Project 8 Signal-dependent interactions in insulin action Primary Investigator: Matthias Mann, Ph.D. University of Southern Denmark Specific Aims: 1. Measure proteome-wide changes in phosphorylation triggered by insulin in white and brown adipocyte cell lines. 2. Compare changes of the insulin-induced tyrosine phosphoproteome in normal brown adipocytes and in cells with specific knock out for key insulin signaling factors. 3. Identify proteins interacting specifically with insulin-induced phosphotyrosine moieties. Summary: Insulin binding to its receptor initiates a complex network of events, starting with a tyrosine phosphorylation cascade that branches out to affect multiple endpoints. It is likely that many steps of the insulin pathway are adversely affected in various forms of type II diabetes. However, the polygenic nature of the disease makes it difficult to understand its molecular level. While gene expression methods are very well developed, they do not address many of the changes that may occur in cell signaling. To study changes in protein abundance, we are using a combination of nano-flow high performance liquid chromatography, sensitive mass spectrometers (LTQ-FTMS), and the SILAC method (Stable Isotope Labeling by Amino acids in Cell culture). These techniques will allow us to define changes in the insulin-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation on a proteomic scale. Protocols 1. Culture of brown adipocytes (BAT) in SILAC Medium and Insulin induction 2. Immunoprecipitation 3. In Gel digestion 4. Sample preparation after “in gel” digestion 5. HPLC system and mass spectrometer 6. More information about SILAC 1. Culture of brown adipocytes (BAT) in SILAC Medium and Insulin induction The brown adipocytes cell lines were kindly provided by Ronald Kahn. The protocol for adipocyte differentiation is adopted from Ronald Kahn´s lab (see also Project 1 / Brown fat cell isolation). SILAC Media: DMEM based on Cat #31885-023 (GIBCO) but WITHOUT L-lysine, and/or L-arginine (customized) Dialyzed fetal bovine serum Cat #26400-044 Invitrogen The use of dialyzed serum is necessary to avoid the contribution of natural amino acids present in normal FBS. The “non-labeled” forms of the aminoacids can be ordered by SIGMA L-arginine-HCl L-lysine HCl Company Cat# A-6969 L-8662 Stock in PBS 84mg/ml 146mg/ml Dilution* * The Dilution is dependent on the cell line. Must be tested by the user. The labeled Aminoacids can be ordered by Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, Inc. or Sigma-Isotec Further cell culture supplements: Glucose Antibiotics P/S Glutamine Stock 20% in H2O 100x 100x Dilution 1: 57.14 1:100 1:100 The usage of essential aminoacids to the medium (those not synthesizable by mammalian cells) forces the cells to use a particular labeled and unlabeled form. Thus, with each cell doubling the cell population replaces at least half of the original form of the amino acid. Five cell doublings are enough to achieve a 100% labelling (incorporation of the specific amino acid). Differentiation of brown fat cells (see also Project 1 Ronald Kahn). Differentiation Media: DMEM (see above) + 10% dialyzed FBS + Stock Insulin 5,73 mg/ml Sigma Cat# I5500 1 mM T3 6.51 µg/ml Sigma Cat#T-2877 10 µM Filter sterile (0.2 mcron filter) Final conc. 0,114 µg/ml 20 nM 0,651 ng/ml 0,01 nM Dilution 1:50.000 1:10.000 Induction Media: Differentiation Media + Dexamethasone Sigma Cat # D-1756 Indomethacin Sigma Cat # I-7378 IBMX Sigma Cat # I5879 Stock in abs. ETOH 2mg/ml 5.1 mM 44,72mg/ml 0,125 M 57.5 mg/ml 250 mM Final conc. 2 µg/ml 5.1 µM 44,72 µg/ml 0,125 µM 0,115 µg/ml 0,5 mM Dilution 1:1000 1: 1000 1:500 Differentiation time course and Insulin Induction. 