making cotton significantly more drought-tolerant



Hong Zhang and Dick Auld , Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409

Drought is the major limiting factor for cotton production in the Southwest. To increase droughttolerance in cotton, a new approach is proposed. Dr. Eduardo Blumwald of UC Davis has recently expressed a gene called IPT in tobacco plants and observed a significantly improved droughttolerance phenotype in transgenic tobacco plants. The IPT gene encodes an isopentenyl transferase that plays a critical role in cytokinin biosynthesis in Arabisopsis. When IPT expression is controlled by a water-deficit inducible promoter, it would increase cytokinin biosynthesis under water-deficit conditions, which in turn activates defense mechanisms that protect plants under water-deficit conditions. We introduced the same gene construct into Arabidopsis and also obtained transgenic plants that are significantly more drought-tolerant than wild-type plants. These preliminary data indicate a possbility that cotton may be made significantly more drought-tolerant when IPT is overexpressed under severe water-deficit conditions.





Thea A. Wilkins 1 , Noureddine Abidi

Department of Plant & Soil Science and

1,2 and Eric Hequet 1,2

2 International Textile Center, Texas Tech University,

Lubbock, Texas 79409

Cotton is a vital agricultural commodity to the U.S. economy as an important renewable resource and number one value-added crop, generating revenues in excess of $100 billion annually. More than 90% of cotton’s value resides in the production of fiber, yet yield and fiber quality is on the decline. This downward trend has been attributed to the erosion of genetic diversity in breeding programs and increasing vulnerability of germplasm to environmental stress. Fiber maturity, a major component of yield and fiber quality, is deleteriously impacted by the low night temperatures typical of the southwestern states of the cotton growing belt, costing producers millions of dollars in lost revenue. Understanding the molecular mechanism by which cold stress affects fiber growth and development, and hence, impacts yield and fiber quality will facilitate the design and implementation of strategies aimed towards developing chilling tolerant germplasm using molecular approaches.

Fiber maturity is dictated by the thickness, composition and structure of the secondary cell wall

(SCW), which is composed of almost pure celluose, and as such, fiber maturity is therefore governed by the rate and duration of the cellulose synthesis during SCW biogenesis. The optimal temperature for cellulose biosynthesis in field-grown and fibers from in vitro cultured ovules ranges between 28-30°C, and temperatures below 28°C not only reduce fiber maturity, but also result in structural changes to the SCW. It has been hypothesized that suboptimal temperatures suppress the rate of cellulose synthesis and induce the formation of diagnostic tree-like “growth rings” in the

SCW as a consequence, especially in cold-sensitive varieties. In chilling tolerant species, rapid induction of the conserved CBF regulon results in changes in the structure, composition and function of the plasma membrane, and indeed, it has been demonstrated that overexpression of CBF transcription factors can confer chilling tolerance in otherwise cold-sensitive species.

The main goal of the submitted proposal is to gain novel insight into the molecular mechanisms regulating fiber maturity in response to low temperatures as a step towards the genetic enhancement of fiber quality by breeding programs using molecular strategies. A combination of genetic, genomic, structural, and biochemical approaches as well as the physical sciences will be used to test the operating premise that i) suboptimal temperatures negatively impact carbon flux and the rate of cellulose synthesis, ii) the response varies in genotypes that differ in response to suboptimal temperatures, and iii) overexpression of CBF transcription factors to manipulate the CBF regulon can confer enhanced chilling tolerance in elite cotton cultivars. The successful completion of these studies will provide new insight into the regulation of carbon metabolism and cell wall biogenesis in response to cold stress. The proposed project will develop tools and resources, including unique germplasm, to address fundamental and applied questions that will enhance our understanding of fiber maturity, and facilitate generating chilling tolerant cotton germplasm for the southwest.





Scott Kroken, University of Arizona, and Soum Sanogo , New Mexico State University

Chile (pepper) is a culturally and economically important crop of the American southwest, and a significant vegetable and spice crop worldwide. The cultivation of chile is impacted by two common stresses: diseases and drought. Phytophthora blight, caused by Phytophthora capsici, and

Verticillium wilt, caused by Verticillium dahliae , are two diseases that limit profitable production of many crops, especially in chile. These pathogens cause root, stem, and vascular dysfunction, culminating in wilting and plant death. Chemical control is not routinely employed owing to costs, variable effectiveness, the potential of rapid development of resistance within populations of pathogens, and concerns for environmental health. Research on chile resistance to wilt diseases has not yet yielded resistant commercial cultivars. Although crop rotation and water management are the most recommended control methods, they are not used consistently due to economic constraints.

Given the unavailability of resistant cultivars and the economic impracticability of using chemical and cultural control methods, there is a need to explore new avenues of control. Drought stress also reduces the quantity and quality of chiles, and causes an increase their levels of capsaicin, which gives chiles their heat. Therefore, minimizing water stress will result in higher yields and a more uniform product.

Both disease and drought damage can be minimized through the use of mutualistic fungi.

Mycorrhizal fungi improve the host plant’s ability to avoid water stress by acting as extensions of the root system. In addition, under certain conditions mycorrhizal fungi induce resistance in the host plant to subsequent infections to pathogenic fungi and other microbes. The roles of endophytic fungi are more newly appreciated. Endophytes, which live entirely inside plant tissues, improve the host plant’s ability to tolerate drought stress through the accumulation of osmotically active solutes.

And, like mycorrhizal fungi, endophytes are known to induce systemic acquired responses in the host plant against pathogenic microbes. The positive effects of mycorrhizal fungi on drought avoidance on chile have been documented. In contrast, no studies have been conducted to look for naturally occurring endophytic fungi of Capsicum , or to demonstrate positive benefits of inoculating chile with endophytes as agents of biological control. However, endophytic fungi have a potential advantage in that they are more likely to establish and survive in their host plant in spite of variance in the external environment, as they are not subject to external (root zone) conditions, but rather reside entirely within host plant tissue. Endophytes also have another potential advantage, as they improve drought tolerance , which may be a complimentary effect to the drought avoidance provided by mycorrhizal fungi.

In order to be agriculturally useful, mutualistic fungi must both be compatible with cultivated chile, and be able to establish under field conditions. Therefore, in this proposed study, mutualistic fungi from New Mexico and Arizona will be collected and evaluated along with fungi that occur in wild populations of Capsicum spp. in Latin America, the center of genetic diversity. These comparisons will help determine if it is more important that the mutualistic fungi are from a similar habitat, or if they have evolved to be compatible with Capsicum . With this approach, we aim to identify beneficial fungi that, when introduced into chile under agricultural conditions, will improve the crop’s ability to acclimate to arid land agriculture of the southwestern US, and to improve the crop’s resistance to soilborne diseases.




Peter Lammers , Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and Steven Hanson , Department of

Entomology, Plant Pathology and Weed Science, New Mexico State University

Arbuscular mycorrizal fungi (AMF) are abundant and obligate symbionts of root tissue in most plants. In natural settings, AMF supply host plants with a significant fraction of their phosphorus and nitrogen in return for carbohydrate derived from photosynthesis. Some 200 species of AMF colonize more than 200,000 plants, but the regular use of chemical fertilizers suppresses colonization, leading to depletion of AMF diversity and biomass


. Yet AMF colonization is well known to improve drought tolerance


and suppress plant diseases in many crop species


. The mechanism(s) of disease suppression by AMF not understood despite a variety of hypotheses



Bioprotection of Capsicum annuum against verticillum wilt is known to vary between AMF species 5 , yet only a single AMF isolate is produced commercially in North American. So, while

AMF hold tremendous potential for enhancing plant dehydration tolerance and disease resistance, implementation suffers from a) a century of reliance on chemical fertilizers, b) our ignorance of the mechanisms of dehydration tolerance and disease suppression, and c) the paucity of studies identifying superior AMF strains for specific crops. We propose a study of AMF bioprotection of chile against Phytophthora capsici, which is a particular concern in NM. Thirteen strains of AM fungi in root organ culture will be analyzed including the model AMF Glomus intraradices . Strains will be evaluated for the ability to protect chile seedlings from challenge with spores of P. capsici .

Genetic mechanisms of disease suppression and strain differences between fungi will be assessed using microarrays based techniques.

1. Treseder, K. & Allen, M. Direct nitrogen and phosphorus limitation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: a model and field test. New Phytologist 155, 507-515 (2002).



Auge, R. M. et al. Relating foliar dehydration tolerance of mycorrhizal Phaseolus vulgaris to soil and root colonization by hyphae. J Plant Physiol 160, 1147-56 (2003).

Borowicz, V. Do arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi alter plant-pathogen relations? Ecology 82,



3057-3068 (2001).

Garcia-Garrido, J. M. & Ocampo, J. A. Regulation of the plant defence response in arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. J Exp Bot 53, 1377-86 (2002).

Garmendia, I., Goicoechea, N. & Aguirreolea, J. Effectiveness of three Glomus species in protecting pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) against verticillium wilt. Biological Control 31,

296-305 (2004).




Michael J. Ottman, Plant Sciences Department, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721

Donald C. Slack , Dept. Ag. Biosystems Engineering., U. of Ariz., Tucson, AZ 85721

Mark R. Riley , Dept. Ag. Biosystems Engineering., U. of Ariz., Tucson, AZ 85721

Due to recent increases in petroleum prices, and policy declarations from our federal administration, there is a renewed interest in alternative fuels. Ethanol is increasingly being used as an additive to unleaded gasoline as MTBE (methyl tertiary butyl ether) is phased out. Ethanol blended fuels must be handled differently than fuels blended with MTBE. Gasoline/ethanol blends can not be delivered in pipelines, making shipping and storage more costly. Therefore, local production of ethanol is advantageous.

