Ruby Bridges mother and her decision to make Ruby the first

Some Cognitive-Moral Scenarios
Ruby Bridges mother and her decision to make Ruby the first colored child to integrate her school. The
story will go into detail about how Ruby’s mother was not sure if she was making the right decision
because of the emotional pain her daughter would feel, and the danger she would face being the first
black student at a staunchly segregated school. On the other hand, Ruby’s step toward integration would
potentially help thousands of other black students take the same steps toward integration and hopefully
the liberty and equality guaranteed by the 1st and 14th amendments.
(Nicole Schon, Grade 5)
After a long day of playing at her friend’s house, Tammy realizes that its time to be heading home. The
streetlights would be coming on any minute now. On her way home, Tammy comes across a dog that has
been hit by a car. The dog is still alive but it is seriously injured and bleeding. Should Tammy continue
on her way home to meet her curfew, or should she head to the nearest house and ask for help for the
dying dog., (Kim Raines, Grade 1)
David is a first grader at Hollister School. One morning he speaks with his very best friend
Adrian. Adrian tells David that he forgot his lunch money at home and there is no way for him to contact
his mother to bring his lunch money, and so, Adrian will not be able to eat lunch that day.
Later, David finds five dollars on the playground. He goes to find Adrian to give him the five
dollars for lunch, when he finds a little girl crying. David had never met this girl before but he asks her
why she is crying. She tells David that she just noticed that she is missing her lunch money for the week.
Her mom gave her five dollars for lunch money for the week, and now she doesn't know what to do.
David thinks about the situation. He doesn't know what to do. After all, he doesn't know that the
five dollars he found was this girl's money since it doesn't have her name on it. And Adrian, his best
friend in the whole world really needs lunch money. What should David do? Should David give the
money he found to Adrian, his very best friend so that he can eat lunch? Or should he give the money to
this little girl, who lost her five dollars for lunch?
(Jessica Sanford, grade 1)
Emma is eight years old. Her school has a Jog-a-thon every year to raise money. For every $200 that a
student raises for the Jog-a-thon, that student gets a ticket to Disney Land. Emma raised $400, so she gets
two tickets. She is going to use one ticket for herself. She needs to decide what to do with the extra ticket.
She could give it to her best friend, Jenny. Jenny has been to Disney Land before with her family. Even
though her family could afford to raise money for the Jog-a-thon, she did not raise enough to get a ticket.
Emma promised Jenny that she would give the ticket to her and Jenny really wants to go.
Emma’s other choice is to give the extra ticket to Whitney, a classmate who has never been to
Disney Land and would love to go too. Emma and Whitney are not friends and do not know each other
very well. Whitney’s family could not afford money for the Jog-a-thon and cannot afford to go to Disney
Land. Should Emma give the extra ticket to her friend Jenny, or give it to Whitney, who cannot afford to
go? What would you do if you were Emma?
(Kristy Trudin, grade 1)
Son of Benjamin Franklin believes in staying true to the roots in Britain and the King; Father believes in
independence. Their beliefs could divide the family. What should he do?
(Laura Lamberton, grade 5).
Sammie’s partner is Billy and they are playing wall ball with Emily and Jack. Emily and Jack have never
played before so they don’t know all of the rules. Billy doesn’t want to lose so when he makes a mistake
he changes the rules so that he and Sammie don’t get out. What should Sammie do?
(Caren Jordan, grade 1)
Your best friend kicked the ball out of the kindergarten yard (towards the parking lot). She asks you to
help her by distracting the yard duty lady while she unlocks the gate and runs out to get it (a violation of
school rules). you know it’s wrong, but you know your best friend will get in trouble and lose ball
privileges for kicking a ball high and hard enough for it to go over the fence. What do you tell your
(Kristin Brown, K-1)
Maria is playing a game with her friends Sara and Jamie. Maria is winning the game and Jamie is far
behind. Whenever Maria and Jamie play together, Jamie always does. On Maria’s turn, she chooses a card
that lets her win. She wants Jamie to win because she is her friend so she thinks she should lie and not
follow the rules on the card. If you were Maria, would you lie and let your friend win, or would you tell
the truth and follow the rules of the game?
(Shana Logan, grade K)
I will read the book … Yokou and the Seven Thieves by Madonna. The main character Yokou has a son
who is dying and he seeks advice from a wise old man to help him. The man enlists seven thieves to
help…. Yokou must decide between his son’s life or working with thieves.
(Andrea Baumgardner, grade K)
Albert is a fifth generation rancher living in Northwest Wyoming, just outside the border of Yellowstone
national Park. His great-great grandfather traveled west on the Oregon Trail to seek his fortunes as a
hunter and trapper. He (Albert’s great-great grandfather) followed the Missouri river to Helena, then,
attracted to the wild land to the south, forged a life for himself as one of the original white settlers of the
Albert is married, has two teenaged sons, and runs the ranch started by his great grandfather. The
ranch is small, in part due to the rugged, mountainous terrain, and in part due to the rising price of land.
