Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Dissertation Fellowships


Fellowships and Grants for Anthropology Students


Charlotte W. NEWCOMBE Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships

20 Dissertation Fellowships ($25,000 for 12 months of full-time dissertation writing) designed to encourage original and significant study of ethical or religious values in all fields of the humanities and social sciences. Proposals should have ethical or religious values as a central concern, particularly scholarly work with contemporary relevance. Dissertation may consider any historical period, but should be concerned with continuing human problems. For instance, previous awardees have addressed issues such a religious tolerance, human rights, spiritual beliefs in comparative perspective, justice, racial and gender equality issues as there are expressed through ethical or religious concerns. Applicants must expect to complete their dissertations by August of 2012 – ie these awards are for candidates who are at the writing stage with field work or other research already complete. You may only apply once.

Applicants who have held a similar national award for the final year of dissertation writing, such as Ford,

Pew, Mellon, ACLS, Spencer, or AAUW are NOT eligible.

Newcombe Dissertation Fellowships

The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation

5 Vaughn Dr., Princeton, NJ 08540-6313

(609) 452-7007 x 310; FAX (609) 452-0066 Application is Online;

Deadline (receipt): November 15, 2010

Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowships

A significant new fellowship program [65 awards] providing support ($25,000 + $3000 for research costs

+ up to $5000 towards tuition/fees) for young scholars in the humanities and related social sciences in the last year of dissertation writing. This program (like everything funded by Mellon) aims to encourage timely completion of the PhD – and thus may be held no later than in the 7th year of the program (i.e., applications from the cohort of 2005 or later; not sure how one would argue about a year in MAPSS or having started with an external MA. But the fine print also says “In special circumstances an applicant and his or her advisor may petition to have an application for an 8 th year fellowship considered. Such applicants must present a compelling case for eligibility.” ). Expectation is that fellows will complete their dissertations by August 31, 2012 at the latest. Application requires, among other materials, one completed chapter and a timeline for the expected completion of dissertation writing and defense. Application is Online.

ACLS, 633 Third Ave., 8th Floor, New York, NY 10017-6795

(212) 697-1505; FAX (212) 949-8058;;

Deadline (receipt) November 10, 2010 9:00 pm EST

Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowships for Research Related to Education

Approximately 20 non-renewable fellowships of $25,000 to be awarded for support of completion of the dissertations which show potential for bringing fresh and constructive perspectives to the history, theory or practice of formal or informal education anywhere in the world. The stipend must be expended within a time limit of 1 to 2 years and in accordance with a work plan provided by the candidate at the time of application. No citizenship requirement. Electronic Application is Online.

Dissertation Fellowship Program

The Spencer Foundation

625 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 1600

Chicago, IL 60611

(312) 274-6526

Deadline : October 27, 2010 5:00 pm CST

American Association of University Women (AAUW)

51 one-year dissertation fellowships of $20,000 for US citizens and Permanent Residents in all fields who will complete the writing of their dissertations during the year of the award. (Applicants are expected to receive a doctoral degree by the end of the fellowship year.) Students holding a fellowship for the writing of a dissertation (e.g., Newcombe, Spencer, ACLS) in the year prior to the AAUW fellowship are not eligible.

Scholars engaged in researching gender issues are encouraged to apply.

AAUW Educational Foundation, American Fellowship,

Dept. 60, 301 ACT Drive, Iowa City, IA 52243-4030

(319) 337-1716 ext 60;

Deadline (postmark): November 15, 2010, 5:00 pm CST Electronic Application is Online

Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowships - Dissertation

20 one-year dissertation fellowships of $21,000 each. All US citizens are eligible to apply, but preference is given to those with the likelihood of using the diversity of human experience as an educational resource in teaching and scholarship and who are members of one or more of the following groups whose underrepresentation in the American professorate has been severe and longstanding: Native American

(including Alaskan and Pacific Island natives), Black/African American, Mexican America/Chicano,

Puerto Rican. Applicants must be formally admitted to doctoral candidacy at the time of application.

Fellowship is for the final year of write-up. Electronic Application is Online.

Fellowship Office, National Research Council, Keck 576

500 Fifth Street NW; Washington, DC 20001; (202) 334-2872

Deadline for the electronic portion: November 8, 2010 11:59 pm EST

Academy Scholars Program, Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies (Dissertation & PD)

Support for 2 years of advanced work at Harvard “for outstanding scholars at the start of their careers whose work combines disciplinary excellence in the social sciences (including history and law) with command of the languages, history or culture of non-Western countries or regions.” Target group:

“individuals who show promise of becoming leading scholars at major universities.” Those in possession of a PhD longer than 3 years are ineligible. Stipend: $28,000 for Dissertation Write-up, $48,000 for


The Academy Scholars Program “Application” is

NOT Online

Weatherhead Center for International Affairs

1727 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA 02138

(617) 495-2137; FAX (617) 496-9529

Deadline (receipt): October 1, 2010

US Institute of Peace - Peace Scholar Dissertation Fellowships

Jennings Randolph Program for International Peace

10 Fellowships of $20,000 to support 12 months of research and writing of dissertations on topics related to peace, conflict and international security. No citizenship requirement, applicants must be admitted to doctoral candidacy by the time they take up the fellowship. Electronic Application is Online.