5 min Insulin induction Final Insulin concentration for induction: 1µg/ml Diff. Media 1 2 Ind. Media 4 6 Diff. Media 8 harvest cells DMEM Media 10 11 12 days -FBS for 16h 2. Immunopreciptation for large scale Experiment Lysis buffer: 50mM Tris HCL, pH 7.5, 150mM NaCl , 1% NP-40 , 1mM EDTA , 0.1% NaDesoxycholate, 1 tablet PIC (Roche cat # 1836145)*, 1mM NaOvan* *fresh, on day of use Protein A or G beads for precleaning Anti-Phosphotyrosine antibody (4G10) agarose conjugated 1mg/ml (50% slurry), Upstate Cat#16-101 1. Suck off the media completely and add between 700µl to 1ml ice cold lysis buffer per 15cm dish. 2. Incubate the dishes on ice for 15 min 3. Scrape and collect the cells in tubes (approx. 15-20ml for 10 plates) 4. Incubate on ice for 15min- vortex every 2min 5. Centrifuge with 16000g speed for 15min at 4C 6. Important - save 10-20µl of each state/Exp. for direct lysate and freeze the lysate at -20C. 7. Transfer the rest into another tube and measure the protein concentration. 8. According to the Protein concentration mix each state 1:1. 9. Precleaning: For 30-40ml lysate use approx. 1ml µl slurry of Protein A or G beads, dependent on the antibody Incubate with gentle rock for 1h at 4C 10. After precleaning centrifuge for 30seconds with 500g and separate the supernatant fraction. Discard the pellet. 11. Incubate (gentle rocking) the supernatant with 500-700µl slurry of the agarose conjugated 4G10 antibody for 6h at 4C 12. Separate the 4G10 beads using a Chromatography Column (Biorad Cat. # 732-1010). 13. Wash the beads with 2x 3ml ice cold lysis buffer 14. Wash with 3x 1.5ml ice cold 50mM Tris pH 7 15. Elute the bound proteins with ice cold 50mM Glycine pH 2.3. For 700µl beads use 7ml Glycine. Incubate the beads 3x with 2ml for 2-3min and collect the flow through. Incubate with 1ml for 2-3min and collect the flow through. 16. To neutralize the flow through add 35µl neutralization buffer per ml flow through (for 7ml add 245µl NB, NB: 1mM EDTA, 2M Tris-HCl, 1.5M NaCl adjust to pH 8). 17. Reduce the volume with Centricons (Micon, Centricon YM-3 cut off 3000Da Cat # 4202, see manual) to 20-30µl. 3. In-gel digestion Buffers Buffer A: 0.5% Acetic acid Buffer B: 80% Acetonitril, 0.5% Aceticacid Buffer A* 5% Acetonitrile, 1%TFA in water 1. Gel Running After IP (see IP Protocol) apply the protein samples on a NOVEX Gel Invitrogen Novex Cat.No.: NPO 031BOX NUPAGE 4-12% BIS-TRIS Gel 1mmx10 well Running buffer MOPS, 50-60 min, 200V 2. Gel Staining After PAGE stain with Colloidal Coomassie staining Kit. Invitrogen, Cat.No.: LC60025, Staining for 4h- o.n. 3. Excision of Protein bands After staining wash entire gel with water over night. Excise bands of interest with a clean scalpel cutting as close to the edge of the band as possible Chop the excised bands into little pieces of 1mmx1mm Transfer gel pieces into a microcentrifuge tube (1.5ml Eppi) 4. In well Trypsin Digestion. off stained protein samples Wash gel pieces 2x with 150µl 50% 50mM NH4HCO3 / 50% Ethanol for 20min. Wash with absolute Ethanol for 20 min for dehydration. Dry gel pieces with speed vac at room temperature (r.t). 5. Reduction with DTT, Cleaveland´s Reagent Cat. No.: 20290 / Perbio Add to the dried gel pieces approx 50µl of 10mM DTT in 50mM NH4HCO3 for 60 min at 56C. 6. Alkylation with Iodoacetamid, Cat.No.: I-6125, Sigma Add 50µl 55mM Iodoacetamid in 50mM NH4HCO3 for 45 min at room temperature. Wash with 150 µl 50mM NH4HCO3 for 20 min Dehydrate with absolute Ethanol 2x for 10 min Dry pieces in speed vac 7. Digest with trypsin / Cat.No.: V5113, Promega 12.5ng /µl trypsin in 50mM NH4HCO3 Add 10-20µl trypsin and place at room temperature for 10min Add further 20µl of 50mM NH4HCO3 to keep the gel wet during digestion. Start digestion by incubating at 37C and digest for 4h or over night. 