Albert has only 150 head of cattle and is barely able to pay his bills. To compound his troubles, a pack of
wolves who live in the neighboring Yellowstone National Park—where they are protected—have recently
been marauding his ranch and have killed three older cattle over the past few months. Albert knows that
the wolves are threatened species, and respects their wild way of life. However, he is also worried about
the welfare of the rest of his cattle and the future of his small ranch. If more are killed, he may have to
declare bankruptcy and sell the family ranch. What should he do?
(Shad Springer, grade 5)
More Examples of
Cognitive Moral dilemmas
Cognitive moral dilemmas are not easy to come by: the main character in a scenario really has to be
between a rock and a hard place—he has to be in a dilemma involving two equally moral decisions. Some
of you who opted for this strategy really had more of a values dilemma, rather than a strictly moral one.
Keep in mind that a moral dilemma is a type of values analysis, except that the values in conflict happen
to be moral ones. Many of the stories involved classroom scenarios involving loyalty to a friend vs.
honesty. Below I have recorded some of the more unique stories that you have come up with.
You are sitting in class and you see your friend cheating during a quiz. You are the leader of the day and
therefore you are responsible for assisting and helping your teacher in every possible way. You walk by
your friend and he/she threatens you and tells you not to say a word.
W.W. II: to hide Jews and risk the safety of your own family vs. not hiding the Jews and ensuring the
safety of the family.
Mary is a 12-year old Latina who has been living the U.S. since she was four. Her parents, very hard
workers, have always given her the best they could… .Also, they have always taught her to be
understanding and nice to people. Nancy gets along very well with her classmates and has become very
good friends with a group of Caucasian girls in her class (something very rare at the school where she
goes). A new student, Tina, has just arrived from Mexico. She is very shy and nobody seems to like her
very much. She tries hard to be nice and make friends, but she is lleft often alone, especially by Mary’s
good friends, who look at her as different. Mary feels sorry for her and would like to help her but she is
afraid that if she does so, she will lose here friends and be called “different” as well.
A group of your best friends and you are playing tag…. Then one of your other friends comes and asks if
he can ‘play with you guys.” Your 2 best friends tell him “no!”, but you like him and want to play with
him. Do you speak out against your best friends or do you go along with their decision? (Colleen
Mary and Cassie have been best friends for many years. Cassie is very sad because her little sister is very
sick and her parents have no money to buy Christmas presents this year because of doctor’s bills. It is
the last week of school before the Christmas break. That morning, Kay, a classmate had brought in all
her American Girl dolls as part of her display for her Star of the Week table. School is over now and
Mary is looking for Cassie. Mary sees Cassie on the playground, putting something into her backpack.
Mary doesn’t think much about this until the following day when the teacher announces that Kay lost
one of her American Girl dolls at school yesterday. The teacher says unless Kay’s doll turns up, the
class will not have a Christmas party this year but will use the money to buy a new doll for Kay. At
recess, Mary asks Cassie what she was putting into her backpack yesterday. Cassie admits that she
found the doll on the playground and took it home. Cassie says she won’t give the doll back because
Mary will get a new one anyway. Mary knows the whole class will be upset if they don’t get to have a
party like all the other classes. What should Mary do? Should Mary tell the teacher about Cassie, or
should Mary keep Cassie’s secret? (Lauri Dahlin).
You are at your best friend’s house. You have been best “buds” since Kindergarten. He has gotten hold of
some marijuana and wants the two of you to try it. You say “no.” He insists, but you hold your ground.