The growing demand for ethanol can not be met locally in the southwest at this time. Most of the ethanol plants in the United States are situated in Midwestern states near the source of the most commonly used feedstock, corn. In the southwestern US, only 3 ethanol plants are functional representing less than 1% of the ethanol capacity in the US.

Most of the ethanol produced in the United States is derived from corn. However, ethanol can also be produced from sugar obtained from sugarcane or from sweet sorghum, as we propose in our research. Sweet sorghum can be grown efficiently in the Southwest because it requires less production inputs and fossil fuel than most other crops. Since it is salt tolerant, municipal wastewater or other saline irrigation water can be used to irrigate the crop. Increasing the sugar content in sweet sorghum using salt or water stress, as is done in grapes and tomato, may be possible.

We propose to evaluate sweet sorghum genotype response to water stress through field studies at the University of Arizona Campus Agricultural Center in Tucson, Arizona. Twelve genotypes will be grown under three water regimes. The water regimes will be based on soil water depletion and include 35, 50, and 65% depletion of plant available water. Plant water potential will be measured before irrigation. Crop water use, growth, and development will be monitored in order to develop a thermally-based model of water use and development. At harvest, the biomass of the total plant and stalks, leaves, and heads will be measured. Juice will be pressed from the stalks and the sugars in the juice will be determined. The juice will be fermented and ethanol production measured. The feeding quality of the byproducts (head, leaves, and pressed stems) will be evaluated by measuring acid detergent fiber, neutral detergent fiber, and protein content.

This research is significant since we are attempting to take advantage of arid land agricultural conditions to meet the increasing demand for alternative fuels.





Dennis T. Ray , Division of Horticultural and Crop Sciences, Department of Plant Sciences,

University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721

Normand C. Ellstrand , Biotechnology Impacts Center, Department of Botany and Plant Sciences,

University of California, Riverside, CA 92521

Joceline C. Lega , Department of Mathematics, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721

Guayule ( Parthenium argentatum Gray) has long been a source of natural rubber, but on a minor scale. However, with the advent of latex allergies to natural rubber from the Brazilian rubber tree

( Hevea brasilensis ) guayule has become a commercial rubber-producing crop in the southwestern

United States. There are already commercial acreages in Arizona and California, with approximately 50,000 new acres being planted in the next five years. Yields per acre have been increased significantly through traditional plant breeding, because the components of yield that have to do with biomass production are highly heritable and easily manipulated. However, rubber content (% rubber), the most important component of yield to the rubber/processing industry, has not been increased, and in fact lowered in some cases, through traditional plant breeding. The reasons for this include guayule’s complicated reproductive biology, the low heritability for rubber production, and the elasticity of the isoprenoid pathway. Because of this lack of progress in raising the rubber content in new lines, many of the improved guayule lines being developed are genetically engineered. Because guayule is a perennial crop, there will be previously planted nontransgenic and seed increase fields in the same geographic areas where the new transgenic lines will be established. In addition, prime guayule growing areas include Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas are where related Parthenium species are found; therefore, there is potential for pollenmediated gene transfer from transgenic guayule to not only cultivated plants, but to wild and related species. Our research will address the following objectives: (1) determine pollen viability and longevity under environmental conditions encountered throughout the growing season; (2) monitor flowering and pollen dispersal in the field throughout the flowering period; (3) determine the effect of different irrigation levels on plant growth, rubber production, and flowering; (4) determine the level of gene transfer between transgenic guayule and non-transgenic guayule under field conditions; and (5) develop a mathematical model to predict the probability of pollen mediated gene transfer, which considers pollen dispersal patterns, and the environmental effects on pollen viability and longevity so that environmental risk assessment can be made, and containment strategies developed before the industry is ready to use transgenic plants in their field plantings. This research is directed toward agriculture in the southwestern United States, and addresses the growth of guayule under arid and semiarid environmental stresses, and how these environmental stresses affect growth, flowering, rubber production, and gene flow from transgenic guayule to nontransgenic guayule being grown in the same area, as well as wild Parthenium species.




Christopher Rensing (PI)*, Hans VanEtten and Leland S. Pierson

The University of Arizona

Arsenic contamination is a serious world-wide problem with severe consequences for human health. Arsenic is also prevalent across the Southwest and is present above current EPA standards in several sources of Southwest water and soils. Elevated As levels in soil and water is a concern with respect to plant uptake and subsequent entry into wildlife and human food chains. One mechanism of resistance and reduced uptake of arsenic in plants is achieved by suppression of the high-affinity phosphate/arsenate uptake system. Fungi and bacteria in the rhizosphere are therefore likely to have a strong influence on arsenic speciation and uptake as could be demonstrated in recent studies. We recently characterized an enzyme, ArsM, responsible for arsenite methylation and subsequent volatilization. This reaction physically removes arsenic from the source. We propose to engineer well-characterized rhizosphere bacteria to express arsM to aid in arsenic reduction. At the same time, we will characterize an arsM homolog identified in the rhizosphere fungus Nectria haematococca . The potential of both organisms to reduce the presence of arsenic from the rhizosphere and subsequently the plant will be determined.






Christopher D. Rock 1 and Eugene A. Nothnagel .


1 Department of Biological Sciences, Texas Tech University, Lubbock TX 79409-3131

2 Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, University of California, Riverside CA 92521

The next few years will mark the epoch of novel gene discovery, after which there will be another paradigm shift in biological research. The current task of matching data with gene function or with means of affecting the function is huge.

The primary difference between plant and animal cells is the cell wall. Plant cell walls are complex carbohydrate polymers that comprise the bulk of biomass on earth and are the ultimate source of fodder and fiber in agriculture, yet knowledge of their biogenesis and functions in signal transduction of environmental stimuli and plant development is quite limited, even in model organisms. In some tissues, inhibition of cellulose biosynthesis leads to hormone-dependent lignin accumulation. Interestingly, several recent reports have established links between the stress hormone abscisic acid (ABA) and the cell wall. The P. I. has isolated two mutants of Arabidopsis, harlequin ( hlq ), and Dc3 overexpression in roots ( dor1 ), that have altered

ABA-, stress- and auxin-inducible late-embryogenesis-abundant Dc3:GUS reporter gene expression and pleiotropic effects on epidermal cell morphogenesis and the cell wall. Mutants of dor1 have arrested root elongation with abnormal root hair morphogenesis, and are seedling lethal. The HLQ gene will be cloned by map-based methods and its subcellular and tissue-specific expression characterized. The DOR1 gene will be fine-mapped using PCR-based molecular markers (Cleaved

Amplified Polymorphic Sequences [CAPS] and Simple Sequence Length Polymorphisms [SSLPs]) with a view to clone DOR1 in the future. Detailed phenotypic characterization of hlq and dor1 cell walls by immunocytological, chemical and spectroscopic means will be carried out in reference to known cell wall mutants ( isoxaben resistant2/cellulase synthase 6/procuste 1, furca2/katanin1/ectopic root hair 3/botero , and radially swollen2/defective cytokinesis/korrigan) .

The transcriptome of hlq will be profiled in order to identify the molecular events mediated by the

HLQ gene and to facilitate HLQ gene ontology, especially if the sequence of the HLQ gene is uninformative. Elucidation of the gene structure and function of HLQ and DOR1 can serve as a starting point for comparative genomics as a tool to understand plant evolution and diversification.

Characterization and molecular cloning of these genes will lead to new insights into fundamental cell biological processes involved in ABA-, auxin-, stress perception/responses and cell wall metabolism affecting morphogenesis in response to environmental and hormonal cues. A major application of the knowledge gained will be to more fully realize plants' potential for adaptation to more marginal environments and to genetically improve food and fiber crops for the constraints of the 21st century– water deficits and high salinity.





Mary W. Olsen , Department of Plant Sciences, Forbes 303, The University of Arizona, Tucson,

AZ 85721.

Francis P. Wong, Department of Plant Pathology, 202 Fawcett Lab, University of California,

Riverside, Riverside, CA 92521.

Greg W. Douhan , Department of Plant Pathology, 238 Fawcett Lab, University of California,

Riverside, CA 92521.

Natalie P. Goldberg , New Mexico State University - Cooperative Extension Service,

Box 30003, MSC 3AE, Las Cruces, NM 88003.

David Kopec , Department of Plant Sciences, Forbes 303, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ


Salinity stress is associated with a new and unique disease of cool season turfgrasses known as

“rapid blight” that has been described in eleven states, including Arizona, California and Texas in the southwest US. Since its discovery, rapid blight has become a chronic problem on turf irrigated with high salinity water (usually >3.0 dS/m). In the desert Southwest, it affects cool season turfgrass varieties used for overseeding bermudagrass such as rough bluegrass ( Poa trivialis ) and perennial rye ( Lolium perenne ) as well as annual bluegrass ( Poa annua ), creeping bentgrass ( Agrostis paulustris ) and colonial bentgrass ( Agrostis tenuis) . In preliminary laboratory trials for host range determination, other grasses such as wheat, barley and rice also were susceptible.

The causal agent, first described in 2003, is a new Labyrinthula species, Labyrinthula terrestris . It is an unusual organism with a confused taxonomy, and other known Labyrinthula species are associated only with marine plants and algae. A study with ten different isolates of L. terrestris from turfgrass using r-DNA sequence analysis indicated that these ten isolates were very closely related to each other but not closely to isolates from marine systems. Nothing is known of the population structure and genetic diversity of L. terrestris .

