 tax defaulter Capt Fausts’ District, Washington County, Georgia. James Sertin 17 May 1864: enlisted Co. B 123rd Regt. 100 day Volunteers Civil War. Clay County, Indiana History, p372. 1870: currier, lived 60 Oriental Street, Indianapolis. 1870 Indianapolis, Indiana City Directory, p171. James Sartin no date: born Tennessee. no date: married Frances Lesley (____ Tennessee-____), she m/2 ca 1884. 5 Aug 1847: son John A. born. no date: died Webster County, Missouri. John A. Sartin, Rev. only child of James and Frances (Lesley) Sartin. 5 Aug 1847: born Webster, Grant County, Missouri. 18 July 1969: married Barry County, Missouri, Sarah J. Goodnight (19 Nov 1849-____) daughter of John Goodnight of Barry County, Missouri. igi no date: son Ulysses E. born. no date: daughter Judy S. born. no date: daughter Mamie V. born. no date: son John E. born. no date: daughter Nellie R. born. no date: daughter Emma born. no date: son Freddie born. no date: son Eddie born. no date: daughter Allis R. born. no date: son Oliver L. born. History of Newton, Lawrence, Barry and McDonald Counties, Missouri, Missouri Historical Society Library, Columbia, Missouri. Representative from Benton County, Missouri; born Greene Co, Missouri; Resides Cole Camp, Missouri. James Sartain 1798: born Georgia ca 1825: married Tennessee, Matilda Simmons. ca 1824: son John F. born Tennessee. 41 ca 1829: daughter Evaline born Tennessee; married William Carney; lived Crawford County, Arkansas. ca 1833: daughter Martha Jane born. 17 Apr 1836: son Charles J. born, youngest of six children. North Carolina, Tennessee as a young man, Rush County, Texas, Pike County, Illinois. Charles J. Sartain (son of James and Matilda (Simmons) Sartain) 27 Apr 1836: born Coffee County, Tennessee. ca 1846: lived Texas. 1862: lived Pike County, Illinois. 11 Aug 1865: married Illinois, Mary E. Ham (10 Apr 1849 Pike County, Illinois-____). no date: daughter Margaret E. born. no date: son James S. born. no date: son John C. born. no date: daughter Cora born. no date: son Charles H. born. no date: daughter Minnie born. no date: daughter Berdela born. no date: daughter Evaline born, died infant. Lived Jasper and Bates Counties, Missouri. History of Cass and Bates Counties, Missouri, 1883, p1208. James Sartain 1820 census p50 Franklin County, Tennessee 030201-00210. James Sartain 1820 census p5009 Wayne County, North Carolina. James B. Sartain 10 Aug 1943: born. Lived Champaign County, Illinois. 7 Jan 1966: married Dorothy Jane Brooks (10 Oct 1942-____) of Champaign County, Illinois. James B. Sartin ca 1832: born Mississippi. no date: married Mary Jane _______ (ca 1839 Mississippi-____). ca 1858: daughter Susan J. born Mississippi. 1860: census—Marion County, Mississippi. James H. Sartain 25 Jan 1871-20 Oct 1922, buried Colusa cemetery, Colusa, California. James H. Sartain 1929/30: listed in directory of Marion, Grant County, Indiana, lived 521 E. 2nd Street, basketmaker. James Hiram Sartain married Dovie Jane Dickey, daughter born 11 Nov 1884 Water Valley, Yalobusha County, Mississippi. igi 42 James L. Sartain ca 1928: born. 7 Dec 1982 : died Muhlenberg County, Kentucky. Certificate #32167 Volume 65, Death Volume 82. James R. Sartain ca 1798: born Georgia. ca 1825: married Tennessee, Matilda Simmons. 1830: census—James R. Sartin, Franklin Co. Tennessee: 2 males under 5 (1825-1830); 1 male 5-10 (1820-1825); 1 male 20-30 (1800-1810); 2 females under 5 (1825-1830); 1 female 20-30 (1800-1810). 1824: son John F. born. 1829: daughter Evaline born. 1833: daughter Martha Jane born. 1836: son Charles J. born. 1846: moved to Rusk County, Texas, lived there in 1850. 1862: moved to Pike County, Illinois. Children all born Tennessee. History of Call and Bates Counties, Missouri, St. Joseph: National History Company, 1883. Mrs. Earl Gallowary, 4365 Alder Drive, San Diego, California 92116. James Robert Sartain no date: married Bettie Davis. served 38th Mississippi Regt., Capt Brent’s Company, Volunteer Confederate Army. Conveyance Book D. Marion County, Mississippi. Served 7th Alabama Infantry #5918. Index to Confederate Pension Applications—#6917 Marion County, Tennessee. James Rufus Sartain 22 Nov 1851 married Adaline Walker. ? James T. Sartain Aug 1849: born Kentucky. no date: married Elizabeth _______ (Feb 1856 Virginia-____). Nov 1877: son Elijah born. Dec 1879: son Louis born. Jan 1882: son John P. born. Mar 1884: daughter Hannah born. Nov 1885: son William A. born. Dec 1887: son Elisha born. Jan 1893: son James born. 1900: census soundex—Martin County, Kentucky. Children all born Kentucky. 43 John P. Sartain (son of James T. and Elizabeth (_________) Sartain) Jan 1882: born Kentucky. 9 Oct 1968: died Martin County, Kentucky. Death Certificate #25581 Volume 52 Death Volume 68. James T. Sartin Jan 1863: born Kentucky. no date: married Sarah C. _______ (May 1861 Kentucky-____) Oct 1889: son Edman S. born Kentucky. Sept 1891: son Buford L. born Kentucky. 1900: census soundex—Montgomery County, Kentucky: five step-children, last name Franklin. James W. Sartin ca 1864: born, married Luemma Caroline LaFon. Jane Sartain Nov 1821: born Kentucky. 1900: census soundex Barren County, Kentucky. Living with grandson W. L. Star born 1870 Kentucky (and family). Jesse Sartin Apr 1868: born Tennessee. 1900: census soundex, Bolivar Township, Benton County, Indiana—living alone. John Sartain (brother of James and Sier to Madison and Walker Counties, Georgia) John W. Sartain 30 Oct 1872-30 Mar 1879, buried Colusa cemetery, Colusa, California. Joe Sartin May 1870: born Kentucky. 1900: census soundex—living alone in Tompkinsville, Monroe County, Kentucky. Joel Sartin no date: married Sally _______. no date: daughter Mahala C. born; married Franklin County, Georgia 13 Dec 1841 by William B. Gillespie, JP, Jesse M. Payne. no date: daughter Mary Ann born - name in father’s will; married Franklin County, Georgia 1 Oct 1840 by William B. Gillespie JP, Ephraim Massey. no date: daughter Harriet born - named in father’s estate; married C. T. Adison. no date: daughter Nancy born - named in father’s estasre; married Robert Adams. no date: daughter Elizabeth S. born - named in father’s estate; married Henry Horton. no date: son Larkin born. no date: married to Lilly _______ when will was written. no date: daughter Lilly born - named in father’s estate; mentioned 1823-1829 in the will 44 of Elizabeth Neal of Franklin County, Georgia - “my saddle to my granddaughter Lilla Sartain”. Franklin County, Georgia Minutes of the Court of the Ordinary 1823-1829. 11 Apr 1827: was a fortunate drawer in a Georgia Land Lottery,on the 31st day’s drawing in Capt. Strange’s District dt2 sec3, Troup County, Georgia. 7 June 1834: will written Franklin County, Georgia. William Leal, Seth Stange and Lilly Sartin Executors. Samuel T. Payne and Richard Bellamy. Witnesses. 4 May 1829-11 Nov 1844: the last will and testament of Joel Sartain deceased being presented to the court and the same being proved it was ordered to be recorded and the executors therein named qualified, whereupon William F. Neal, Seth Strong, Jr. and Lilly Sartain the executors appointed in said will were duly qualified. Minutes of Franklin County, Georgia Court of the Ordianry 1829-1844. Sept 1834: Samuel T. Payne appointed executor Franklin County, Georgia. Larkin Sarten (son of Joel and Sally Sartin) 14 Nov1847: married Franklin County, Georgia by William T. Crow, Permely Elizabeth Cape. 5 May 1858: in settlement of estate of Joel Sartin—Twelve months support for Elizabeth Sertain, widow of Larking Sertain,deceased. Joel Sartain 1830 census Adair County, Kentucky—1 male under 5 (1825-1830); 2 males 10-15 (1815-1820); 1 male 30-40 (1790-1800); 2 females under 5 (1825-1830); 2 females 5-10 (1820-1825); 1 female 30-40 (1790-1800); 1 female 60-70 (1760-1770) Joel Sartin 2 July 1749 and 8 Feb 1753: received land grants in Monroe County, Kentucky. Joel Sartain 1820 census p28 Barren County, Kentucky. 1830: census p178 Glascow, Barren County, Kentucky. 16 July 1916: died age 82 Barren County, Kentucky [The one male under 5?] Certificate #23788 Volume 60 Death Volume 12. Joel Sartain 1830: census p234 Giles County, Virginia. Joel S. Sartin: 29 Jan 1776: received a land grant—2A on water course Sulphur Lick Creek. Morgan County, Kentucky Deed Book 96 p188. John Sartin Feb 1757: petitioned for land in Georgia. “Read a petition of John Sartin” for 200A of land 45 at Cedar Point about a mile to the southward of William Clark. Sartain said he had a wife and six children. Petition granted, warrant issued. Colonial Records of Georgia, Volume 7 p469 and 493. 3 Apr 1757: petitioned for land in Georgia. At a Council meeting in Savannah read a petition of John Sartin setting forth that he had been in the Provence five years and no lands granted to him herein and was desirous to obtain land for cultivation. Thereof, praying for 100A on the waters of North Newport at a place called Bear Head Swamp which if granted he engaged to cultivate and plant the same. “Resolved that on condition only that the petitioner doth take out a grant for the said land within seven months from the date and that he doth also register the said grant in the register office of this provence within six months from the date thereof that his majesty may not be defrauded of his Quit Rents the prayer of the said petitioner is granted”. Colonial Records of Georgia, Volume 7 p452. 6 Dec 1757: James Woodland petitions for 200A of land improved by him, but during his absence was granted to John Sartin. Consideration of petition was postponed since Sartin has possession and “has a year from this day to bring his family into the province”. Colonial Records of Georgia, Volume 7 p682. Dec 1758: the 200A were given to James Woodland since Sartin acknowledged that he had not complied with the order of 6 Dec 1757. Colonial Records of Georgia, Volume 7 p855. 3 Dec 1760: the Governor signed the following grants “...John Sartain 100A in St. John’s parish...”. John Sartain 1797: son Elisha born. 1820: census p52 Madison County, Georgia. 1830: census p114 Madison County, Georgia. 1824: on tax list Madison County, Georgia. Elisha Sartain (son of John Sartain) 1797: born. no date: married Fanny Woods/Bonds. 1820: census—Madison County, Georgia. 1830: census p114 Madison County, Georgia. 1833/8: son Gilford born. 20 Aug 1835: served as 2nd Lt. Madison County, Georgia, MR1829-1841 p83 Military Commission. 1837: land in Madison County, Georgia: Book S5 p23 100A; S5 p24 250A. 1856-60: with John, David and John Crider 141A in Franklin County, Georgia. 1880/1: died. Lived Virginia, Madison County, Georgia and Walker County, Georgia. Gilford Sartain (son of Elisha and Fanny (Woods/Bonds) Sartain) 1833/38: born Madison County, Georgia. 46 no date: married Margaret Scarboro (1843 Madison County, Georgia-1881, buried Crawfish Spring, Walker County, Georgia) Went to Madison County in 1881. 1859: son David Asbury born. 1861: daughter Corrie born; married 1879 Henry A. “Tip” Blaylock or John Long. 1864: son Gilford, Jr. born. 14 Feb 1866: son James Alfred born. 1868: daughter Elizabeth born, died 1888. 1869: son John W. “Will” born, died 1909. 1879: to Walker County, Georgia. 1881: died. Farmer, Civil War SCA, Lived Walker County, Georgia. History of Walker County, Georgia, by James Alfred Sartain Vol. 1 p486, Published 1932: “Gilford served in the Civil War and after that bloody conflict was ended, he returned to his home and engaged in farming. He was a robust man of unusual physical strength, and at the community log-rollings he was sure to carry the heaviest load. On on occasion he was placed at the heavy end of a large log and althgouh he managed to carry it, he ruptured a blood vessel in doing so and before leaving the field had a hemorrhage. He never recovered but gradually declining, he died a few years later, leaving six small children to be reared by his widow. How that mother worked, lived in penury, suffered for the necessities of life, but still clung doggedly to the little ones, would be a long story. In 1879 the little family came to Walker Co., settling at Crawfish Spring, where she died and is buried, leaving the little fellows to face the world alone.” David Asbury Sartain (son of Gilford and Margaret (Scarboro) Sartain) 1859: born Madison County, Georgia. ca 1883: married Arminda Bagwell (1860 Walker County, Georgia-bef 1918, buried Chicamauga Cemetery) daughter of Jesse and Julia Bagwell. no date: son David born, farmer, carpenter, draughtsman at Coke Owens, Chickamauga. 14 Nov 1884: son Dawson McBryer “Mack” born, died 17 July 1899. 1 Jan 1887: daughter Willie Leola born, married Fred Campbell. no date: child Corrie born. 5 May 1892: twin Virgil Elder. 5 May 1892: twin Virgie Ella born; married 28 July 1920 Cedar Grove, Georgia, Pasco Monroe Carter (17 Apr 1885-20 Oct 1945); died 2 Oct 1945. Children: Gladys Ruth Carter married _______ Boyle; Kathleen Sue Carter married ______ Bell; Robbie Lee Carter married _______ Hyde. 18 Nov 1893: daughter Ruth Asbury born, married Linton Jackson Anderson. no date: died, buried Chickamauga Cemetery. Walker County, Georgia History, 1932. Virgil Elder Sartain (son of David Asbury and Arminda (Bagwell) Sartain) 5 May 1892: born. no date: married Lucy Hughes. 47 no date: child J. D. born. no date: son Paul born. no date: daughter Leota Mae born. no date: daughter Mildred born. no date: daughter Betty born. no date: daughter Jean born. James Alfred Sartain (son of Gilford and Margaret (Scarboro) Sartain) 14 Feb 1866: born Kentucky. 10 Mar 1910: married Walker County, Georgia, Nannie Glenn (1 June 1866 Walker County, Georgia-30 July 1915 Walker County, Georgia). 26 Dec 1917: married Walker County, Georgia, Sallie Shankle (14 Oct 1881-2 July 1925) 25 Jan 1921: son James Shankle Sartain born. Lived Walker County and LaFayette, Georgia, Baptist. History of Walker County, Georgia, James A. Sartain and A. M. Matthews, Dalton: A. J. Showalter Company, 1932. John Sartin 5 Oct 1843 married in Forsyth County, Georgia, Mary Smith. John Sartin 20 Dec 1821 married by John B. McMilla JP in Franklin County, Georgia, Nelly Bond. John Sartain, Sr. 29 Jan 1832 married by John Bramblatt MG, Franklin County, Georgia, Mary Ann Coker. John Sartain 1801: on Elbert County, Georgia tax list. 1814: on Elbert County, Georgia tax list p3 (Sarten). 4 Mar 1816: 274A—balance on his own and eight of family. Elbert County, Georgia Land Court Records 1791-1822. 5 Sept 1831: acted as executor of the will of John Bray in Elbert County, Georgia. John B. Sartain 18 Apr 1845: married Lincoln County, Kentucky, Martha Ann McClure. 18 Dec 1851: son William A. born. William A. Sartain 18 Dec 1851: born McLean County, Illinois. 17 Jan 1876: married Capitola Grace Ennis (9 Aug 1859 Bloomington, McLean County, Illinois-26 Sept 1908 Champaign County, Illinois, buried Bellflower Cemetery) daughter of John and Elizabeth (Dancy) Ennis. no date: son Charles A. born. 48 1 July 1879: daughter Maude Grace born Chetopa, Kansas; married 23 Oct 1929 Champaign County, Illinois, Frank E. Painter (1869 Foosland, Illinois-23 Oct 1929 Foosland, Illinois, buried Mt. Hope Cemetery—Foosland) son of George and Louisa (Stine) Painter); died 30 June 1940 Lotus, Illinois, buried Bellflower Cemetery. Children: Clifford Painter. 23 May 1903: son Everett Franklin Painter born 23 May 1903 Dewey, Illinois; married Saybrook, Illinois 19 Aug 1934 Mildred E. Thompson; died 10 June 1981 Danville, Vermilion County, Illinois, buried Bellflower Cemetery. Robert Painter born; married Shiloh, Illinois 10 June 1931 Margaret Taylor. Lila M. Painter born 1905; married Dwight, Illinois 5 May 1929 Sanford O. Ferguson; died 7 Jan 1986 Champaign County, Illinois, buried Bellflower Cemetery. Herbert Sartain Painter born 27 Oct 1909; married Champaign County, Illinois 24 Sept 1930 Gladys Isabel Bishop; died 21 June 1984 Urbana, Champaign County, Illinois, buried Grandview Memorial Gardens. Bert O. Painter born 1913; married 15 Dec 1944 Margaret Farbin; died 28 Oct 1951 Wilmington, Illinois, buried Bellflower Cemetery. Victor L. Painter born 14 Mar 1907; married Champaign County, Illinois 14 Mar 1938 Lucille Liestman; died 18 Feb 1989 Champaign, Illinois, buried Mt. Hope Cemetery—Foosland. Apr 1880: son Edward J. born. Apr 1880: daughter Anna born Kansas; married Champaign County, Illinois 9 June 1904 William Tate. 10 July 1883: daughter Lenora M. born Kansas; married Champaign County, Illinois 3 Aug 1910 Robert H. Goodpasture; died 4 Aug 1917 Twin Falls, Idaho, buried Bellflower Cemetery. Dec 1884: son John born. 21 Oct 1886: son Fred G. born. 24 Aug 1892: daughter born and died. 6 Apr 1924: died Los Angeles County, California, buried Bellflower Cemetery. Charles A. Sartain (son of William A. and Capitola Grace (Ennis) Sartain) no date: born Chetopa, Kansas. 8 Jan 1899: married Martha Jenkins, Bellflower, McLean County, Illinois. Edward J. Sartain (son of William A. and Capitola Grace (Ennis) Sartain) Apr 1880: born Kansas. 10 Jan 1900: married Champaign County, Illinois, Lula M. Faraquahar. John Sartain (son of William A. and Capitola Grace (Ennis) Sartain) Dec 1884: born Labette County, Kansas. 15 Sept 1903: married Saybrook, Illinois, Fannie Shoemaker (15 Sept 1881 Virginia-31 49 May 1904 Bellflower, Illinois, buried Bellflower Cemetery) daughter of Henry and Lydia (Owens) Shoemaker. She was killed when a team of broncos hitched to her buggy ran off and threw her out against a bridge near the John Wolf residence. Fred G. Sartain (son of William A. and Capitola Grace (Ennis) Sartain) 21 Oct 1886: born Bellflower, McLean County, Illinois. 11 Oct 1905: married Champaign County, Illinois, Martha V. Myers (16 Aug 1884 Lytleville, Illinois- 13 Feb 1969 Normal, McLean County, Illinois, buried Bellflower Cemetery) daughter of Olden and Lucy Marker Meyers, divorced. 7 Jan 1907: daughter Marguerite L. born Champaign County, Illinois; married Kankakee, Illinois 13 Aug 1931 Homer Boyd Johnson (8 May 1898 Speedwell, Kentucky-18 Oct 1967 Normal, McLean County, Illinois, buried Bellflower Cemetery); died 2 Nov 1988 Normal, McLean County, Illinois, buried Bellflower Cemetery. 3 Aug 1909: son Bruce W. born Lotus, Illinois; married Norfolk, Virginia 12 June 1948 Elizabeth Potter Lewis, divorced; died 27 Nov 1977 Bloomington, McLean County, Illinois, buried Bellflower Cemetery. no date: daughter Faye born; married Macomb, Illiois 5 Dec 1936 Estil Manahan (20 Feb 1914 Arrowsmith, Illinois-23 June 1989 Bloomington, McLean County, Illinois, buried Bellflower Cemetery) son of Frank and (Dollie Witt) Manahan. no date: daughter Lillie born; married Bushnell, Illinois 21 Nov 1936 Loren Bean. 21 Nov 1915: daughter Helen Christine born; died 23 Nov date: daughter Opal born; married Urbana, Champaign County, Illinois 3 May 1937 Lawrence Bailey.18 Dec 1921: daughter Evelyn born; married LeRoy, Illinois 1 Oct 1944 Judson Chubbuck; died 25 June 1985 LeRoy, Illinois, buried Oak Grove Cemetery. 16 June 1941: married Palmyra, Missouri, Verma Moss (1900-____). 21 Oct 1959: died Bloomington, McLean County, Illinios, buried Bellflower Cemetery. John Sartain 1720: born North Carolina. no date: married __________ (1724 North Carolina-____) of Rutherford County, North Carolina. 1746: daughter Amanda born - of Little Broad River, Tryon, North Carolina; married Joseph Gregory. Child: Anastacia Gregory born 1768 Kentucky. John Sartain 1799: on tax list Knox County, Tennessee. John Sartin and Joel Sartin: 2 July 1749 and 8 Feb 1753: received land grants in Monroe County, Kentucky. John Sartin 27 Mar 1772: John Sartain vs Lightfoot. Pittsylvania County, Virginia Court Order Book 1 p382. 1778: on Pittslyvania County, Virginia tax list—one tithe. 1782-3: married Pittslyvania County, Virginia, Anna Adkins/Atchison. 50 16 June 1786: deed from Caleb Handley to John Sartain. Pittsylvania County, Virginia Deed Book 8 p347. 20 May 1788: John Sartain vs Edmund Hodges, estate excutor. Pittsylvania County, Virginia Court Order Book 6 p347. 16 June 1791: son Joel Stanley born. 7 June 1793: daughter Elizabeth born; married William Wood Clark (20 Oct 1818-_______); died 17 Feb 1860, buried Jeff Shirley Farm cemetery, Metcalfe County, Kentucky. Vera Steere Thomas, 1871 S. 6th St. Concord CA in 1957. no date: son Elijah born. no date: son John born. no date: died early in Lincoln County, Kentucky. 29 Aug 1797: widow married Jean-Baptiste Francois Veluzat, Lincoln County, Kentucky. Mrs. Lawless T. Thompson, 2106 Bonnycastle Ave, Louisville, Kentucky 40205. 1969. Mrs. (Daphne) N. B. Hedges, 317 Albany Road, Lexington, Kentucky 40503. 1969. Mrs. N. B. Hedges, 105 Goodrich Ave, Lexington, Kentucky 40503. Barren County, Kentucky: Sartin Cemetery on Jeff Shirley farm: one mile north of Burksville Road near Barren-Metcalf County line. Joel Stanley Sartin (son of John and Anne (Adkins) Sartin) igi 16 June 1791 (gravestone): born Glasgow, Barren County, Kentucky or Lincoln County, Kentucky (gravestone). 13 Nov 1815: married Lincoln County, Kentucky by Reuben Parks, Sarah “Sally” Lunsford (2 Dec 1794 Lancaster County, Virginia-25 May 1871, buried Jeff Shirley farm, Barren County, Kentucky). 1810-20: son Lewis born. 1817: son Alfred born. 1820: census—Barren County, Kentucky—3 males under 10 (1810-1820); 1 male 26-45 (1775-1794); 1 female 26-45 (1775-1794); 1 female 45 up (before 1775); 2 in agriculture. 20 Jan 1822: daughter Lucinda born Stanford, Lincoln County, Kentucky; married 28 Jan 1838 Barren County, Kentucky by Andrew Nuckols, Stephen Glass (25 Aug 1816-13 Apr 1895) with Joel Sartain as Security; died 20 Jan 1882. Child: Caroline Glass born 30 June 1853 Barren County, Kentucky. ca 1823: daughter Polly Ann born Kentucky; married William Ward. 1960: Mrs. Vernon Sartain, Box 191, Burle, Idaho. 1960: Mrs. Myrtie Vibbert, Rupert, Idaho. 1960: Margaret Catmeull Sartain, 2963 Garden Circle, Salt Lake City, Utah. no date: daughter Nancy born; married Barren County, Kentucky 12 Nov 1846 by Andrew Nuckols, Hugh Wilborn, with Joel Sartain, Security. no date: daughter Elizabeth born; married 2 Mar 1843 Barren County, Kentucky by Andrew Nuckols, Thomas N. Clark; died 1860 buried Sartin cemetery, Jeff Shirley farm, Barren County, Kentucky. Children: Joseph Clark born 12 Sept 1853 Barren County, Kentucky. 51 Thomas N. Clark, Jr. born 4 Feb 1856 Barren County, Kentucky. Louisa Clark born 3 Apr 1860 Barren County, Kentucky. no date: daughter Caroline born; married 4 Jan 1849 Barren County, Kentucky by Andrew Nuckols, William Wood Clark (20 Oct 1818-____) son of Joseph and Elizabeth D. Clark, with Joel Sartin Security. 1827: son William born Kentucky. 1830: son Joel Stanley, Jr. born. 1830: census—Barren County, Kentucky—1 male under 5 (1825-1830); 2 males 10-15 (1815-1820); 1 male 30-40 (1790-1800); 2 females under 5 (1825-1830); 2 females 5-10 (1820-1825); 1 female 20-30 (1800-1810); 1 female 50-60 1770-1780). 1840: census—Barren County, Kentucky—1 male 10-15 (1825-1830); 1 male 20-30 (1810-1820); 1 male 40-50 (1790-1800); 1 female under 5 (1835-1840); 2 females 5-10 (1830-1835); 1 female 10-15 (1825-1830); 1 female 130-40 (1800-1810). 1850: census—farmer, #835 #853 Barren County, Kentucky: Joel, age 58, farmer, $1000 real, born Kentucky; Sally, age 56, born Virginia; Joel Jr., age 20, farmer, born Kentucky; Polly Ann, age 17, born Kentucky; William, age 23, born Kentucky. 25 Oct 1850: will written. 14 Nov 1853: died age 62, buried Sartin cemetery on Jeff Shirley farm. Barren County, Kentucky Vital Statistics 1852-62. Lewis Sartin (son of Joel Stanley and Sally (Lunsford) Sartain) 1810-1820: born. 16 Nov 1841: married Barren County, Kentucky by George B. Harland with Mary Jane Denham and Joel Sartin, Securities. Alfred Sartin (son of Joel Stanley and Sarah (Lunsford) Sartin) 1817: born Lincoln County, Kentucky. no date: married Rachel Martin (1825 Barren County, Kentucky-7 Mar 1857 Barren County, Kentucky) daughter of J. H. Martin. Kentucky vital statistics 1852-62). ca 1839: daughter Elizabeth F. born Kentucky; married Zachariah Bunch. Child: Tuesse Bunch born 14 Nov 1860 Barren County, Kentucky. ca 1842: daughter Sarah born Kentucky. ca 1850: son Joel C. born Kentucky, 3 months old at 1850 census. 1850: census—#813 #831 Barren County, Kentucky. 16 Aug 1858: married America Nichols (ca1824-____). igi no date: son Lemuel born. no date: daughter Ann born. no date: daughter Lucinda born. no date: son John born. Saw service during the Civil War on the Confederate side. Lived near Glascow, Barren County, Kentucky; Andrian County, Missouri. Joel C. Sartain (son of Alfred and Rachel Sartain) ca 1850: born Kentucky. 52 1868: lived Barren County, Kentucky. no date: married Anne _______. Mrs. Vera S. Thomas, 1871 S 6th St. Concord, California—1959 Helper ad. Joel Stanley Sartin, Jr. (son of Joel Stanley and Sally (Lunsford) Sartin) 29 Dec 1829: born Summer Shade, Metcalfe County, Kentucky. 19 Nov 1850: married Mary Payne (1 Nov 1828 Lancaster County, Virginia-2 July 1912). 10 Sept 1851: son Louis Lumphard born. 1 Feb 1861: daughter Albina F. born Metcalfe County, Kentucky; married 21 Dec 1874 James Pedigo; died 12 June 1931. ca 1863: son William born. 28 Apr 1867: son Solomon Melvin born. 1900: census soundex—Summershade, Metcalfe County, Kentucky. 2 July 1912: died. Louis Lumphard Sartain (son of Joel Stanley and Mary (Payne) Sartain, Jr.) 10 Sept 1851: born Summer Shade, Metcalfe C7ounty, Kentucky. 21 Mar 1875: married Molly J. Harris (9 Jan 1856 Summer Shade, Metcalfe County, Kentucky-23 Aug 1908 buried Jeff Shirley Farms, Kentucky) daughter of Francis and Nancy (Hutchins) Harris. 20 Jan 1876: son Joel Emmett born. 13 May 1878: daughter Mary Fanny born Summershade, Metcalfe County, Kentucky; married John Tooley; died 29 May 1954. 9 Nov 1880: son Roma Arthur born, died 18 Feb 1929. 13 Aug 1883: son William Herbert born. 3 May 1886: son Johnny Thomas born, died 15 Feb 1889. 7 Aug 1888: daughter Myrtie J. born Summershade, Metcalfe County, Kentucky; married 14 Apr 1910 Charles Vibbert, divorced; did not marry Walter Prince Pitcodk; died 14 Feb 1968 Rupert, Mindk Couonty, Idaho. 26 May 1891: daughter Maude Elizabeth born Summershade, Metcalfe County, Kentucky; married 30 Jan 1910 Jim Billingsley; died 18 May 1924. 12 June 1895: daughter Ora Lee born, died 30 June 1895. 13 Jan 1900: son Dewey Onel born. 1900: census soundex—Summershade, Metcalfe County, Kentucky. 18 Jan 1910: m/2 Mary Wilburn. 28 June 1931: died Jeff Shirley Farms, Metcalfe County, Kentucky. Joel Emmett Sartain (son of Louis Lumphard and Molly (Harris) Sartain) 20 Jan 1876: born Summershade, Metcalfe County, Kentucky. 14 Mar 1906: married Summershade, Metcalfe County, Kentucky, Eva Stevens. 28 Apr 1949: died. William Herbert Sartain (son of Louis Lumphard and Molly (Harris) Sartain) 13 Aug 1883: born Summershade, Metcalfe County, Kentucky. 53 12 Oct 1912: married Addie Bell Duncan. 9 Feb 1966: died. Dewey Onel Sartain (son of Louis Lumphard and Molly (Harris) Sartain) 13 Jan 1900: born. 9 Jan 1918: married Betty Ann Vance. Solomon Melvin Sartin (son of Joel Stanley and Mary (Payne) Sartin, Jr.) 28 Apr 1867: born Pikeville, Pike County, Kentucky. no date: married Louetta Rittle Castle (Mar 1866 Kentucky-____). Oct 1898: daughter Ella Mae born Kentucky. ca 1900: son Andrew B. born. 1900: soundex Caney, Morgan County, Kentucky. no date: son Clyde born. 1910: son Frederick born Oklahoma. no date: daughter Grace born. Teacher-minister-Methodist, lived near Winchester, Fayette County, Kentucky. John Sartain 1830: census p152 Madison County, Alabama. John Sartine 2 Aug 1784: soldier’s allotment of lands at Louisville, Kentucky for Clark’s Illinois Regiment. The Kentucky Genealogist, Mar 1972 p17. John Sartain 13 Dec 1816: married Gerrard County, Kentucky, Sally Ball. 1830: census p214 Garrard County, Kentucky. no date: daughter Mary “Polly” Sartain born. John Sartain no date: married Mabel Collins. 12 Feb 1743: daughter Amie Sartain baptized St. Lukes Episcopal Parish, Church Hill, Queen Annes County, Maryland. igi John Sartin ca 1820: born Mississippi. no date: married Seleta _______ (ca 1825 Mississippi-____). ca 1846: son William born. ca 1851: son John W. born. ca 1852: son James born. ca 1856: daughter Sarah Jane born. ca 1858: son Leander born. 1860: census—farmer in Marion County, Mississippi. 54 John B. Sartain 1831-1835: deed to George W. Bay. McLean County, Illinois Deed Book 2 p124. deed to Ambrose P. Hays. McLean County, Illinois Deed Book 2 p147 deed to Lydia Zike. McLean County, Illinois Deed Book 2 p149. deed to Henry Draper. McLean County, Illinois Deed Book 2 p151. deed to William Stuart. McLean County, Illinois Deed Book 2 p152. deed to Ridgon Fletcher. McLean County, Illinois Deed Book 2 p628. John C. Sartain ca 1908: born. 21 Oct 1968: died age 60 Henderson County, Kentucky. Certificate #24321 Volume 49 Death Volume #68. John L. Sartain ca 1798: born North Carolina. no date: married Elizabeth Cable (30 Nov 1808 Tennessee-4 Aug 1886 Cedar Vale, Chautauqua County, Kansas) ?daughter of Jacob Cable. 1822: on tax list in Jefferson County, Tennessee. ca 1828: son Alfred F. born Tennessee. 1828-1832: farmer, moved to Monroe County, Kentucky. 12 Dec 1832: daughter Elizabeth Sewell born Kentucky; married 6 Nov 1851 John Hogen Rush; died 5 Feb 1905. 14 Dec 1834: son William Turner born. ca 1831: son Andrew Jefferson born, married Caroline Hagan. 31 May 1840: son Hiram C. born. ca 1843: son John L.? born. 30 Jan 1845: son Thomas H. born. 1 Apr 1847: son Stephen Lafayette born. 1850: census Monroe County, Kentucky: John, age 52, farmer, born North Carolina; Elizabeth, age 45, born Tennessee; Alfred, age 22, born Tennessee; Elizabeth, age 17, born Kentucky; William, age 15, born Kentucky; Jefferson, age 12, born Kentucky; Hiram, age 10, born Kentucky; John, age 7, born Kentucky; Thomas, age 4, born Kentucky; Stephen, age 3, born Kentucky. 31 Aug 1855: son Willis F. born Monroe County, Kentucky. igi 1862: died Columbia, Kentucky, buried Tompkinsville, Monroe County, Kentucky. Mrs. Robert L. Ratliff, 2839 Idaho Ave, Dallas Texas 75216.—1967. Helen Spore, R.R. Kildare, Oklahoma, 74642 1969. Alfred F. Sartin (son of John L. and Elizabeth (Cable) Sartin) ca 1828: born Tennessee. 30 Dec 1851: married Jane Arterburn. 9 Jan 1862: died Columbia, Kentucky during the Civil War of measles. 55 William Turner Sartin (son of John L. and Elizabeth (Cable) Sartin) 14 Dec 1834: born near Tompkinsville, Monroe County, Kentucky, father born NC, mother born Tennessee. 27 Oct 1859: married Monroe County, Kentucky, Margaret Picock. igi no date: son Harrison born. no date: daughter Laura born. no date: daughter Gillia married _______ Combs in Kansas. no date: son Aaron C. born. ca 1809: Elizabeth, mother, parents born Tennessee. ca 1848: Stephen L. Sartin, farm-labor born Kentucky, father born North Carolina, mother born Tennessee. 1880: census—Harrison Township, Chatauqua County, Kansas. 20 Feb 1881: m/2 Clinton County, Ohio, Lutie Ruth Summers. igi 5 Feb/23 Dec 1915: died. Aaron C. Sartin (son of William Turner and Lutie Ruth (Summers) Sartin) no date: married Kathryn Muzzy. ca 1870: lived Thompkinsville, Kentucky. 1890: son Walter Muzzy Sartain born. no date: daughter Gladys born, married _______ Kane, lived Tulsa, Oklahoma. no date: son Allen born. no date: daughter Katheryn died 1969, married ______ Musgrove. no date: son Maxwell born. no date: daughter Dorothy born, married _____ Brennen, lived Tulsa, Oklahoma. Walter Muzzy Sartin (son of Aaron C. and Kathryn (Muzzy) Sartin) 1890: born Cedarville, Chatauqua County, Kansas. no date: married Myra Gertrude Haines. 21 Aug 1911: son Walter Myron Sartin born. no date: daughter Thelma born, married _____ Paulsen, lived Heber Spring, Arkansas. no date: son Leslie A. lived Joplin, Missouri. no date: daughter Ivah born, married _____ Washburn, lived Maryland. no date: son Donald Richard born, lived Dallas, Texas. Walter M. Sartain, Jr., 1201 S. Scott St. #722, Arlington, VA 22204—1970. Hiram C. Sartin (son of John L. and Elizabeth (Cable) Sartin) 31 May 1840: born Kentucky. ca 1868: married Monroe County, Kentucky, Nancy J. Bushong daughter of George and Nancy (Parker) Bushong. no date: m/2 Margaret M. Lyons. no date: m/3 Josie ______. 2 Apr 1918/23 Dec 1915: died. John L.? Sartin (son of John L. and Elizabeth (Cable) Sartin) 56 ca 1843: born Monroe County, Kentucky. 1870: to Cedar Vale, Kansas. 1880: census: Harrison Township, Chatauqua County, Kansas. Thomas H. Sartin (son of John L. and Elizabeth (Cable) Sartin) 30 Jan 1845: born Monroe County, Kentucky. 18 June 1870: married Augusta Cable. 30 Mar 1915: died. Stephen Lafayette Sartin (son of John L. and Elizabeth (Cable) Sartin) 1 Apr 1847: born Monroe County, Kentucky. no date: married Eva D. Overman. 6 Feb 1896: died. A Roster of Revolutionary Ancestors of the Indiana Daughters of the American Revolution. 1973-1976. Evansville, Indiana: Unigraphic, Inc., Volume 3. John T. Sartin (brother of Nancy, living with Alexander Copeland) ca 1835: born South Carolina. 1850: census p24 #362 Walker County, Georgia living with Alexander Copeland. John W. Sartain Dec 1857: born Kentucky. no date: married Polly J. _______ (Feb 1861 Kentucky-____). Sept 1883: daughter Hattie born Kentucky. Dec 1885: son Avery born Kentucky. July 1888: daughter Flossie L. born Kentucky. Dec 1890: son Herbert born Kentucky. Apr 1893: son Baril born Kentucky. Oct 1895: son Comer born Kentucky. 1900: census soundex—Tompkinsville, Monroe County, Kentucky. Jonathan Sertain, Sr. 1829: received grant of 100A. Madison County, Georgia Grant Book Q5 p156. 1829: received grant of 200A. Madison County, Georgia Grant Book Q5 p161. Jonathan H. Sartain ca 1819: born Georgia, farmer. no date: married Martha E. _______ (1824 Kentucky-____) ca 1843: son John T. born Kentucky. ca 1846: daughter Martha S. born Kentucky. 18 Sept 1850: census—Henderson County, Kentucky. Joseph Sarten 57 3 Apr 1719: married Margaret Witting. 12 July 1722: daughter Mary baptized. Joseph Sarten Mar 1847: born Kentucky. no date: married Ann _______ (Mar 1850 Kentucky-____). 1900: census soundex—Upper Tygort, Carter County, Kentucky. Joseph Sartin no date: married Anna Frances Campbell. 1883: son Benjamin F. born. Benjamin F. Sartin (son of Joseph and Anna Frances (Campbell) ca 1883: born Seymore, Webster County, Missouri. 11 June 1911: married Fordland, Webster County, Missouri, Callie Mae Hargis (1895 Missouri-____). no date: m/2 Ermie Green. 2 May 1978: died Seymore, Webster County, Missouri. Sharon Marie Anderson, 10 Alameda, Irvine, California 92714. LDS film #1394225. Joseph M. Sartin no date: married Harriet E. Summers. 17 Jan 1906: son Milburn Morton born. Milburn Morton Sartin (son of Joseph M. and Harriet E. (Summers) Sartin) 17 Jan 1906: born South Bend, Saint Joseph County, Indiana. 1927: graduated B.S. University of Illinois. 25 May 1932: married Katherine Reel. no date: son Milburn Morton, Jr. born. no date: son Darrel Eugene born. Lived 5631 Western Avenue, Omaha, Nebraska. Director, Comptroller, Carpenter Paper Company. Who’s Who in Commerce and Industry, A. N. Marquis Company. Kelly Sartain 1797: born Wilkes County, North Carolina. 30 Oct 1816: married Wilkes County, North Carolina, Nancy Beshears (ca 1800 North Carolina-after 1880 Webster County, Missouri). LDS ca 1817: child born. 13 June 1819: daughter Elizabeth born; married John Jennings (1819-____). Four children. 1828: son Hiram Leander born. 1835: daughter Matilda born Kentucky; married Nicamor Pelkington; m/2 William Rutherford; m/3 B. H. Jones (1833 Marshfield, Greene County, Missouri-____). 6 Aug 1835: daughter Acenath (Martha) born. See below. 58 1837: son Jesse born. 1839: son William born. ca 1845: daughter Nancy G. born Taylor Township, Greene County, Missouri. 1846: daughter Mary J/L. born Taylor Township, Greene County, Missouri; married John Rutherford (1846-____). Hiram Leander Sartain (son of Kelly and Nancy (Beshears) Sartain) 1828: born Virginia. 6 Apr 1853: married Green County, Missouri, Mary Ann Pogue (10 Nov 1834 Webster County, Missouri-____). igi 3 Mar 1854: daughter Melissa born Benton, Green County, Missouri; married Thomas L. John Denney (1854-____). 1857: son Johnnie born. 13 Sept 1857: son Jasper born. (1857-____). 6 Dec 1861: son Jesse born Sarvis Point, Webster County, Missouri; married Lucinda Dillion (1861-____). Nov 1865: daughter Sarah Jane born Webster County, Missouri; married 12 Aug 1893 Rogersville, Webster County, Missouri, John Sickles (Aug 1869 Ohio-____). Children: John Irvin Sickles born 1895 West Benton Township, Webster County, Missouri; married Welma Foster (1895-____); died 13 Jan 1953 Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee. 1 Mar 1867: daughter Nancy Catherine born Fordland, Webster County, Missouri; married 14 Mar 1887 Webster County, Missouri, John M. Terrill (1867-____). 3 Mar 1872: son Ulyssis Grant born. 17 Sept 1874: daughter Laura born Sarvis Point, Webster County, Missouri; married Webster County, Missouri 30 Mar 1894 John David Mincks (1874-____). 1877: son Thomas L. born. Johnnie Sartain (son of Hiram Leander and Mary Ann (Pogue) Sartain) 1857: born Benton, Webster County, Missouri. Jasper Sartain (son of Hiram Leander and Mary Ann (Pogue) Sartain) 13 Sept 1857: born Benton, Webster County, Missouri. 28 Nov 1876: married Anna Frances Cardwell (1857-____). Jesse Sartain (son of Hiram Leander and Mary Ann (Pogue) Sartain) 6 Dec 1861: born Webster County, Missouri. 27 Jan 1882: married Webster County, Missouri, Lucinda Dillion (1861-____) Ulyssis Grant Sartain (son of Hiram Leander and Mary Ann (Pogue) Sartain) 3 Mar 1872: born Sarvis Point, Finley Township, Webster County, Missouri. 22/24 Dec 1891: married Webster County, Missouri, Cynthia Elizabeth Greene (1872-____). 59 14 May 1900: daughter Arthur Edith born Fordland, Webster County, Missouri. 1 Sept 1902: daughter Ava Elbert born Fordland, Webster County, Missouri; married Monmouth, Crawford County, Kansas 1935 Abner Tygart. 20 Aug 1895: daughter Mary Clementine born Fordland, Webster County, Missouri. 24 Jan 1899: daughter Minnie Jane born Fordland, Webster County, Missouri. Thomas L. Sartain (son of Hiram Leander and Mary Anne (Pogue) Sartain) 1877: born Sarvis Point, Webster County, Missouri. no date: married Vesta Myrtle Townlain (1877-____). Acenath (Martha) Sartain (daughter of Kelly and Nancy (Beshears) Sartain) 6 Aug 1835: born Branlet, Tennessee. 23 Sept 1852: married Greene County, Missouri, Andrew Jackson Pogue (1832 Tennessee-____). 6 Jan 1855: son James K. Pogue born Buchanan Township, Taney County, Missouri; married Mary E. _______ (1855-____); m/2 Mary Frances Simpson (24 Feb 1864 Miller County, Missouri-____). Children: Hattie Belle Pogue born 26 Nov 1888 Atkins, Pope County, Arkansas; married Henry Melton Beavers (19 June 1886 Baxter County, Arkansas-____). Children: _______ Beavers. Millard Beavers born ca 1920 Gasville, Baxter County, Arkansas. 31 Mar 1857: daughter Citta Clementine Pogue born 31 Mar 1857 Buchanan Township, Taney County, Missouri; married Alexander P. Shaver (1857-____). 26 Feb 1859: daughter Nancy A. Pogue born Buchanon Township, Taney County, Missouri; married Thomas W. Cummins (1859-____). Oct 1862: daughter Elizabeth Pogue born Buchanon Township, Taney County, Missouri. 20 Jan 1868: son George W. Pogue born Finley Township, Webster County, Missouri; married Rhoda Anne Barker (1868-____). 9 Apr 1872: daughter Sina M. Pogue born Finley Township, Webster County, Missouri; married David H. Roland (1872-____). 29 Dec 1918: died, Seymour, Webster County, Missouri, buried Cardwell cemetery, Diggens, Missouri. Lesley Sarten Feb 1870: born Kentucky; 1900 soundex Barren County, Kentucky, laborer. Lewis Sartain 1818: born Tennessee. 1850: married Wright County, Missouri, Jane E. Terry. 11 Nov 1837: son William J. born. no date: daughter Mary born. no date: daughter Sarah E. born. 60 no date: son John born. no date: son David Alexander born. no date: son Abner born. no date: daughter Thursa born. no date: daughter Eliza A. born. Mrs. June B. Reniker, RR 4 Box 276B, Paris Tennessee 38242. William J. Sartain (son of Lewis and Jane E. (Terry) Sartain) 11 Nov 1837: born Strawberry Plains, Tennessee. 27 Jan 1858: married Marshfield, Webster County, Missouri, Martha Elizabeth Dennis (7 Jan 1840 Jackson County, Tennessee-23 Jan 1903 Eureka Springs, Arkansas, daughter of Andrew and Nancy A. Cox) Dennis. igi 15 July 1860: daughter Mary A. C. born. 2 Nov 1863: son William Chester born. 24 Aug 1869: son James Riley born. 29 May 1873: daughter Agnes Mariah born. 11 Apr 1876: daughter Ida Bell born. 10 Dec 1916: died Joplin, Missouri, buried Eureka Springs, Arkansas. William Chester Sartain (son of William J. and Martha Elizabeth (Dennis) Sartain) 2 Nov 1863: born Marshfield, Webster County, Missouri. 18 Nov 1896: married Alpha Anna Brown. 29 Oct 1940: died Marshfield, Webster County, Missouri. James Riley Sartain (son of William J. and Martha Elizabeth (Dennis) Sartain) 24 Aug 1869: born Marshfield, Webster County, Missouri. no date: married Alice _______. 27 Mar 1949: died. David Alexander (son of Lewis and Jane E. (Terry) Sartain) 15 July 1869: married Webster County, Missouri, Nancy Ellen Dennis. igi. Mrs. Gene B. Reniker, RR 4 Box 276B, Parris Tennessee 38242. Lodusky Sartin (female) 1833: born Georgia. 1850: census—Walker County, Georgia p28 #363 with James and Missouri Young born South Carolina. no date: married Walker County, Georgia, Andrew Jackson Neal (1833 Tennessee-____). 1860: died Georgia. History and Genealogy #10201. 61 Louisa Sartin 27 Feb 1844 married Greene Davis. Lauderdale County, Alabama. igi Luther H. Sartain 25 Dec 1858-12 Jan 1941, buried Colusa cemetery, Colusa, California. Mack Sartin ca 1883: born. no date: married Edna Willoughby (23 Apr 1883 Lawrence County, Mississippi-9 Jan 1934) daughter of John Wesley and Frances Peniva (Peavey) Willoughby. Mahala C. Sartain 1823 born Georgia, married Jesse Mesar Payne. Margarett Sartin 1800: born Georgia. ca 1826: son David Robert born. 1860: census—Marion County, Mississippi, lived with son David. David Robert Sartin (son of _______ and Margarett Sartin) ca 1826: born Mississippi. no date: married Celenah Ann _______ (ca 1840 Mississippi-____). 1860: census Margarett Sartin (ca 1800 Georgia-____), lived with David in Marion County, Mississippi. Volunteer Confederate Army, Capt Brent’s Compnay, 38th Regt. from Marion County, Mississippi. Marion County, Mississippi Conveyance Book D. Margaret Sartain 12 Sept 1837 married by James L. Adams, Gerrard County, Kentucky, Jonathan Kennedy. Marion Serton Mar 1856: born Kentucky. no date: married Victoria _______ (Sept 1868 Virginia-____). July 1884: daughter Dora born. Feb 1886: daughter Stella born. Jan 1888: son McClellan born. Feb 1890: son Dennis born. Jan 1892: daughter Gertie born. Jan 1895: daughter Hazel born. 1900: soundex—Boyd County, Kentucky. Martha Sarten 26 Mar 1742 married Baldwin County, Georgia, John Carter. Martha Sartain born Tennessee, daughter of William and Rebecca Smith died age 40 Graves County, Kentucky. 62 Martha C. Sartin ca 1824 born, married Presley Fike. Mary Sartain 1794: born Maryland; died 30 Aug 1855 age 61 Greenup County, Kentucky. Mary “Polly” Sartain no date: born Garrard County, Kentucky. 31 Mar 1834: married David Smith Spoonamore (1811 Lincoln County, Kentucky-10 Nov 1887 Lincoln County, Kentucky). 2 June 1895: died Lincoln County, Kentucky. Barbara J. Lusar, 4935 J Parkway, Sacramento, California 95823. Mary Sartain 5 May 1792 married by George Moore MG, Ephraim Cooper, Maryland. Mary S. Sartain (daughter of Nancy J. Huffman) Aug 1848: born. 1900: census soundex—Barren County, Kentucky. Mary Ann Sartain before 1860: born. no date: married William Rowe Mills. 1860: son Frederick William Mills born Rockville, Tolland County, Connecticut. Mary Catherine Sartain 7 Apr 1853 married Patrick Fallen. Jackson County, Alabama. Mary J. Sartin 25 Dec 1857 married Thomas M. Higgs. Limestone County, Alabama. Mary Jane “Nancy” Sartin 20 Aug 1856/23 Jan 1858 married Julius Savage. Tuscaloosa County, Alabama. Mary Margaret Sartin pre 1871: born. no date: married Samuel Lee Lucas. no date: son Walter Absolum Lucas born. Mazy Sartain ca 1825; in 1850 census; married Ishmael Pruett. Millie Sertain 4 May 1803: married Lincoln County, Kentucky, Stephen Casey. igi Minnie Dusken Sartin ca 1875 born; married Thomas Jefferson Hickman. Monroe Sartin ca 1853 born, married Myra Elizabeth Stovall. 63 N. T. Sartain (female) Sept 1876: married Cumberland County, Kentucky, M. Bain. Nancy Sartin (sister of John T., living with Alexander Copeland) ca 1835: born South Carolina. 1850: census p24 #362 Walker County, Georgia living with Alexander Copeland. Nancy Sartin ca 1892 born, married John Franklin Clayton. Ollie Savina Louise Sartin pre 1876 born, married Hester Salonia Epling??? Patsy Sartain 3 July 1823 married Isaac David. Elbert County, Georgia. Peter Sartain 8 Dec 1811 married 1st Presbyterian Church, New York City, Lucretia Redett Leydick. Polly Sartain: 29 May 1797 married, John Frost. Acklen’s Bible Records. Read B. Sartain ca 1902: born. 17 Feb 1934: died McLean County, Kentucky. Death Certificat #07391 Volume 15 Death Volume 14. Richard Sartin “...offers 40 shillings reward for the return to him of a woman servant named Sarah Parler or Sartin, supposed to be conveyed away by one Richard Sartin who served his time at French Creek in Pennsylvania at the iron works, who pretends that he is her husband, but is not; she is a thin person having a calico gown strip’d with blue or a black and white one of wool and worsted, a new Bonet and other tolerable good Cloaths. Memorial History of New York City. Volume 12 p164. Robert Sartain non-pensioner, Maryland Militia. Ruby Sartain married Dale Lee Mustard. Rufus Sartain ca 1891: born. 7 Mar 1919: died Jefferson County, Kentucky. Death Certificate #10928 Volume 22, Death Volume 19. 64 S. J. Sartin (female) July 1876: married Cumberland County, Kentucky, J. C. Cloyd. igi Sally Ann Sartin ca 1840 born, 10 Jan 1861 married Madison County, Alabama, Robert Jackson Williams. Sam Sartain ca 1892 born, married Tincia Meeks. Samuel Sartin brother of Herbert? qv ca 1878: born. 1900: census soundex—York Township, Benton County, Indiana. Samuel Sartin Mar 1873: born Kentucky. no date: married Minnie _______ (Mar 1882 Kentucky-____). 1900: census soundex—Lewis County, Kentucky. Sarah (Sartain) Roberts 1850-1936, buried Colusa cemetery, Colusa, California. Sarah Sarten married Joseph Daniel;1840 son William Allen Daniel born. Sarah A. Sartain 10 Nov 1858 married Horrace H. Sexton. ? Sarah Ann Sartin 5 May 1852 married Henry L. Wheat. ? Sarah S. Sartin 4 Jan 1855 married Francis Auxford. ? Sier Sartain (brother of John and James—to Madison and Walker Counties, Georgia) Sophroina E. Sarten 7 May 1848 married by James L. Gillespie JP, Franklin County, Georgia, Henry D. Whorton. Stella Sartain ca 1898 born, married Gerrit Johannes Rynhart. Susanna Sarten 24 Mar 1846 married John C. Hoyt. Baldwin County, Alabama. Tapley Sartain 7 Mar 1827: married by John Bramblatt MG, Franklin County, Georgia, Rachel Williams (daughter of Nathan and Susan Williams. cd 1830: census p114 Madison County, Georgia. 28 Feb 1833: wife Rachel mentioned in the will of Nathan Williams, Sr. of Franklin County, 65 Georgia “daughter Rachel Sartain”. Georgia DAR Historical Collections p299. 11 Nov 1834: military commission 1st Lt. Madison County, Georgia. MR1829-41 p73. Thomas Sartain 17 Dec 1895 married Mary Ronsaw. Franklin County, Alabama. Thomas Sartain 1820: census p121 Giles County, Virginia. Thomas Sartin 1820: census St. George’s Parish, Accomack County, Virginia. Thomas F. Sartain ca 1893: born. 31 Oct 1940: died Henderson County, Kentucky. Death Certificate #23632 Volume 48, Death Volume 40. Thornton S. Sartain no date: married Beula _______. “Mrs Beula Sarton, 1342 8th Avenue, Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana received word yesterday of the safe arrival overseas of her husband Thornton S. Sartain, Supply Co, 334th Inf, 84th Div.” Terre Haute Star 16 Sept 1918. Tolbert E. Sartain ca 1882: born. 18 Apr 1977: died age 95, Barren County, Kentucky. Death Certificate #07196 Volume 42, Death Volume 77. Lived Metcalfe County, Kentucky. Vandivire Sartin 8 Aug 1852: married Emily Eason ? Franklin County, Georgia. 1856/60: deed from V. Eason and J. F. Eason to Mary Eason, 251A, Franklin County, Georgia. W. T. Sartin 2 Oct 1870: died age 37 at home of Mrs. S. S. L. Cochrane. The Republican Banner, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, issue of 8 Oct 1870. Wesley Sartin Apr 1866: born Indiana. no date: married Malinda J. Umphrey (1 Mar 1881 Illinois-____) daughter of Alexander Umphrey of Tennessee. 66 6 June 1898: daughter Martha F. Sartin born. 1900: census soundex: Fulton Avenue extension, Evansville, Vanderburg County, Indiana. William Sartain May 1874: born Indiana. no date: married Amelia Mangold (Oct 1878 Indiana-____) daughter of Francis J. Mangold. 1900: census soundex, 1215 First Avenue, Evansville, Vanderburgh County, Indiana. William Sartain lived Spottsville, Henderson County, Kentucky. no date: married Elizabeth _______. no date: daughter Lucy Frances born; married _______ Mitchell; daughter Esther Mitchell married Lee Landers age 73 in 1969. no date: daughter Martha born. no date: daughter Sophia born. no date: daughter Esther born. no date: daughter Effie born. no date: son William born. no date: son Richard born. no date: son Elwood born. Elwood Sartain (son of William and Elizabeth Sartain) no date: married Mary E. Connery. 1887: son James Burton born Spottsville, Henderson County, Kentucky-died 1949 Riverton Illinois married Evelyn J. Wilkin. no date: son Harold L. born, lives St. Louis. no date: daughter Dorothy Marsh lives in Riverton, Illinois. 1890: daughter Lelia born, 1930 married Herman Shumate, lived Texas. 1892: daughter Floye Ester born, 1963 married T. A. Neely. 1908: son Elwood Berkley born, died 1945, married Evelyn _______, m/2 Antonacci _______, lived 1813 S. Taylor, Springfield, Illinois. Children: Don, Tom, Mary, Ann. no date: son Thomas born. no date: daughter Fannie born, who had one daughter living in 1965. no date: daughter Esther born, married Lee Landier and lives Eldorado, Illinois. William Sartain Nov 1848: born Kentucky. no date: married Mandy A. _______ (May 1863 Kentucky-____). June 1885: daughter Iva V. born Kentucky. Apr 1888: son Estill F. born Kentucky. May 1890: daughter Bertha born Kentucky. 67 Apr 1892: daughter Bessie born Kentucky. May 1894: daughter Clara A. born Kentucky. Apr 1896: son Otis L. born Kentucky. Dec 1899: daughter Josephine Kentucky. 1900: census soundex Lewis County, Kentucky. William Sartin Apr 1878: born Kentucky. 1900: census soundex Martin County, Kentucky. William Sartain Oct 1868: born Kentucky. no date: married Georgia _______ (Dec 1872 Kentucky-____). May 1898: son Miles born. 1900: census soundex: Henderson County, Kentucky. Miles Sartain (son of William and Georgia Sartain) May 1898: born Kentucky. no date: married Florence Schnake. no date: son William Sartain born; lived 129 Nottingham, Springfield, Illinois. no date: daughter born; married Roger Griffith, lived Santa Claus, Indiana. William Sartain no date: married Nancy Musick or Nancy Alexander d/o Musick Alexander. 20 Aug 1837: daughter Sarah Jane born Jefferson County, Tennessee; married Isaac Moore Day; died 12 Aug 1898 Oak Ridge, Cape Girardeau County, Missouri. William A. Sartain 16 Jan 1847: born. (Bible) 1 Aug 1872: married Mary Ann R. Lambert (16 Mar 1847-22 Jan 1926) (Bible) 31 May 1874: child J. T. born; 10 Oct 1939 died; married 17 Nov 1893 A. E. Shook. 27 Apr 1876: daughter Nancy A. E. born; married 13 Oct 1894 L. Epps. 10 Apr 1878: son Robert L. Sartain born; 22 Oct 1885 died. 26 July 1880: child Lou born. 6 Sept 1882: son Joseph M.; 12 Aug 1884 died. 3 May 1884: child Lory Lee M. born. 4 Apr 1886: daughter Mattie B. born; married T. F. Shelby. 26 May 1888: daughter Ada born; married 16 Jan 1908 T. H. Dean. 11 Dec 1890: son William Fenasn born; 27 Nov 1968 died; married 8 Nov 1908 Mattie Epps. 23 Dec 1892: daughter Jennie Linn born; 15 Oct 1951 died; married 15 Mar 1915 J. F. Savage. 68 13 Mar 1895: baby born; 1 May 1895 died. Oma Sartain married Homer Deaton. Ella Sartain married J. B. Hamilton. 22 Sept 1910: died. (Bible) Sartain-Lambert Bible (owned by Jean Spain Davis, Houston, Texas) William A. Sartain Dec 1851: born Illinois, father and mother born Kentucky. ca 1874: married Grace _______ (Aug 1859 Illinois-____), mother of 8, 7 living children, parents born Kentucky. July 1879: daughter Maude Grace born. See below. Apr 1880 son Edward J. born. Apr 1880: daughter Anna born Kansas; married William Tate. Champaign County, Illinois Marriage Bk 5 p122. July 1883: daughter Lenora M. born Kansas; married Robert Goodpasture. Dec 1884: son John born. 2 Oct 1886: son Fred G. born. no date: moved from Kansas to Illinois. 1900: census p213 #623 #240 Brown Township, Champaign County, Illinois: William, Dec 1851, age 49, married 23 years; Grace, born Aug 1859, age 40; Maud, age21, born Kansas; Edward, age 20, born Kansas; Anna, age 20 born Kansas; Nora, age 16, born Kansas; John, age 15, born Kansas; Fred, age 13, born Illinois. 1919: lived SW¼ W½ S30 T22N R7E Howard Township, Chamapaign County, Illinois. Farmers and Breeders Directory of Champaign County, Illinois, 1919 p110. Bellflower cemetery, McLean County, Illinois: William Sartain, $15 for lot 40. Maude Grace Sartain (daughter of William A. and Grace Sartain) July 1879: born Kansas. 7 Aug 1901: married Franklin C. Painter (ca 1874-____) of Fisher, Illinois. Champaign County, Illinois Marriage License #1702. 27 Oct 1909: son Herbert Sartain Painter born, lived Lotus, Champaign County, Illinois; died 3 June 1984, buried Grandview Memorial Gardens, Champaign, Illinois; married at Shiloh Parsonage, Champaign County, Illinois, Gladys Isabel Bishop of Leroy, McLean County, Illinois. Champaign County, Illinois Marriage License #13592. Child: Richard G. Painter of RR 1, Foosland, Illinois. no date: son Victor L. Painter born, lived RR 1 Foosland, Illinios. no date: daughter Lila Painter born, married _______ Ferguson, lived Urbana, Illinois. no dates: four sons Painter born. no date: died, buried Bellflower cemetery, McLean County, Illinois. Edward J. Sartain (son of William A. and Grace Sartain) of Howard, Illinois. Apr 1880: born Kansas. 69 8 Jan 1900: married Lulu M. Farquahan (June 1877 Ohio-____) of Osman, Illinois. Champaign County, Illinios Marriage License #1088. 1900: census—#107 #110 Bellflower Township, Mc Lean County, Illinois, lived Osmond, Illinois. John Sartain (son of William A. and Grace Sartain) Dec 1889: born Kansas. John R. Sartain lot 122 W½—Claude Short. Bellflower cemetery, McLean County, Illinois. Fred G. Sartain (son of William A. and Grace Sartain) 2 Oct 1886: born Howard Township. McLean County, Illinois Birth Book 3 p253. 10 Oct 1905: lived Foosland, RR 39—married Martha Myers (1884-____) lived Hayworth, McLean County, Illinois. Champaign County, Illinois Marraige Book 1 p134. 2 Aug 1909: son Bruce born. no date: daughter Marguerite L. born; married Homer Boyd Johnson, lived LeRoy, McLean County, Illinois; buried Bellflower Cemetery, McLen County, Illinois. no date: daughter Lillie born; married _______ Bean, lived LeRoy, McLean County, Illinois. no date: daughter Evelyn Lucille born; married _______ Chabbuck, lived LeRoy McLean County, Illiniois. no date: daughter Faye born; married _______ Manahan, lived Heyworth, McLean County, Illinois. no date: daughter Opal born; married Lawrence Bailey, lived Mahomet, Champaign County, Illinois. no date: infant daughter born and died. 25 Nov 1915: bought lot 10 for $25 in Bellflower cemetery, McLean County, Illinois. 11 Apr 1922: posted bond as elected Constable for Brown Township, Champaign County, Illinois. 1931 Graduate of the University of Illinois. Lived Foosland, Champaign County, Illinois. Bruce Sartain (son of Fred G. and Martha (Myers) Sartain) 2 Aug 1909: born Lotus, Mc Lean County, Illinois. 10 Aug 1943: ??? son James B. Sartain born, marriage license issued 7 Jan 1966 (#66-19) to marry Dorothy Jane Brooks (10)ct 1942-____), both of Champaign County, Illinois. 27 Nov 1977: died, Bloomington, buried Bellflower cemetery, McLean County, Illinois. William Herbert Sartain 18 Oct 1914: son Vernon Cleo born. Vernon Cleo Sartain 18 Oct 1914: born Heyburn, Minidoka County, Idaho. 70 18 Oct 1942: married Rupert, Minidoka County, Idaho, Elizabeth Catmell. 4 June 1966: died Burley, Cassia County, Idaho. William I. Sartain 1923: paid a WWI bonus by Illinois, lived 39 East 55th Street, Chicago, Cook County, Illinios. Illinois State Archives. William I. Sartain ca 1915: born. 8 Jan 1915: died under 1 year old, Barren County, Kentucky. Death Certificate # 00261 Volume 1, Death Volume 15. William Kendry Sartain 6 May 1824: born. 21 Feb 1860: married Ellen Esther Baker—5 sons 1 daughter. 11 Mar 1874: son Lon Hayhurst born. 12 Oct 1874: died. Lon Hayhurst Sartain 11 Mar 1874: born Berryville, Arkansas. 31 Dec 1896 married Alice Abigail Baker. no date: daughter Edna Esther born. no date: son Charles Frank born. Mrs. Frank K. Whitney, McKinleyville, California—1966. William N. Sartain Oct 1855: born Kentucky. no date: married Wintie J. _______ (Jan 1856 Kentucky-____). Aug 1877: son Samuel born Kentucky. 1900: census soundex: Barren County, Kentucky. William R. Sartain no date: son Jake C. born. Lived 208 Haynes Street, Atlanta, Georgia. Jake C. Sartain (son of William R. Sartain) served WWI, Sgt 1st class, Army serial #2236537, awarded distinguished service medal, Co. A. 315 Engineers. Lived and enlisted in Atlanta, Georgia. Zidona Sartain ca 1909: born. 5 Nov 1925: died Martin County, Kentucky. Death Certificate #27548 Volume 56, Death Volume 25. 71 NORTH CAROLINA Ann Sartin 26 Jan 1836 married Caswell County, North Carolina, Admiral N. Nunn. lds Anabel E. Sartin 3 Feb 1867-23 Apr 1919, buried Oakwood Cemetery, Statesville, Iredell County, North Carolina. Post-1914 cemetery readings #882963. Anslum E. Sartin 22 Oct 1834: married Caswell County, North Carolina, Frances Beaver. igi 30 July 1855: m/2 North Carolina, Elizabeth Gipson. igi David Preston Sartin 11 Aug 1866-8 Nov 1925, buried Oakwood Cemetery, Statesville, Iredell County, North Carolina. Post-1914 cemetery readings #882963. Emma Sartin 22 Jan 1866 married North Carolina, George C. McKinney. Ezekiel Sartin 30 Sept 1837 married Orange County, North Carolina, Dolly Pope. igi Ezekiel Sartin 14 Jan 1859 married North Carolina, Mary A. Norris. igi George Sarten 1 Jan 1868 married North Carolina, Nicy Jefferys. igi Henry Certen 1810 census index—p 472 Sampson County, North Carolina. James Sertin 1800: census Wilkes County, North Carolina: 2 males under 10; 1 male 16-26; 1 female 16-26. 7 Nov 1822: married Wilkesboro, Wilkes County, North Carolina, Jane Bingham. igi James Sertin 1800: census p62 Wilkes County, North Carolina. 1810: census p853 Wilkes County, North Carolina. 7 Nov 1822: married Wilksboro, Wilkes County, North Carolina, Jane Binham. John Sertin 1800 census—p830 Warren County, North Carolina: 2 males under 10; 1 male 10-16; 1 male 26-45; 3 females under 10; 2 females 16-26; 1 female 45 up. John Sartin 1790: census—Halifax District, Warren County, North Carolina—1 male 16 up; 4 females; 4 slaves. 1800: census—1 male under 10; 1 male 10-16; 1 male 26-45; 1 female 26-45. 72 John Sartain 1769: deed from John Sartain to Thomas Wade. Lincoln County, North Carolina Deed Book 1 p6. 1770: deed from John Sartain to Zachariah Bullock. Lincoln County, North Carolina Deed Book 1 p292. 1774: deed from John J. Sloan to John Sartain. Lincoln County, North Carolina Deed Book B1 p133. 1784: deed signed this year by John Sartain and daughter Amy, mother not mentioned. Jefferson County, Tennessee. no date: daughter Amy born ??? Warren County, Kentucky, married Joseph Gregory. 15 July 1792: deed from Joseph and Amy Gregory to their son-in-law Charles and Anastacia Rawlins, which stated that John Sartain was deceased. Rutherford County, North Carolina. Laurence Sarton 1717: witnessed will of Susannh Johnson, Chowan County, North Carolina. 