As the days and weeks go by you notice a change in your friend and you know he is smoking “pot’ on
quite a regular basis. Do you keep your moth shut or do you tell someone? (Suzette Hernandez)
Juan, a recent immigrant from Mexico sells corn on the cob out of a Von’s shopping cart. The money he
makes goes to support his five children, wife, and mother back home. This money is their sole income
and if they don’t get it they could starve. You are a police officer. You know that the use of a shopping
cart for purposes outside of the story is illegal. You love your job and need the pay for your brand new
house. What do you do? Ignore the incident or let Juan up? (MalínRamirez)
Pedro Manuel lives in a pueblo in the jungles of the Yucatan. In the last couple of years industrial
companies have taken an interest in these jungles. These companies claim that within these jungles
there is a mineral necessary to cure all types f cancers. These companies would like to buy a big piece
of these jungles so that they can find this element. The companies have offered the people of the town,
especially the family of Pedro Manuel, a lot of money so that they can move. The problem is that Pedro
Manuel’s family harvest the fruits and vegetables to eat and sell. His family has lived and worked there
for generations. They do not know where they will go or what they will do because all they know are
these jungles and lands. Pedro Manuel is afraid that if they take the money, that the jungle they have
and provides them with food will be destroyed with all the machines and people that will come to
search for this element. But he also knows the importance of finding a cure for cancer. What decision
should Pedro Manuel’s family make? (Clara DelaTorre)
You are new to a school. It’s been really hard to make friends, but finally, two kids start to hang out with
you and you feel like you are going to fit in. you are sitting with them at lunch and they start talking
about an African-American boy whom they don’t like. In the conversation, they casually refer to him as
a “nigger.” You don’t know what to do because you think it is really wrong to call someone a term like
that, but you are afraid that if you say something, they will stop being your friends. (Marsi Richardson)
A young Cherokee is traveling with his people to a new land, the White Man calls it Oklahoma. His
people have been on this journey a short time but already they have seen many of their people die,
especially the older ones and the children. Another young boy approaches him with an offer to sneak
away from the White Man who is leading his people and join other Indians who are fighting to keep the
land they believe belongs to them. The young Cherokee knows that his father went to fight the White
Man, but he fears that his mother and little brother need him to make it to Oklahoma. If he leaves he
must leave tonight. What should he do? (To fight for people and protect their future vs. staying and
protecting brother & mother) Cindy McDermott
Two partners have staked a claim in the Sierra Nevada of California. The year is 1849. They have pooled
their money and resources to buy supplies. They agree to share everything 50/50. Josiah is a 20-year
old, single man; Stanton is 28, has a wife and four children renting a room in Sacramento. Josiah leaves
their gold panning for a moment to go the bathroom. Stanton finds a gold nugget the size of a walnut
while Josiah is gone…. What should he do? (honesty & loyalty to friend vs. supporting family) Karen
Jerry and Ben were playing catch with a baseball. Jerry accidentally threw the ball too far, and it crashed
into Mrs. Wilcox’s window. The boys ran away. Jerry told Ben, “If you are really my best friend, you
won’t tell anyone what just happened.” (As an alternative: suppose Mrs. Wilcox is a nasty lady who
yells at kids, etc.) (Classic honesty vs. loyalty) Barbara Chang
You are assigned the job of “hall monitor” by the teacher because the teacher felt you were responsible
enough for the job. After the recess the bell rang, all the students are supposed to be in class, but you
see two of your friends hiding out in the bathroom. They ask you not to tell where they are because they
don’t want to go to class because they are not prepared for the spelling test. etc. (Again, honesty vs.
loyalty) Marcie Hooper
Christopher’s family owns the last remaining portion of a small Island that they have operated as a cattle
ranch sine the 1800’s. The federal government has slowly taken over the rest of the Island as its former
owners have died or sold their property and has kept the property free of development as a National
Park. There are certain species of plants and animals indigenous to this Island. Las year Christopher’s
father died. His last words to Christopher as he lay on his death bed were “keep it in the family my boy,
whatever you do—this property has your family’s roots and home.” Now the Federal Government has
offered Christopher a large sum of money in exchange for the ranch property… . (Preserving the
environment vs. loyalty to family) Hillary Peddie
A girl tells her two friends in her class that she completed a report due in their class by copying a report
on the same subject from a friend in their grade who lives in a different city. She admits to the two
friends that all she did was change names on the report (which received an “A.”), and that she really
knows nothing about the subject. What should the two friends do? (loyalty vs. honesty.) Ramona
Your grandfather, a retired archaeologist on his death bed tells you that he has been saving something he
found while digging at an unknown pharaoh’s tomb. He knows that you and your children have been
having a rough time and wants to help out. You could turn the tiny miniature solid gold sphinx ring
over to the authorities or do you sell it on the black market and keep the money to feed your family?
(Honesty vs. Helping out Family ) Robin McCulley
Julio is the oldest of three children, a 3rd grade student. He is bright and has always gotten excellent
marks. However, at home, his mother has become very ill and Julio has had to miss school & didn’t
have time to study. He has a spelling test tomorrow, but must clean up and take care of his mother. On
the following day, while taking the test, Julio realizes that he doesn’t know most of the words. Before
finishing the test, the teacher is asked out of the room and places the spelling list on Julio’s desk.
Suppose you were Julio, what would you do? (honesty vs. helping out family) Maria Cervantes
Your parents own a small market. You go the market every day after school to help out. One day your
friend comes to the market. The two of you chat until your dad calls you back to the stock room. As you
return to the front of the story, you see your friend putting a box of cereal and dry milk into his back
pack. He heads to the front of the store and buys a piece of candy and says good-bye. The next day at
school, you confront him. He begs you not to tell your parents. He says he stole the food because his
family is poor and they ran out of money to buy food. He apologizes. What should you do? (Honesty
vs. Helping out Family) Gloria Kawakami
Both of Sally’s parents work full-time. Sally is supposed to walk home after school and she is not allowed
to leave her house after 5 PM. she is allowed to play with her neighborhood friends until 5. At 6 PM,
Sally’s best friend and neighbor called crying. She asked Sally to come over to the house to comfort
her. What should Sally do? (Obedience vs. loyalty) Kasey Turner