This proposal is based on an observed increase in disease in the Southwest in turfgrass irrigated with high salinity water; the prospect of widespread colonization of warm season turfgrasses with L. terrestris ; a recent discovery of isolates with variations in morphology and pathogenicity; and decreases in water quality along with increases in salinity of irrigation water as urban water needs increase. Our objectives are to (1) collect isolates of L. terrestris from sites with different disease history, quality of irrigation water, soil salinity and turfgrass varieties; (2) use this collection of isolates to determine ranges in salinity for optimal growth and hosts; and (3) use AFLP analyses to correlate genotypes with diversities in phenotypes - host range, virulence or salinity tolerance. A better understanding of the biology of L. terrestris will help in choosing turfgrass species that are tolerant to the disease, in utilizing the best agronomic practices for these species, in providing information on how the pathogen is spreading to new locations and its potential to cause disease in other economic hosts.




Champa Sengupta-Gopalan 1 and Scott Holaday

Univ, Las Cruces, NM88003. 2

2 . 1 Dept. of Plant & Environ Sci, New Mexico St

Dept of Biological Sci, Texas Tech Univ, Lubbock, TX79409

Frost tolerance is essential for temperate crops while in tropical crops such as cotton, productivity and quality are affected by even non-freezing low temperature. In alfalfa, non fall-dormancy is a desired trait because it produces more herbage. However, the major constraint preventing widespread use of nondormant alfalfa in temperate regions is their poor winter hardiness. Similarly cold tolerance is a desired trait in cotton since it would help cotton producers to do early planting without being hampered by low temperatures and early planting would allow peak flowering to occur during the longest summer days and may set bolls before soil moisture supplies are depleted.

Accumulation of soluble sugars, mostly sucrose, have been documented during the acquisition of freezing tolerance of many plant species. It is accepted that sucrose synthesis is regulated by the activity of the enzyme, sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) which catalyzes the formation of sucrose-

6-phosphate from uridine 5’-diphosphate (UDP)-glucose and fructose-6-phosphate. Low temperature induced increase in SPS activity has been documented in a number of plants.

SPS is found mostly in photosynthetic tissues and the abundance of sucrose in the source leaf is the determinant of the rate of sucrose export from the leaf. However, SPS is also present in heterotrophic tissues and it has been proposed that SPS in these tissues could allow re-synthesis of sucrose after import via apoplastic cleavage or SPS could be involved in a regulatory cycle in which sucrose is simultaneously degraded and re-synthesized. The root nodules in alfalfa where the symbiotic bacteria, Rhizobia, fix atmospheric nitrogen acts as a large sink for photosynthetically produced sucrose. The products of sucrose metabolism is in nodules is to provide a substrate to provide the ATP and reducing power for the fixation of N


and to provide carbon skeletons for ammonia assimilation. Similarly the fiber in cotton bolls also act as a C sink since sucrose is the required substrate for cellulose synthesis in the cotton fiber.

We have recently isolated two different SPS gene members from alfalfa, SPSA and SPSB. While the former is expressed in all organs but at much higher levels in the nodules followed by the roots, the latter is mostly leaf-specific in its expression. High SPS activity in the nodules suggests a possible role of SPS in the nodules. Cotton plants transformed with a spinach SPS gene driven by the CaMV 35S promoter exhibited a small but statistically significant increase in fiber wall thickness and quality under cool temperature conditions.

The objectives of this proposal are to overexpress SPS in a constitutive and leaf-specific manner in a non-dormant alfalfa cultivar and compare their performance under freezing conditions with control plants. The same transformants along with those that have the SPS gene driven in a nodulespecific manner will be analyzed for nodule function and overall yield during the growing period.

The results of the alfalfa transformants will be compared with those of cotton transformants expressing SPS in a leaf-specific or boll-specific manner. Besides the applied aspects, the proposal is addressing the role of SPS in two kinds of sink tissues, the nodules and the cotton fiber.




Ravishankar Palanivelu


1 and William R. Montfort 2 . 1 Dept. of Plant Sciences, Marley 541E, and

Dept. of Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics, BSW 533, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ


After pollen lands on the surface of the pistil, it extends a tube to transport the sperm cells to an ovule. Based on imaging of fixed flower tissues, it is known that this journey involves a series of cell-cell interactions that includes adhesion, attraction and repulsion. However, since pollen tube growth occurs within opaque floral structures, it has been difficult to examine the dynamic nature of these interactions .

To overcome this technical limitation, we developed an in vitro assay to directly observe pollen tube guidance to the ovules. By using this assay, we have performed detailed characterization of pollen tube entry into the ovule and subsequent arrest within an embryo sac.

When pistils in this system are coated with excess pollen, multiple tubes can associate with each ovule. However, pollen tubes turn away sharply from an ovule if it is already been entered by a pollen tube. These preliminary observations suggest that a short-range, diffusible repellant mechanism prevents multiple tubes from entering one ovule. Such interactions are reminiscent of polyspermy blocks in vivo , where only one tube generally migrates up the funiculus and enters an ovule. Since pollen tube entry and bursting can be easily monitored in this in vitro assay, it will allow us to collect ovules as they are being targeted and use them to dissect the ovule repellant signals–an opportunity that has remained so far impossible in vivo.

The immediate goal of our proposal is to use this newly developed in vitro guidance assay to characterize pollen tube repellant signals in a model plant system ( A. thaliana) before they are tested in a crop species. Specifically, the proposed experiments will:

1) Characterize pollen tube repulsion by a ) identifying the temporal and spatial origins of repulsion signals, b ) analyzing the developmental regulation of pollen tube repulsion signals, c ) using mutants to understand interplay between pollen tube repulsion and previously defined pollen tube guidance events and d) exploring the degree to which this repulsion pathway has diverged in plants beginning with close relatives of A. thaliana.

2) Investigate role of a candidate repellent nitric oxide (NO) accumulation and release from ovules in PT repulsion by a ) evaluating the effect of NO loss–by chemicals that disrupt NO biosynthesis and mutants defective in NO accumulation–in ovules on PT repulsion in the in vitro guidance system, b ) quantifying total NO levels in untargeted and targeted ovule extracts, c) localizing NO accumulation in targeted ovules using NO-sensitive dyes and d ) developing assays to probe NO release from ovule.

Research significance and relevance: Upon completion, this study not only would have characterized a unique process in plants but also will have impact on crop improvement. The outcome of this study will help us understand how plants regulate spurious fertilization events.

Insights into this process, could then be used to contain pollen from genetically modified crop varieties from spreading into native species, a key challenge breeders face in the southwest while developing improved transgenic crop varieties (for example, cotton) and an area of concern to public and regulatory agencies. Since this work will be part of a research program aimed at understanding how seeds are made, it will have a long-term benefit in gaining knowledge to increase crop yield, overcome inter species hybridization barriers, and generate novel plant hybrids using wild relatives that are more likely to withstand environmental stresses.




Kameswara Rao Kottapalli 1

John J. Burke 3

, Michael Gomez Selvaraj

, Naveen Puppala 1 , And Mark D. Burow 2, 4

Mexico State University, Clovis, NM 88101;

University, Lubbock, TX 79409; 3

2 , Gloria B. Burow



3 , Jamie L. Ayers 2,4 ,

Agricultural Sciences Center, New

2 Department of Plant and Soil Science, Texas Tech

USDA-ARS Plant Stress and Germplasm Development Unit,

3810 4th Street, Lubbock, TX 79415; and 4 Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, 1102 East

FM1294, Lubbock TX 79403.

Heat stress is a significant factor affecting peanut production. Genetic improvement of peanut is hampered by limited genetic variability in the germplasm used commonly by breeding programs, and by lack of study and markers for selection of improved plant response. In this project, we are working to identify additional sources of genes for heat stress tolerance, and to identify candidate genes and markers for use in peanut improvement.

Greater genetic variability is present in the U. S. peanut core and core subset collections than among peanut varieties, but utilization of these collections could be enhanced by genetic characterization of these accessions. We report characterization of the U. S. peanut minicore collection using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Seventy two peanut accessions were genotyped using 73 primer pairs. Substantial genetic variation was found to exist in the core subset, contrary to previous reports of little or no molecular variation in the cultivated species. A group of twelve unlinked markers with known map positions identified less variation among the accessions but was found sufficient to differentiate both subspecies and market types and gave results similar to those obtained using the larger number of primer pairs. The genetic variation observed indicate that SSR markers are highly suitable for development of genetic maps of cultivated tetraploid peanut.

Greenhouse experiments to identify sources of heat stress resistance within the minicore collection found significant differences among accessions by the enhanced respiratory biodemand assay, suggesting the potential utility of the minicore as a source of different genes for tolerance to heat stress. A subset of these accessions has also been characterized to date at seedling and reproductive stages using acquired thermotolerance and metabolic fitness index (MFI) measurements, counts of flowers during heat stress and recovery, and number of fertile pollen grains. Both MFI and acquired thermotolerance varied considerably among the genotypes. There was no strong correlation between the two measurements, indicating differences in the mechanisms of tolerance associated with the measurements. Interestingly the number of flowers under stress showed highly significant positive correlations with both acquired thermotolerance (0.643***) and MFI (0.300**).

The present study indicates that to screen the peanut genotypes at the seedling level for heat tolerance, different heat stress assays will be required.