19 Jan 1719: witnessed will of John Hardy, Chowan County, North Carolina. Leonard Certain 1810 census index—p231 Rockingham County, North Carolina. Mary Sartain ca 1760: born. 1 Sept 1779: married Wilkes County, North Carolina, James Shepherd (1760 St. George Parish, Spotsylvania County, Virginia-____) son of John and Sarah Shepherd. Mary Sartain 1 Sept 1779 married Wilkesboro, Wilkes County, North Carolina, James SHepherd. Mary Sartin 12 Nov 1852 married North Carolina, Williams Somers. LDS Mary Sartin 25 July 1848 married North Carolina, Hezekiah Rudd. LDS Matilda Sartin 21 Aug 1867 married North Carolina, Daniel Garrison. LDS Moses Sartin 11 Oct 1865 married North Carolina, Mary C. Page. LDS Nancy Sartin 20 Oct 1859 married North Carolina, Joseph H. Totten. LDS R. T. Sartin 29 Jan 1866 married North Carolina, Rebecca Harrold. LDS Susanna Certen 1810 census Warren County, North Carolina. 73 Thomas Sartin 1790 census—Halifax District, Warren County, North Carolina: 1 male 16 up; 2 males under 16; 3 females; no slaves. Thomas Sartin 24 Aug 1865 married North Carolina, Sarah E. Stallings. LDS. Thomas Sartin 24 Aug 1865 married North Carolina, Sarah E. Stallions. William Sartain 24 Aug 1865 married North Carolina, Amelia Keeling. LDS Zera Sartain 23 May 1861 married North Carolina, Maryann E. Christopher. LDS OHIO Almira Sartain 7 July 1846 married Brown County, Ohio by Squire Thomas Shelton, H. G. Steinman. Elijah Sarton 1820: census Ohio Township, Gallia County, Ohio: 1 male 10-16; 1 male 26-45; 1 female 26-45. 1830 census Guy---- Township, Gallia County, Ohio. Fred Sarton no date: married Josephine Unnerzargt. 24 June 1875: daughter Josephine born Van Wert County, Ohio. igi 5 Aug 1873: daughter Julianna Josephine born Van Wert County, Ohio. igi James Sarton 1840 census index—p136 Brown Township, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. James Sartain 1840 census index—Nil_____ Township, Scioto County, Ohio. Jehail Sarton 1840 census index—p99 New____ Township, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. Jobe Sertin 1800 census index—p830 Warren County, North Carolina. Joel Sartin 1830 census p123 Harrison Township, Gallia County, Ohio. Joel Sartain 1840 census index—p51 Boo____ Township, Lawrence County, Ohio. 74 John Sarton married Julia Blackwood, daughter born 10 July 1870 Champaign County, Ohio. igi John Sartin 1830 census index— p129 An_____ Township, Gallia County, Ohio. Lucia Sartin married John Williams (____-1879 Gallia County, Ohio), 1876 died Gallia County, Ohio. Robert Sartaine ca 1832: born England. no date: married Emma Sutton (ca 1833-____). igi ca 1856: daughter Louisa born England. ca 1857: daughter Salena born England. ca 1859: daughter Elizabeth born England. ca 1861: daughter Jane A. born England. ca 1865: son Albert born Ohio. ca 1869: son William born Ohio. 6 July 1870: census #644 #500 Pickaway County, Ohio. 1872: daughter Amy E. born Pickaway County, Ohio. igi Sally Sartain 18 Oct 1821 license issued Pike County, Ohio to marry John Nealy/Neely. Thomas Sartin 31 Dec 1822 married Pike County, Ohio, Sally Dodrell. PENNSYLVANIA Charles Sarton 1830 census p184 Hamilton Township, Northampton County, Pennsylvania. James Sartain ca 1867: born Pittsburg, Allegeny County, Pennsylvania. no date: married Ella May Robeson (31 Dec 1871 Mifflintown, Juanita County, Pennsylvania-July 1934) daughter of John Kenney and Isabella Cumming (McKennon) Robeson. ca 1893: son John Robeson born. ca 1895: daughter Mary Irene born. Oct 1933: died. Children born Pittsburg, Allegney County, Pennsylvania. Salt Lake City Pink Sheets John Sartain 11 June 1839, married Pennsylvania, Jane Alstaff. 75 John Sartain (son of John and Ann (Burgess) Sartain), Artist, Engraver of Philadelphia. 24 Oct 1808: born London, England. 11 Jan 1830: married Susannah Longmate Swaine. 1830: to United States from Trewbridge, England. 8 Oct 1830: son Samuel born. 21 Nov 1843: son William born. no date: daughter Emily born Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania; died 17 June 1927.Engraver and painter. 1849: established Sartain’s Magazine, it lasted until 1852, a financial failure. 25 Oct 1897: died. Wrote Annals of the Sartain Tribe, a privately printed publication. was the first to introduce mezzotint engraving into the United States. Universal Pronouncing Dictionary of Biography and Mythology, p2132. Who was Who in America, Volume 1 1897-1942. Samuel Sartain (son of John Sartain, the engraver of Philadelphia. 8 Oct 1830: born Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 11 Dec 1854: married Harriet Judd, MD (3 Feb 1830 Waterbury, Connecticut-____) daughter of Henry Clark and Eliza (Jones) Judd. She lived Michigan and took her medical degree in Philadelphia. no date: son Edwin Judd born. no date: son Paul born, MD. no date: daughter Amy born. 1906: died. also an engraver. William Sartain (son of John Sartain, the engraver of Philadelphia. 21 Nov 1843: born Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. 25 Oct 1924: died. landscape painter in New York City. R. M. Sartain married Jennie M. _______, daughter Agnes Jane baptized Presbyterian Church, Mifflintown, Juniata, Pennsylvania. igi Thomas Sartin 18 Dec 1776 married Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, Catherine Gump. LDS William Sarton 1830 census p267 Lycoming Township, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania. SOUTH CAROLINA 76 James Sartain ca 1771: born Charleston, South Carolina. no date: married ________ (ca 1775-____). 13 Sept 1803: son William Turner born. William Turner Sartain 13 Sept 1803: born near Charlestown, Charleston County, South Carolina. 12 Jan 1832: married Mary Summers Rammage (19 Sept 1813 Tuscaloosa County, Alabama-10 Feb 1849 Walker County, Alabama. 24 Nov 1832: son James Rufus born. 12 May 1834: daughter Susanna born, married Frank Oxford. 6 Mar 1836: daughter Mary Ann born, married _______ Blocker. 13 Nov 1837: son William Turner, Jr. born, died 2 Oct 1870 Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, 8 Oct 1870 The Republican Banner. 4 Oct 1837: daughter Jerusha Teena born, married William Dock Adam. 31 Dec 1841: son John Rammage born, married Mary Jane Phifer, 8 Jan 1923 died. 12 Dec 1843: daughter Zerusha Amanda born, married Manly Sides. 18 Apr 1846: daughter Peninnal Elizabeth born, married John Sides. 1 Nov 1860: m/2 Mary Taylor. 1879: died. History of Walker County, Georgia. Mrs. J. M. Sewell, 1914 W. Kelly, Phoenix, Arizona. John Sartin 1830 census p225 Spartenburg District, Spartenburg County, South Carolina. William Sartin ca 1834: born South Carolina. 1850: census p30 living with William McWilliams. TENNESSEE Anderson County Alexander Sarten married 7 Jan 1866 Anderson County, Tennessee, Almeda Moore. igi Brownlow Sertain July 1871: born Tennessee. 1900: census soundex—Jefferson County, Kentucky. David Sartain 77 18/15 Sept 1797 married Knox County, Tennessee, Henrietta Harley. igi 1805: on tax list Anderson County, Tennessee, 40A. no date: son Right/Write/Wright born. no date: son David born. no date: daughter Nancy born. no date: daughter Rosey born. June 1805: to work on a road under Amos Elliott. 2 p179. Mar 1806: Henrietta Sartain and Garland Stanley to administer estate of David Sartain with $2000 bond. 2 p233. 15 Sept 1807: Henrietta Sartain and Garland Stanley appointed guardians of Right, David, Nancy and Rosey Sartain minor heirs of David Sartain. 2 p250. 8 Apr 1810: Henrietta bought 3½A on Buffalo Creek where she now lives and on both sides of the Great Road, Campbell County, Tennessee S #547. Wright Sartain (? son of David and Henrietta (Stanley/Harley) Delana Sartin married 14 Dec 1873 Anderson County, Tennessee, Henry Humphries. igi Dorcas Sartain census 1830 p305 Jefferson County, Tennessee, 1832 tax list Jefferson County, Tennessee. Isaac Sartin 1830 census—Anderson County, Tennessee: 2 males under 5 (1825-1830), 1 male 5-10 (1820-1825), 1 male 10-15 (1815-1820), 1 male 30-40 (1790-1800), 1 female under 5 (1825-1830), 2 females 20-30 (1800-1810), 1 female 60-70 (1760-1770). J. G. Sartin (male) married 19 Dec 1851 Anderson County, Tennessee, Neety Overton. igi John Sartin 1801: on tax list Anderson County, Tennessee 2 black polls, 2 stud horses 12½ cents each tax. 1 p8. 16 June 1802: appointed overseer of the road from Burrville to Isaac Taylor’s on Cain Creek. 2 p28. 15 Dec 1802: on jury duty. 2 p48. Mar 1803: has leave to keep an ordinary house or a house of public entertainment in Burrville. 2 p56. 15 Sept 1803: on jury duty. 2 p97. 14 Mar 1804: John Sartin’s license for a tavern renewed. 2 p121. 15 Mar 1805: tavern license again renewed. 1 p174. 1805: on tax list in Anderson County, Tennessee. Dec 1807: deed from John Sartain and Elizabeth Lucas to John Underwood, Lots 7 and 4 in Burrville. 2 p266. Mar 1807: John Sartin vs John Frost—an execution levied on land—land must be sold to satisfy judgment. 2 p280. 78 1807: served on jury. 2 p283. 10 June 1807: proved in court the deed from Jesse Roysdon to Arthur Crozier. 2 p309. 17 Mar 1808: deed from George Baumgartner to John Sartain for Lot #400 in Burrville, acknowledged in open court. 2 p316. 14 June 1808: John Sartain gave a report on viewing the road from Day’s Ford to Eagle Ford around Quin Morton’s farm. 2 p329. 15 June 1808: bill of sale from John Sarton to John Kisley for a female negro slave named Seal. 2 p334. 17 Sept 1808: John Sartin appointed Constable in Captian Bowling’s Company. 2 p364. Isabel Sarton married 23 Oct 1870 Anderson County, Tennessee, A. C. Dobbins. igi Milly M. Sartin married Anderson County, Tennessee, J. W. Edmondson. igi Nancy Sartin married Anderson County, Tennessee, J. S. Dobbins. igi William Sartin married Anderson County, Tennessee 29 Apr 1877 Elizabeth White. igi William Sartin 1830 census—p 167 Anderson County, Tennessee: 1 male under 5 (1825-1830); 1 male 5-10 (1820-1825); 1 male 20-30 (1800-1810); 1 female under 5 (1825-1830); 2 females 20-30 1800-1810); 1 female 60-70 1760-1770). 1. East Tennesse Taxpayers, Pollyanna Creekmore, Easley, South Carolina: S. Emmett Lucas Press, 1980. 2. Records of Anderson County, Tennessee, Works Project Administration, 1936—Court Records 1801-1809. _______ Sarton no date: married Mary _______ (1808 Tennessee-____). ca 1830: daughter Martha C. born Tennessee. no date: daughter Mary P. born Tennessee. ca 1847: daughter Ann born Tennessee. 1870: Smith County, Tennessee. A. L. Sartin married 21 Feb 1884 Monroe County, Tennessee, L. G. Moser. igi Albert Sartin married 4 Apr 1871 Knox County, Tennessee, Mira Langston. igi Alfred Sartin married 19 Nov 1870 Knox County, Tennessee, Emaline Shook. igi Alfred Sartin married 19 Nov 1883 Hamilton County, Tennessee, Emma Gibson. igi Allen Sartin 1818: taxed for 100A and 150A School Lands, 1 white poll Cocke County, 79 Tennessee. East Tennessee Taxpayers, Pollyann Creekmore, Easley, South Carolina: S. Emmett Lucas press, 1980, p230. Anna Sartain married Hamblen, Tennessee 25 July 1879 Dock Douglass. igi Annie P. Sartain born 1871 Jefferson County, Tennessee. igi Calvin Sartain married Hardeman County, Tennessee 1 July 1880 Josie M. Webb. Clara Sartin married 25 Sept 1867 Franklin County, Tennessee, Clarence Horn. igi Clark Sartin 7 May 1835 married Knox County, Tennessee, Sarah Anderson. igi David Sartain 1818: on tax list Campbell County, Tennessee. 1823: on tax list Campbell County, Tennessee. Dorcas Sarton 1830 census—Jefferson County, Tennessee: 2 males under 5 (1825-1830); 1 female under 5 (1825-1830); 1 female 20-30 (1800-1810). Eli Sartin 1776: born. no date: married Jeriah _______ (1777-____). ca 1822: daughter or daughter-in-law Melinda born. 1830: census—p 305 Jefferson Co. Tennessee: 1 male under 5; 1 male 5-10; 1 male 10-15; 1 male 40-50; 2 females 10-15; 2 females 15-20; 1 female 20-30; 1 female 50-60. 1832: on tax list Jefferson County, Tennessee. ca 1839: daughter or daughter-in-law Elizabeth born. 1840: census, age 55y served 7th US Rifles, War of 1812—Jefferson County, Tennessee. 2400 Tennessee pensions. ca 1845: son or grandson Eli born. ca 1850: son or grandson Albert born. ca 1850: son or grandson Alford born. ca 1851: daughter or granddaughter Malinda J. born. ca 1856: son or grandson James K. born. ca 1859: daughter or granddaughter Lucinda born. 1860: census—Tennessee. Eli Sartin married 8 Mar 1883 Knox County, Tennesse, Mary Foust. igi Elizabeth Sartin married 8 Dec 1829 Jefferson County, Tennessee, James Anderson. igi 80 Elizabeth Sartain 1849: born Tennessee. 2 Feb 1868: married Robert Countiss. Grundy County, Tennessee Marriage Book A p71. 1870: census—Grundy County, Tennessee—Robert and Elizabeth. 1874: died. no date: husband married her cousin Arminda C. Sartain. Grundy County, Tennessee Marriage Book 1 p184. 1880: census—Grundy County, Tennessee—Robert, Arminda and William Countiss, age 8; Virginia Countiss, age 3. They Passed This Way, A History of the Countiss/Counters Family, Mary Bevans Countiss, n.d., p124. Elizabeth Sartin married 3 Aug 1865 Knox County, Tennessee, William B. Hughes. igi ELizabeth Sartain married Marshall County, Tennessee 21 Aug 1879 F. M. Wise. igi Forrest Luke Sartain no date: married Sara Eva Elizabeth Baucom. 22 Jan 1909: daughter Blanche born Coffee County, Tennessee. igi Ferdinand Robert Sartain 28 May 1853: born Grundy County, Tennessee. igi no date: married Elizabeth Shelton. 11 June 1880: daughter Anliza Arcansas born Grundy County, Tennessee; married Charlie Columbus Snoddy 10 Mar 1898 Coffee County, Tennessee. igi 18 Feb 1882 daughter Alletta born Grundy County, Tennessee. igi 24 Nov 1886: son Forrest Lake born Coffee County, Tennessee; marrried 13 May 1909 Sara Eva Baucom. igi 13 Dec 1891: daughter Esther May born Coffee County, Tennessee; married Coffee County, Tennessee, J. Edward Shelton. igi 5 Feb 1878: daughter Idella Ermine born Grundy County, Tennessee; married 3 Apr 1898 Coffee County, Tennessee, Elisha Colman Rhoten. igi George Washington Sartain 1806: born. 18 Oct 1830: married Sarah Ann Grayson (25 Aug 1811 Madison County, Alabama [Mississippi Territory][Bible]-____) daughter of John C. and Sarah (Carter) Grayson). Madison County, Alabama Marriage Book 3 p697. 29 Nov 1830: bought by warrant #207 79.94A just below the line of the old Cherokee land added to Madison County, Alabama in 1818, being the NE¼ and SE¼ and E½ of the NE¼ S7 T5S R2E. 81 4 June 1832: bought by warrant #313 39.97A in Madison County, Alabama. 1834: by this time had moved to Tennessee. 1836: daughter Fertina Ann born Coffee County, Tennessee. 1838: son Joseph Parks born Coffee County, Tennessee. 1836-1840: bought land from E. McDaniel. 1839: daughter Manerva born Coffee County, Tennessee. 1839: daughter Sally Ann born Coffee County, Tennessee. 1840: census—Coffee County, Tennessee—1 male 5-10 (1830-1835); 2 females under 5 (1835-1840); 1 female 5-10 (1830-1835) and the parents. 1840-1843: bought land from James Roberts. 1843-44: bought land from Mr. Miller. Coffee County, Tennessee Deed Books 1836-44 p146, 153 and 348-350. 1844: son Thomas J. born Coffee County, Tennessee. igi 1844-1847: sold 635A to Mr. Marchant. Coffee County, Tennessee Deed Book 1844-47. Coffee County, Tennessee was divided and the Sartain land was then in Grundy County. 1846: son (Lt.) Hopkins born Grundy County, Tennessee. igi 1846-1850: died. 1850: census—Grundy County, Tennessee—#176 Sarah and her children all born in Tennessee. 1860: census—Madison County, Alabama—#393 #371 . Also in 1850 census—Coffee County, Tennessee: Susannah Sartain 60 (1790) born Missouri; James 33 (1817) born Missouri; Isabella; Demarcratus, Arkansas; Arnema; Arseneth; Arminda and Escretus from 11 to 2. Lovey D. Sartin 35 (1815) born Tennessee; Catherine; Clementine 3 (1847) and Elizabeth 1 (1849). Joel, Joel, Jr. and John Sartain had land on Sinking Creek Montgomery County, Virginia near John and Sally Grayson in 1789. John Sartain ca 1794: born North Carolina. 10 Mar 1824: married Nancy Grayson (1808 Cocke County, Tennessee-1860-7- Rusk County, Texas) daughter of John C. and Sarah (Carver) Grayson. Madison County, Alabama Marriage Book 3 p283. 1825: daughter Mary Ann born Alabama; married 19 Dec 1848 Benjamin Reeves. 1825-1830: daughter born Alabama. 1825-1830: daughter born Alabama. 1832: daughter Sarah Ann born Alabama; married 17 Dec 1851 William Floyd. 1836: son John G. born Talledega County, Alabama; married 21 Mar 1858 Eliza Isabella Gant. Children: Altha born 1859. William born 1861. John M. born 1864. Robert born 1867. 82 Lee born 1870 Rusk County, Texas. 1870: Smith County, Texas. 1880: Smith County, Texas. 1837: son Richard born Talledega County, Alabama; died 1850-60 Rusk County, Texas. igi 1839: son Francis Marion born Talledega County, Alabama; married 13 Oct 1865 Susan Brown. igi 1841: son George Washington born Talledega County, Alabama; died 1915 Rusk County, Texas; married 31 Dec 1868 Flora Johnson. Children: Joseph born 1869. Emma born 1872. Mary born 1875. Dick born 1877. 1847: daughter Margaret Olivia born Talledega County, Alabama. 1849: son William born Talledaga County, Alabama; married 1881 Ada B. Eaton. 1840: census—Talladega County, Alabama with 2 male children and 4 female children. 1850: census—Talladega County, Alabama. 1860: census—Rusk County, Texas. 1860-70: died Rusk County, Texas. James R. Sartain 1798: born Georgia. no date: married Matilda _______ (1805 Tennessee-____). 1824: son John F. born Tennessee. 1833: daughter Martha Jane born Alabama. 1835: son Charles Il born Alabama. 1850: census—Rusk County, Texas. 1853: died. H. H. Sartain index to confederate pension applications, Grundy County, Tennessee #8956, 28th Calvary. Hugh Sarten married 7 July 1844 Knox County, Tennessee, Rebecca Grainger. igi J. T. Sartain #8298 First Confederate Cavalry. Index to Tennessee Confederate pension applications. 5 Sept 1877: married Bradley County, Tennessee, Emily Miller. igi James Sartin no date: born Tennessee. no date: wife born Tennessee, living now in McDonald County, Missouri after her 2nd marriage ca 1884. 5 Aug 1847: only child James A. born. no date: died Webester County, Missouri. 83 James Sartin 1820: census—Franklin County, Tennessee: 3 males under 10 (1810-1820); 2 males 16-26 (1804-1810); 1 male 45 up (before 1775); 2 females 16-26 )1794-1804); 1 female 26-45 (1775-1794). 1830: census Franklin County, Tennessee (middle Tennessee p82)—1 male 60-70 (1760-1770); 1 female 15-20 (1810-1815); 1 female 50-60 (1770-1780). James Sartin 1830 census—Franklin County, Tennessee: 1 male 60-70 (1760-1770); 1 female 15-20 (1810-1815); 1 female 50-60 (1770-1780). James A. B. Sartain married 10 Apr 1881 Hardeman County, Tennessee, Maggie Brotherton. igi Jane Sartin married 13 Sept 1852 Knox County, Tennessee, Matthew Wood. igi John Sartin 1768: born Tennessee. no date: married Elizabeth Kearney (1773 Indian village-____), lived Mississippi as a widow, m/2 Amite County, Mississippi _____ Lee. OR no date: married Amy Barton (ca 1773 Tennessee-1818 Mississippi). She m/2 Joseph Lea. 4 Feb 1791: son John, Jr. born. 1809: lived Magee Creek, Walthall County, Mississippi. 1811: died Tennessee. Rosa Lee McDaniel, 706 Alberta Avenue, Columbia, Mississippi. Mrs. Wilma Lea, 1460 Cherry Garden Lane, San Jose, California 95125. John Sartain, Jr. (son of John and Amy (Barton) Sartain) no date: married Margaret Barnes. OR John Sartin, Jr. (son of John and Elizabeth (Kearney) Sartain) no date: married Margaret Barnes (12 May 1795-29 Aug 1883). 28 Nov 1812: son Major born. 1813: John Sertain on tax list Lawrence County, Mississippi—1 poll, 66 and 2/3 cents tax. 6 Oct 1835: son David Robert born Walthall County, Mississippi. igi 1 Oct 1846: died. settled old Pike County (now Walthall County) Mississippi, Mrs. Wilma Lea, 1460 Charry Garden Lane, San Jose, California 95125. Major Sartin (son of John and Margaret (Barnes) Sartain, Jr.) 28 Nov 1812: born Magees Creek, Walthall County, Mississippi. igi 24 Jan 1833: married Sartinsville, Walthall County, Mississippi, Matilda May (15 Jan 1814-1 June 1899 Sartinsville, Walthall County, Mississippi) daughter of John and 84 Mary (Farley) May. 18 Nov 1833: son George born, died 27 Feb 1862. 16 Feb 1836: daughter Sarah Jane born, died 13 June 1925, married ______ Moore. 4 May 1838: son Elijah born, died 2 Sept 1868, married Mary F. Thomas. 21 Feb 1840: daughter Madeline born, married Jake Smith. 29 July 1843: son John W. born, died 28 Feb 1876. 13 Aug 1845: son James Obid born. 4 Mar 1847: son Linas born. 16 Feb 1853: daughter Mary Emily born, married Jackson Beaudon. 6 Mar 1908: died Sartinsville, Walthall County, Mississippi. James Obid Sartin (son of Major and Matilda (May) Sartain) 13 Aug 1845: born Walthall County, Mississippi. no date: married Thanna Ann Magee (1839-28 Dec 1909 Sartinsville, Walthall County, Mississippi) daughter of Haverson and Harriet Margaret (Ginn) Magee). ca 1859: daughter Irma born, died young. 1 Apr 1866: son James Elonzo born. Mar 1869: daughter Ella born Sartonsville, Tennessee, died 5 Oct 1935, married Warren Henderson Stovall. igi 26 Nov 1872: daughter Arcola born, married Fred S. Sartin. 26 Jan 1874: son William Obid born. 15 Jan 1876: daughter Ophilia born, married Berry Givens, died 24 Aug 1945. 6 Apr 1878: son Rufus Roy born, died 14 May 1912, married Minnie Willoughby. 20 Sept 1882: daughter Irma born, married Warren Thynes. 30 Oct 1931: died Sartinsville, Walthall County, Mississippi. James Elonzo Sartin (son of James Obid and Thanna Anne (Magee) Sartin) 1 Apr 1866: born Sartinsville, Walthall County, Mississippi. 25 Sept 1887: married Pike County, Mississippi, Emily Florence P. Willoughby. igi 26 Jan 1895: son Clarence Marshall born Sartinsville, Walthall County, Mississippi. igi 18 Mar 1917: married Florence Bearden (9 Feb 1893 Denan, Walthall County, Mississippi-24 Sept 1963 Walthall County, Mississippi) daughter of William Jackson and Lula (Stovall) Bearden. 22 Aug 1918: son born. 7 Mar 1921: son Rufus Ray born. 22 June 1943: died. William Obid Sartin (son of James Obid and Thanna Anne (Magee) Sartin) 26 Jan 1874: born Sartinsville, Walthall County, Mississippi. 25 Dec 1895: married Alma Leola Willoughby (26 Dec 1878 Jayess, Lawrence County, Mississippi-1 Sept 1950 Columbia, Marion County, Mississippi) daughter of John Wesley and Frances Pitney (peavyn) Willoughby. 8 Jan 1897: son John Wood born. 17 Jan 1899: daughter Eunice born; died infant Jayess, Lawrence County, Mississippi. 85 17 Aug 1900: son Troy William born; died 1 Oct 1962, married Bertha Price. 26 Dec 1902: son Felix Leander born; married Roxie Ida Clarady. 2 May 1904: daughter Audith Marie born; married John Wesley Magee. 12 Apr 1906: daughter Gladys Lucille born Macomb, Pike County, Mississippi; married 9 Apr 1933 Columbia, Marion County, Mississippi, William Nobel Lowe. 11 May 1909: daughter Verna Mae born; married Joe William Givans. 21 July 1913: daughter Rosa Lee Sartin born; died 2 Jan 1974, married Arthur Nelson McDaniel. 1 Feb 1944: died Columbia, Marion County, Mississippi. John Wood Sartin (son of William Obid and Almaleda (Willoughby) Sartin) 8 Jan 1897: born Jayess, Lawrence County, Mississippi. 20 Mar 1917: married Jayess, Lawrence County, Mississippi, Effie Price (12 Nov 1896 Sartinsville, Walthall County, Mississippi-11 Oct 1928 Tylertown, Walthall County, Mississippi, buried Sartinsville) daughter of George and Nancy (Holmes) Price. 5 Aug 1918: son Kenneth Lowery born, died 12 Sept 1954, married Edith Williams. igi 2 Feb 1920: son Joseph Larkin born, married Dorothy Bennett. 10 June 1922: son John Ray born Jayess, Mississippi, married Elsie Pigatt. igi 6 Feb 1924: son William Woodroe born, married Myrene Gauss. 19 July 1929: m/2 Gussie Ryals. 25 Mar 1965: died. Linas/Linus Whitman Sartin (son of Major and Matilda (May) Sartin) 4 Mar 1847: born Walthall County, Mississippi. no date: married Angeline Stovall. 20 May 1928: died. Lived Shelby County, Tennessee. Index to Confederate Pension Applications #10403. John Sartain no date: married Mary Vance. 1766: daughter Rhoda born Virginia: married ca 1782/3 William Roberson, Revolutionary and War of 1812 veteran; m/2 Andrew McDonough; died 1837 Bledsoe County, Tennessee. Lois Aikens, 1017 W. Marion, Knoxville, Iowa 50138. John Sartin married 17 May 1880 Monroe County, Tennessee, Sarah E. Sarten. igi John Sartain married 20 Jan 1885 Jefferson County, Tennessee, Alice D. Mansfield. igi John Sartin married 2 Jan 1887 Warren County, Tennessee, Nora Bryant. igi John E. Sartin married 1 Apr 1876 Clay County, Tennessee, S. J. Gentry. igi John H. Sartain 86 no date: married Mary _______. no date: son James A. born. no date: daughter Mary D. born. no date: daughter Priscilla J. born. no date: son Jesse born. no date: son John R. born. no date: daughter Cynthia born. no date: daughter Martha born. 1860: lived Tennessee. Sistler book. John Sartin married 10 May 1867 Lincoln County, Tennessee, Elizabeth Wils. igi John R. Sartain 6 June 1812 born. 7 May 1835: married White Pine, Jefferson County, Tennessee, Milla Williams (ca 1814 White Pine, Jefferson County, Tennessee-____) daughter of Christopher Williams. 22 Nov 1875: died. SLC Pink Sheets—Mrs. Maude N. Robbins Box 106 Moreland, Idaho. John T. Sartin married 7 Jan 1866 Bradley County, Tennessee, Martha J. Newton igi John W. Sartin married 20 Dec 1865 Jefferson County, Tennessee, Hannah E. Mills. igi Josiah W. Sartain born ca 1826 Tennessee, laborer. L. R. Sartin married 6 Nov 1873 Franklin County, Tennessee, Jennie Hawkins. igi Larkin Sartin 1830 census—Robertson County, Tennessee p427: 1 male under 5 (1825-1830); 1 male 10-15 (1815-1820); 1 male 30-40 (1790-1800); 1 female under 5 (1825-1830); 1 female 5-10 (1820-1825); 1 female 10-15 (1815-1820); 1 female 30-40 (1790-1800). Laura Sartin married 25 Dec 1879 Cocke County, Tennessee, Sidney Brown. igi Levi Sarten 1830 census—Jefferson County, East Tennessee p304: 2 males 5-10 (1820-1825); 1 male 60-70 (1760-1770); 1 female under 5 (1825-1830); 1 female 5-10 (1820-1825); 1 female 15-20 (1810-1815); 1 female 20-30 (1800-1810); 1 female 40-50 (1780-1790). Lewis Sartin married 27 Jan 1881 Knox County, Tennessee, Matt Lane. igi 87 M. E. Sartin married 5 Jan 1864 Knox County, Tennessee, John Rolings. igi Mahala Sartin 1840 census—p83 Coffee County, Tennessee age 60-70 (1760-1770). Mary Sarten married Washington County Tennessee 4 Oct 1836 Hugh Shepherd. Nancy Sartin 1840 census—p83 Coffee County, Tennessee age 50-60 (1770-1790). P. L. Sartain 1860 census—Tennessee: p45, E 42, NI male 17, AJ 16 male, AE fem 13, SS male 10, JR male 9, Elizabeth 5, Mary 3, Sarah 1. Sistler index to Tennessee censuses. Polly Sartain 29 May 1797 married Knox County, Tennessee, John Trout. Rosey Sarten 1802: born Tennessee. no date: married Joshua Duncan. died after 1850 Tennessee? Sam Sartain no date: married Tincia Meeks. 10 Jan 1877: son Lewis born Grundy County, Tennessee. igi Susan Sartin 1840 census p84 Coffee County, Tennessee, age 40-50. Susanna Sartain ca 1790: born. 1850: census Grundy County, Tennessee. Samuel D. Sartin 1830 census p80 - Franklin County Tennessee: 1 male 20-30; 1 female under 5; 1 female 15-20. 1832:m taz list Franklin County, Tennessee. Susan Sartin 1830 census Franklin County, Mid-Tennesse p82: 1 male under 5; 1 male 10-15; 1 male 15-20; 2 females 5-10; 1 female 19-15; 1 female 15-20; 1 female 40-50. 1832: on tax list Franklin County, Tennessee. Thomas Sartain 15 Mar 1818: born Tennessee. no date: married _______ Goforth. no date: son Lank born. no date: son Pliny born. no date: daughter Nina born. no date: son Bill born. 88 no date: m/2 Nancy M. Daniels. no date: daughter Mary Margaret born. no date: son Isaac Newton born. no date: son James Henry born. no date: son Albert Zayer born. no date: son Joe born. no date: daughter Jane born. no date: son Levi born. no date: daughter Fannie born. no date: m/3 Tiny _______. no date: son Thomas born. Aug 1889: died, probably Alabama. Franklin County, Alabama though 1880 census. Larry W. Gaian, 2955 New Jersey Avenue, Lemon Grove, California 92045. Thomas C. Sartain ca 1837: born. no date: married Martha E. _______ (ca 1839-____). ca 1853: son William A. born. ca 1859/60: son John R. born. 1860: census Tennessee. Sistler book. White Sartin 1818: on tax list Campbell County, Tennessee. William Sartain ca 1812: born Tennessee. no date: m/2 Mary _______ (ca 1840 Tennessee-_____). ca 1852: son Bradford born Tennessee. ca 1859: son Lewis born Tennessee. ca 1860: daughter Manda J. born Tennessee. ca 1865: daughter Sarah born Alabama. ca 1866: daughter Emaline born Alabama. ca 1870: daughter Caroline born Alabama, 5/12 in census. 1870: census—p110 #175 #180 P.O. Big Coon, Jackson County, Alabama. after 1880 census: moved to Branch Arkansas. 1890s: died, believed to be 103 years old. James A. Sarten (son of William ? Sarten) no date: son Omer Cecil born; son Omer Douglas. Mrs. Douglas Sarten, 934 West Parkway Blvd. Tempe, Arizona 85281 -1972. William Sarten 1830 census p304 - Jefferson County, Tennessee: 1 male under 5; 1 male 15-20; 1 male 40-50; 1 female under 5; 2 females 5-10; 1 female 40-50; 1 female 70-80. 89 1832: on tax list Jefferson County, Tennessee. William Sarton 1830 census p305 - Jefferson County, Tennesse: 1 male 10-15; 1 male 15-20; 2 males 20-30; 1 male 40-50; 1 female 10-15; 1 female 20-30; 1 female 40-50. 1832: on tax list Jefferson County, Tennessee. William Sartain ca 1824: born. no date: married Sarah A. Brisentine (ca 1820-____). ca 1847: son James A. born Jefferson County, Tennessee. igi no date: daughter Jane born. ca 1854: daughter Dorcas A. born. igi no date: son William T. born. no date: daughter Martha A. G. born. no date: daughter born. lived Tennessee. William Sartain daughter born ca 1859 Jefferson County, Tennessee. igi William Sartin ca 1807: born North Carolina. no date: married Mary _______ (ca 1817 Tennessee-____). all children born Tennessee. ca 1831: daughter Jane born. ca 1833: daughter Elizabeth born. ca 1835: son Christopher P. born. ca 1837: son William T?F born. ca 1839: James K. born. ca 1841: daughter Narcissa born. ca 1844: son John N/M born. ca 1847: son Joel born. ca 1849: son Allan W. born. 1850: census #189 #189 farmer, Smith County, Tennessee. William Sartin ca 1795: born Pennsylvania. no date: married Eizabeth _______ (ca 1800 Tennessee-____). ca 1844: daughter Jane born. ca 1844: daughter Amanda born. ca 1846: son John born. ca 1848: son Joseph born. ca 1853: son Davis born. children all born Tennessee. 