Jennings Randolph Program for International Peace

United States Institute of Peace

1200 17th Street NW, Suite 200

Washington, DC 20036-3011

(202) 457-1700; FAX (202) 429-6063;

Deadline (receipt): January 5 (in 2010)

Harry Frank GUGGENHEIM Foundation Dissertation Fellowships

Dissertation fellowships of $15,000 to support work in any of the natural and social sciences and the humanities that promise to increase understanding of the causes, manifestations, and control of violence, aggression, and dominance. Highest priority is given to research that can increase understanding and amelioration of urgent problems of violence, aggression, and dominance in the modern world. Particular questions that interest the Foundation concern violence, aggression and dominance in relation to social change, the socialization of children, intergroup conflict, drug trafficking and use, family relationships and investigations of the control of aggression and violence. Fellows are expected to complete the dissertation within the award year. There is no citizenship requirement.

The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, 25 West 53 rd St, New York, NY 10019-5401

(646) 428-0971; FAX (646) 428-0981.

Deadline (receipt): February 1 (strictly enforced) [Application is NOT electronic]

Josephine de Kármán Fellowships

Approximately 10 awards of $22,000 each for doctoral students entering their final year toward completion of the PhD. No citizenship requirement; funds are administered through the University at which the fellow is enrolled and all study and expenditure of fellowship funds must be in the US.

Application may be printed from the Website, but must be submitted in hard copy.

Attn: Judy McClain, Secretary

Josephine de Kármán Fellowship Trust

P.O. Box 3389, San Dimas, CA 91773 (909) 592-0607

Deadline (postmark): January 31.

School for Advanced Research, Santa Fe (Weatherhead Fellowships)

2-3 Weatherhead Fellows per year are chosen – one of which may be a Dissertation Write-Up Award, the other 2 are Post-Docs for scholars at various stages of their careers. The Department may nominate one candidate per year to apply for the Dissertation slot. (This is increasingly competitive, there used to be six open slots with one of the 6 reserved for dissertation write up. There is no longer a slot earmarked for

Dissertation write up and in recent years the fellows are all very senior)

Resident Scholar Program, School for Advanced Research

P.O. Box 2188, Santa Fe, NM 87504-2188

(505) 954-7200;;

Deadline (receipt): November 1 (in-house deadline October 14. 2010)

Law & Society Association Law and Social Science Dissertation Fellowship and Mentoring Program

Fellowships of $27,000 per year (+ $1500 research travel expenses + $2500 relocation expenses) to be held in residence at the American Bar Foundation in Chicago, where fellows are expected to participate in the intellectual life of the ABF, including participation in a weekly seminar series. Application is open to US citizens and permanent residents who are third, fourth, (and fifth?) year graduate students who specialized in the field of law and social science and whose research interests include law and inequality.

Application instructions are on the Web. (Program ends in 2012, so presumably there is a competition this year.)

Mary McClintock, Law and Society Association

University of Massachusetts, 40 Campus Center Way, Amherst, MA 01003-9244 AND

Allison Lynch, Administrative Associate for Academic Affairs and Research

American Bar Foundation, 750 N. Lake Shore Drive, 4th Floor, Chicago, IL 60611

(413) 545-4617; E-mail:;

Deadline: December 1 (in 2009)

American Bar Foundation Doctoral Fellowships in Law and Social Science

Fellowships to encourage original and significant research on law, the legal profession, and legal institutions. Applicants must be admitted to candidacy by Sept.1 of the start-year of the fellowship (postdocs are also eligible to apply). Proposed research must be in the general area of sociolegal studies or in social scientific approaches to law, the legal profession, or legal institutions. Fellowships must be held in residence at the ABF in Chicago and provide $27,000 for 12 months, beginning Sept. 1 (+ up to $1500 to reimburse research, travel, &/or conference expenses & up to $1000 relocation expenses). Fellows are expected to participate fully in the academic life of the ABF so that they may develop close collegial ties with other scholars in residence. Application is on the Web.

Allison Lynch, Administrative Associate for Academic Affairs and Research

American Bar Foundation, 750 N. Lake Shore Drive, 4th Floor, Chicago, IL 60611

(312) 988-6548,

Deadline: December 15 (in 2009)

Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture

Fellowships of up to $10,000/year for up to a maximum of four years for doctoral students who are admitted to candidacy (“dissertation approved”) and are specializing in a Jewish field. Request application form from

Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture

50 Broadway, 34th Floor, New York, NY 10004; (212) 425-6606

Deadline: October 31

Bucerius Ph.D. Scholarships in Migration Studies

Scholarships for students in the social sciences working on “ongoing transformations in societies where migration is a factor among others generating change.” There is an annual topic for the fellowships, which in 2008 was “migration and urban transformations.” Scholarships are for up to 36 months and can be used for research and writing periods but not for course work.

ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius

Anna Hofmann, Project Director

Feldbrunnenstrasse 56, 20148 Hamburg, Germany

Deadline: February 25 (in 2010)

Collegium Budapest Junior Fellowships

Fellowships of EUR 7,500 for 5 months to be held in residence at the Collegium Budapest. Fellows must be under 35 years of age and may be “Pre- or post-doctors.” One goal of the Collegium is to encourage research in newly emerging disciplines and in new problem areas that we confront in the 21st century.