Based on the present and previous results, the genotypes ICGS76 and ICGV87157 possessed good tolerance to heat stress while Tamrun OL02 and Spanco were susceptible. Based on these results, parents with contrasting heat stress responses and of different market types for greater molecular polymorphism have been selected. Crosses (ICGV87157  Tamrun OL02, ICGS76  Tamrun

OL02, and ICGS76  Spanco) were made to develop F1 hybrids for expansion of current or production of additional F2 mapping populations. Microsatellite marker analysis identified primer pairs useful for identification of true F1 hybrids. Since ICGS76 is very compatible in crossing studies, identified heat tolerance QTLs will be easily introgressed to susceptible varieties.






Naveen Puppala 1 Mark Burow 2 Soum Sanogo 3 and Jorge Fonseca 4


New Mexico State University, Agricultural Science Center at Clovis, 2346 SR 288, NM 88101,

2 Texas Tech University, Department of Plant and Soil Science, Lubbock, TX 79409, 3 New Mexico

State University, Entomology, Plant Pathology and Weed Science, Las Cruces, NM 88003,



University of Arizona, Department of Plant Sciences, Yuma Agricultural Center, Yuma, Arizona


The Valencia peanuts for in-shell market are predominantly grown in eastern New Mexico, and west Texas. Of recent, water has become a scarce resource in this region. The area under peanut cultivation has therefore declined thus affecting the monopoly of this region to produce peanuts for in-shell market types. Development and cultivation of high yielding Valencia peanut cultivars that mature early, uses less water to produce more (high water use efficiency), tolerant to drought, and resistant to pod rot and aflatoxin will benefit peanut producers in this part of the US. The overall goal of this proposal is to develop a core collection specific to Valencia peanut that will be evaluated for various morpho-agronomic traits, physiological traits related to drought, and resistance to pod rot and aflatoxin contamination to identify promising germplasm for enhancing the genetic potential of Valencia peanuts. Association mapping on this core collection will enable us to identify markers associated with beneficial traits, as discussed above, for use in breeding programs.

Over 500 publicly available SSRs will be initially screened to identify polymorphic markers on a set of diverse germplasm and then the full core collection will be genotyped using 100 polymorphic

SSRs and high throughput assay (ABI3700) to dissect the genetic structure of this core collection.

The New Mexico Peanut Research Board provides limited funds to support ongoing peanut breeding program at NMSU; however, additional support from SWC through this proposed project will help us identify critical germplasm and the marker technology for effective use in development of high-yielding Valencia peanut cultivars.


( 1



Zhixin Xie 1 and Thea Wilkins

Department of Biological Sciences, and 2


Department of Plant and Soil Sciences,

Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409)

RNA silencing is a remarkably conserved system that negatively regulates gene expression at the transcriptional or posttranscriptional level in most eukaryotic organisms. Recent genetic and biochemical studies have revealed a framework for the core RNA silencing machinery. Several evolutionarily conserved protein families, including DICER (DCR) or DICER-LIKE (DCL),

ARGONAUTE (AGO), and RNA-DEPENDENT RNA POLYMERASE (RDR) have been identified as the central components of the silencing machinery. A hallmark for RNA silencing is the production of 21- to 24-nucleotide small RNAs by DCRs or DCLs from RNA precursors containing extensive double-stranded (ds) structure. In some cases, formation of a dsRNA precursor requires an RDR activity. The small RNAs, once incorporated into AGO-containing effector complexes, guide target

RNA recognition and downstream gene suppression events in a sequence-specific manner. The small

RNA-mediated gene silencing pathways play important roles in an amazingly diverse set of biological processes, including development, chromatin modification, genome integrity, antiviral defense, and stress response.

Plants encode multiple functional DCL, RDR, and AGO proteins. The Arabidopsis genome contains four expressed DCL s, six putative RDRs , and ten AGOs . Genetic analyses have revealed multiple small

RNA pathways in plants; each requires distinct RNA silencing factors. To date, functions for each of the four DCLs, two RDRs (RDR2 and RDR6), and at least three AGOs (AGO1, AGO4, and AGO7) have been associated with distinct endogenous small RNA pathways. Functions for other members of the RDR and AGO family proteins have yet to be uncovered. Using the publicly accessible

AtGenExpress data set, we have found that several AGO family members, including AGO2 and

AGO3, which are expressed at very low levels under normal growth conditions, are highly expressed upon certain abiotic stress such heat (AGO2), and high salinity (AGO3). Several other putative RNA silencing factors including a dsRNA-binding protein (DRB3) and an RNase III-like protein also exhibit inducible expression patterns under various stress conditions. These observations raised an interesting possibility that certain RNA silencing factors may play important roles in small RNAdirected gene regulation during stress responses in plants.

This proposal seeks to uncover the role of these previously uncharacterized putative RNA silencing factors in plant stress responses as a step towards the genetic improvement of crop plants.

A combination of genetic, genomic, and biochemical approaches will be used to dissect the function of stress-inducible AGO-family members in Arabidopsis . The analyses will be extended to explore the functional homologs of these Arabidopsis genes in cotton, a major crop in the Southwest of the United

States. The proposed project has three specific aims: (1).Examine the role of stress-inducible AGO family members in plant stress response; (2) Identify the endogenous small RNAs associated with the stress-inducible AGO complexes; (3) Identify the targets of the stress-associated small RNAs.

More details on the research strategy that would allow us to achieve these goals will be presented.

Achievements of these research aims would not only reveal novel aspects on the molecular mechanism of plant stress responses, but also will advance our understanding on the functional diversification of plant small RNA pathways.




By Invited Guest Speaker

Lowell B. Catlett, Regents Professor and Dean

College of Agriculture and Home Economics

New Mexico State University

During the next two decades four major trends will converge to permanently alter not only North

America’s food system but most developed nations’. Demographics, economics, biotech and quantum mechanics will change the food system more during the next twenty years then during the last 200 years. Everything from surface emitting lasers to bacteriocins will alter not only what we eat but why and how. This is a journey through the strange but fascinating world where new technologies blend with society’s changing values.





J. Giles Waine s, Prasanna R Bhat, Bahman Ehdaie, Sundrish Sharma, Timothy Close and Adam J.

Lukaszewski, Department of Botany & Plant Sciences, University of California, Riverside, CA

92521-0124, USA

‘Pavon 76’ ( Triticum aestivum , 2n = 6x = 42, BBAADD) is a semidwarf, green- revolution bread wheat previously grown in Mexico and southwest USA that is susceptible to heat and drought stress. ‘Pavon 1RS.1BL’ is a rye / wheat translocation line formed from it, homozygous for the

1RSk.1BLp translocated chromosome, markedly less susceptible to water stress, that exhibits a larger root biomass and more root branches than Pavon 76. The 1RS arm is originally from

‘Kavkaz’ winter wheat, and is originally thought to derive from a Petkus rye ( Secale cereale , 2n =

2x = 14, RR). This project aims to map the QTL for root characteristics on the short arm of chromosome 1 of rye. Homoeologous recombinants of 1RS with 1BS were made by suppression of the Ph1 locus. As the proximal 70% of the 1RS-1BS arms generally do not undergo recombination, all breakpoints are located in the terminal 30% of the arms. Sixty of these recombinants are being used, along with parents Pavon 76 and Pavon 1RS.1BL, to phenotype the translocation lines for root characteristics in sand tubes; 81 recombinants are used to generate a genetic map of the translocation break points. The Affymetrix Wheat GeneChip was used to map the translocation breakpoints to syntenic intervals on rice chromosomes and to identify a total of 193 probe sets from the wheat genome array corresponding to the 1BS arm of wheat. Overall, a total of 20 polymorphic

DNA and phenotypic markers were used to generate a genetic map of the 1S arms with the average spacing of 2.5 cM. A method using Quade statistics was developed to score root and shoot characters of the translocation lines, using 45 day-old seedlings grown in 80cm long sand-culture tubes. Wheat root growth and development are affected differentially by photoperiod and temperature regimes at different seasons of the year. A QTL for increased root biomass was allocated to the terminal 15% of the genetic map of 1RS and we plan to refine this map position in the upcoming growing season.




Huazhong Shi

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409

Plant salt tolerance is a complex trait that is controlled by many genes. The recent identified SOS signaling pathway crucial for salt tolerance in Arabidopsis has provided insight in how salt stress signal is perceived, transduced and responded in plants. The SOS signaling pathway includes three components: the Ca 2+ sensor SOS3, the serine/threonine protein kniase SOS2, and the plasma membrane Na + /H + antiporter SOS1. Under salt stress, cellular Ca 2+ concentration increases, which leads to Ca 2+ binding onto the SOS3 protein. Ca 2+ -bound SOS3 interacts with the SOS2 and activates SOS2 kinase activity. SOS3 contains a myristoylation site at its N-terminus and the myristoylated SOS3 brings the complex onto the plasma membrane, providing the opportunity for

SOS3 / SOS2 to interact with SOS1. SOS2 phosphorylates SOS1, which enhances SOS1 Na exchange activity and promotes Na +

+ / H +

efflux. The plasma membrane-localized SOS1 contains a large cytosolic C-terminus that could interact with different molecules, which suggests that SOS1 might also serve as a signaling component to sense and transduce salt stress signal. Genetic screening of sos3 suppressors identified another important salt tolerance determinant AtHKT1, a Na + transporter in the plasma membrane. Single athkt1 mutant exhibits salt sensitivity primarily in the leaves due to excessive Na + accumulation, while mutation in AtHKT1 suppresses sos3 salt hypersensitive phenotype. Ion content measurements of xylem sap, roots and leaves revealed a complex interaction between SOS3 and AtHKT1 in control of Na + and K + uptake. We recently identified a weak allele of sos3hkt1 containing a T-DNA insertion in the promoter of AtHKT1 that is 3.6 kb upstream of the coding region, indicating the distal sequence above 3.6 kb is required for AtHKT1 expression. Sequence analysis revealed a tandem repeat structure that is separated from the 3.6 kb promoter by the T-DNA insertion. This distal repeat sequence in the AtHKT1 promoter could function as an enhancer element. The role of the tandem repeat in the regulation of AtHKT1 expression will be discussed. Mutation in AtHKT1 also suppresses sos1 salt hypersensitive phenotype. A genetic screening for sos1 suppressors has identified twenty additional suppressors.

The molecular identities of these suppressors are to be uncovered in the future.




Ian Ray 1 , Tracy Sterling 2 , Mary Sledge 3 , Johnny Maruthavanan 2

1 Dept. of Plant and Environmental Science and 2

, Lei E

Dept. of Entomology, Plant Pathology, and Weed

Science, New Mexico State Univ., Las Cruces, NM, 88003.

Ardmore, OK.

1 , and Chris Meenach 1

3 Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation,

The goal of this project is to genetically and physiologically characterize drought response in alfalfa

( Medicago sativa ). Two first generation backcross mapping populations (~90 genotypes each) of tetraploid alfalfa were generated between a high yielding but low water use efficient ‘Chilean’ parent, and a low yielding but high water-use efficient ‘M. falcata’ parent. Half-sib families derived from each mapping population genotype and both parents were seeded in replicated field plots at

Las Cruces, NM in 2004. Forage biomass and a variety of physiological and biochemical traits were measured on these plots under water-deficit conditions during the May and June regrowth periods in 2005 and 2006.

Pre-dawn and solar noon water potential and leaf relative water content of the parents and extreme high and low yielding families indicated that all plots were under water stress at the time gas exchange was determined. Net photosynthesis, transpiration, and conductance were measured on fully-expanded leaves under ambient light; additional leaves were sampled concurrently and immediately frozen for antioxidant and biochemical marker determination. Under well-watered conditions, net photosynthesis was ca. 20 μmol m -2 s -1 and was consistent regardless of time of day when light was not limiting. With water deficit, gas exchange was reduced regardless of the alfalfa genotype. In general, levels of most antioxidants were unchanged under water deficit except for beta-carotene, alpha-tocopherol and the xanthophylls, which varied depending on the alfalfa genotype.

286 markers derived from M. truncatula cDNAs containing SSR motifs were evaluated for their association with forage yield under water deficit conditions. Based on 2005 data, 29 marker alleles were associated with biomass production (p<0.01) with some alleles accounting for up to 18% of the yield variance. Individual allele effects ranged from -10% to +12% of the population mean.

The magnitude each marker allele effect differed between harvests, however, the direction of the influence for each allele was consistent across harvests. Most marker-trait associations localized to two regions on linkage group 1 (LG1) and one region on LG8. Marker alleles on LG8 primarily influenced May forage regrowth, while those on LG1 influenced June forage regrowth. Annotation results of 18 markers with greatest effects on forage yield indicated that half of them represented regulatory factors. The next most common functional marker group was associated with ion/sugar transport. Additional biomass data were collected in 2006 to verify the influence of these loci.

Forty-five additional markers representing drought responsive genes and genes associated with key physiological responses, have been constructed with another 55 underway. These markers are currently undergoing segregation analysis to determine their allelic dosage prior to conducting additional mapping and QTL analysis. The frequency with which drought-responsive genes are associated with drought tolerance QTL will be compared to that of the random cDNA-SSR markers to determine if a candidate gene approach provides an enriched source of markers for detecting drought tolerance QTL.




Jinfa F. Zhang , Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University, Las

Cruces, NM 88003

Philip A. Roberts , Department of Nematology, University of California-Riverside, Riverside, CA


Root-knot nematodes (RKN) cause cotton yield loss of 2.24% ($140 million) nationwide and 0.5-

5% ($30 million) in the southwest states, highest among cotton diseases. Host plant resistance represents the most cost effective strategy for RKN management. Even though the breeding history for RKN resistance in cotton can be traced back to the early 1900s, the first major breakthrough was the development of a highly resistant line, Auburn 623 RNR, by combining moderate resistance from two sources (Wild Mexico Jack Jones and Clevewilt) in the early 1970s. Auburn 623 RNR is a highly valuable source of RKN resistance, but its high level of RKN resistance has never been transferred to any commercial cotton cultivars. Acala NemX is a moderately resistant cultivar, with its source unknown .

The inheritance of RKN resistance in Auburn 623 RNR has been debated for

>30 years due to the lack of reliable resistance phenotyping method. Even though the results still remain inconclusive, it has become clearer that, for the high level of RKN resistance in the Auburn source, race stock Wild Mexico Jack Jones contributes resistance, presumably gene Mi


, while

Clevewilt 6 may contribute resistance gene Mi


, which might be the same as or allelic to rkn1 in

Acala NemX. At present, only cultivar ST 5599 BG containing Mi


gene with moderate RKN resistance derived from Clevewilt 6 has been grown on only 7% U.S. cotton acreage, and Acala

NemX has been grown on limited acreage in California. However, high resistance requires the presence of both Mi


and Mi




genes. Cotton production still depends heavily on the application of nematicides to suppress RKN.

The identification and mapping of molecular markers linked to nematode resistance genes in cotton are essential steps in understanding the relationships of resistance genes and incorporating the resistance into elite cotton cultivars through marker-assisted selection, rather than through phenotypic selection. Recently two SSR markers amplified by primers BNL 1231 and CIR 316 and one cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) marker converted from an AFLP marker on

Chromosome A11 have been identified that are tightly linked to the resistance gene rkn1 in Acala

NemX. These rkn


-linked markers, together with two RAPD markers and one STS marker have been confirmed/identified to be associated with one of the RKN resistance genes (presumably Mi


) in the Auburn source. However, the chromosomal location of gene Mi


is unknown and no DNA markers have been developed for it.

To tackle the RKN problem and provide ultimate solutions for RKN control through cotton breeding, several issues need to be addressed: (1) Where is the Mi


gene locus and how does it interact with rkn


/ Mi

2 to render the high level of RKN resistance? High resolution mapping of the

RKN R genes using various markers will provide answers to this question. (2) What are the relationships between the RKN R genes and resistance gene analogs (RGAs)? High resolution mapping of RGAs and RGA-AFLP markers, their co-localization with the RKN R genes and their expression levels in relation to the RKN R genes will help address this question. Our hypothesis is that the two RKN R genes belong to the NBS-LRR R gene family and thus can be tagged by candidate RGA markers. Therefore, this project proposes separating the two major RKN R genes

( Mi

1 and rkn




) by using and developing functional/candidate markers. This will result in the establishment of a highly efficient MAS method for RKN resistance breeding and lay the foundation for cloning of the R genes.




Dick Auld 1 , Efrem Bechere 1 , Eric Hequet 2 , and Noureddine Abidi 2

1 Plant & Soil Science Dept.; Texas Tech University; Box 42122; Lubbock, TX 79409

2 International Textile Center; Texas Tech University; Box 5019; Lubbock, TX 79409

In 2005, 40 M


lines selected for naked or partially naked seed coats and five check varieties of cotton were grown in replicated plots at Lubbock, TX. The fibers harvested from these plots were analyzed at the Texas Tech University – International Textile Center using High Volume

Instruments (HVI), Advanced Fiber Information Systems (AFIS), and standard yarn quality analyses. One of these mutants (SC 9023-NS-57-13-3) produced yarn that would provide exceptional performances for ring spinning applications. HVI analyses did not identify this line as superior, but AFIS analyses showed that this line had very low neps/gram, low short fiber content

(weight), and a very high maturity ratio. This study showed that cotton breeders need to increasing rely on AFIS analyses in late generation screening for fiber quality. Future studies will be needed to determine if the enhanced yarn characteristics of SC 9023-NS-57-13-3 are the result of the partially naked seed coat characteristic or other traits inherent in this line.



Charlene Carr 2 , Forest Ross 2


, Samantha Clark 2

Gopalan 1,2

Department of Molecular Biology 1

, Suman Bagga 2 , Champa Sengupta-

, Plant and Environmental Sciences

New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003

2 ,

Chile pepper is a high value crop in the world. Most chile peppers are susceptible to different

Phytopathogenic fungi, bacteria and viruses. Insects and other pests like the root knot nematodes can also cause extensive losses in yield and quality of peppers. The abiotic factors can also affect the performance of chile pepper plants.

Breeding programs are in place to improve the resistance or tolerance against different biotic and abiotic factors. While traditional breeding techniques have been of great value for chile pepper genetic improvement, biotechnological techniques involving plant tissue culture and recombinant

DNA technologies could be powerful auxiliary tools to accelerate and achieve this goal.

The successful application of genetic engineering strategies to improve chile pepper depends on having an efficient and reproducible regeneration and transformation system. Although pepper regeneration in vitro has been reported by some laboratories, there have been only a few reports on reliable genetic transformation of pepper, but in all the reported cases the efficiency of transformation has been low. Preliminary data in our Lab suggests high regeneration potential using hypocotyls and cotyledon explants from seedlings. Two kinds of shoots were produced on the callus that grew into plantlets, those that were callus-mediated (indirect shooting) or shoots growing from the wounded surface (direct shooting). The regeneration response was higher in hypocotyledons. Protocols are in the works that will optimize conditions for Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation using Gus as a reporter gene.




Matthew Barrow 1


, Suman Bagga 2 , Jagtar Singh 2 , Champa Sengupta-Gopalan

Department of Molecular Biology 1 , Plant and Environmental Sciences

New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003

2 ,


Alfalfa is a forage legume used as a principal feed source for livestock throughout the world because it provides much of the protein required in animals’ diets. Alfalfa, however, is deficient in the essential amino acid, methionine (Met). One strategy of improving the Met content of alfalfa has involved introducing the corn genes encoding the Met-rich and rumen stable β- and δ- zein seed storage proteins. However, preliminary results indicated that the synthesis of the zein proteins in alfalfa leaves is limited by the availability of free Met. We are interested in increasing Met levels by genetically modifying the alfalfa Met metabolic pathway. Cystathionine γ-synthase (CγS) is the key enzyme in Met synthesis. The major route for Met metabolism is in the synthesis of Sadenosylmethionine (SAM), catalyzed by SAM synthase (SAMS) and into S-methylmethionine

(SMM). SMM is formed by the SAM dependent methylation of Met, catalyzed by Met Smethyltransferase (MMT) and can be reconverted to Met in a reaction mediated by homocysteine Smethyltransferase (HMT). Constitutive expression of the Arabidopsis CγS gene in alfalfa did lead to an increase in Met levels, and only a slight increase in zein protein accumulation; however, there was a more significant increase in the level of SMM. Our research goal is to understand how the

SMM cycle is regulated in alfalfa and how overexpression of CγS affects this cycle. Towards accomplishing this goal we have isolated the genes for these three enzymes from alfalfa and are using them as probes to determine how these genes are regulated. We will also present data on our efforts to genetically modify Met metabolism in alfalfa by targeting expression of HMT, MMT, and





Jung-Sung Chung 1 , Prasanth Pathange 1 , Paul M. Hasegawa 2 , Huazhong Shi 1


Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409

2 Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Purdue University, West

Lafayette, IN 47907

Several lines of evidence have shown that AtHKT1 controls Na + homeostasis under salt stress. First, electrophysiological studies revealed that AtHKT1 is a transporter highly selective to Na


. Second, mutations in AtHKT1 resulted in hypersensitive of the mutants to Na


. Third, mutations in AtHKT1 suppress salt hypersensitive phenotype of sos3 mutant. These findings suggest that AtHKT1 plays important roles in salt tolerance. Recently, we identified several weak alleles of sos3athkt1 carrying a T-DNA insertion in the AtHKT1 coding region. By using TAIL-PCR, we identified a T-DNA insertion in the promoter of AtHKT1 gene in one of the sos3athkt1 weak alleles, designated as sos3athkt1

P . This T-DNA insertion is located at

3.6kb upstream of the ATG start codon.

Interestingly, sequence analysis of the AtHKT1 promoter revealed a distal tandem repeat located

4.0kb upstream of the ATG codon. Each repeat is

780bp. The T-DNA insertion separating this direct tandem repeat from

3.6kb promoter of AtHKT1 gene results in weaker suppression of sos3 salt sensitive phenotype comparing with the T-DNA insertion in AtHKT1 coding region. Expression of AtHKT1 gene driven by

2.0kb promoter excluding the tandem repeat in the sos3athkt1 mutant resulted in not only abolishment of the suppression phenotype, but more sensitive to NaCl than sos3 mutants. These results indicate that the distal tandem repeat plays crucial role in AtHKT1 gene expression. Na + content measurements revealed that both sos3 and hkt1 mutants accumulated higher



in the xylem sap and leaves, while sos3athkt1 null suppressors had reduced Na


content relative to sos3 . The weak allele sos3athkt1

P displayed intermediate Na


accumulation between sos3 and sos3athkt1 . The expression of AtHKT1 was induced by low K


treatment. How ever, this induced expression is abolished in both sos3athkt1

P and sos3 mutants, which suggest that the tandem repeat might be required for the induced expression of AtHKT1 by K


deficiency. The repeat sequence is able to enhance the GUS gene expression driven by the minimal 35S promoter that confers only basal gene expression. More importantly, the repeat sequence also confers induced gene expression by K


deficiency. These results suggest that the tandem repeat could be a distal enhancer for AtHKT1 transcription and confer fine regulation of AtHKT1 expression in response to salt stress and K





Jeanne Curry, Thurman Redhouse, Laura Hernandez, F. Omar Holguin and Mary O’Connell

Department of Plant & Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University,

Las Cruces, NM

Southwestern plants have been used as medicines for thousands of years. Datura innoxia

(Solanaceae), containing the abundant tropane alkaloids, is under investigation for additional novel anti-cancer bioactivities. Preliminary extractions identified a methanol soluble fraction with activity inhibiting the growth of breast cancer cells. To determine the chemical structure of this bioactive compound more material is needed. The goal of this project is to isolate sufficient quantities of the bioactive anti- cancer compound (~20 mg) for NMR analyses so that a chemical class for this compound could be predicted. An additional goal is to screen the other fractions in the extraction process for additional bioactivities. Leaves (~860 g, dry weight) were collected from plants in the wild and sequentially extracted (soxhlet) with hexane, chloroform and methanol. The methanol soluble fraction was further fractionated by extraction with butanol and finally precipitated with diethyl ether. This last fraction is dissolved and then separated by HPLC and a single peak containing the bioactivity is recovered. All extracts and fractions were tested for several bioactivities: anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-cancer using cell growth assays. Microbial cultures to be screened include: Bacillus cereus, Bacillus megaterium, E. coli (JM109),

Enterobacter cloacae, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Candida kefyr, Geotrichum candidum , Salmonella enteritidis , Shigella flexneri, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes, and eleven Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant yeast strains: Bub3, Mec2, Mlh1, Mgt1,

Sgs1/Mgt1, Sgs1, Rad14, Rad18, Rad50/Epp+, Rad50, Rad52 , plus wild type. Chemical composition of the crude fractions will be determined using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry.

This work was supported in part by NIH grants R25 GM48998, MBRS RISE GM61222 and NCI

MICCP 5U56CA09286.




J.J. Ebolo, H.H. Woo, F. Wen, M.C. Hawes.

Division of Plant Pathology and Microbiology,

Department of Plant Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson AZ 85721

Plants find water and other nutrients required for survival through the sensory-response capabilities of the root cap, a small organ at the root apex consisting of layers of morphologically differentiated cells. Charles Darwin noted that when the root cap is removed surgically or destroyed by mechanical or chemical injury, the root continues to grow at a normal rate but the capacity to move toward or away from distinct stimuli is lost. After removal of the cap, the root meristem is induced to produce a new one and once it has been replaced, sensing of water and other stimuli is restored along with the capacity for directional movement. The mechanism(s) linking sensing of stimuli with control of directional movement are not well defined but potentially offer an economically feasible means to control plant responses to diverse environmental conditions. Root cap development is controlled by unknown signals released into the extracellular environment from border cells, specialized cells programmed to detach from the cap periphery into the soil. When border cells are removed from the cap periphery, renewed cap development is induced within minutes. Metabolites can be screened for their ability to influence cap function by exposing the root cap to specific chemicals during the first 5-10 minutes after cap development is induced, and then measuring the impact on growth, development, and directional movement in response to external stimuli. A chemical profiling approach is being used to identify products that may prove useful in influencing the ability of roots to sense and respond to soilborne signals by controlling directional movement.



Laura Hernandez and Mary A. O’Connell

Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University

Las Cruces, NM, 88003

Oleoresin is the extracted pigment obtained from red chile. It is traditionally extracted from nonpungent peppers and uses large amounts of hexane. The hexane is then driven off, leaving a thick oil. This oil is used by the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and food industries as a coloring agent. Value is based on several factors, such as the amount of red pigment, and the level of contaminants, such as plant material and capsaicin. The use of Supercritical Fluid Technology was investigated as a

“green” method of extracting oleoresin. Using supercritical CO


as an extraction solvent and 95% ethanol as a capture solvent allows for the production of high quality oleoresin from pungent chile peppers without the use of toxic chemicals.



Andrea Holguin, Sandra Micheletto, F. Omar Holguin and Mary O’Connell

New Mexico State University, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Las Cruces, NM


Anemopsis californica is a medicinal plant native to the Southwestern United States and Northern

Mexico. For generations, people living in these areas have relied on Anemopsis to treat a variety of ailments. Root tissue from seventeen populations of Anemopsis collected in New Mexico were extracted by Super Critical Fluid Extraction (SFE) and analyzed by Gas Chromatography/Mass

Spectrometry (GC/MS). This work was performed to determine environmental and inter-population differences in support of cultivating Anemopsis as a high value crop.

An early objective was to examine the root essential oil of Anemopsis growing in New Mexico and determine chemical variability of specific, abundant compounds: elemicin, methyleugenol, thymol, and piperitone between populations. Variables such as temperature, annual rainfall, and cultivation have been examined for their effects on the relative abundances of these compounds. Analysis revealed remarkable chemical diversity between Anemopsis populations that are growing and being consumed as medicine in New Mexico. The climate in much of New Mexico is favorable for oil accumulation in Anemopsis root tissue. Optimal environmental conditions for essential oil production in Anemopsis are 11.67 to 15.56 °C and less than 25.4 cm of annual rainfall.

Herbalists often argue that medicinal plants are not as potent when grown in a cultivated setting compared with their wild counterparts. To examine these issues, this analysis included a comparison of plants growing under cultivated conditions to plants growing at the original collection site. Growing under cultivated conditions appears to have little effect on the chemistry of wild New Mexico Anemopsis . Analysis of tissue recollected at selected sites after three years reveals the stability of chemical profiles within a population, as well as the retention of unique chemical profiles between populations. Based on these studies we can expect genetic influences to have a significant effect on variability in New Mexico Anemopsis populations. High oil yielding populations such as Mesilla Valley Anemopsis , which retain their chemical profiles through cultivation and changing environmental conditions, may be reliable seed sources for farmers seeking a high value crop.

In addition the roots of seventeen New Mexico Anemopsis populations were analyzed and fourteen compounds were quantified (phenylpropanoids: eugenol, methyleugnol, isoeugenol and elemicin; monocyclic monterpenes: cymene, limonene, piperitone, thymol and carvacrol; and bicyclic monterpenes: alpha-pinene, carene, 1,8-cineole, camphor and myrtenol). The abundances of the different chemicals within and between chemical classes will be used to suggest biochemical pathways and genetic controls on secondary metabolite accumulations. These analyses are underway using clustering algorithms.

This work was supported in part by the NM Agricultural Experiment Station and NIH grants

GM6122 and U56 CA96286, and NSF NM-AGEP.



Neda Keyhaninejed and Mary O’Connell

Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences,

New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM

Chile ( Capsicum spp .) is an important vegetable and spice crop grown in the Southwest. The quality trait in chile fruit is pungency, due to the accumulation of the alkaloid capsaicin and its analogs

(capsaicinoids) in vesicles or blisters on the epidermis of the chile placenta. Therefore, the spicy and hot taste of chile depends on how much capsaicinoid is produced. In addition to its spice value, capsaicinoids are responsible for the analgesic use of this plant in many cultures, its antimicrobial uses, and recently investigations for cancer therapies. Considering the economic and agricultural importance of these compounds, little is known about the regulation of this pathway and the enzymes involved in capsaicin biosynthesis are not well characterized. This pathway also appears to be environmentally sensitive, with different pungency levels accumulating in cultivars grown in different locations.

Biosynthesis of capsaicin results from the acylation of an aromatic moiety, vanillylamine, with a branched-chain fatty acid. The current model for the accumulation of these intermediates starts with the amino acids phenylalanine and valine respectively. Our lab has cloned and characterized many of the structural genes for the capsaicinoid pathway and observed that the mRNA abundances for many of these genes appears to be coordinately regulated. One goal of our research is to find transcription factors, which are responsible for coordinating the transcription of the capsaicinoid biosynthetic genes.

Candidate clones for a wide range of transcription factors were identified following EST sequencing of several cDNA libraries in the lab; C. annuum CM334 root cDNA library, Phaseolus acutifolius root and leaf cDNA libraries. Among the forty clones first identified, fourteen were confirmed as transcription factor following high quality re-sequencing. These 14 clones were then used as probes against northern blots containing total RNA from pungent and non-pungent chile lines, isolated from leaf, root, fruit wall, flower and placenta. In the case of placenta, RNA samples were also collected from two different fruit maturity stages. Among the 14 clones, three hybridized with patterns expected for transcription factors associated with capsaicinoid biosynthesis. These expression patterns will be presented.

The DNA sequence of these three clones predicts them to encode transcription factors like Jerf1 ,

Jerf3 and Scarecrow . The data supporting the annotation of these clones will be presented. To isolate the placental cDNA forms of these genes, a placental cDNA library of habanero transcripts will be screened using primers based on the DNA sequences of the Jerf1, Jerf 3 and Scarecrow clones. Those clones that are identified with the primers to conserved regions of the transcription factors will then be isolated and hopefully the full-length clone and DNA sequence will be determined.

This work was supported in part by the NM Agricultural Experiment Station and NIH grant S06




Yingzhi Lu, Jeanne Curry, Mary O’Connell

Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University

Las Cruces, NM 88003

MYB proteins are a major group of transcription factors in plant-specific processes including secondary metabolism. A PCR approach was used to isolate genes for MYBs from the pungent chile, habanero. Degenerate primers were designed using available tomato and chile MYB cDNA sequences in the highly conserved R2 and R3 regions of the DNA binding domain. PCR amplifications were obtained from chile genomic DNA as well as tomato genomic DNA. DNA fragments were cloned and sequenced thereafter. A chile clone of 791 bp was found to be partial

MYB gene containing 519 bp of intron, which was shorter than that of tomato clone. A cluster analysis indicated the chile clone was closely grouped to another known chile MYB protein involved in pigment metabolism. This clone will be used to probe RNAs extracted from chiles of different pungency classes, different tissues and organs, and different development stages of fruits.

A placental-specific myb would be a candidate transcription factor to regulate expression of the capsaicinoid pathway.

This work was funded in part by the NM Agricultural Experiment Station and by NIH grant S06

GM 08136.





Janakiraman Maruthavanan 1 , Ian M. Ray 2 and Tracy M. Sterling 1

Department of Entomology, Plant Pathology and Weed Science, 2 Department of Agronomy and

Horticulture, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003.

Water deficit is a major environmental factor limiting crop production. The effect of water deficit on alfalfa ( Medicago sativa L. var. ‘Peruvian’) grown at the Leyendecker Plant Science Research Center near Las Cruces, NM was characterized by withholding irrigation. Physiology and biochemical measurements were taken overtime at 10 A.M. everyday 7 to 20 (Experiment 1) and 7 to 30

(Experiment 2) days after irrigation (DAI). Diurnal measurements were sampled hourly from 5: 30

A.M. through 5: 30 P.M. at 10 (baseline) and 20 (drought) DAI for both experiments. Trifoliate leaves were harvested from the top of the canopy and frozen immediately to quantify antioxidants and pigments using HPLC. Plant RWC decreased in the time course and diurnal studies with exposure to water deficit and corresponded to increased ambient temperature. The time course study (Experiment 2) showed that prolonged drought stress (> 20 DAI) induced antioxidants like α-tocopherol. In the diurnal studies, conversion of violaxanthin to zeaxanthin through antheraxanthin increased gradually during the morning, reaching a maximum around solar noon and declining in the later part of the day. An inverse relationship between chlorophyll a:b ratio and xanthophyll cycle conversion was also observed in the diurnal studies. Results from this preliminary study characterizing the ecophysiological and biochemical responses of alfalfa to water deficit was important to targeting optimal sampling times for studies comparing multiple progeny of alfalfa genotypes which differ in their water stress tolerance.




Sandra Micheletto, Laura Rodriguez-Uribe, Ricardo Hernandez, Jeanne Curry, Richard

Richins and Mary A. O’Connell

Plant and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University, MSC 3Q, P.O. Box 30003, Las

Cruces, New Mexico 88003 USA

We conducted microarray analysis on drought-treated Phaseolus acutifolius (drought tolerant) and

P. vulgaris (non-tolerant) to compare their roots response to water deficit. Customs arrays were printed with 2300 clones from a cDNA library from water stressed P. acutifolius (tepary) roots, 943 clones from a drought-treated tepary leaf cDNA library and 1962 clones from a cDNA library from

P. vulgaris var. Negro Jamapa. Hybridizations were performed using roots samples from tepary under two different leaf water potentials, -2.20 and -2.52 MPa and compared with tepary well watered plants (controls). Another analysis was conducted in P. vulgaris under -2.56 MPa and -2.53

MPa leaf water potential versus controls. Based on the microarrays analysis, 702 cDNA clones were identified as differentially regulated by drought. These clones were selected for sequencing and submitted to Gene Bank. Several known drought responsive genes such as LEA and hydroxyproline-rich proteins were induced in both species. Novel genes with no sequence similarities to any known cDNA sequences in existing public databases were also abundant in both species. Several pathogenesis-related proteins, a senescence-associated protein, glutathione Stransferase, metallothionein were all highly induced in P. acutifolius compared with P.vulgaris

suggesting a role in the tolerance to water deficit.




Sa ndra Micheletto, Richard D. Richins and Mary A. O’Connell

Plant and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University, MSC 3Q, P.O. Box 30003, Las

Cruces, New Mexico 88003 USA

A wide range of statistical approaches is available to analyze the data generated by microarrays, including dimension reduction tools such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and unsupervised clustering tools like Hierarchical Clustering (HC) or K-means. In this study, the results of different data analysis tools are compared on data acquired from an interaction between

Capsicum and Phytophthora . Gene transcription time course patterns were characterized following root infection by Phytophthora capsici in two Capsicum annuum varieties, the resistant Criollo de

Morelos-334 and the susceptible New Mexico 6-4. Different data processing steps were applied and the microarray results were analyzed using PCA, HC, and K-means. PCA allowed us to interpret global elements of the gene expression changes in the resistant and susceptible lines. K-means allowed us to identify the sub-sets of transcription patterns as a function of time and indicated which genes were members of each set. HC established the relationships between genes classified by K-means and displayed them in a dendrogram. These tools allowed us to infer functional relationships even among genes without good annotation, based on other members of the set or cluster. PCA, K-means and HC are widely available in a broad variety of statistical packages and therefore should be applied together on filtered datasets.





Jose L. Ortega 1,2 and Champa Sengupta-Gopalan 1,2

Department of Molecular Biology 1 , Plant and Environmental Sciences

New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003

2 ,

Glutamine synthetase (GS) is a key enzyme in the metabolism of higher plants. It converts inorganic into organic nitrogen by incorporating ammonia into glutamate to form glutamine. The

GS occurs as two isoforms in plants, the chloroplastic form, GS2 and the cytosolic form, GS1. The assimilation of nitrogen consumes energy and carbon skeletons derived from photosynthesis. This makes the ammonia assimilation by GS a highly regulated process, subject to regulation by different mechanisms at different levels.