1860: census #317 #319 Smith County, Tennessee. 90 William N. Sartain ca 1850 married Sarah Ann Brizendine (ca 1822-____) of Dandridge, Jefferson County, Tennessee. William S. Sartain 2 June 1851 married Wilkton, Tennessee, Clara D. Elliott both of Athens, Limestone County, Alabama. Memphis Eagle 1851-1853, Memphis, Tennessee, issue of 11 June 1851. Wright Sartain ca 1798: born Kentucky. 1794: married Virginia, Nancy Duncan (15 Dec 1794 Virginia-_____, buried Sartain cemetery, Howard County, Missouri). 1818: on tax list of Campbell County Tennessee with 60 A and 1 free poll. 1823: on tax list of Campbell County, Tennessee. 12 Jan 1824: son Wright Sartain, Jr. born. 10 Oct 1829: son Granville born. 1830: census Campbell County, Tennessee—2 males under 5; 1 male 5-10; 1 male 30-40; 1 female under 5; 1 female 10-15; 1 female 30-40. 1839: taxed for 60A, 1 free poll in Cocke County, Tennessee. East Tennessee Taxpayers, Pollyann Creekmore, Easley, South Carolina: S. Emmett Lucas press, 1980, p251. 1896: died, buried Sartain Cemetery, Howard County, Missouri. Jesse E. Jones, P.O.Box 1811, Garnerville, Nevada 89410. Wright Sartain, Jr. (son of Wright and Nancy (Duncun) Sartain) 12 Jan 1824: born Tennessee. 9 May 1839: married Howard County, Missouri, Millie Minerva Wilson (9 Jan 1824 Missouri-5 Apr 1910: died Peteluma, Sonoma County, California, buried Cypress cemetery) daughter of George and Mary (Conley) Wilson. Jan 1840: son James Madison born. 1842: son George W. born. 1845: daughter Elizabeth J. born. 1846: daughter Mary C. born. no date: son Tom born. 1849: son David Eldridge born, died 1910 Ventura County, California. 1850: daughter Sally born, died 1936 California. Jesse E. Jones, P.O. Box 1811, Garnerville, Nevada 89410. James Madison Sartain (son of Wright, Jr. and Millie Minerva (Wilson) Sartain) Jan 1840: born Missouri. ca 1860: married Lucy E. Davis (2 Sept 1841-4 Nov 1884 Colusa cemetery, Colusa County, California). 23 June 1861: son Thomas Jefferson born. 11 Feb 1874: daughter Louella Belle born Booneville, California; married George Balis Bell; died 25 Sept 1921, buried Lowery Cemetery, Tehama County, Claifornia. 91 no date: m/2 Margaret Pegg. 3 May 1903: died Red Bluff, Tehama County, California. Thomas Jefferson Sartain (son of James M. and Lucy E. (Davis) Sartain) 23 June 1861: born Missouri. 16 May 1897: married Burr Valley, Tehama County, California, Edith Ethel Summers (18 Mar 1876 Gospel Swamp, California-19 Feb 1953 El Centro, Imperial County, California) daughter of Francis H. and Elizabeth (Cook) Summers. 15 Oct 1898: son Edmond Roy born, died 18 May 1910 Red Bluff, Tehama County, California. 27 Feb 1904: daughter Hazel Dorothy born Red Bluff, Tehama County, California; married 1922 John Brown; died 19 June 1964 Cloverdale, Califoirnia. 10 Feb 1912: son Thomas Marvin born. 4 Apr 1916: daughter Jessie Ethel born Red Bluff, Tehama County, California; married 23 Sept 1933 William Elard Angus; m/2 Fred C. Jones. 24 Dec 1921: died Red BLuff, Tehama County, California. Thomas Marvin Sartain (son of Thomas Jefferson and Edith Ethel (Summers) Sartain) 10 Feb 1912: born Red Bluff, Tehama County, California. no date: married Minerva Sellers. 2 Oct 1981: died Mt. View, California. Granville Sartain (son of Wright and Nancy (Duncan) Sartain) 10 Oct 1829: born Montgomery County, Tennessee. 1849: to Texas. July 1856: married Mary B. Golden (____-ca 1862) no date: son William born. no date; son Matthew born. no date: daughter Sarah born. no date: daughter Mary B. born. no date: m/2 Rebecca Preacher. no date: son Joseph born. 26 Sept 1865: son James Alfred born. no date: son Clarence born. no date: son Harvey born. no date: daughter Addie D. born. no date: daughter Maudie born. 282A Chartin Township, Howard County, Missouri. History of Howard and Cooper Counties, Missouri, 1883, p469. James Alfred Sartain (son of Granville and Rebecca (Preacher) Sartain) 26 Sept 1865: born Kentucky. 8 Oct 1885: married Charity Ann Thompson (23 Sept 1865 Burton, Howard County, 92 Missouri-2 Apr 1903 Higbee, Randolph County, Missouri, buried Howard County, Missouri) daughter of John C. and Priscilla Howard (Williams) Thompson. 7 Sept 1888: daughter Addie Lee born, married James Henry Hamilton, died 26 Apr 1911. 12 May 1890: daughter Ethel Howard born, married Fred Reise. 17 Oct 1895: twin daughter Lula Mae born, married 2 May 1915 James Alvin McQuitty. 17 Oct 1895: twin son George Ray born, died 5 Mar 1896. no date: m/2 _______ Bell. 25 Apr 1910: died Macon City, Macon, Missouri, buried Howard County, Missouri. According to an LDS group sheet by Lula Mae May Artain McQuitty, of Bloomington, Illinois, James Alfred’s father was Alfred Sartain and his mother was America Lee Roy. TEXAS Cary Belle Sartin ca 1872: born Hunt County, Texas. 1891: married Glen A. Coulson, Greenville, Texas. Mary Coulson Reynolds, 4611 Lorraine Ave. Dallas Texas 75209. G. C. Sartain 17 Dec 1882 married Bell County, Texas, Jennie Carter. igi Isaac M. Sartin 23 May 1858: son Lewis born. Lewis Sartin (son of Isaac M. Sartin) 23 May 1858: born Tennessee. no date: married Mary Lee Westfall (1854 Blanco County, Texas-1 Mar 1932 Tatum, New Mexico) daughter of _____ and Miranda (Smith) Westfall. 25 July 1882: son Archie M. born. 25 Mar 1885: son Johnny Clive born. 7 Nov 1887: son Isaac Marvin born. 1889: son Claude born. 1914: died Seagraves, Gaines County, Texas. Archie M. Sartin (son of Lewis and Mary Lee (Westfall) Sartin) 28 July 1882: born Mason, Mason County, Texas. no date: married Georgia Viola Jackson. 1 May 1965: died. Johnny Clive Sartin (son of Lewis and Mary Lee (Westfall) Sartin) 25 Mar 1885: born Mason County, Texas. 93 no date: married Ella Richardson. 25 May 1966: died. Isaac Marvin Sartin, Sr. (son of Lewis and Mary (Westfall) Sartin) 7 Nov 1887: born Mason County, Texas. no date: married Ruby L. Boutman (1890-____) daughter of _____ and Mary (Smith) Boutman. 1 Apr 1922: son Marvin Raymond born. 14 May 1968: died Roswell, New Mexico. Marvin Raymond Sartin (son of Isaac Marvin and Ruby L. (Boutman) Sartin, Sr.) 1 Apr 1922: born Tatum, New Mexico. 6 Aug 1961: died. Son Sartin (son of Isaac Marvin and Alice M. (Payne) Sartin) no date: married _____ White daughter of Nathan and Alice M. (Payne) White). no date: daughter Leta Marline born; married William Jackson Beene. J. L. Sartain 28 Feb 1872 married Red River County, Texas, S. J. Dodd. igi Jennie Sartain 11 Mar 1883 married Bell County, Texas, Alexander Campbell. igi Johnny Cleve Sartain 25 May 1885: born Mason, Mason County, Texas, married Ella Richardson. Luther Robert Sarten married Mary Catherine Allen (20 Feb 1918 Wellington, Collingsworth County, Texas-12 Nov 1977) daughter of Leslie Dabney Allen. Mollie Elizabeth Sartain 15 Sept 1855: born Prairie County, Arkansas. 4 July 1878: married Bell County, Texas, John William Reed. LDS 5 Jan 1949: died Rogers, Bell County, Texas. Molly Sartain 4 July 1878 married Bell County, Texas, John W. Reed. VIRGINIA Giles County created in 1806 from: Montgomery, Monroe, Tazewell, Craig, Mercer and Wythe Counties. 94 Chatman Sartain 22 Dec 1876: born Giles County, Virginia. 1 p87. Elijah Sertin 1810: census—Giles County, Virginia—1 male under 10 (1800-1810); 1 male 26-45 (1765-1784); 1 female under 10 (1800-1810); 1 female 16-26 (1784-1794); 1 female 26-45 (1765-1784). 26 Mar 1811: bondsman for the marriage of Archibald Chapman and Elizabeth Mills in Giles County, Virginia. 1 p97. 1814: Elijah’s land used as identification. no date: deed from Elijah and Sally Sartain to George Snidow. 1814: lnad was on Stoney Creek adjacent to John Sartain and _______ Roberts. Elizabeth Sartin 24 Aug 1858: died Giles County, Virginia. 1 p95. Elizabeth Ann Sartin ca 1854: born. 17 Apr 1877: married Giles County, Virginia, John Crockett/Gilbert LaFon. lds Joel Sartain ca 1797: born. 1810: census—Giles County, Virginia—1 male 10-16 (1794-1800; 1 male 45 up (before 1765); 2 female under 10 (1800-1810); 1 female 10-16 (1794-1800); 1 female 26-45 (1765-1784). 1810: deed from Joel and Avezella Sartain to Nathan Marrs, land on east side of New River and upper side of Big Stoney Creek. Giles County, Virginia Deed Book 1 p181. 11 Sept 1820: married in Giles County, Virginia by John Maiden, Betsy Lafon. 2. 12 Sept 1820: bond by Joel Sartain issued in Giles County, Virginia for his marriage to Elizabeth LaFon. 1 p99. ??? Feb 1845: deed from Elizabeth and Joel Sartain to Henry McCoy. Montgomery County, Virginia Deed Book N p556. John Sartain 10 June 1806: served on the first grand jury. 1 p36. 1810: census p393 Giles County, Virgina: 1 male 45 up (before 1765); 1 female under 10 (1800-1810); 1 female 45 up (before 1765); 5 slaves. 6 Aug 1810: received in Giles County, Virginia a land grant of 26A on Big Stoney Creek, a branch of New River. 1815: on Giles County, Virginia tax list—1 white male over 16; 1 slaves; 5 horses; 17 cattle. no date: son David born. no date: son Joel born. no date: son Thomas born. 95 16 Sept 1826: deed of gift from John Sartin to Polly Clarke wife of Samuel Clark of Giles County, Virginia—slaves. Giles County, Virginia Deed Book 1 p432. 3 Apr 1829: inventory of personal property. Giles County, Virginia Deed Book 1 p509. 9 May 1829: sale bill to the widow. David Sartin (son of John Sartin) 7 Aug 1826: married by Landon Duncan MG in Giles County, Virginia, Nancy Canterbury. Virginia Genealogy Volume 9 p54. no date: daughter Nancy born; married Giles County Virginia 27 Jan 1846 by Parker Lewis, MG, Elis Mullins. Father David Sartin served as Bondsman. 2 no date: daughter Charlotte born; married Giles County, Virginia 5 Mar 1846 by Parker Lewis MG, John Hunter. 2 9 May 1829: inherited from his father John. Giles County, Virginia Deed Book 1 p547. 1830: census p235 - Giles County, Virginia. 31 July 1840: received a land grant—35A on waters of Big Stony Creek, Giles County, Virginia. 1846: Surety for marriage Giles County, Virginia of Nancy B. Sartain and Eli Mullins. Page 111. 1851: on tax list. 1 p75. Joel Sartin (son of John Sartin) no date: married Sarah Mart, lived Giles County, Virginia and Lawrence County, Ohio. query in Sept 1958 Genealogical Helper. no date: daughter Ruth born; married 1810 Giles County, Virginia Isaac Burton with Joel serving as Bondsman. 2 no date: daughter Salley born; married 25 Feb 1811 Giles County, Virginia, Arthur Blankenship with Joel serving as Bondsman. 2 1810: census p393 Giles County, Virginia: 1 male 10-16; 1 male 45 up; 2 females under 10; 1 female 10-16; 1 female 26-45. 6 Aug 1810: land grant of 90A on north side of Big Stoney Creek, waters of New River, adjacent to Elijah Sartain. 9 May 1829: inherited from John Sartin. Giles County, Virginia Deed Book 1 p547. 26 Feb 1851: Joel R. Sartain Surety for marriage in Giles County, Virginia of Joel R. Sartain and Elizabeth Epling. 1 p114. Thomas Sartin (son of John Sartin) 1810: census p294 Giles County, Virgina: 2 males under 10 (1800-1810); 2 males 26-45 (1765-1784); 1 female under 10 (1800-1810); 1 female 10-16 (1794-1800); 2 females 26-45 (1765-1784). 6 Aug 1810: granted 100A on Big Stoney Creek, a branch of New River, Giles County, Virginia. 9 May 1829: inherited from John Sartin. Giles County, Virginia Deed Book 1 p547. 20 June 1849: Thomas Sartin Surety for marriage in Giles County, Virginia for Thomas Sartain and Jane Hale. 1 p112. 96 Elijah Sartain 1810: census—p393 Giles County, Virginia: 1 male under 10; 1 male 26-45; 1 female under 10; 1 female 16-26; 1 female 26-45. 13 Jan 1815: Giles County, Virginia land grant 98A on east side of New River and geginning at the mouth of the Clinque pin Hollow. John S. Sartain 30 July 1840: married Giles County, Virginia, Wisti Price, daughter of David Price. 1. 1. Giles County, Virginia History and Families, Research Committee Giles County Historical Society, Marceline, Missouri: Walsworth Publishing Company, 1982. 2. Giles County (Virginia) Marriages 1806-1850, John Vogt, Athens, Georgia: Iberian Publishing Compnay. Daisy Sartain 29 Sept 1856 married Fredrick County, Virginia, Andrew Hoffman. Elijah Certain 26 Apr 1791: married by Alexander Ross in Christianburg, Virginia, Sarray Mills. 26 Apr 1798: married by Edward Morgan MG in Montgomery County, Virginia, Sarah Mills. George S. Sartain 1895 Trustee to William P. Parksdale, Subtr. Virginia Deed Book 87 p545. Hannah Sarten 20 Apr 1687: appears on list of names on Patent of William Byrd, Henrico County, Virginia on south side of James River. Cavaliers and Pioneers, Nell Marion Nugent, 3 Volumes, 1979, Volume 2 p547. Isaac Sartain 1728: lived Spotsylvania County, Virginia. no date: married Nancy Scruggs? Friday 28 June 1844: at a superior court of chancery for the Richmond circuti at the capitol of Virginia, Amelia Scruggs; Elizabeth Day widow of Joseph Day; James and William Scruggs; Nancy Sartain widow of Isaac Sartain, John and George Scruggs; John Sims and wife Matilda and Carter Scruggs plaintiffs vs Stafford H. Partker Register of Virginia land office and Timothy Scruggs. Virginia Land Office, Richmond, Virginia. 1767: on tax list John Wilson’s District, Pittsylvania County, Virginia: 1 white tithe (from Halifax County, 1767). 1 p277 1773: on tax list Pittsylvania County, Virginia: 1 tithe. 2 May 1773: deed to Armistead. Pittsylvania County, Virginia Deed Book 3 p208. 16 Mar 1779: deed to John Pynon. Pittsylvania County, Virginia Deed Book 5 p128. 97 1. History of Pittsylvania County, Virginia, Maud C. Clement, Baltimore, Maryland: Regional Publishing Company, 1981. Vera Steere Thomas, 1871 S. 6th, Concord, California. James Certain served in Capt. Daniel Smith’s Company of militia from Fincastle County, Virginia. James Sartain 1767: on tax list of John Wilson in Pittsylvania County, Virginia—1 white tithe. (Pittsylvania was taken from Halifax in 1767). 1 p277 1. History of Pittsylvania County, Virginia, Maud C. Clement, Baltimore, Maryland: Regional Publishing Compnay, 1981. Joel Certain 1767: on tax list in Pittsylvania County, Virginia—1 white tithe. no date: Served in militia, Capt. Daniel Smith’s Company, Fincastle County, Virginia. Joel Sartain (and John Sartain) 1762: born Pittsylvania County, Virginia. no date: lived two years Kanawa County, Virginia 1770-1817: lived Montgomery County, Virginia. 23 Nov 1785 Joel and John Certain to clear a road in Montgomery County, Virginia. 4 Sept 1792: Joel Certain exused from payment of county levies and poor rates in Montgomery County, Virginia. Montgomery County, Virginia Commissioners Book. 1832: applied for pension (Virginia R9207, rejected) at age 72 in Gallia County, Ohio. John Certain 17 Nov 1783: fooA on Sinking Creek, Montgomery County, Virginia. 23 Nov 1785: ordered that Andrew Hatfield...John and Joel Certain clear a bridle road from Andrew Hatfield’s to the top of Peters Mountain, agreeable to this petition if they think proper. Montgomery County, Virginia Commissioners Book. 5 Apr 1794: Andrew Hatfield to John Certain 53A for 50 pounds, on Big Stony Creek, Montgomery County, Virginia. 13 Oct 1797: deed from John and Roseanna Certain of Montgomery County, Virginia to Thomas Kirk. 110A for $500 Clover Bottom C branch of Sinking Creek, branch of New Run south of John’s Creek Mountain. Montgomery County, Virginia. Mentions John, Sr. served in Capt Daniel Smith’s Company of militia in Fincastle County, Virginia. John Sartain lived St. George Parish, Spotsylvania County, Virginia. no date: married Anna _______. 28 Sept 1728: John Sartain, 1000A Spotsylvania County, Virginia in Saint George’s Parish on branches of East North East, adjacent to Thomas Scartain, James Taylor, Edward Hardon and Colonel Waller’s lines. From Patent Book 13 p47. Cavaliers and Pioneers, Nell Marion Nugent, 3 Volumes, 1979, Volume 3 p384. 98 11 Jan 1730: Thomas and John Sartain’s land used as identification for land of John Waller, Spotsylvania County, Virginia. From Patent Book 13 p57. Cavaliers and Pioneers, Nell Marion Nugent, 3 4 May 1742: deed from John and Anna Sartin to George Cook all of St. George Parish, Spotsylvania County, Virgina for 12 pounds, 200A part of a patent granted to said Sartain 28 Sept 1828. Spotsylvania County, Virginia Deed Book D. Cavaliers and Pioneers, 3 Volumes, 1979, Volume 3 p386. 5 July 1843: John and Anna Sartin to James Mayre, clerk all of Spotsylvania County, Virginia for 70 pounds 800A whereon said Sartin lives and part of the grant of 28 Sept 1828 in St. George Parish. Spotsylvania County, Virginia Deed Book D. 2 Apr 1744: deed from Edmund and Mary Waller to John Sartin all of St. George Parish, Spotsylvania County, Virginaia for 6 pounds 200A part of a patent granted to said Edmund 25 Nov 1743 on Devil’s Ditch in same parish and County. Witnesses: Thomas duerson, H. Pendleton. 10 Feb 1767: deed mentions land bought by John Holloday from John Sartin. John R. Sartain 1 May 1854: received land grant Cabell County, Virginia 70A on ridge between Little Ugly and Hamilton Creeks. Page Sartin 2 Aug 1784: received soldier’s allotment of lands for Clark’s Illinois Regiment at Louisville. The Kentucky Genealogist, Mar 1972 p17. (Virginia Line) Sarah Sartain either born or married 1774: Humphrey Brumfield, Fincastle County, Virginia. Sarah was a sister of John, Elijah, Thomas and Joel. A John Sartin of Giles County, Virginia died without children and his heirs were his siblings: Elijah, Thomas, Joel and Sally Brumfield. Joel Sartain of Gallia County, Ohio, released his interest to James Brumfield of Lawrence County, Ohio—deeds dated 1829. Thomas Sartain/Certain no date: married Mary _______. 6 May 1727: received a patent Saint George Parish, Spotsylvania County, Virginia. 28 Sept 1728: 1000A Spotsylvania County, Virginia in Saint George Parish, on north side of the Narthanna River adjacent to Thomas Certain (Scartin) and John Wilkins; on north side of a path to Colonel Waller’s line. From Patent Book 13 p295. Cavaliers and Pioneers, Nell Marion Nugent, 3 Volumes, 1979, Volume 3 p305. 28 Sept 1728: Thomas Sertain’s land used for identification of land of John Waller, Jr. From Patent Book 13 p296. Cavaliers and Pioneers, Nell Marion Nugent, 3 Volumes, 1979, Volume 3 p305. 11 Jan 1730: Thomas and John Sartain’s land used as identification for land of John Waller, Spotsylvania County, Virginia. From Patent Book 13 p57. Cavaliers and Pioneers, Nell Marion Nugent, 3 Volumes, 1979, Volume 3 p386. 99 1 July 1735: deed from Thomas Sartin to Peter Gustavus both of St. George Parish, Spotsylvania County, Virginia, 600A in St. George Parish, part of a tract granted said Sartin by patenet 6 May 1727, wife Mary acknowledged dower. Witnesses: William Waller, James Terry and Thomas Estes. Spotsylvania County, Virginia Deed Book C. 1 July 1735: deed from Thomas and Mary Sartin to James Terry, both of St. George Parish, Spotsylvania County, Virginia, 200A. Spotsylvania County, Virginia Deed Book C. 10 Oct 1737 witnessed deed by his mark. Spotsylvania County, Virginia Deed Book C. 6 Nov 1739: deed from Thomas and Mary Sertain to John Holloday, Sr. both of St. George Parish, Spotsylvania County, Virginia for 25 pounds, 200A, plantation said Sartain now lives on, part of patent granted said Sartain 6 May 1727. Witnesses: Joseph Thomas, Daniel and ELizabeth Holloday. Spotsylvania County, Virginia Deed Book C. WEST VIRGINIA Abbie Sartain 1897 born. Greenbrier County, West Virginia Births Book 1A p322 line 27. John Sartain 30 June 1847: received land grant 57A and 23A on Marrow Bone Creek of Sandy River. Logan County, West Virginia Deed Book 2 p356 and 382. 30 Sept 1848: received land grant 23A on ridge between Marrowbone and the Cold Spring Fork of the Little Laure Fork of Pigeon Creek. Logan County, West Virginia Deed Book 3 p38. 1 Feb 1854: received land grant 50A on point below Flat Hollow of Marrowbone Creek. Logan County, West Virginia Deed Book 4 p36. 2 July 1855: received land grant 200A with Isaac Brewer on Marrowbone Creek. Logan County, West Virginia Deed Book 4 p201. 1 Nov 1855: with John Goare received land grant 300A on Stone Coal Creek, Sandy. Logan County, West Virginia Deed Book 4 p339. John W. Sartain 1893 born. Greenbrier County, West Virginia Birth Book 1A p271 line 29. Lucille Sartin 6 Oct 1905: born. 14 Aug 1935: died, buried Springhill cemetery, Huntington, Cahill County, West Virginia. ENGLAND 100 James Sartain 1845: son Peter born. Peter Sartain (son of James Sartain) 1845: born Wiltshire, England. 14 June 1879: married Dover, Kent, England, Myra Lee Tumber (1860 Hastings, Sussex, England-____) daughter of William Tumber. She m/2 _______ Harmer. 7 Sept 1878: son Frederick James born England. 1881: daughter Annie Leila born. 1884: daughter Mary Louisa born, married _______ Dunk. 4th child living. no date: died Dover, Kent, England. Frederick James Sartain (son of Peter and Myra Lee (Tumber) Sartain) 7 Sept 1878 born Hastings, Sussex, England. 28 Nov 1907 : married Dover, Kent, England, Alice Jane Spanner (6 Jan 1885 Dover, Kent, England-____) daughter of James and Sarah (Saunders) Spanner. no date: daughter Lillian Isabella born. 4 more living children. 28 Feb 1959/7 Nov 1960: died Hamilton, Wentworth, Ontario, Canada. Rachel Sarten will—peculiar of Corsham Volume 1 p219. 23 Oct 1680: will of Rachel Sarten the elder of Corsham, Wilts, baker, written. son Thomas a bulling brass pan; daughter Ann Bence 1 flock bed, etc; Richard Sarten son of my son Richard 1 table, etc.; all the rest of my grantchildren 5 pounds apiece; to the poor of Corsham 10 pounds worth of bread; all said legacies to be paid within ¼ of a year after my decease. Residue to son Richard, sole executor. Son Thomas and son-in-law Thomas Bence overseers to whom I give 6 pence each. Witnesses: Walter Somner, Sarah Somner, Abigail Somner. No probate account. Corsham Peculiar Volume 1 p280 Undated—between Jan 1702 and Sept 1704: Administration of goods of John Sarten of Corsham, Wilts, shoemaker, granted to Hanna Sarten widow and relict. From Annals of the Sartain Tribe privately printed by John Sartain of Pennsylvania: Anthony Sartain no date: married Jane _______. 16 Mar 1667: daughter Ann baptized. 6 Sept 1675: daughter Jane baptized. 101 Anthony Sartain no date: married Mary _______. 25 Aug 1674: daughter Ione baptized. 15 Nov 1677: son William baptized. no date: son Anthony, Jr. baptized, died 1 Mar 1684. Edward Certin no date: married Dora. 29 Aug 1619: daughter Anna baptized. 17 Feb 1621: daughter Elizabaeth baptized. Edward Sartaine, weaver. 25 Nov 1700: married Mary Perket, a widow. 14 Dec 1701: daughter Elizabeth bapitzed. 27 Oct 1703: daughter Anne baptized. 4 Nov 1705: daughter Mary baptized. George Sertain 20 Oct 1756 married Martha Harding. Henry Sartain of Stafferton, England. no date: married Ann _______ (____-2 July 1647). 8 Apr 1649: died. Henry Sartain of Studley Ford, England. no date: married Ann _______ (____-15 June 1648). 22 Feb 1648: died. Henry Sartain 26 Dec 1670: married Ann Offer. 12 July 1671: daughter Anne baptized. 23 Dec 1673: daughter Anne baptized. 19 Oct 1676: son Henry baptized. 19 Nov 1678: son Edward baptized. 15 Jan 1681: daughter Edith baptized. 1 Jan 1684: daughter Margery baptized. 17 Dec 1687: son Thomas baptized. 19 Aug 1690: son John baptized. Henry Sartain no date: married Sarah _______. 1732: daughter Mary baptized. 3 Sept 1734: son Henry baptized. 17 Feb 1735: son Henry baptized, died 12 Oct 1735. 102 3 Mar 1737: son Edward baptized, died 13 Apr 1740. 24 Aug 1740: daughter Ann baptized. James Sartain married Ann _______, 4 Apr 1682 daughter Maria baptized. James Certain no date: married Elizabeth _______. 15 Apr 1753: daughter Jane baptized. James Sertain 6 Aug 1764 married Mary Whatley. James Sartain 20 May 1770 married Sarah Beaven. James Sartin 25 June 1780 m/2 Ann Parsons. James Sartin married Mary _______, 2 Jan 1803 daughter Ann baptized. James Sartain 13 June 1859: daughter Rosena married Joseph Silcocks. 25 Dec 1870: daughter Harriet married Samuel Taylor. 25 Dec 1871: son Arthur married Elizabeth Brown. 25 Nov 1877: daughter Emma married Joseph Hayward. James Sartain married Martha _______, 10 June 1859 daughter Mary Maria baptized. John Sertin 2 Dec 1596 son Thomas born, died 9 Sept 1596 England. John Sartain no date: married Ann _______ in England. 12 Dec 1661: daughter Ann baptized, died 24 Nov 1667. 7 Feb 1663: daughter Martha baptized. 17 Jan 1666: son John baptized. 17 Jan 1666: son Richard baptized. 3 July 1669: daughter Edith baptized. 18 Feb 1676: daughter Mary baptized. John Sartain 25 Nov 1675: married Margaret C. _______ in England. 5 Mar 1679: daughter Elizabeth baptized. John Sartain married Anne _______ in England, 21 June 1685 daughter Milicent baptized. John Sartain 103 27 June 1699: married Sibol Weale, a widow in England. 14 Jan 1702: son Robert baptized. John Sartin 4 July 1731: married Mary Holmes, England. 9 Sept 1733: daughter Jane baptized. 2 Jan 1735: son Thomas baptized. John Sertain 17 Jan 1742 married Amey Chivers in England. John Sertain married Ann _______ in England, 6 Aug 1786 daughter Ann baptized. John Sartin 1 Jan 1801 married Susannah Messiter, 4 July 1802 son John baptized. John Sartin no date: married Elizabeth _______. 25 May 1828: son John baptized (born 1821), married 1 July 1860 Mary Ann Rose. 25 May 1828: son Thomas baptized (born Dec 1822). 25 May 1828: daughter Mary baptized (born Dec 1825), married 1 Aug 1843 married John Heal. 25 May 1828: daughter Sarah baptized (born Mar 1828). 7 Nov 1830: son George baptized. 26 Mary 1833: son Job baptized, married 28 June 1853 married Ann Hunt. Jonathan Sartin 1758: born. 7 July 1782: married Patience Pinchen (1761-9 Jan 1837). 8 Jan 1786: daughter Ann baptized. 16 June 1787: son Thomas baptized. 13 Dec 1818: died. Joseph Sertain 16 Aug 1741 married Elizabeth Grayton. Joseph Sartin 12 Nov 1764 married Sarah Waite, 6 Aug 1769 daughter Ann baptized. Mark Sertayne 16 Oct 1518 married Grace Parson, 20 Sept 1579 son Henry born, died 22 Sept 1579. Mark Sertayne married Christian (____-26 Sept 1579), 19 Aug 1557 daughter Alice baptized. Richard Certin married _______ Dennis, 7 May 1626 son Richard baptized. 104 Richard Sartaine no date: married Elizabeth _______. 22 Aug 1678: son Jonathan baptized. 10 Aug 1684: son John baptized. Richard Sartaine 24 Feb 1695 married Elizabeth Horlock. Richard Sartin 7 July 1776: married Elizabeth Whatley. 9 Aug 1789: daughter Ann baptized. 9 Aug 1789: daughter Elizabeth baptized. 9 Aug 1789: daughter Mary baptized. 14 Dec 1787: child died. Robert Sartain 13 Oct 1802 married Ruth Rains. Robert Sartain no date: married Mary _______. 13 Feb 1665: son William baptized. 12 May 1666: son William baptized. 28 Dec 1668: daughter Mary baptized. 15 May 1669: son Richard baptized. 25 Feb 1670: son Robert baptized, died 4 May 1676. 30 Dec 1673: daughter Ann baptized (Robert and Maria). 24 May 1675: son Richard baptized. 10 Dec 1676: son Joseph baptized. 29 Sept 1677: daughter Elizabeth baptized. 26 May 1678: daughter Maria baptized (Robert and Maria). 4 Sept 1679: daughter Ann baptized. 6 Nov 1681: son Henry baptized. 20 Feb 1682: son Robert baptized. 20 July 1684: son John baptized. 21 Nov 1686: daughter Katherine baptized. 18 Feb 1688: daughter Maria baptized. 20 Dec 1689: daugher Jane baptized. 1 Nov 1690: daughter Anne baptized. 16 June 1692: son Henry baptized. 20 Oct 1686: daughter Katherine baptized. Evidently more than one Robert and Mary Sartain. Robert Sartaine dairyman, 16 Apr 1704 married Alice Hancock. Robert Sartain 105 no date: married Maria _______. 5 Mar 1713: daughter Elizabeth baptized. 24 Feb 1715: daughter Anne baptized. 28 Jan 1717: daughter Eliza baptized. 27 Mar 1726: son James baptized. Robert Sartain 25 July 1731 married Grace Edwards. Robert Sartain no date: married Ann _______. 29 Dec 1735: son William baptized. 15 Oct 1737: daughter Katharine born, died 30 Oct 1737. 20 Jan 1739: daughter Katharine born, died 16 Dec 1741. Robert Sertain no date: married Sarah _______ (____-???4 Aug 1745). 28 Mar 1743: son Joseph born, died 1 Apr 1744. 30 May 1748: married Ann Wie. 2 June 1751: daughter Ann baptized. Robert Sertain 8 Dec 1754 married Mary Longden. Robert Sartain 23 Apr 1770: married Ann Pavey (1749-1 Aug 1822). no date: daughter Ann born, died 12 Aug 1810. 1785: daughter Mary born, died 13 Dec 1821. 26 Feb 1807: died. Samuel Sartin married Elizabeth _______, 23 Apr 1817 son William baptized. Thomas Sertayne 8 June 1594 married Elizabeth Penshine. Thomas Sertain 15 July 1744: married Ann Witcomb. 12 Apr 1752: daughter Betty baptized. 23 Mar 1755: daughter Ann baptized. 15 Oct 1756: daughter Ann baptized. 12 Oct 1759: daughter Grace baptized. William Serten 106 2 Aug 1602: married Agnes Penshine. 27 June 1603: daughter Joanne baptized. 1 Nov 1606: daughter Katherine baptized, married 16 Jan 1631 William Walton. 8 Nov 1609: son William baptized. 10 Aug 1610: daughter Agnes baptized. 5 Mar 1611: son Richard baptized. 13 Mar 1612: daughter Margaret baptized. William Sartin married Jane _______ (____-19 July 1614), 7 June 1611 died. William Sertaine no date: married Joan _______. 3 June 1621: daughter Alice baptized. 7 Feb 1623: son Robert baptized. 19 Aug 1627: daughter Joane baptized. William Sarton 8 Nov 1630 married Agnes Sarton. William Sartaine no date: married Margaret _______ (____-30 May 1667). 19 FEb 1636: daughter Ann baptized. 14 May 1640: son Robert baptized. 26 Dec 1642: son Henry baptized. William Sartain married Jane _______, 14 June 1691 daughter Elizabeth baptized. William Sartain 13 May 1703 married Martha Lightly, a bonnet maker, 28 Aug 1704 son William baptized. William Sertin no date: married Sarah _______. 10 Feb 1718: daughter Alice baptized. 2 Apr 1727: son William baptized. 2 Apr 1727: daughter Catherine baptized. William Sertain 19 Nov 1754: married Sarah Harfill. 29 June 1755: daughter Martha baptized. 25 Sept 1757: son William baptized. William Sartain no date: married Rebecca _______. 13 may 1759: son James baptized. 13 May 1759: daughter Betty baptized. 107 William Sertain 2 Dec 1764: married Margaret Stevens. 23 May 1766: son James baptized. 19 A[r 1772: son James baptized. 108