The Collegium wishes to promote strong interaction between scholars from various countries who belong to different academic cultures, and encourage them to exploit the opportunity to meet scholars active in other branches of learning. (This is a “think tank” sort of situation where you just sit and write. There is a list of preferred areas of study which currently includes Anthropology. Not clear if the list changes from year to year.) Applications are on the Web and must be filed electronically.

Collegium Budapest, Szentháromság u. 2; H-1014 Budapest, Hungary; +36 1 224 8300

Deadline: July 15 (in 2010) [This was for 2011/12 -- so you need to think far ahead for this one.]

Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Dissertation Fellowships

22 annual dissertation fellowships of $10,000 each for work in fields that address the Institute’s primary interest in areas of land policy and land-related taxation in the US and around the world. (You apply to one of 3 Departments: Value and Taxation, Economy and Community Development, or Planning and

Urban Form. The person in this Dept who won this works on urban space and historical preservation in

Havana.). Fellowships may be used to support the development of a PhD dissertation proposal and/or completion of dissertation research.

Fellowship Applications; Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

113 Brattle Street; Cambridge, MA 02138;

(617) 661-3016; FAX (617) 661-7235

Deadline (receipt): March 1 (in 2010)

Graham Foundation Carter Manny Award

One grant of up to $15,000 to support a dissertation directed towards architecture, landscape architecture, interior design, architectural technologies, architectural research, architectural history and theory, urban design and planning and in some circurmstances the fine arts in relation to architectural topics. Award required admission to candidacy. A student may not apply more than once for the Award. (Could possibly support either field research or write-up – Web information is not clear.) Application is online.

Graham Foundation, 4 West Burton Place

Chicago, IL 60610-1416; 312-787-4071;

Deadline: March 15

Center for Comparative Immigration Studies UC-San Diego Visiting Research Fellowships

Visiting Research Fellowships at both the predoctoral and postdoctoral levels to support advanced research and writing on any aspect of international migration and refugee flows, in any of the social sciences, history, law, and comparative literature. All applicants must have had a prior affiliation with a

University of California campus as a graduate student, faculty or researcher. CCIS fellowships must be held in residence at UCSD. They cannot be used to support fieldwork or other primary data collection.

Predoctoral applicants are expected to finish writing their dissertation during their fellowship. Recent postdoctoral applicants can request support to turn a dissertation into a publishable manuscript or to prepare shorter publications based on the dissertation project. Stipends currently are $2250/mo for predocs, $3000-$4000 for postdocs depending on seniority. CCIS fellows may be requested to teach a one-quarter (10-week) course in a UCSD department. Scholars whose work deals with Mexican migration to the US can apply jointly to CCIS and the Center for US-Mexican Studies. Application is on the Web Center for Comparative Immigration Studies, University of California, San Diego,

9500 Gilman Drive MC 0548, La Jolla, CA 92093-0548


Deadline: January 15 (in 2010)

Dan David Prize Scholarship (Tel Aviv University)

20 scholarships of US $15,000 annually awarded to outstanding doctoral candidates (students from this

Department have held this for both Field Work and for Write-Up) of exceptional promise in the year’s chosen fields. (Topics for the fellowships change each year) Awarded to students at universities throughout the world and at Tel Aviv University, there are no citizenship restrictions. Research must be in one of the selected fields/topics for the year in which application is being made. Topics for 2011:

Past: Evolution

Present: Cinema and Society

Future: Ageing – Facing the Challenge

Ms. Smadar Fisher, Director, Dan David Prize, Eitan Berglas Bldg/119

Tel-Aviv University, PO Box 39040, Ramat Aviv, Tel-Aviv 69978 Israel;

Deadline: March 31, 2011

Harper Dissertation Fellowships (University of Chicago)

$18,000 Final-Dissertation-Year Fellowship awarded in the Division of the Social Sciences. Department is allowed to nominate one candidate. Fellows are expected to be in the last year of write up and to receive the PhD within 12-18 months of commencing the award. Nominations are due to the central administration each year in mid-April. Preliminary application will be requested each year in March.

(The same application is used for consideration for Harper, Markovitz, Mellon, and Watkins)

Mellon 6 th Year Dissertation Fellowships (University of Chicago)

$18,000 Dissertation Completion fellowships funded by the Mellon Foundation for students who will be able to finish a dissertation in their sixth year in the program. (This means that for 2010-11 only students who started the program in 2006 or later and are ready to complete the dissertation will be eligible for consideration. The Department considers its potential nominees along with the Harper and Markovitz nominations.

Markovitz Dissertation Fellowships (University of Chicago)

This is a Division of Social Sciences Dissertation-level fellowship (one per year) which provides tuition and a stipend of $18,000. The dissertation must explore some aspect of the linkages and influences between social and economic behavior. The research should consider from a disciplinary perspective the connection between the social and commercial spheres of life. Each Department in the Division is allowed to nominate one candidate per year; nominees must be in a position to complete the dissertation by the end of the fellowship tenure. The Department considers its potential nominees along with the

Harper and Mellon nominations.

Benjamin Bloom Dissertation Fellowships (University of Chicago_

Another Division of Social Science Dissertation-level fellowship which provides tuition and a stipend of

$15,000. The dissertation must relate to the field of education. Bloom, Harper, Markovitz, Mellon and

Watkins all use the same application, which is circulated via e-mail.

Department of Anthropology Mark Hanna Watkins Dissertation Fellowships

$15,000 stipends for the final year of dissertation write-up. Competition is announced each Spring in

March with a due date of Approx. April 1. Harper, Markovitz, Mellon & Watkins all use the same application, which is circulated via e-mail.

Department of Anthropology Mark Hanna Watkins Post-Field Fellowships

$5,000 / one-quarter awards from the Departmental Watkins fund to ease the transition from field-work to write-up. Competition is held in late Spring and is announced via e-mail.

Center for Gender Studies Dissertation Writing Fellowship (University of Chicago)

$15,000 dissertation write-up fellowship open to candidates from all disciplines. Any dissertation focusing on matters of gender/sexuality is eligible for consideration, but special consideration will be given to projects that challenge disciplinary boundaries and that attend to racial and/or economic hierarchy. Residence at the Center for Gender Studies during the academic year of the fellowship is required – office space is provided. Fellow is also expected to participate in and present at the Gender and Sexuality Studies Workshop.

Center for Gender Studies, Dissertation Fellowship Selection Committee

5733 S. University, Chicago, IL 60637 773-702-9936

Deadline: March 31 (in 2010), 12:00 noon

James C. Hormel Dissertation Fellowships in Lesbian and Gay Studies (University of Chicago)

Dissertation Fellowships of $14,000 each; sponsored by the Lesbian and Gay Studies Project of the U of

C Center for Gender Studies. Competition is open to students in all disciplines who are writing dissertations in lesbian, gay, and queer studies. Fellows are provided office space from the LGSP and are expected to participate in the programs of the LGSP and the Center for Gender Studies, to attend the

Gender and Sexuaity Studies Workshop, and to present their work to it.

Center for Gender Studies, Hormel Dissertation Fellowships

5733 S. University, Chicago, IL 60637 773-834-4509

Deadline: March 31 (in 2010) 12:00 noon

Center for the Study of Race, Politics and Culture Dissertation Fellowship (University of Chicago)

Dissertation write-up fellowship of $18,000 (+$1000 travel/research budget + office space at the Race

Center). Application is open to students in all disciplines writing dissertations on topics of relevance to the study of race and ethnicity. CSRPC is committed to moving the study of race and ethnicity beyond the black/white paradigm. Work of faculty affiliated with the Center explores different processes of racialization experienced within groups as well as across groups in sites as diverse as North America,

Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, the Asian pacific, and Europe. There is special interest in work that highlights the intersection of race and ethnicity with other identities such as gender, class, sexuality and nationality, and that interrogates social and identity cleavages within racialized communities.

Fellows are expected to be in residence at the Center for the year of the fellowship and to participate and present their work at the Reproduction of Race and Racial Ideologies Workshop.

Dissertation Fellowship, Center for the Study of Race, Politics and Culture

5733 S. University Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637; 773-702-8063

Deadline: April 5 (in 2010) 5:00 pm .

American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) [Note shift of focus back to Eastern Europe]

Dissertation Writing Fellowships in Eastern European Studies (subject to availability of funding) relating to Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary,

Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, and Slovenia.

Doctoral candidates who are US citizens or permanent residents may apply for an academic year of support for dissertation write-up in the US. Maximum stipend will be $18,000. Applications are on line.

Office of Fellowships & Grants, ACLS, 633 Third Ave., 8th Floor

New York, NY 10017-6795; 212-697-1505

FAX: 212-949-8058;;

Deadline : November 10 (in 2010) 9:00 pm EST

American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise – Schusterman Israel Scholar Awards

$15,000 awards to doctoral candidates (US citizens only) writing dissertations related to Israel who intend to pursue academic careers. Awards may be used for tuition, books, living expenses, travel costs, and other expenses to enable dissertation research. Fellows must be admitted to candidacy, plan to do research primarily in original source material, and must show proficiency in Hebrew and/or Arabic

(preference for Hebrew). This sounds like an award for field research with a preference for archival work, but our one winner was at the write-up stage and the project was essentially ethnographic with the usual library research component. It seems to be really for either field work or write-up.

AICE, Israel Scholar Awards, 2010 Blaine Dr., Chevy Chase, MD 20815

Deadline: March 1 (in 2010)

Carter G. Woodson Institute for Afro-American and African Studies, Univ. of Virginia

Residential research fellowships (dissertation) for support of projects in the humanities and social sciences which concern themselves with Afro-American and African Studies (defined as Africa,

Africans, and peoples of African descent in North, Central, and South America and the Caribbean, past and present). Predoctoral fellowships are for two years and carry a stipend of $20,000 per year. No citizenship restriction; applicants for the predoctoral fellowships must have been admitted to doctoral candidacy prior to August 1 of the year in which they begin the fellowship (e.g., prior to 8/1/11 to begin a fellowship tenure in August 2011). Applicants for the postdoctoral fellowship must have the PhD in hand by June 30 to assume the fellowship in the Autumn. Fellowship recipients must be in residence at

the University of Virginia for the duration of the award period and are expected to contribute to the intellectual life of the University. To this end, predoctoral fellows will become visiting graduate students attached to their respective disciplinary departments.