4. Sample preparation after in Gel digest 1. Transfer the digested proteins (trypsin/ buffer solution) in a new Eppendorf tube. 2. Add to the gel pieces 100µl 3%TFA/ 30% Acetonitrile and incubate for 20min at r.t. and combine with previous fractions (see 1). 3. Add 70-80µl 3%TFA/ 30% Acetonitrile for 20min to the gel pieces, save supernatant and combine with fraction from 1 and 2. 4. Add 70-80µl 100% Acetonitrile and combine with previous fractions 5. Add 10-20µl 100% Acetonitrile and combine with previous fractions 6. Reduce the volume of approximately 350µl to 50-70µl in a speed vac (30-60 min) 7. Add an equal amount (50-70µl) of buffer “A* “ [ 5% Acetonitrile, 1%TFA in water]. 5. Preparing and Loading of Stage Tips ( Stop And Go Extraction Tips) 1. Prepare desalting columns as necessary by punching out small disks of C18 Empore filter using a 22 G flat syringe and plug the disks into P200 pipette tips. Ensure that the disk is securely wedged in the bottom of the tip. (Empore disks, 3M, Minneapolis, MN, Cat# 2215) 2. Condition a column by forcing methanol (100µl) through the Empore disk with a syringe fitted to the end of the pipette tip. 3. Remove any remaining organic solvent in the column by forcing buffer A through (2x) 4. Force the acidified peptide sample from step 4 through the C18 column. At this stage the loaded tips can be stored at 4C until used. 5. Wash the column with 20µl buffer A 6. Elute the peptides from the C18 material using 2x10µl buffer B (+0.2% TFA). Elute directly into an autosampler plate (96wells-plate) 7. Place samples (96wells plate) in SpeedVac and dry down without heat. Watch carefully – do not overdry keep 1-2µl. This will take approx. 5min. 8. Add 10µl buffer A (+1% TFA). Literature: Rappsilber J, Ishihama Y, Mann M. Stop and go extraction tips for matrixassisted laser desorption/ionization, nanoelectrospray, and LC/MS sample pretreatment in proteomics. Anal Chem. 2003 Feb 1;75(3):663-70. 5. HPLC system and mass spectrometer. HPLC: Agilent 1100 nanoflow system. Mass spectrometer: Thermo LTQ-FT - a hybrid linear ion trap-Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance MS, Thermo Electron, Bremen Germany. Reverse-phase nano-LC-MS/MS is performed using an Agilent 1100 nanoflow LC system (Agilent Technologies Inc.) comprising a solvent degasser, a nanoflow pump, and a thermostated µ-autosampler. The LC system is coupled to a 7-Tesla Finnigan linear ion trap-Fourier transform (LTQ-FT) mass spectrometer, using a modified nanoelectrospray ion source (Proxeon Biosystems) interface. Binding and chromatographic separation of peptides is achieved in a 20-cm fused silica emitter (75-µm inner diameter; Proxeon Biosystems) packed in-house with a methanol slurry of reverse-phase ReproSil-Pur C18-AQ 3-µm resin (Dr. Maisch GmbH) and mounted in the nanoelectrospray ion source. The tryptic peptide mixtures are routinely autosampled at a flow rate of 500 nl/min onto the packed column and then eluted at a flow rate of 250 nl/min. A linear gradient elution from 95% buffer A (H2O – acetic acid, 100:0.5 vol/vol) to 50% buffer B (H2O –acetonitrile-acetic acid 20:80:0.5 vol/vol) in 100150min chromatographically separates the peptides. Literature Olsen JV, Mann M., Improvevd peptide identification in proteomics by two consecutive stages of mass spectrometric fragmentation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 Sep 14;101(37):13417-22. Hinsby AM, Olsen JV, Mann M. Tyrosine phosphoproteomics of fibroblast growth factor signaling: a role for insulin receptor substrate-4. J Biol Chem. 2004 Nov 5;279(45):46438-47. 6. More Information about SILAC Please see: Literature: