ASSEMBLING THE PAGES OF YOUR SOCIOLOGY MODULE Note: Buy nine separators and label each (that is, don’t just number the tabs). Within each unit, the underlined words designate the tab title. Numbers following each tab indicate the order of the pages. Before beginning, place module sheets in three separate stacks: Stack 1: Learning Plans (you can throw away all the single sheets labeled Learning Plan 1, Learning Plan 2, etc.) Stack 2: Performance Assessment Tasks (you can throw away the single sheet called “Performance Assessment Tasks”) Stack 3: Student Learning Materials (likewise, you can throw away the single sheet called “Student Learning Materials”) Before you start assembling your module, BE SURE you “get” which stacks contain Learning Plans, which contain Performance Assessment Tasks, and which contain Student Learning Materials. Otherwise, you WILL be confused! Ready? Let’s do it. 1. Before the first separator, order the following pages: The green cover sheet (Introduction to Sociology); the Instructor Information and the hand-outs “Sociology, What’s That?” and Semester Timeline (these are not included in your module); and finally the Table of Contents from your Module. 2. Place pages 1-11 behind the first separator marked “Syllabus”. Before you continue, note the following: Pages 3 and 4 describe how you’ll earn your grade in the course Pages 5 and 6 provide a place for you to record all grades earned during the semester. You should therefore never have to “guess” how you’re doing in the course! At the bottom of Page 7, you find the guidelines for submitting papers. Review these guidelines now. Pages 8 and 9 provide you with the criteria for writing quality in this course. Review these criteria now. Page 10 warns you about the difference between “collaboration” and “cheating”. Read this now. Review the assistance you can obtain from the Student Success Center on page 11. 3. Label the next separator “Soc Perspectives”. Behind this separator, place the following pages in order: Page 12: Learning Plan 1 Paper clip together pages 1 through 20: “Sociological Perspectives” (from Student Learning Materials, Learning Plan 1) Page 24, “Sociological Perspectives Exercises,” from Performance Assessment Tasks 4. Label the next separator “Soc Class” (or “Social Class” if you have space). Behind this separator, place the following pages in order: Pages 13 and 14: Learning Plan 2 Page 21: Wild Card A (behind Student Learning Materials, Learning Plan 2) Pages 47-48: “My Social Class Assessment” (behind Stud Learn Mat’s) Page 26, “My Social Class Analysis,” Perf. Assmt. Task 3 Paper clip together pages 22-36: “What the Welfare State Really Looks Like” (found behind Student Learning Materials, LP2) Page 37: ”Welfare State” Application (included with Student Learning Materials, LP2) Page 25, “Welfare Article Application,” Perf. Assmt. Task 2 Pages 40: “Life Chances Work Sheet” (behind Student Learning Mat’s) Pages 38-9: “Rules for Modified Monopoly” (behind Stud Learn Mat’s) DISCARD pages 41-45: “Minimum Wage Activity” (behind Stud Learn Mat’s) Page 46: Wild Card B (behind Stud Learn Mat’s) Paper clip together pages 49-58: “Website Analysis: Social Justice” (behind Stud Learn Mat’s) Page 96-7, “How to Paraphrase,” from Student Learning Materials Page 99, “Revision Techniques,” from Student Learning Materials – THREE-HOLE PUNCH SO PAGE 99 FACES FRONT Page 27, “Website Analysis: Social Justice,” Perf. Assmt Task4 5. Label the next separator “Global Inequality”. For now, you have no pages to place behind this separator. 6. Label the next separator “Soc Inst” (or “Soc Institutions” if you have space). Place the following pages in order behind the separator: Pages 15-16: Learning Plan 3 Paper clip together pages 59-69: “Functionalist and Conflict Perspectives on Social Institutions” (behind Student Learning Materials, Learning Plan 3) Paper clip together pages 70-73: “Conflict Analysis of Two Southern African Social Institutions” (behind Stud Learn Mat’s) Page 28, “Conflict Analysis…,” Perf. Assmt. Task 5 7. Label the next separator “Historical Social Change” (or “Hist Soc Chg” or “Historical Soc Chg,” etc.), as space allows. Follow with these pages: Page 17: Learning Plan 4 Page 74: “Society Drawing Criteria” (behind Student Learning Materials for Learning Plan 4) Paper clip together pages 75-77: “Evolutionary Timeline” (behind Stud Learn Mat’s) Page 30, “Institutional Change Activity,” Perf. Assmt. Task 6 Pages 78-79: “Institutional Change Work Sheet” (Stud Learning Mat’s) DISCARD pages 80-86: “Changing Gender Roles” (behind Stud Learn Mat’s) DISCARD pages 31, Changing Gender Roles, Perf. Assmt. Task 7 Page 32, Core Abilities-Peer Evaluation,” Perf. Assmt. Task 8 DISCARD page 87, “Peer Evaluation” (behind Stud Learn Mat’s) 8. Label the next separator “Modern Social Change” (or “Mod Soc Chg” or “Modern Soc Chg,” etc.), as space allows. Follow with these pages: Pages 18-19: Learning Plan 5 Paper clip together pages 88-90: “Core Ability Self-Evaluation” (behind Student Learning Materials, Learning Plan 5) Page 33, “Core Abilities Self-Evaluation,” Perf. Assmt. Task 9 DISCARD pages 91-103: “…Mobile Research Report Instructions” (behind Stud Learn Mat’s) (But you moved pages 96-7 and 99 to Social Class unit, yes?) Paper clip together pages 106-126: Social Change Maps (behind Stud Learn Mat’s) DISCARD pages 34-36, Mapping Social Changes,” Perf. Assmt Task 10 DISCARD page 139, Peer Review 9. Label the next separator “Culture” and place these pages behind it: Pages 20-21: Learning Plan 6 Paper clip pages 127-130: “Immigration Quiz” (behind Student Learning Materials, Learning Plan 6) Page 131: “Map: Agents of Socialization” (behind Stud Learn Mat’s) Page 37, “Map: Agents of Socialization,” Perf. Assmt. Task 11 Page 132: “Follow-Up to ‘Heart of the Nation’” (Stud Learn Mat’s) Paper clip together pages 133-136: “Webquest: Americans All” (behind Stud Learn Mat’s) Pages 38-39, “Webquest: Americans All,” Perf. Assmt. Task 12 Page 40, “Core Abilities Peer Evaluation,” Perf. Assmt. Task 13 10. Label the last separator “Deviance” and place these pages behind it: Page 22-23: Learning Plan 7 Page 137: “Deviance Concepts” (behind Student Learning Materials, Learning Plan 7) Paper clip together pages 138-144: “Culture Case Study Background” (behind Stud Learn Mat’s) Paper clip together pages 145-152: “Japanese Case Study” (behind Stud Learn Mat’s) Page 41, “Japanese Case Study,” Perf. Assmnt. Task 14