We have found that the 3’ untranslated region (UTR) of a soybean GS gene (Gmglnb1) affects the stability of its transcript and also represses the translation of this transcript. To identify the mechanisms that determine transcript stability and translatability, we also transformed tobacco plants with a gene construct consisting of a reporter gene (udiA) driven by the constitutive CaMV

35S promoter and the Nopaline Synthase (NOS) 3’ UTR and a similar gene construct in which the

NOS terminator was replaced by the 3’ UTR of the soybean Gmglnb1 gene.

The expression of the Gmglnb1 and the reporter gene constructs in transformed tobacco and alfalfa plants show that the 3’ UTR or the Gmglnb1 3’ has a role in regulating the expression of the GS1 by affecting the mRNA stability and translation.




Prasanth Pathange 1 , Jung Sung Chung 1 and Huazhong Shi 1

1 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409

Plants possess a remarkable ability to cope with abiotic stresses. Such ability of plants is accomplished by changes in gene expression which are fundamental for stress adaptation. Based on microarray data, we identified an Arabidopsis gene, At2g03760 that is highly induced by salt stress.

Sequence analysis indicated that this gene encodes a putative steroid sulfotransferase showing high similarity with a brassinosteroid sulfotransferase in Brassica napus .

Northern blotting confirmed that the expression of At2g03760 gene is indeed highly induced by salt stress. Other treatments including iso-osmotic mannitol, ABA, H




, and jasmonic acid had no effects on the gene regulation of At2g03760. These results indicate that the up-regulation of At2g03760 gene is saltspecific and not due to osmotic stress and is ABA-independent. According to Arabidopsis database, this gene includes a 207 bp promoter and a 212 bp 5’UTR. To elucidate the cis -element responsible for salt-specific up-regulation, deletion analysis of the promoter and 5’ UTR was carried out. We analyzed transgenic plants carrying various deletions of promoter and 5’ UTR fused with luciferase reporter gene. Upon salt stress treatment, transgenic plants harboring promoter deletions displayed highly induced luciferase activities. Northern analysis confirmed that the induced luciferase activity is due to the increased mRNA transcript levels of the transgenic plants. However, deletions of

5’UTR nearly abolished the expression of luciferase. Furthermore, we analyzed the transgenic plants harboring promoter and 5’UTR fused with GUS reporter gene. Consistently, induced expression of GUS reporter gene was observed only in transgenic plants harboring promoter–

5’UTR–GUS fusion but not in the transgenic plants carrying only promoter–GUS fusion (without

5’UTR). These results suggest that the regulation of this stress-responsive gene is likely due to the modulation of mRNA stability, which will be the focus of our future research. In addition, functional characterization involving biochemical and genetic analysis of this protein will be carried out.



Jennifer J. Randall


1 , Mercy S. Thokala 1

Jenna M. Painter 1 , Kathryn A. Hanley 2

, Department of Biology 2

, Swati Mukherjee 2 , Rio A. Stamler 1 ,

, and Stephen F. Hanson 1

, New Mexico State University

Eukaryotic messenger RNAs (mRNAs) characteristically include a methylated G7 cap located at their 5’ end and a polyadenylated tail located at their 3’ end. Eukaryotic translation of mRNAs occurs with recruitment of the ribosome via an interaction of the initiation complex with the methylated 5’ cap. In the 1980’s it was demonstrated that cap-dependant translation is temporarily shut down in eukaryotic cells infected with Polio virus (Etchison et al, 1982). However, this RNA virus is successfully translated and subsequently replicated within the cell. The virus RNA lacks a cap but does have a secondary structural element known as an internal ribosome initiation site

(IRES) which allows for the direct recruitment of the ribosome and viral translation (Pelletier and

Sonenberg, 1988).

Since the 1980’s, several IRES elements have been identified in the Picornavirus family (including polio, ECMV, and potyviruses). IRES elements differ in their structure and their functionality in different hosts. The Potyvirdiae family is the largest plant viral family and contains several hundred members (Adams et al., 2005). Potato virus Y (PVY), a potyvirus, is transmitted by aphids; and upon infection, this virus is translated into a polyprotein prior to its replication within plant cells. In our lab, a novel IRES element from PVY has recently been identified and characterized in tobacco

(Thokala and Hanson, manuscript submitted). In order to understand the host specificity of IRES functionality we are characterizing the PVY IRES in a “cross-kingdom” approach. We are currently testing the PVY IRES using a reporter gene (GUS) behind both cap-dependant promoters

(polymerase II) and cap-independent promoters (polymerase I) in Arabidopsis thaliana as well as yeast, insect, and mammalian cells.

Besides characterizing the PVY IRES in other kingdoms, we are also testing the PVY IRES functionality under specific stress responses (heat shock, cold shock, and starvation). In Eukaryotic cells, cap-dependent translation is impaired during heat shock, cold shock, apoptosis, and cell division. Recently, putative IRES elements were described in the 5’ untranslated regions (UTR) of mRNAs for maize heat shock protein 101(Hsp101), Nicotiana tabacum heat-shock factor 1

(NtHSF-1), human binding luminal protein (BiP), and drosophila BiP. Translation of these mRNAs is specifically activated during heat shock. Therefore, characterizing the stress response of the

PVY IRES will increase our understanding of both viral replication in the host during times of stress and the conservation of IRES function.




Mark Seger 1 , Jose Ortega 1,2 , Martha Martinez 1 , Champa Sengupta-Gopalan 1,2

Department of Molecular Biology 1 , Plant and Environmental Sciences 2 ,

New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003

Glutamine synthetase (GS) is a key enzyme in plant nitrogen metabolism and catalyzes the ATP dependent condensation of NH



and glutamate to yield glutamine. In plants, GS is an octameric enzyme that is found as 2 major isoforms: cytosolic GS (GS


) and chloroplastic GS (GS


). Reports in the literature have shown improved performance of plants engineered to overexpress GS


in a constitutive manner. Authors believe improved plant performance seen in these transformants may have been attributed to enhanced reassimilation of photorespiratory NH



. To address this, we have produced alfalfa transformants that are engineered for constitutive or mesophyll-specific overexpression of the soybean GS




). The transformants were analyzed for transgene transcript, polypeptide, holoprotein, and enzyme activity. Transformants constitutively overexpressing GS


exhibited increased GS activity, but showed poor performance when grown under N-sufficient conditions. Transformants overexpressing Gmglnβ


in a photosynthetic cellspecific manner, however, showed much superior performance with respect to total protein content, photosynthetic rates, and overall growth rates compared to control plants and plants constitutively over-expressing Gmglnβ


. We propose that continuous overexpression of Gmglnβ


takes away from the C and ATP reserves that are made during photosynthesis. We will present data to test our hypothesis. Experiments are in progress monitoring GS activity and amino acid free pools during a day/night cycle in the transformants and control plants grown under different light and nitrogen conditions.



Fernando Solorzano 1 , Esther Paul 2

Molecular Biology Program 1

, Olivia Wilson 1 , & Champa Sengupta-Gopalan

, New Mexico State University 2 , Las Cruces, NM 88003


Glutamine synthetase (GS) is the key enzyme in nitrogen assimilation, catalyzing the ATPdependent biosynthesis of glutamine from ammonia and glutamate. Plant GS exists in various isoforms, located either in the cytosol (GS


) or chloroplastid/plastid (GS


). GS


is the major form found in the mesophyllic cells of young and mature photosynthetic leaves. Here, it assimilates ammonia reduced from nitrate and reassimilates ammonia produced by photorespiration. GS


is found in the phloem generating glutamine for nitrogen transport. Leaf senescence is a developmentally programmed degenerative process making up the final step of leaf development.

In senescent leaves, GS


predominates as it plays a key role in the reassimilation and remobilization of nitrogen released from the degeneration of cellular structures. Previous work in our lab has shown that besides being regulated at the transcriptional level, GS


is also regulated at the level of transcript stability and translation mediated by its 3’ untranslated region (UTR) and at the level of holoprotein turnover. This work is focused on resolving if GS


is subject to posttranscriptional regulation during senescence. Tobacco plants have been transformed with a soybean GS



(Gm gln β


) with and without its 3’ UTR driven by the constitutive CaMV35S promoter. Leaves from the transformants and control were analyzed at different developmental stages for polypeptide and holoenzyme levels corresponding to the transgene and the endogenous GS


gene. Our initial results show that age mediated regulation of GS


and GS


may be species specific. Also, the

Gm gln β


gene is not regulated at the 3’ UTR-mediated transcript turnover level during leaf senescence.




Olivia Wilson 1 , Fernando Solorzano 1 , Dr. Champa Sengupta-Gopalan 1, 2

Department of Molecular Biology 1 , Plant and Environmental Sciences 2 ,

New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003

Glutamine synthetase (GS) plays a central role in nitrogen metabolism in all plants. GS catalyzes the ATP dependent condensation of ammonia with glutamate to yield glutamine. Plant GS occurs as a number of isoenzyme forms and these GS isoforms are located either in the cytosol (GS1) or plastid (GS2). While there is ample evidence in the literature supporting the concept that GS is regulated transcriptionally, recent evidence from our laboratory has shown that a soybean GS1 gene is also regulated posttranscriptionally at the level of transcript turnover and translational initiation

(Ortega et al., 2006). Furthermore, it was also shown that the posttranscriptional regulation is mediated via the gene’s 3’UTR. The objective of this study is to determine if other GS1 genes are also subject to the 3’UTR mediated posttranscriptional regulation. Towards the objective, we have made alfalfa GS1 gene constructs with and without its 3’UTR driven by a constitutive promoter.

These constructs have been introduced into Agrobacterium tumefaciens and the A. tumefaciens with the gene construct have been introduced into tobacco and alfalfa via transient Agro infiltration and by whole plant transformation. We will present our data on transgene expression in the transient assay.

