Headwaters Hydrology of Alberta’s Eastern Slopes: Principles, Processes, Prediction Professor John Pomeroy Canada Research Chair in Water Resources and Climate Change, Centre for Hydrology, University of Saskatchewan, 117 Science Place, Saskatoon, Sask. The hydrology of headwater basins in the Eastern Slopes is dominated by snowmelt runoff and runoff responses to extreme rainfall events, with runoff efficiency being much greater for snowmelt than for rainfall events. These hydrological processes are examples of water and energy cycles that operate at the interface of the climate system, mountain topography, terrestrial ecosystems (tundra, grassland, forests, wetlands) and soils. Hydrological processes both mediate and are sensitive to changes in any of these systems. Snowfall is intercepted in forest canopies where over half of it sublimates back into the dry Alberta atmosphere. This is part of generally higher evaporation and evapotranspiration losses from forests compared to open areas. In spring, forest cover protects snowpacks from solar radiation and so slows down melt by weeks on south facing slopes. Forest soils are more porous and drier than those of open sites and water in forests tends to infiltrate soils to drain slowly to the stream rather than forming rapid runoff as at open sites. Valley bottom wetlands have an important regulating effect on streamflow from forested slopes, absorbing high flows and releasing groundwater during low flows. Forest cover changes as a result of stand growth and succession, harvesting and wildfires and now from implications of the mountain pine beetle. The overall effect of a mature forest cover in the headwaters is to reduce annual streamflow and to delay and moderate the peak flows. Conversely, forest removal increases annual and peak streamflows and increases the flashiness of streamflow response to extreme rainfall and melt events. But not only forest cover is changing in the headwaters. The climate and hydrology of well-studied high altitude forested basins in the Kananaskis have changed significantly since the early 1960s. Air temperatures in winter have increased 3 to 4 oC, rainfall is sparser but more intense when it falls, less precipitation falls as snow and spring peak streamflow has decreased by 30% causing annual streamflow to decrease by 29%. The challenge for forest hydrology is to predict the cumulative effects of changing climate and forest cover on water supply and to indicate to forest managers how forests can be managed to better preserve the natural water and energy cycles. Several examples and the use of physically-based hydrological models for virtual forest management simulations will be shown.