Selection Committee, Predoctoral Research Fellowships

The Carter G. Woodson Institute

University of Virginia, 108 Minor Hall, PO Box 400162

Charlottesville, VA 22904-4162; (804) 924-3109

Application must be filed on line through jobs@UVA(

Posting number 0605898 (for 2011-12)

Deadline : December 1 ( receipt of all materials) .

Frederick DOUGLASS Institute for African and African-American Studies

University of Rochester - Dissertation Fellowship

Dissertation Fellowship of $23,000 which requires residence at the Frederick Douglass Institute. Open to graduate students of any university who study aspects of the African and African-American experience.

The fellowship has no teaching obligation, but requires the Fellow to work with the Institute’s Director in organizing colloquia, lectures and other events. Principal aim of the award is to expedite completion of the Fellow’s Dissertation. (Application requires one completed dissertation chapter)

Director for Research Fellowships

Frederick Douglass Institute for African and African-American Studies

University of Rochester, RC Box 270440, 302 Morey Hall

Rochester, NY 14627-0440

(585) 275-7235;

Deadline: January 31, 2011 (apply between September and January 31)

Williams College - Gaius Charles Bolin Fellowships for Minority Graduate Students

Named in honor of the first black graduate of Williams, the Bolin Fellowships (2-3 per year) are awarded to students from underrepresented groups nearing completion of a PhD in the humanities, or in the natural, social or behavioral sciences. Applicants must be US citizens. Fellowship provides a stipend of

$33,000 (2010-2011), housing assistance, office space, computer and library privileges and an allowance of up to $4000 for expenses for 2 years. During the years of residence at Williams, the Bolin Fellows will be assigned faculty advisers in the appropriate departments, and will be expected to teach one onesemester course. Contact

Andrea Danyluk, Acting Dean of the Faculty, GCBDF

Williams College, P.O. Box 141, Williamstown, MA 01267

(413) 597-4351 Questions to Gail Burda

Deadline: December 1 (in 2009) (receipt)

Dissertation Fellowships at Dartmouth College

*Thurgood Marshall Dissertation Fellowships for African-American Scholars

*Cesar Chavez Dissertation Fellowship for US Latina/o Scholars

*Charles E. Eastman Dissertation Fellowship for Native American Scholars

Year-long fellowships at Dartmouth which provide a stipend of $25,000, office space, library privileges, and a $2500 research assistance fund. Fellows are expected to tenure of the fellowship complete the dissertation during the

and to participate in selected activities with undergraduate students. Each fellow will be affiliated with a department or program at the College. Applicants/Fellows may be taking the

PhD in any disciple taught in the Dartmouth undergraduate Arts and Sciences curriculum. For further information and application materials, contact:

Office of Graduate Studies

6062 Wentworth, Room 304

Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755-3526. (603) 646-6578

(Details of the application process and Forms are on the Web)

Deadlines: February 1

The Five Colleges Fellowship Program for Minority Students

This Fellowship provides a year in residence at one of the Five Colleges (Amherst, Hampshire, Mount

Holyoke, Smith or U Mass-Amherst) for students who are in the final stage of completing degrees and who are from under-represented groups, and/or scholars with unique interests and histories, whose engagement in the Academy will enrich scholarship and teaching. Fellows are selected by the host institution, where they reside within an academic department and are provided with a stipend ($30,000 in

2011-12), office space, housing assistance, and library privileges at the Five Colleges. Emphasis is on completion of the dissertation. Most Fellows as asked to do a limited amount of teaching, but no more than a single one-semester course at the host institution. Number of fellowships varies from year to year depending on the availability of institutional funding. For further information and applications contact

Nathan Therien, Five College Fellowship Program Committee

Five Colleges Incorporated, 97 Spring Street, Amherst, MA 01002-2324

(413) 256-8316;,; application is on line

Deadline: application review begins January 3, 2011; Fellowship year runs August 31 - May 31

UC Davis Chicana/Latina Dissertation Fellowship

Fellowship of $21,000 (+$1500 research/travel support) for 10 months sponsored by the Chicana/Latina

Research Center (C/LRC) at the University of California at Davis, which is dedicated to the development and promotion of Chicana/Latina scholars and scholarship on Chicana/Latina issues covering a broad range of disciplinary and interdisciplinary interests. Applicants’ research must focus on questions of concern to Chicanas/Latinas or comparative studies of Chicanas/Latinas and indigenous women. Fellows must have been advanced to candidacy prior to beginning the fellowship; preference is for candidates who have already made substantial progress on the dissertation. Fellows must be in-residence at UC-

Davis September-June, must participate regularly in the activities of C/LRC, and must present one public lecture as part of the yearly C/LRC lecture series. (Fellowship has existed since 1995)

Prof. Ines Hernandez-Avila, Director, Chicana/Latina Research Center

2223 SSH (Social Science and Humanities Building), University of California

One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616 (530) 752-8882 clrc@ucdavis.udu (This was suspended for 2009-10 and probably no longer exists.)

Deadline: March 2 (in 2009 )

Erskine A. Peters Dissertation Year Fellowship at Notre Dame

Honors the life and academic achievements of Dr. Erskine A. Peters (1948-1998), Professor of English at

Notre Dame. Two overall goals exist for the Fellowship: (1) to enable two outstanding African

American doctoral candidates (must be ABD) to devote their full energies to the completion of the dissertation; and (2) to provide an opportunity for African American scholars at the beginning of their academic careers to experience life at a major Catholic research university. Stipend is $30,000 with a

$2000 research budget. Fellows have access to all university facilities and are provided office space, use of a personal computer, an official academic home in the department of the Fellow’s specialization, and access to a faculty mentor in the fellow’s discipline. Fellows also participate in professional development workshops focused on employment strategies and career development. Application is online; all materials must be submitted as one pdf file to

Fellowship Program Coordinator Maria McKenna

Department of Africana Studies, 327 O’Shaughnessy Hall

University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 (574) 631-5628

Deadline: November 30 (in 2010) [Last business day of November, annually]

The Ann Plato Fellowship, Trinity College, Hartford, CT

The Ann Plato Fellowship, named for a 19th century African American poet, essayist, and teacher, supports a minority doctoral student engaged in writing his or her dissertation. The Fellow enjoys faculty status, delivers a formal public lecture in the fall semester, teaches one course in the spring semester, and is expected to become engage in the Trinity College community. The Fellowship provides a $40,000 stipend, a campus apartment, an office, a computer, and library privileges at consortial colleges and at Hartford-area archives. Appointment is for one academic year with the possibility of renewal for a second academic year. Application in on line. Contact:

She’s the administrative support person for the Search Committee

Ann Plato Search Committee, c/o Nancy Horton

Williams 232, Trinity College, Hartford, CT 06106 (860) 297-2128

Applications are processed through the Consortium for Faculty Diversity in Liberal Arts


Deadline: November 15 (in 2009)

Consortium for Faculty Diversity in Liberal Arts Colleges – Dissertation Fellowships (also PostDocs)

This is a Consortium of 40-50 Liberal Arts Colleges that maintains a special office (housed at DePauw) to recruit diversity applicants for positions at the member institutions. Both final-year dissertation writers and PhDs no more that 5 years out from the PhD are eligible to apply for one-year appointments through the Consortium, which seems to place about 30-40 candidates a year. Applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents. Applications are submitted electronically via the website at DePauw

Each Consortium member school/department is then free to look through the applicant pool for candidates of interest to them for further consideration. Application contact person:

Jane Griswold, Assistant to the Vice President for Academic Affairs

DePauw University, 305 Harrison Hall, Greencastle, IN 46135


Deadline: Applications submitted by October 31 will receive fullest consideration.

American Philosophical Society – John Hope Franklin Dissertation Fellowships

$30,000 dissertation fellowship created to encourage the pursuit of the PhD by African Americans,

Hispanic Americans and Native Americans. The Fellow is expected to spend a significant amount of time in residence at the American Philosophical Society Library (office space will be provided) and therefore all applicants should be pursuing dissertation topics in which the holding of the library are especially strong. Relevant holdings include materials on American Indian linguistics and culture; the development of cultural anthropology including the papers of Franz Boas; the papers of Charles Darwin and his forerunners, colleagues, critics, and successors; 20th century medical research. (Applicants are strongly encouraged to consult the Library website regarding the collections.) Fellows must be admitted to candidacy and be prepared to devote full time for 12 months – with no teaching obligations – to dissertation research and writing.

John Hope Franklin Dissertation Fellowship, American Philosophical Society Library

105 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106-3386

(215) 440-3429

Deadline (receipt): April 1 (It’s possible that this no longer exists. A 2010 winner is listed, but no information about upcoming application processes.)

American Anthropological Association Minority Dissertation Fellowship Program

Dissertation fellowship intended to increase the number of PhDs in anthropology among persons from historically underrepresented populations (including but not limited to US citizens who are African

Americans, Alaskan Natives, Native American, Asian Americas, Latino/as, Chicano/as, and Pacific

Islanders. Stipend is $10,000 for the final year of write-up of the Dissertation; applicants must be members of the AAA.

American Anthropological Association, Minority Dissertation Fellowship Program

2200 Wilson Blvd, Suite 600, Arlington, VA 22201-3357

Questions to Academic Relations (703) 528-1902 or

Application available on line

Deadline (receipt): February 15

Center for East Asian Studies Dissertation Writing Fellowships

Dissertation write-up fellowships for students in Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Taiwanese studies; research for the dissertation must be completed, and priority is given to those who have a chapter or two of the dissertation completed. Formal admission to candidacy is required.

Fellowships Committee, Center for East Asian Studies, Judd Hall 302,

5835 S. Kimbark, Chicago, IL 60637; (773) 702-8647; FAX (773) 702-8260,

Deadline: May 1

Toyota Centennial Research Assistantships (University of Chicago)

$15,000 stipend + $2500 salary awards postfield/dissertation level students of Japanese culture, society & history made possible by an endowment from the Toyota Foundation to the Center for

East Asian Studies. The award is part stipend and part salary (“for assisting in the teaching of one Japan-related course per quarter”).

Center for East Asian Studies, Judd Hall 303, 5835 S. Kimbark, Chicago, IL 60637

(773) 702-2715; FAX (773) 702-8260 Contact Sarah Arehart

Deadline: May 1

Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange

CCK Fellowships for PhD Dissertation Research & Writing ($15,000) in the field of Chinese Studies

Admission to candidacy required; preference to those who can complete the entire project during the grant period. Application is on the web – read all the way to the bottom of the section.

The Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange

8361 B Greensboro Dr., McLean, VA 22102

(703) 903-7460; FAX (703) 903-7462;;

Deadline (receipt): October 15

Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange (Citizens of Taiwan)

Dissertation Fellowships for Republic of China Students Abroad – awards of $15,000 for one year to assist ROC students abroad to complete dissertations in the humanities and social sciences related to

China/Taiwan. Applicants must have graduated from universities or colleges in Taiwan and cannot be

US citizens or permanent residents. Application is on the web.

The Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange

8361 B Greensboro Dr., McLean, VA 22102

(703) 903-7460/61; FAX (703) 903-7462;;

Deadline (receipt): October 15

Eisenhower Institute/Clifford Roberts Fellowships

Dissertation fellowships of $10,000 to support study dealing with the role of government in a free society, citizen public service, public policy, and improved understanding of America’s role in world affairs -- in fields such as history, government, economics, business administration and international affairs -- and in support of promising young Americans who may provide informed leadership in the conduct of our national life. (The fields of interest seem relevant to Anthropology, though the rest of the criteria are obviously less so.)

Division of Social Science can send on one candidate. The internal Chicago deadline for receipt of applications in the Social Science Dean of Students Office was February 10, 2010.

MISCELLANEOUS SMALL AWARDS for Dissertation-Stage Students

Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Grants in Women’s Studies

7 awards of $3000 each to be used for expenses connected with dissertations related to women, gender, women’s studies of feminist/gender/LGBTQ theory. Preference is for topics that cross disciplinary, regional or cultural boundaries. Special grants of $3000 each are available for dissertations concerning women's or children's health. Relevant expenses may include, but are not limited to, travel, books, microfilming, taping and computer services. Applicants should expect to complete their dissertations by

Summer of 2011. Electronic application is on the Web.

Dissertation Grants in Women's Studies

The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation

P.O. Box 5821, WS Department, Princeton NJ 08543-5281

(609) 452-7007 x 131; FAX: (609) 452-0066;;

Deadline (receipt): No Competition for 2011-12

Woodrow Wilson Center/East European Studies Short Term Grants

One-month grants of $2400 (or pro-rated at $80 per day) available for advanced graduate students and post docs (US citizens & permanent residents) doing research on any aspect of Eastern Europe or the

Baltics who have particular need for the specialized resources of the Washington D.C. area. Grantees must remain in the Washington area and forego other academic and professional obligations for the duration of the grant. The application consists of a concise description of the research project, a CV and

2 letters in support of the research to be conducted. For information and applications contact

East European Studies, Woodrow Wilson Center, One Woodrow Wilson Plaza

1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington DC 20004-3027

202-691-4222; FAX 202-691-4001;

Deadlines: September 1, December 1, March 1, June 1 with notification 4 weeks after

each closing date

Woodrow Wilson Center/East European Studies/Junior Scholars’ Training Seminar

National seminar funded by EES & ACLS for post-field graduate students (US citizens or permanent residents) and young scholars within a year of having received the PhD held at a Center on the

Chesapeake Bay each August. Papers must focus on East Europe or the Baltic States (not Russia, the

Soviet successor states in Central Asia, nor Germany) and preferably should have some policy relevance.

East European Studies, The Woodrow Wilson International Center, One Woodrow Wilson Plaza

1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington DC 20004-3027

Deadline (receipt): April 16 (in 2010)

SSRC Korean Studies Dissertation Workshop

Annual Korea Studies Dissertation Workshop that seeks to create a sustained network of advanced graduate students and faculty by providing the opportunity to give and receive critical feedback on dissertations in progress. It also fosters comparative and multidisciplinary approaches to research. The workshop take place annually in mid July at the Asilomar Conference Center in Monterey, California and involves 10-12 students and 3-5 faculty. Student participants are asked to write a 10-page paper analyzing and linking the research projects of all the participants for circulation prior to the workshop.

The workshop welcomes applications from students who have not yet begun fieldwork, who are currently in the filed, and those who are in the process of writing their dissertations. In most cases SSRC fully covers participants' travel, lodging and meals for the duration of the workshop

SSRC, One Pierrepont Plaza, 15th Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201

(212) 377-2700; FAX (212) 377-2727;

Deadline (receipt): Check the website. A workshop was held in Summer 2010.

Center for East Asian Studies Small Grants for Conference Participation

Travel grants of up to $300 to assist graduate students in offsetting expenses for conferences at which they will present papers. Reimbursement requires presentation of original receipts. For more information consult:

Center for East Asian Studies

Judd Hall 302, 5835 S. Kimbark

Chicago, IL 60637

(773) 702-8647; FAX (773) 702-8260

COSAS (Committee on Southern Asian Studies) Dissertation Support

Annual fellowship competition for students who have completed two years of course work in a program of graduate study directly relevant to Southern Asian Studies. COSAS fellowships are of three kinds: (1) dissertation support [both abroad and for AR tuition and small stipend support at the time of write-up], applicants must have been admitted to candidacy; this category of award has priority over the other two;

(2) summer language study support; (3) other. There is a $15,000 career maximum of support by

COSAS funds for each student, and all awards held during and after summer 1996 count toward this maximum; students are also limited to six quarters of support in category (1), and to a maximum of 3 quarters of support in any given year. Students must apply annually for funds for the coming year.

Watch for the annual announcement of this competition.

Applications available in Kelly 102.

Committee on Southern Asian Studies, University of Chicago

Kelly Hall Rm 102; 5848 S. University Ave, Chicago, IL 60637

(773) 702-8637; FAX (312) 702-1309;

Deadline (receipt): May 1 (check to make sure)

Divinity School Junior Fellows in the Marty Center

This program involves participation in an academic-year-long seminar in the U of C Divinity School .

Participation as a Junior Fellow involves commitment to attend the weekly seminar/discussions, which are focused on a chapter of someone’s research and a response by another participant in the seminar.

The fellowship supplies a modest stipend of $4000 for the year (assuming that one does not already hold a major dissertation grant). Open to PhD candidates in Humanities and Social Sciences whose dissertations address topics in the study of religion. Annual poster or e-mail in late Spring announces the competition.

Teresa Owens, Dean of Students

Divinity School, Swift Hall 104

1025 East 58th Street, Chicago, IL 60637

(773) 702-8217;

Deadline: April 15 (in 2010) [Watch for e-mail, due date varies considerably from year to year]

American Philosophical Society Library, Resident Research Fellowships

1-3 month fellowships of $2000 per month for doctoral candidates (and post-docs) to use the collections of the American Philosophical Society Library in Philadelphia. Relevant holdings include materials on

American Indian languages; anthropology including the papers of Franz Boas; the papers of Charles

Darwin and his forerunners, colleagues, critics, and successors; 20th century medical research; the history of American science and technology and its European roots. (Applicants are strongly encouraged to consult the Library staff by mail or phone regarding the collections.) Fellows are expected to be inresidence during the period of the award. No citizenship requirement.

Library Resident Research Fellowships, American Philosophical Society Library

104 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106-3387

(215) 440-3443

Deadline (receipt): March 1

Library Company of Philadelphia and The Historical Society of Pennsylvania Visiting Research

Fellowships in Colonial and US History and Culture

Short-term, residence fellowships ($2000 for one month) to use the collections of the Library Company of Philadelphia and/or The Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Collections relate to North America, principally in the 18th and 19th centuries and is strong in Afro-Americana, German-Americana,

American Judaica, history of women, medicine, agriculture, education; also a significant collection of

British and Continental books and pamphlets 17th-19th centuries. Candidates are encouraged to inquire about the appropriateness of a proposed topic before applying.

James Green, Library Company

1314 Locust Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107

(215) 546-3181; FAX (215) 546-5167;

Deadline: March 1, 2011

American Antiquarian Society

Short-term fellowships of $1000/month for one to three months are available for doctoral candidates engaged in dissertation research on topics relevant to the holdings of the AAS library (all aspects of

American History and culture through the year 1876). Inquiries & requests for application materials:

American Antiquarian Society

185 Salisbury Street, Worcester, MA 01609-1634

(508) 755-5221; FAX (508) 754-9069;

Deadline: January 15

Newberry Library

Library's strengths are in American and European History and Literature (European Discovery, exploration and settlement of the New World, the American West, Native American history and literature, Portuguese and Luso-Brazilian history), Cartography, Early Philology and Linguistics. The

Library has a few stipend awards for use of the collection available to doctoral candidates (tho most are for post-docs, and one must be coming in from outside the Chicago area); it also from time to time sponsors summer seminars (with stipends for selected participants) of relevance to our students. Check out their information if the collection is relevant to your interests:

Committee on Awards, The Newberry Library

60 West Walton Street, Chicago, IL 60610-3380

Jacobs Research Fund, Whatcom Museum Society

Grants of up to $3000 supporting anthropological research (socio-cultural or linguistic in content) on the indigenous peoples of Canada, Mexico, and the United States, including Alaska, with a preference for the

Pacific Northwest. Grants are given for work on problems in: language, social organization, political organization, religion, mythology, other arts, psychology, and folk science. No citizenship restrictions, open to students at all levels of a degree program so long as the project is relevant. Application instructions on line; apply by e-mail.

Jacobs Research Fund

Whatcom Museum Society

121 Prospect Street

Bellingham, WA 98225

Deadline: February 15


Department of Anthropology

University of Chicago

Fellowships and Grants for Anthropological


(Similar Guides exist for Pre-Field and Field Research Grants/Fellowships)
